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Garage is still not working.

nvm, I was looking at the wrong garage :D gonna check now the correct one


Yup, garage working perfectly now :) Thank you very much and sorry for confusion :D

Edited by Powershard
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Idea -

Make garage accessible while inside that garage's area of effect.

Like if I drive a car inside a garage marker's radius, an addaction is then added/visible to the owner of the vehicle to store it, kicking everyone out of the vehicle if any and then storing it.

In some situations, like airplanes or other big clumsy vehicles, it would ease up managing the garage a bit.

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Make a trader, also a save button for gears that you buy.. You know that is what missing bro! :shoot:

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@CptDezusa, what do you mean by make a trader? For selling stuff? Could be useful, at least for vehicle selling. Make a comparison check that if the car is on shop list or sale list then sell it, if not then shop doesn't want to buy it.


Save button is unnecessary as the game already has "live" saving for inventories and garages. What you buy you already have it saved across plays.

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I'm talking about if you need to get back into action fast, you have a save gear button in the shops so that you get the gear and can move fast out. But hi is not going to add this ass i talk with him a lot. Don't please him to fix his shop.

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Could we get color saving for vehicles? And maybe a color picker to the shop screen?


setObjectTextures for shop

getObjectTextures for garage spawn

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Inventory saving does not seem to work completely.

My vest, backpack and uniform weapons do not get saved.


I tried manual saving and recalling as well, the getgear function simply does not read the inventories for weapons.


I run on debug watch:

profileNamespace getVariable [format["HG_Gear_%1",(getPlayerUID player)],_gear];

To see my current saved hg_gear at any given time and my weapons never get listed that are stored in my containers. Weapons in hands do get saved.


I assume getItemCargo does not read weapons?



Yup, just confirmed, watching 

getItemCargo backpackContainer player;

Does not list my weapon I just placed in there.


Need to use weaponsItemsCargo for those containers in addition.





What happens with backpacks and weapons that are stored inside vehicles when they contain items? I think this saving issue influences them too?

Edited by Powershard

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Couldn't see it in the thread but every time I open a shop, doesn't matter which one, I lose my primary weapon. 

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@hoverguy Hi,

first of all thank you for these awesome shops.
We are using this for our own mission in multiplayer and working on implementing this as a group of 3.
We only have problems with the ranked system. We want to enable some weapons and gear only after a special rank is achieved but we don't know how to write all of that into the shop-files. Could you maybe write a little instruction for how to setup this ranked system?

We always get the error that the class backpack has allready been defined although we did everything right (we think). We just need an instruction on how to script this.

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Could we have that inventory save function fixed I posted above?

The one where backpack stored weapons are not saving.


It is pretty mod breaking at the moment. :)

Have to rely on other methods of saving inventories at the moment.


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On 5/18/2017 at 3:27 PM, Powershard said:

Idea -

Make garage accessible while inside that garage's area of effect.

Like if I drive a car inside a garage marker's radius, an addaction is then added/visible to the owner of the vehicle to store it, kicking everyone out of the vehicle if any and then storing it.

In some situations, like airplanes or other big clumsy vehicles, it would ease up managing the garage a bit.


Hello @Powershard,


This is a nice idea, lemme write it down somewhere :)


On 5/20/2017 at 4:47 PM, Powershard said:

Could we get color saving for vehicles? And maybe a color picker to the shop screen?


setObjectTextures for shop

getObjectTextures for garage spawn


Another nice idea, added to my list :)


On 5/22/2017 at 8:10 PM, Powershard said:



Inventory saving does not seem to work completely.

My vest, backpack and uniform weapons do not get saved.


I tried manual saving and recalling as well, the getgear function simply does not read the inventories for weapons.


I run on debug watch:

profileNamespace getVariable [format["HG_Gear_%1",(getPlayerUID player)],_gear];

To see my current saved hg_gear at any given time and my weapons never get listed that are stored in my containers. Weapons in hands do get saved.


I assume getItemCargo does not read weapons?



