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Hello, I have been trying to get your latest version 1.5 to work on my dedicated server as I had it working on version 1.3 and have come across some issues in activating it.


I currently have as below.

@SLZ folder with mod files under it in server root

userconfig>slz folder under server root

userconfig>slz>slz_settings.sqf defining my UID

have  -filepatching defined in my server startup parameters


in misssion.pbo>description.ext

I have defined as

        class slz_fnc_assigncurator { allowedTargets = 2;};

as when I didn't have above, it gave me an error in my rpt logs as "allowed to be remotely executed".


after adding above in to my description.ext, I now get notification as it states I am a curator now when I logged in to the server.

Though, it doesn't seem to respond to the Zeus key I have assigned "Y"

I have checked the key config and "Y" is set to Zeus correctly.


locations my rpt logs mention about SLZ is as below.

15:44:08 SL_Zeus 1.5.0 [Notification]: 1 Curator(s) created!  - (SLZ_fnc_initPre: 34)
15:44:08 "SC/BIS_fnc_log: [preInit] SLZ_fnc_initPre (358.002 ms)"
15:44:09 SL_Zeus 1.5.0 [Notification]: Only SL Zeus curator modules in this mission! (SLZ_fnc_initPost: 24)
15:44:09 "SC/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] SLZ_fnc_initPost (0 ms)"

15:49:55 SL_Zeus 1.5.0 [Notification]: ******** connected and is in whitelist - (any: 38)

If I can get some help when you have the time, it would be greatly appreciated.

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Great server side mod here, only I am in the same boat as yukihito23, all of the messages are the same on the serverside rpt file, yet no Zeus interface opens. I even get the systemchat msg to state i have access to Zeus.

There are also no BE filters that are kicking or blocking scripts or commands.
i have tried removing cfgRemoteExec whilelisting in the mission file description.ext and this has not helped.



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Can you both give me some more information like activated mods, loaded mission and the whole cfgRemoteExec class?


Thank you!

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I tried the mod with cfgRemoteExec class.


class CfgRemoteExec
        class Commands
                mode = 1;
        class Functions
                mode = 1;
				class slz_fnc_assigncurator {allowedTargets = 2;};

This is working! I can access the curator interface. 



Can you post your client rpt please!

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13 hours ago, fry02312 said:

I tried the mod with cfgRemoteExec class.


class CfgRemoteExec
        class Commands
                mode = 1;
        class Functions
                mode = 1;
				class slz_fnc_assigncurator {allowedTargets = 2;};

This is working! I can access the curator interface. 



Can you post your client rpt please!


Hi there, thanks for the reply.

my cfgremoteexec is as below

the only difference I saw was class Commands as mode = 1 so I tried that as well but seems no luck.

mods are, Exile Mod, CUP Core, Cup Map, xCam Taunus, RyanZombies, Admin Toolkit.

class CfgRemoteExec
    class Commands
		mode = 0;
		jip = 0;
    class Functions
        mode = 1;
        jip = 0;
        class ExileServer_system_network_dispatchIncomingMessage { allowedTargets = 2; };
		//Admin Tool Kit
		class AdminToolkit_network_receiveRequest { allowedTargets = 2; };
		class slz_fnc_assigncurator {allowedTargets = 2;};

Client rpt are as below.


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Thanks, it works for me now. Must be something I missed in A3Wasteland's CfgRemoteExec

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7 hours ago, fry02312 said:


I send you a link of a testversion!


thanks, I'll further discuss with you on this over on message until we figure out how to get it working.

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hey @fry02312 i'm happy to try to. I am also running exile and have the same messages.. the commands mode 1 vs 0.. is that potentially the issue?

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Hello Fry,


I am running Exile servers - and testing this on an Exile server - Altis map - for dev testing.

I have Infistar on the dev box, along with ExAd client, R3F Logistics, and a few other custom features that are working.


I have a very similar SLZ setup and issue as yukihito23.

I also reach the exact same point in my rpt log for the server init:


11:20:15 SL_Zeus 1.5.0 [Notification]: 2 Curator(s) created!  - (SLZ_fnc_initPre: 34)

11:20:15 "SC/BIS_fnc_log: [preInit] SLZ_fnc_initPre (245.998 ms)"
11:20:16 SL_Zeus 1.5.0 [Notification]: Only SL Zeus curator modules in this mission! (SLZ_fnc_initPost: 24)
11:20:16 "SC/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] SLZ_fnc_initPost (0 ms)"

11:28:03 SL_Zeus 1.5.0 [Notification]: Stahpills connected and is in whitelist - (any: 38)



When I load up my client, I get a notice in "SLZ Verbunden" in my chat window.

Both load the same, and my Zeus key (key and Zeus work fine in a local server Zeus environment in same client) has no effect when I press it in-game for this server.


My setup differences:

  • My mod is in @Seelenlos folder and loaded as "-Servermod=@Seelenlos;..."
  • I used the CfgRemoteExec.hpp from Infistar template - noticed that it sets jip = 0; so I set jip=0 and jip=1 in my slz class explicitly to see if that does anything. Does not seem to.
  • I have tried this CfgRemoteExec with and without BattlEye:
class CfgRemoteExec {
	class Functions {
		mode = 1;
		jip = 0;
		class fnc_AdminReq { allowedTargets=2; };
		class ExileServer_system_network_dispatchIncomingMessage { allowedTargets=2; };
    // 2017-03-01 - Stahpills - ExAd
    class ExAdServer_fnc_clientRequest { allowedTargets=2; };
    // 2017-03-02 - Stahpills - Seleenlos Zeus
    class slz_fnc_assigncurator {jip=1; allowedTargets = 2;};
	class Commands {

Please let me know if there is now a known fix, or if I can provide / test anything else.


