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X-Cam 1.0 for Arma 3 released

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I dont mean the library in the terrainbuilder. What i am talking about is the XCam-Library you use ingame when in the XCam-Editor on the Arma-Map. This one does not load the CUP-Objects also the Mod ist downloaded from Steam an activeted correctly.

All the objects i used to have in the former CUP-Terrain-Version are no missing and i dont have any idea how to load them into XCam. Drive P has nothing to do with that on this point, that comes afterwards when the objects are imported to the terrainbuilder.

Edit: This is what i mean:


In the old Version of CUP there have been different groups, like A2_Trees; A2_Bushes etc no there is only "Objects" and some other but they dont include all the A1 and A2 Buildings like these ones:






I guess you have the wrong xCam_EU.pbo version in use. Please check the x-cam package.

There are two different versions. A larger one, includes A3 and A2 objects, and a smaller one, includes A3 objects only.


I've tested it and it works >>> CUP Terrains + xCam_EU.pbo



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Yep that was my fault...totally forgot about that pbo....

Its working now, thanks Silola
Besten Dank!

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Bit of a newbie question here... How would I go about importing the E76 Roads into the object list? as it wont pick it up?

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X-Cam doesn't fully work with CUP Terrains Core. X-Cam uses the Desert2 stuff from AiA, but CUP doesn't seem to have it, for some reason.

So when your in X-Cam, if you go A2 Bushes then "bush1", it's invisible as the object doesn't exist. Same with the other Desert2 stuff "boatsmall_2b" etc.


I think there maybe other objects missing as well. I only found these as my terrain was showing errors with CUP but not AiA. Is there any easy way to re write the "config_A2_main.hpp" from xCam_EU.pbo, to make it work better with CUP?




Seems Desert2 is now in the @CUP Terrains Pack NOT the core pack. At least I know what items to remove from my terrain now lol

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Hi there,


CUP Terrains has three versions out there:


- the full version which includes everything

- the core version which includes only the core data necessary and none of the maps

- the map only version which includes all the BI maps and is dependent on the core version


Desert2 is actually a map (ingame name: Porto), so if you only use CUP Terrains Core, the stuff from Desert2 obviously won't be available there. If you want to avoid such problems, use CUP Terrains Full or Core + Maps.

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The handling is so great, plain awesome! Just wanted to say thanks again for this master piece Silola!


Also outstanding support here and with your website and I'm looking forward for the update!


One tiny thing; maybe give the changing cursor hints for shortcuts half a second more to get read :D


Also +1 on the 2-or-more can build together on a dedicated server (and save the project) idea. That would be mind blowing if possible :P

(I know it's a terrainbuilder tool in the first place :P )



just make a mp mission with it...

we use XCam mostly like this..





Does this mean to host a session and let the friend/s join on one's computer?




Best wishes for the new year Silola and the rest of you of course and droelf medals for your passionate detailed work :)

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The handling is so great, plain awesome! Just wanted to say thanks again for this master piece Silola!


Also outstanding support here and with your website and I'm looking forward for the update!


One tiny thing; maybe give the changing cursor hints for shortcuts half a second more to get read :D


Also +1 on the 2-or-more can build together on a dedicated server (and save the project) idea. That would be mind blowing if possible :P

(I know it's a terrainbuilder tool in the first place :P )




Does this mean to host a session and let the friend/s join on one's computer?




Best wishes for the new year Silola and the rest of you of course and droelf medals for your passionate detailed work :)



Many thanks killshot :)


Yes, you can work together with your friends (it's like a "normal" MP session), but all the data is saved locally on each client.

So, at the end you have to put all the data together. Currently there is no way to merge the data automaticly.


Also best wishes for the new year !


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I need to add ponds now to my map. I have added CUP ponds with x-cam and while they look ok I don't see gunshot splashes.


think DBO ponds might be better but I'm having trouble adding these to x-cam library. @xcam\addons\dbp_ponds.pbo isn't recognized .


help please!

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Mine and 2 friends (diffrent computers) x-cam has stopped working all of a sudden. They was working fine this morning but now you don't get any objects showing. I tried deleting all the files in Library_Obj, but on x-cam loading you don't get the option to rebuild the library like you normally would.  :unsure:  Any idea whats going on?

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don't hold yer breath for a reply RoF.....not a lot of help here. :unsure:

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don't hold yer breath for a reply RoF.....not a lot of help here. :unsure:


know that feeling lol


Looking at what you wrote, you don't put dbo ponds in x-cam. You just load it up in the launcher like you would your map. Then in x-cam go settings, I think you then click x-cam settings and down the bottom should be a button ROL or something (my xcam is broke so cant check) you should be able to select dbo ponds there maybe



*edit* I just downloaded dbo ponds and you have to make the folders yourself. So in your arma folder make a folder called @dbo_ponds, in that folder make another folder called addons and in there you put dbo_Ponds.pbo.


then you just need to add @dbo_ponds to the launcher and tick it

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don't hold yer breath for a reply RoF.....not a lot of help here. :unsure:



I'd ask you to please review the rest of the thread then consider your comment.


Also perhaps waiting more than a day or two for a response would be in order before pissing off those that would try to help you.  It's possible that no one other than the author knows the answer to your question.

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Please a little more patience. I am not every day present in this forum. Thanks :)


I think this pond pbo has no propper config. So try to place any pond object with the "normal" Arma editor.

If this is possible, then it's a X-Cam problem, if not ... then it's not possible to use these objects with X-Cam.




That sounds like inidbi is not running. Then it's not possible to create the X-Cam object library.



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That sounds like inidbi is not running. Then it's not possible to create the X-Cam object library.