Yup, just confirmed, watching 

getItemCargo backpackContainer player;

Does not list my weapon I just placed in there.


Need to use weaponsItemsCargo for those containers in addition.





What happens with backpacks and weapons that are stored inside vehicles when they contain items? I think this saving issue influences them too?


Added to code, will be available in next update, but bear in mind that it won't save accessories & magazine because it's tricky (have to add weapon with accessories/magazine on player before storing to uniform/vest/backpack for each weapon in inventory... which is a pain...)


On 5/24/2017 at 1:48 AM, Chris Smith said:

Couldn't see it in the thread but every time I open a shop, doesn't matter which one, I lose my primary weapon. 


Hello @Chris Smith,


No one ever reported this, can you please be more precise?


On 5/26/2017 at 7:04 PM, SkipperLD said:

@hoverguy Hi,

first of all thank you for these awesome shops.
We are using this for our own mission in multiplayer and working on implementing this as a group of 3.
We only have problems with the ranked system. We want to enable some weapons and gear only after a special rank is achieved but we don't know how to write all of that into the shop-files. Could you maybe write a little instruction for how to setup this ranked system?

We always get the error that the class backpack has allready been defined although we did everything right (we think). We just need an instruction on how to script this.


Hello @SkipperLD,


You can make per rank shops see config files headers (HG_ClothingShopCfg.h / HG_VehiclesShopCfg.h / HG_WeaponsShopCfg.h) the token you're looking for is

whitelistRanks[] = {};


On 6/2/2017 at 1:55 AM, Powershard said:

Could we have that inventory save function fixed I posted above?

The one where backpack stored weapons are not saving.


It is pretty mod breaking at the moment. :)

Have to rely on other methods of saving inventories at the moment.



You again? Yes it will be in next update :)


Thank guys for using my shops!

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@hoverguyif I open a shop and I have a primary weapon equipped, doesn't matter if holstered or not, once I enter shop and leave my primary weapon gets deleted. 


I think it has something to do with the clear inventory option but haven't tested it yet. Computer needs new psu so haven't played in abit

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really awesome script

I dont really get how the "add or sub cash" function works. Is it possible to increase a clients cashvariable by code/triggeractivation?

I would like to add cash by "BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd" function (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd), where you can execute code on activation.

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29 minutes ago, Bayern_Maik said:


really awesome script

I dont really get how the "add or sub cash" function works. Is it possible to increase a clients cashvariable by code/triggeractivation?

I would like to add cash by "BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd" function (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd), where you can execute code on activation.


Hello @Bayern_Maik,


You should read this https://github.com/Ppgtjmad/SimpleShops/wiki/Useful-Functions  Add or sub cash part :)


On 6/6/2017 at 3:14 AM, Chris Smith said:

@hoverguyif I open a shop and I have a primary weapon equipped, doesn't matter if holstered or not, once I enter shop and leave my primary weapon gets deleted. 


I think it has something to do with the clear inventory option but haven't tested it yet. Computer needs new psu so haven't played in abit


Hi @Chris Smith,


I can't reproduce the issue you're having :(

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little request:

is it possible to expand the Vehicle Garage Script for Things, so that u can buy, spawn and save ammoboxes for garage?

Having a saveable ammobox would be really cool to store Weapons and stuff longterm :)

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On 6/28/2017 at 9:23 AM, Bayern_Maik said:


little request:

is it possible to expand the Vehicle Garage Script for Things, so that u can buy, spawn and save ammoboxes for garage?

Having a saveable ammobox would be really cool to store Weapons and stuff longterm :)

If you want to add any type of object into the Vehicle Shop script, here is what you would do (including being able to store it in your garage):
It looks like a lot, but once you do it once or twice, it gets pretty simple.

