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MER: Reshade tool - Depth of Field, realistic bloom, tonemapping (imagine sweetfx+)

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This amazing tool was made from shaders by Crosire, the tool was made by MartyMcModding, the presets are by PC_Constantine, but with a wee little bit of work by me to make the DOF useable in general gameplay.

DL links in the image descriptions http://imgur.com/a/526pv#0

OR DL from these links:

Constantine's version https://mega.co.nz/#F!eMBExKTD!RnZfJ2MCTcSzIlnAxguDFQ

A more subtle version https://mega.co.nz/#F!XBYVBTbJ!pP4llYgatCX0oahwt9Z4-A

Be warned, you may have to adjust the in game brightness, I use 0.7 for Constantine's and 1.3 for the subtle version.


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Looks great, so tried (sorry, but had to scan in it with Avast first just to be sure, also some instructions of use could be useful - I just guessed, both non-pic files should go into game folder. At second try figured out, pictures too). In game maybe not same, as on the pics, still despite few glitches (like strange bar of blur between attached scope of my rifle and crosshair in the normal view with rifle rised) could be worthy of efforts needed to tweak settings (I had to set minimal possible brightness and lower gamma to get anything not blinding me, and I have pretty low brighnetss set on my monitor already), if not two things:

1. Constant focus switching could become tiring fast (maybe if change was more smooth... don't know);

2. Where I had 60 FPS (vSync enabled) with sweetFX, with this I have 20-30 for first version and few more with second, even in the middle of Almyra dried lake. Far too costly, at least for my poor GPU. :(

In the end I switched back to sweetFX.

Edited by Rydygier

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At init of the first use there was warning message displayed, so yeah, you may be even banned ("use on own risk" kind of warning).

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At init of the first use there was warning message displayed, so yeah, you may be even banned ("use on own risk" kind of warning).

Uhhh. Not sure I've noticed that. VAC will probably catch this (it catches stereoscopic wrappers/injectors so it's not such a stretch it'll catch this), but BE probably won't, it doesn't catch sweetfx or VORPX using the AA depth buffer so I don't think it'll notice this.

That said it is still very much use at your own risk.

(The error message on INIT with Constantine's settings is due to the mixture of integers and FP numbers in some of his settings, which may slow down the wrapper overall. Though I have not myself noticed any FPS impact over 0.5fps)

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So how does it work? Just copy into A3 Main folder and start-up the game?

Yup! Just copy all files including the images into your Arma3 directory.

Scroll Lock enables and disables the effects, Pause break reloads the effects incase you made changes to them.

You can enable, disable or alter any of the effects by opening reshade.fx with notepad++

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Do you recommend turning off in-game bloom, or do the two bloom effects work together?

And by the way, even with the more subtle version, I still had to turn brightness down to 0.7 to achieve balanced results. Still ultra bright during certain hours (especially in the morning). Other than that, the slight DOF is amazing, although it can hinder gameplay a bit in some situations.

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Do you recommend turning off in-game bloom, or do the two bloom effects work together?

And by the way, even with the more subtle version, I still had to turn brightness down to 0.7 to achieve balanced results. Still ultra bright during certain hours (especially in the morning). Other than that, the slight DOF is amazing, although it can hinder gameplay a bit in some situations.

Fair enough! That's the great thing about the game having the brightness slider. The more subtle version is mainly about the colours, less about the brightness. Using spherical tonemapping like in Constantine's settings means an ultra saturated game which is desaturated with brightness during daytime. This means a very saturated night/dawn/dusk. The balanced version avoids this and attempts to reach a similar effect without spherical tonemapping.

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Need to test that other one. I've only tested the Constantine and it was way too bright even when brightness was on lowest.

/Nah need to find better pre-sets or tune myself. Both of those look way too bright or bloomy.

Edited by St. Jimmy

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Those screenshots look nice, gonna give it a DL!

---------- Post added at 07:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:51 AM ----------

WOW!! I am speechless, this is absolutely beautiful!

This is to ArmA as EnbSeries was to GTA IV.

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Fair enough! That's the great thing about the game having the brightness slider. The more subtle version is mainly about the colours, less about the brightness. Using spherical tonemapping like in Constantine's settings means an ultra saturated game which is desaturated with brightness during daytime. This means a very saturated night/dawn/dusk. The balanced version avoids this and attempts to reach a similar effect without spherical tonemapping.

Hey, thanks for the response, but you didn't answer my first question: does in-game bloom work together with ReShade's bloom, or do we need to turn it off? I've found that in some situations the sky looks almost white, might have to do with the combined force of the 2 bloom effects :cool:

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As usual with postfx injections, the results are impressive and the good part is that you can configure the settings as you like em. However, this comes at a heavy heavy price in terms of frames per second. For example, in the menu (world=empty), i usually have 125+ fps ; with the injection i get 58 fps at best.

