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More realistic spetznaz?

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Those guys actually look more like the officers in OFP than the ingame Spetznaz...


Maybe someone could do a reskin of an officer (with a red beret) as a Spetznaz...

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If you havn't already, download the UCE Spetnaz, OMON, MVD etc reskins - they go a long way to adding realism to the east units.

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I have seen pictures of Spetsnaz in so many different uniforms it's not even funny- personally, I like the bandannas, as they give the Spetsnaz more character than any other unit in the game

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ Oct. 07 2002,09:58)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I have seen pictures of Spetsnaz in so many different uniforms it's not even funny- personally, I like the bandannas, as they give the Spetsnaz more character than any other unit in the game<span id='postcolor'>

I agree.  It's the same with U.S. Special Forces.  They have a ton of different uniforms as individual teams may have different uniforms and different choices of gear and weapons.

Some may wear helmets, some caps, some berets, ect..  

But I have seen film photage of current Russian Spetsnaz in an excercise where they were protecting some nuclear storage facilities.  They were jumping out of a Hip helicopter as it was moving just above the ground and firing live ammunition.  I thought it was extremely cool that they looked exactly like the Spetsnaz in OFP.  They all had the bandanas on their heads all tied very neatly just as you see them in OFP.   Still it would be cool to see some Spetsnaz wearing red berets and also wearing beenie caps (the black watch caps). Tactical pistol holsters would look good also.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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It would be really nice with some balaclavas, and not the "Black Op" model, since it sucks, but new made ones, thats actually tight the face. Like the in the HK pack

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Maybe we should make new models with O2 and use UCE's textures (with his permission of course) to make highly accurate modern SpetzNaz units?

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Remember, those are 1985-era Spetznaz. If you don't think the camo looks right, maybe you need to watch a 1985-era movie called "Red Dawn".

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red dawn, red dawn, red dawn...

...i've seen that some time or other!

I know that i've seen spetnaz in other movies and they just look more like US Black-ops! Crunchy frogs pictures look close!

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Probably because they couldn't get their hands on appropriate Spetznaz uniforms for that time period. How many people could say, "That's not what Spetznaz wear!"?

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umm yeah and how many people do you know that would wear a red beret while trying to infiltrate an enemy base? personally i dont know too many people like that... i like the spetznas as is, in their war uniform. same with the black op. i mean we know there are a lot of different uniforms for them, but they're in their basic operation uniform, designed to be low-key, camouflaged, and light weight. the red berets look cool, but i dont see a place for them in ofp unless you're making a map called "hit the red bullseye" or something to that effect.

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The berets signify certain roles. The ones that are more likely to go on infiltration missions would wear a black beret. Red is more or less for counter terrorism.

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I think we need a new spetsnaz models with UCE's textures on it smile.gif and we need a few new weapons for em, like a PB,Berdish pistols with a silencer, and a Kedr,Tiss,PP,vsk94 smg's......hehe....and an Ak74M with a reflex sight, and An Ak74H3 with an nspu3 night vision scope, AKS74UB with a pbs, and a bc1 granade launcher.......and an RPK74M with a normal 40rd mag, not a 75rd drum..... confused.gif

btw, those r krechet operatives on the first two pics...... tounge.gif

BBTW, red Down SUCKS.....!!!!! mad.gif

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I would like an AKS74U with the following things: nv scope, silencer, grenade launcher, laser aiming device. That, would rule. biggrin.gif

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We will employ Flipper to make us Spetsnaz weapons with a variety of modifications! tounge.gif

I also would like to see some new Spetsnaz units ingame, I must say I do like the ones psoted by CrunchFrog, and the ones with the beanies were good.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (CrunchyFrog @ Oct. 07 2002,17:31)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I would REALLY like something alá this:




pics from: http://www.baconbomb.com/vympel/<span id='postcolor'>

Can someone recruit this guy for OFP model making? tounge.gif

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The ones that Frog've posted r from GR, arent they ? smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ZLOY @ Oct. 08 2002,07:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The ones that Frog've posted r from GR, arent they ? smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

eh, yeah... ofcourse

Im (and others are) also trying to make following weapons: AK-74M, 9A-91, Groza OTs-14, RPK-74M, AKS-74U (with and without silencer), Saiga 12K, SV-98, AK 104-6 and RPG-29

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Some of these weapons are already out there (well, very similar anyway) - check out Keg Russian Weapons Pack and Groza-1 Assault Rifle Pack.

Also you can get the SV-98 here and the AKS-74U here.

But if you are creating new versions, all the better!  smile.gif

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true, but i would like to see crunchy frog make the ak's have silencers. the groza pack is awesome and so was kegety's, but it lacked the suppressors, which i think is totally needed for spec ops units.

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is it possible to convert GR models to OFP? GR is a poor simulation of war, although the vivid (albeit tiny) enviroments suck.

Seriously, OFP would be twice as awesome with little things like birds, mud, ejected shell casings, and swaying trees. They add lots of atmosphere. I know that the current engine can't handle it, but in the future, that would be nice.

Howabout in IL?

To get back to my original point, GR has some nice models, and it's wrong to keep them in that waste of a CD. and if RS sends cease-and-desist letters, f--k them.

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