  1.  Go to YOUR MISSION NAME\HG\Functions\Server\
  2. Find the file fn_getType.sqf
  3. Line 13 has the information about what types of "vehicles" are allowed
  4. Add whichever type of vehicle type you want (this can be found by right clicking the object and going to "Find in Config Viewer") 
  5. Place it at the end of the list in "" --- don't forget to separate the quoted names with commas


    Author - HoverGuy
    © All Fucks Reserved
    Website - http://www.sunrise-production.com

    if(_class isKindOf _x) then
	    _type = _x;
	} else {};
} forEach ["Car","Truck","Tank","Air","Ship","Submarine","StaticWeapon","UAV","Thing"];
  2. Open the file: HG_GaragesCfg.h
  3. Line 24 has a similar string to the one above, just make sure you have the same types in both.


    Author - HoverGuy
	© All Fucks Reserved
	Website - http://www.sunrise-production.com
    Defines available garages
	class YourShopClass - Used as a param for the call, basically the shop you want to display
		class YourShopCategory - Shop category, can be whatever you want
			allowedTypes - ARRAY OF STRINGS - Allowed vehicle types to be retrieved from the garage, can be Car/Truck/Tank/Air/Ship/Submarine or mixed
			spawnPoints - ARRAY OF MIXED - Spawn positions (markers/positions)
			|- 0 - STRINGS/ARRAYS - Markers/positions
			storePoint - STRING - Point (marker) where the vehicle should be placed to be able to store it, if left empty it will detect the nearest owned vehicle inside a 8m radius around the player

class HG_DefaultGarage // HG_DefaultGarage is just a placeholder for testing purposes, you can delete it completely and make your own
    allowedTypes[] = {"Car","Truck","Tank","Air","Ship","Submarine","StaticWeapon","UAV","Thing"};
	spawnPoints[] = 
	storePoint = ["garage_store","garage_store_boats"];
  1. For most things, this is the last step (AMMOBOXES AND UAVS REQUIRE ONE MORE STEP)
  2. In the same directory as the file above, I.E. YOUR MISSION NAME\HG\Config\
  3. Open HG_VehiclesShopCfg.h
  4. This is where you will add whatever vehicles to the list that can be bought, just follow the commented out steps in the file at the top and you'll be fine. 
  5. In the example I have "Military" vehicles as a shop, including some basic cars, armored vehicles, a UAV, and an AMMOBOX.
  6. You can get the class names of your objects by right clicking them and selecting in the "LOG" tab, "Log Classes to Clipboard"


    Author - HoverGuy
	© All Fucks Reserved
	Website - http://www.sunrise-production.com
    Defines available vehicle shops
	class YourShopClass - Used as a param for the call, basically the shop you want to display
		class YourShopCategory - Shop category, can be whatever you want
			displayName - STRING - Category display name
			vehicles - ARRAY OF ARRAYS - Shop content
			|- 0 - STRING - Classname
			|- 1 - INTEGER - Price
			spawnPoints - ARRAY OF ARRAYS - Spawn pos (markers/positions)
			|- 0 - STRING - Display name in the dialog
			|- 1 - ARRAY OF MIXED - Markers/positions

class HG_DefaultShop // HG_DefaultShop is just a placeholder for testing purposes, you can delete it completely and make your own
    whitelistRanks[] = {};
	class Military
	    displayName = "$STR_HG_SHOP_MILITARY";
		vehicles[] =
		spawnPoints[] =