EDIT: I have been looking at the change log - I see that "neutral" zeus was removed recently.

In Exile I am not sure what player slot I am in. So I also attempted the following:

  • Logged in with #login <serverpassword> to see if this puts me in the right role - no joy
  • Killed my character and respawned, tried to access Zeus again - no joy
  • Killed my character and respawned, then did the #login <serverpassword>, tried Zeus key again - no joy


Many thanks - looking forward to being able to use this.





Edited by Stahpills
Added some information about role / admin login attempts

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On 1/27/2017 at 11:04 PM, yukihito23 said:

Hello, I have been trying to get your latest version 1.5 to work on my dedicated server as I had it working on version 1.3 and have come across some issues in activating it.


I currently have as below.

@SLZ folder with mod files under it in server root

userconfig>slz folder under server root

userconfig>slz>slz_settings.sqf defining my UID

have  -filepatching defined in my server startup parameters


in misssion.pbo>description.ext

I have defined as

        class slz_fnc_assigncurator { allowedTargets = 2;};

as when I didn't have above, it gave me an error in my rpt logs as "allowed to be remotely executed".


after adding above in to my description.ext, I now get notification as it states I am a curator now when I logged in to the server.

Though, it doesn't seem to respond to the Zeus key I have assigned "Y"

I have checked the key config and "Y" is set to Zeus correctly.


locations my rpt logs mention about SLZ is as below.

15:44:08 SL_Zeus 1.5.0 [Notification]: 1 Curator(s) created!  - (SLZ_fnc_initPre: 34)
15:44:08 "SC/BIS_fnc_log: [preInit] SLZ_fnc_initPre (358.002 ms)"
15:44:09 SL_Zeus 1.5.0 [Notification]: Only SL Zeus curator modules in this mission! (SLZ_fnc_initPost: 24)
15:44:09 "SC/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] SLZ_fnc_initPost (0 ms)"

15:49:55 SL_Zeus 1.5.0 [Notification]: ******** connected and is in whitelist - (any: 38)

If I can get some help when you have the time, it would be greatly appreciated.


On 1/30/2017 at 2:04 PM, fry02312 said:

I tried the mod with cfgRemoteExec class.


class CfgRemoteExec
        class Commands
                mode = 1;
        class Functions
                mode = 1;
				class slz_fnc_assigncurator {allowedTargets = 2;};

This is working! I can access the curator interface. 



Can you post your client rpt please!


Hi, hope you can help, I am facing these exact issues with these exact mods installed as above and I too can't get Zeus interface to load. 


I have read in other forums that Zeus needs some kind of tampering with mission.sqm file for it to work on Exile, is any such step needed to make it work with Exile or not? Seem that this mod should not require this tampering, but if you know how to make work please let me know what needs to be done.


i can provide any reports you need to help troubleshoot.


thank you

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any update how to make this work on Exile servers? 


thank you

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9 hours ago, bofhgr said:

Hey yukihito! this worked! at least I can get Zeus interface to open now, thank you for your help!!


np, yeah that's the version I use as well until the author get's some time to look in to Exile Mod support.

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1 hour ago, yukihito23 said:


np, yeah that's the version I use as well until the author get's some time to look in to Exile Mod support.


I thank you too, yukihito.


V1.3 works for me too.


I'm running Epoch.


BTW, this is the first I've tried Zeus. What is this version lacking?


It seems pretty nice to me. I get all the stuff from the mods I'm running...such as CUP.


Thanks again.

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One problem I have is if I die or log off the server, I can't access zeus again when I rejoin even if I try to login with password again.


I saw that earlier posters had this problem but none of their solutions worked for me...


Any way to fix this?

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13 hours ago, pazuzu said:

One problem I have is if I die or log off the server, I can't access zeus again when I rejoin even if I try to login with password again.


I saw that earlier posters had this problem but none of their solutions worked for me...


Any way to fix this?

you may have to live with it as its an obsolete version now as 1.5 is released as of latest

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Hey all,


ver 1.3 is working (Zeus interface is available yay!) although functionality is very limited due to the below reasons:


1. Zeus can open but cannot see any players or AI already existing. This alone makes it quite unusable :(

2. Only one player can be Zeus via the #login serverpass command in chat.

3. If character used to become Zeus dies, you are unable to use Zeus again until you relog.

4. Zeus does not see or cannot control any AI spawned via DMS or other addons. Would be very good to enable for Exile :D

5. Zeus can spawn Independed AI (friendly to players) and Nato and CSAT (hostile to players).

6. Zeus Lightning Bolt doesn't seem to work.


So for me, although 1.3 does allow me to bring up the Zeus interface, due to the main fact that I cannot see players on the map or Zeus screen makes it very limited use. Along with dying and having to relog issue and only having only one person acting as Zeus.


I post this in the hopes that the mod will be updated in the future and maybe some of these issues fixed/enhanced upon.

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yea v 1.2 works a bit better than 1.3 at least that lighting bolt works too bad this 1.5 is toast especially now after the 1.68 fuqdate.

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Version 1.5 is working fine, so far. Exile is the problem. I think the remote execution restriction is the problem. I don't know if it's possible to turn it of for tests. 

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