I managed to fix it, by completely reinstalling x-cam. Strange how all 3 of us x-cam stopped working at the same time...


Also I lost all my custom copy distance for objects, is there anyway to back that up in case it does it again in the future?


Just looked at the logs and they was loads of error spam

18:48:20 Error in expression <this];
_data = call compile _data;

if((_data select 0) && (_data select 1)) the>
18:48:20   Error position: <_data select 0) && (_data select 1)) the>
18:48:20   Error Undefined variable in expression: _data
18:48:20 Error in expression <this];
_data = call compile _data;

if((_data select 0) && (_data select 1)) the>
18:48:20   Error position: <_data select 0) && (_data select 1)) the>
18:48:20   Error Undefined variable in expression: _data
18:48:20 Error in expression <Cam\xCamSettings" call iniDB_exists;
if(_isDB) then
if(!(xCam_DataBase select >
18:48:20   Error position: <_isDB) then
if(!(xCam_DataBase select >
18:48:20   Error Undefined variable in expression: _isdb
18:48:20 File xCam\xCam\data\xCam_Start_UI.sqf, line 28
18:48:20 Error in expression <this];
_data = call compile _data;

if((_data select 0) && (_data select 1)) the>
18:48:20   Error position: <_data select 0) && (_data select 1)) the>
18:48:20   Error Undefined variable in expression: _data
18:48:20 Error in expression <this];
_data = call compile _data;

if((_data select 0) && (_data select 1)) the>
18:48:20   Error position: <_data select 0) && (_data select 1)) the>
18:48:20   Error Undefined variable in expression: _data
18:48:20 Error in expression <am\xCamPositions" call iniDB_exists;
if(_isDB) then {xCam_Positions = call xCam_>
18:48:20   Error position: <_isDB) then {xCam_Positions = call xCam_>
18:48:20   Error Undefined variable in expression: _isdb
18:48:20 File xCam\xCam\data\xCam_Start_UI.sqf, line 89
18:48:20 Error in expression <this];
_data = call compile _data;

if((_data select 0) && (_data select 1)) the>
18:48:20   Error position: <_data select 0) && (_data select 1)) the>
18:48:20   Error Undefined variable in expression: _data
18:48:20 Error in expression <ro\_xCamProjects" call iniDB_exists;
if(_isDB) then {xCam_All_Projects = call xC>
18:48:20   Error position: <_isDB) then {xCam_All_Projects = call xC>
18:48:20   Error Undefined variable in expression: _isdb
18:48:20 File xCam\xCam\data\xCam_Start_UI.sqf, line 91
18:48:20 Error in expression <this];
_data = call compile _data;

if((_data select 0) && (_data select 1)) the>
18:48:20   Error position: <_data select 0) && (_data select 1)) the>
18:48:20   Error Undefined variable in expression: _data
18:48:20 Error in expression <\_xCamFavorites" call iniDB_exists;

if(_isDB) then
xCam_All_Favorites = call >
18:48:20   Error position: <_isDB) then
xCam_All_Favorites = call >
18:48:20   Error Undefined variable in expression: _isdb
18:48:20 File xCam\xCam\data\xCam_Start_UI.sqf, line 96
18:48:22 Error in expression <toupper(_type)) do {
case "ARRAY": {
if(_data == "") then {
_data = [];
} else {>
18:48:22   Error position: <_data == "") then {
_data = [];
} else {>
18:48:22   Error Undefined variable in expression: _data
18:48:22 Error in expression <
_data = format["%1", _data];


iniDB_read = {
18:48:22   Error position: <_data;

iniDB_read = {
18:48:22   Error Undefined variable in expression: _data
18:48:22 Error in expression <_result = call compile _result;

There is loads more, but thought I'd just post first bit

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All these error messages confirm my guess ... inidbi was not running !!


For the future, simply copy the whole @inidbi folder in order to have any backup.

Then it's simple to copy a single file from there to restore the "xCamObjects.ini, for example (this file contains the user-defined copy distances).



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Maybe it was Battleeye blocking the iniDBi extension after one of the security updates?

I had problemes with some extension lately where BE could not connect and it blocked them (Killzone Kids debug console and makefile).

For backing up the database:

Just open your "@iniDBi" adoon folder and copy the "db" folder somewhere save.

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That's true ... BE could also be the problem ... forgotten ;-)


I think I will add a hint if the inidbi start was not successful (for X-Cam update 1.2).

In this case I will block the start of X-Cam.



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That's true ... BE could also be the problem ... forgotten ;-)


I think I will add a hint if the inidbi start was not successful (for X-Cam update 1.2).

In this case I will block the start of X-Cam.





I think it must have been BE or something, as my father in laws x-cam is working fine today, he never did a reinstall.


Strange bug lol. At least its working now.

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first I have to say sorry ... the developement of the new version takes longer as planned :(


Now I'm ready with all the new tutorial videos (6 parts) and the next step is to render all the videos and load them up to youtube.

Then we have a final look into the new version (quicktest@taunus) and I hope that all the new functions are working.


So, the update is around the corner ;)







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cant wait my friend very much looking forward to this :) 

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Hello in xcam when i put down anything with doors it wont let me open or close them and i have tried different versions of xcam and still no luck plz help.

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Hello in xcam when i put down anything with doors it wont let me open or close them and i have tried different versions of xcam and still no luck plz help.



u mean putting down a house hit esc and try to go in?

it´s the same with ladders.. will work when exported.

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Silola I'm having some issues since the last Arma fupdate. I cant use the alignment tool to align multiple pieces, A prefab for instance will not align with using tab It simply vanishes somewhere. 

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