  2. But if you want Ammoboxes to spawn with ammo or UAVs to be controllable when they spawn, you need to do this.
  3. Go to YOUR MISSION NAME\HG\Functions\Server\
  4. Open the file: fn_spawnVehicle.sqf
  5. AT THE END of the file you will need to add some code to detect if the vehicle is a UAV or Ammobox, and to do different things accordingly.
  7. FOR UAVs add this code:
if(_vehicle isKindOf "UAV") then
	createVehicleCrew _vehicle;
  1. FOR AMMOBOXES add this code:
if((typeOf (_vehicle)) == ("CLASS NAME OF YOUR AMMOBOX")) then
	_vehicle addMagazineCargoGlobal ["CLASS NAME OF MAGAZINE",AMOUNT];
  1. "CLASS NAME OF YOUR AMMOBOX" should be replaced with the class name you used in HG_VehiclesShopCfg.h
  2. "CLASS NAME OF MAGAZINE" should be replaced using the class names from this list: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgMagazines
  3. IF you want to add more than one type of ammo (which I assume you would), copy: _vehicle addMagazineCargoGlobal ["CLASS NAME OF MAGAZINE",AMOUNT];
  4. And paste it underneath the previous one like this:
if((typeOf (_vehicle)) == ("B_supplyCrate_F")) then
	_vehicle addMagazineCargoGlobal ["CLASS NAME OF MAGAZINE 1",AMOUNT 1];
	_vehicle addMagazineCargoGlobal ["CLASS NAME OF MAGAZINE 2",AMOUNT 2];
  1. You can add magazines like that until you're happy with what'll be inside it
  2. Unfortunately this is a blunt way of doing this, so you have to do this step for EVERY ammobox type you want (I.E. NATO, CSAT, AAF, ETC.)
  3. But I have tested it, and it does work.
  4. It should be noted, however, that EVERY time you take the ammobox out, it will spawn with the ammo regardless of whether or not you took the ammo out. So that could be a way to "duplicate" ammo.
  5. This could be avoided by skipping the step where you put the "Thing" type in HG_GaragesCfg.h but this would mean that you couldn't buy it to your garage and take it out then.
  6. You could also solve this by adding some sort of IF statement to YOUR MISSION NAME\HG\Functions\Client\Garage\fn_storeVehicleC.sqf
    1. You would change line 14 from:
      _allowedTypes = getArray(missionConfigFile >> "CfgClient" >> "HG_GaragesCfg" >> _garage >> "allowedTypes");
    2. To:
      _allowedTypes = ["Car","Truck","Tank","Air","Ship","Submarine","StaticWeapon","UAV"];
  7. I haven't tested this, but it should make it so that you CAN'T store an ammobox to your garage, but you would still be able to buy them to your garage and spawn them. You just wouldn't be able to put them back in, thus avoiding the "duplication" of ammo.


If you have any questions or need help, just reply to this post or DM me.



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30 minutes ago, theace0296 said:

If you want to add any type of object into the Vehicle Shop script, here is what you would do (including being able to store it in your garage):
It looks like a lot, but once you do it once or twice, it gets pretty simple...

Just tested it and it works great, thank you so much :D

Its actually really simple to understand once you know you have to adjust the fn_getType.sqf too :)... (guess i would have never found it on my own)

Thx for your help TheAce0296, much appreciated :drinking2:

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The prices for my vehicles shop and items shop are not showing up, is there some way i can add a description or make it so they show up?


It is working on my other mission for whatever reason but don't worry about it anymore.

Edited by Nikklelump

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On 6/29/2017 at 9:27 PM, theace0296 said:

If you want to add any type of object into the Vehicle Shop script, here is what you would do (including being able to store it in your garage):
It looks like a lot, but once you do it once or twice, it gets pretty simple.

  1.  Go to YOUR MISSION NAME\HG\Functions\Server\
  2. Find the file fn_getType.sqf
  3. Line 13 has the information about what types of "vehicles" are allowed
  4. Add whichever type of vehicle type you want (this can be found by right clicking the object and going to "Find in Config Viewer") 
  5. Place it at the end of the list in "" --- don't forget to separate the quoted names with commas


    Author - HoverGuy
    © All Fucks Reserved
    Website - http://www.sunrise-production.com

    if(_class isKindOf _x) then
	    _type = _x;
	} else {};
} forEach ["Car","Truck","Tank","Air","Ship","Submarine","StaticWeapon","UAV","Thing"];
  2. Open the file: HG_GaragesCfg.h
  3. Line 24 has a similar string to the one above, just make sure you have the same types in both.