If there is a way to significantly tweak the performance hit of this kind of mod, it would be really appreciated!

(for info : I tested the "constantine version")

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Tried it, but my game crashes on start-up.

Well, no pr0n graphic for me then....

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Tried it, but my game crashes on start-up.

Well, no pr0n graphic for me then....

Same problem here!

I receive this error in the dxgi.dll

03/03/2015 18:42:28,037 | INFO  | Redirecting 'CreateDXGIFactory({7B7166EC-21C7-44AE-B21A-C9AE321AE369}, 1644108C)' ...
03/03/2015 18:42:41,309 | INFO  | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(00AD4740, 0, 00000000, 0, 00000000, 0, 7, 1644109C, 00AAF8A0, 00AAF89C, 164410E0, 00AAF8A4)' ...
03/03/2015 18:42:42,573 | INFO  | Redirecting 'CreateDXGIFactory1({770AAE78-F26F-4DBA-A829-253C83D1B387}, 00AAF848)' ...
03/03/2015 18:42:42,575 | INFO  | Redirecting 'IDXGIFactory::CreateSwapChain(00AE60A0, 05B26C88, 1644109C, 00AAF8A0)' ...
03/03/2015 18:42:42,576 | WARN  | > 'IDXGIFactory::CreateSwapChain' failed with 'DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL'!
03/03/2015 18:42:42,576 | WARN  | Reference count for 'IDXGIDevice' object 05B3E150 (1) is inconsistent.

After a search through the web I have found people with a similar problem but no solution. I am using Win 7, i7 860OC and a 7870 OC.

The tweaked bokeh DOF is too beautiful to pass!

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IDXGIFactory::CreateSwapChain' failed with 'DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL

There have been other games with the same problem (for example BF3). They have found that the following could solve this:

Control panel -> Time, Launguage and Region -> Region -> Administrative tab

Change Language for non-Unicode programs To English(US)

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There have been other games with the same problem (for example BF3). They have found that the following could solve this:

Control panel -> Time, Launguage and Region -> Region -> Administrative tab

Change Language for non-Unicode programs To English(US)

Thank you for the tip! After changing the according settings, the problem unfortunately still remains. Arma 3 crashes on startup. The error now reads

03/03/2015 19:48:02,497 | INFO  | Redirecting 'CreateDXGIFactory({7B7166EC-21C7-44AE-B21A-C9AE321AE369}, 165C108C)' ...
03/03/2015 19:48:02,925 | INFO  | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(004C4740, 0, 00000000, 0, 00000000, 0, 7, 165C109C, 02B2F5F8, 02B2F5F4, 165C10E0, 02B2F5FC)' ...
03/03/2015 19:48:03,019 | INFO  | Redirecting 'CreateDXGIFactory1({770AAE78-F26F-4DBA-A829-253C83D1B387}, 02B2F5A0)' ...
03/03/2015 19:48:03,021 | INFO  | Redirecting 'IDXGIFactory::CreateSwapChain(004D60A0, 00410B80, 165C109C, 02B2F5F8)' ...
03/03/2015 19:48:03,021 | WARN  | > 'IDXGIFactory::CreateSwapChain' failed with 'DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL'!
03/03/2015 19:48:03,021 | WARN  | Reference count for 'IDXGIDevice' object 047A67C8 (1) is inconsistent.

(The object ID's have changed)

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Have you guys made sure there isn't a SweetFX folder inside the Arma 3 directory? Maybe it's the cause, maybe not. Also try verifying your game files.

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Have you guys made sure there isn't a SweetFX folder inside the Arma 3 directory? Maybe it's the cause, maybe not. Also try verifying your game files.

Yes, there are no SweetFX files anywhere near the game directory and I have already deleted and redownloaded the dll's that would be affected by SweetFX, just in case. Game files have been verified. Other measures I have taken is switching between stable and exp branch, switching between GPU drivers (stable, beta), edited the Arma3.cfg so it refreshes the GPU dependencies (detectedAdapterId etc), created a backup of Arma 3 (this apparently helped someone) tried older ReShade versions and made sure that my PC has the latest DX libraries.

Edited by PurePassion

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i got the same errors in my log PurePassion. Think I'll wait for a solution I think I'm no techy! Like you said, too beautiful to pass.

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What are your system specs, SookyGnu?

Also, does anyone know of any other injector that works with Matso's Bokeh DOF? The vanilla DOF is in my opinion a very big letdown but the tweaked Bokeh DOF elevates the whole scene to a much more beautiful complexion!

Edited by PurePassion

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AMD FX 6100 6 core processor 3.30 GHZ

8GB ram x2

XfX 7850 2gb

I always forget the rest. :rolleyes:

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Well, you both have AMD 78XX gpu's, so maybe it has something to do with that.

Just for the record, it works perfectly on my side and I have : i7 860 (no oc), 8gb ddr3, hd 5850 in crossfire.

Edited by Artisanal

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