    Author - HoverGuy
	© All Fucks Reserved
	Website - http://www.sunrise-production.com
    Defines available garages
	class YourShopClass - Used as a param for the call, basically the shop you want to display
		class YourShopCategory - Shop category, can be whatever you want
			allowedTypes - ARRAY OF STRINGS - Allowed vehicle types to be retrieved from the garage, can be Car/Truck/Tank/Air/Ship/Submarine or mixed
			spawnPoints - ARRAY OF MIXED - Spawn positions (markers/positions)
			|- 0 - STRINGS/ARRAYS - Markers/positions
			storePoint - STRING - Point (marker) where the vehicle should be placed to be able to store it, if left empty it will detect the nearest owned vehicle inside a 8m radius around the player

class HG_DefaultGarage // HG_DefaultGarage is just a placeholder for testing purposes, you can delete it completely and make your own
    allowedTypes[] = {"Car","Truck","Tank","Air","Ship","Submarine","StaticWeapon","UAV","Thing"};
	spawnPoints[] = 
	storePoint = ["garage_store","garage_store_boats"];
  1. For most things, this is the last step (AMMOBOXES AND UAVS REQUIRE ONE MORE STEP)
  2. In the same directory as the file above, I.E. YOUR MISSION NAME\HG\Config\
  3. Open HG_VehiclesShopCfg.h
  4. This is where you will add whatever vehicles to the list that can be bought, just follow the commented out steps in the file at the top and you'll be fine. 
  5. In the example I have "Military" vehicles as a shop, including some basic cars, armored vehicles, a UAV, and an AMMOBOX.
  6. You can get the class names of your objects by right clicking them and selecting in the "LOG" tab, "Log Classes to Clipboard"


    Author - HoverGuy
	© All Fucks Reserved
	Website - http://www.sunrise-production.com
    Defines available vehicle shops
	class YourShopClass - Used as a param for the call, basically the shop you want to display
		class YourShopCategory - Shop category, can be whatever you want
			displayName - STRING - Category display name
			vehicles - ARRAY OF ARRAYS - Shop content
			|- 0 - STRING - Classname
			|- 1 - INTEGER - Price
			spawnPoints - ARRAY OF ARRAYS - Spawn pos (markers/positions)
			|- 0 - STRING - Display name in the dialog
			|- 1 - ARRAY OF MIXED - Markers/positions

class HG_DefaultShop // HG_DefaultShop is just a placeholder for testing purposes, you can delete it completely and make your own
    whitelistRanks[] = {};
	class Military
	    displayName = "$STR_HG_SHOP_MILITARY";
		vehicles[] =
		spawnPoints[] =

  2. But if you want Ammoboxes to spawn with ammo or UAVs to be controllable when they spawn, you need to do this.
  3. Go to YOUR MISSION NAME\HG\Functions\Server\
  4. Open the file: fn_spawnVehicle.sqf
  5. AT THE END of the file you will need to add some code to detect if the vehicle is a UAV or Ammobox, and to do different things accordingly.
  7. FOR UAVs add this code:

if(_vehicle isKindOf "UAV") then
	createVehicleCrew _vehicle;
  1. FOR AMMOBOXES add this code:

if((typeOf (_vehicle)) == ("CLASS NAME OF YOUR AMMOBOX")) then
	_vehicle addMagazineCargoGlobal ["CLASS NAME OF MAGAZINE",AMOUNT];
  1. "CLASS NAME OF YOUR AMMOBOX" should be replaced with the class name you used in HG_VehiclesShopCfg.h
  2. "CLASS NAME OF MAGAZINE" should be replaced using the class names from this list: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgMagazines
  3. IF you want to add more than one type of ammo (which I assume you would), copy: _vehicle addMagazineCargoGlobal ["CLASS NAME OF MAGAZINE",AMOUNT];
  4. And paste it underneath the previous one like this:

if((typeOf (_vehicle)) == ("B_supplyCrate_F")) then
	_vehicle addMagazineCargoGlobal ["CLASS NAME OF MAGAZINE 1",AMOUNT 1];
	_vehicle addMagazineCargoGlobal ["CLASS NAME OF MAGAZINE 2",AMOUNT 2];
  1. You can add magazines like that until you're happy with what'll be inside it
  2. Unfortunately this is a blunt way of doing this, so you have to do this step for EVERY ammobox type you want (I.E. NATO, CSAT, AAF, ETC.)
  3. But I have tested it, and it does work.
  4. It should be noted, however, that EVERY time you take the ammobox out, it will spawn with the ammo regardless of whether or not you took the ammo out. So that could be a way to "duplicate" ammo.
  5. This could be avoided by skipping the step where you put the "Thing" type in HG_GaragesCfg.h but this would mean that you couldn't buy it to your garage and take it out then.
  6. You could also solve this by adding some sort of IF statement to YOUR MISSION NAME\HG\Functions\Client\Garage\fn_storeVehicleC.sqf
    1. You would change line 14 from:
      _allowedTypes = getArray(missionConfigFile >> "CfgClient" >> "HG_GaragesCfg" >> _garage >> "allowedTypes");
    2. To:
      _allowedTypes = ["Car","Truck","Tank","Air","Ship","Submarine","StaticWeapon","UAV"];
  7. I haven't tested this, but it should make it so that you CAN'T store an ammobox to your garage, but you would still be able to buy them to your garage and spawn them. You just wouldn't be able to put them back in, thus avoiding the "duplication" of ammo.


If you have any questions or need help, just reply to this post or DM me.



This is not working no more. If you get a new fix on it i realy like that. HOVER

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Hello all 

Hover Thankyou for the shop scripts they are brilliant I've got everything working except the *kill reward and I know this has been harped on but I am using the  Dynamic AI Creator  [DAC] script to spawn in and handle most of my AI , I have read all that I can on the matter and I'm currently trying to add the required bit of code    


to where the [DAC] script handles spawning AI but to be frank when you use scripts that are in acuallity a folder or two full of sometimes dozens of scripts all referencing each other it gets a little difficult to track down which .sqf is handling what.// That being said would it not be easier for your script to just apply the kill reward to all of the units present at all times regardless of how or when they were spawned? //still with the ability to blacklist certain units by side or group etc.

I have tried a couple of ways using foreach allUnits etc. But I still am learning and have no luck.

If that is not possible then can someone please help me figure out how to use the kill reward with the [DAC] script.


It is very well documented much like the store script yet I still cannot find it 

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On 7/14/2017 at 8:22 PM, CptDezusa said:

This is not working no more. If you get a new fix on it i realy like that. HOVER


What part isn't working? 
Are you using any mods? 
Does your server/client display any errors? If so, post them.

Apologies for not responding sooner, been busy in real life.

There have not been any updates to the mod since my post, so I don't see what could have changed. 

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17.8.23. ver v 2.3. /  server TADST use  /  Unchanged version of the original.




I pulled out the car, but the list remains in the garage.



please help



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15 hours ago, jaytaki said:

17.8.23. ver v 2.3. /  server TADST use  /  Unchanged version of the original.




I pulled out the car, but the list remains in the garage.



please help






Should be fixed in latest commit, check github and update your stuff. Thanks.

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Awesome work here, thank you! I have 3 issues I would like to ask for help with:


No 1:

I am trying to gain cash after killing Zombies that are spawned in via modules from the Zombies and Demons mod (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28958). The spawn modules do have an init field and i tried to put in "[_unit] call HG_fnc_aiUnitSetup;" however, this wont work. (I do not get cash after killing a Z)

Any Idea how to fix this?


I spawn in AI via AISSP, here there is field for init that is applied to all units, and the kill reward works. (http://kaartomedia.com/ARMA/AISSP.html) (<--- so happy that this works=))


No: 2

Further, It seems that there is a function that removes all gear at mission start, is it possible to disable this?


No 3:


I would like to have Objectives with money reward, e.g. if something is triggered (!alive EnemyYXZ), i get money.

what can i put into the on activation field of a trigger?


Any advise would be greatly appreciated;)


Edited by Vandeanson
Scratch Question No 3 - figured it out;)

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