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US Insurgency ALiVE

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US Insurgency ALiVE Takistan


Based on the classic A2 Insurgency made by Fireball and Pogoman.
Players must search houses to find random generated INTEL items to find enemy cache locations.
Destroy cache locations and win!

Coop 16 RHS:US vs Leights Terrorists

random IED's, random enemy camps, enemy roadblocks
ALiVE Combat Support, ALiVE Command & Control (squadleader/player must have Laserdesignator equipped )

Selectable Features:
disable fatigue, disable revive, HALO, recruitment, weather and time

CUP Takistan

Addons Required:

do NOT run mission with Leight's OPFOR Pack
units are removed and it will break mission



you need to load both addons RHS: AFRF and RHS USF !

I do NOT give any support if you run mission with other addons than the required ones!

mission edit by maquez [Q-Net]

recommended to run on a dedicated server




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a special thanks goes to Storm and DE_MOON for countless hours of testing mission and supports during development

a very special thanks goes to alexsegen for let me use his amazing units


further support and development is terminated

please do move to new version: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/188116-vnpa-missions-factory/?p=2981479



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US Insurgency ALiVE Altis

Based on the classic A2 Insurgency made by Fireball and Pogoman.
Players must search houses to find random generated INTEL items to find enemy cache locations.
Destroy cache locations and win!

Coop 24 RHS: US vs RHS:Insurgents

random IED's, random enemy camps, enemy roadblocks
ALiVE Combat Support, ALiVE Command & Control (squadleader/player must have Laserdesignator equipped )

Selectable Features:
disable fatigue, disable revive, HALO, weather and time


Addons Required:

do NOT run mission with Leight's OPFOR Pack
units are removed and it will break mission


you need to load both addons RHS: AFRF and RHS USF !

I do NOT give any support if you run mission with other addons than the required ones!

mission edit by maquez [Q-Net]

recommended to run on a dedicated server



mission can load freaking slow and long !!


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a special thanks goes to Storm and DE_MOON for countless hours of testing mission and supports during development


further support and development is terminated

please do move to new version: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/188116-vnpa-missions-factory/?p=2981479



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Ty Maquez! :)

im learning to use AliVE with your last mission, but im too far away to publish something... actually i just want to create a CAS tasks escenario with alive, all out warfare like yours, but no intel hunt and sectors, just help good guys from the sky.

And about your request @ steam, i can help you to test your WIP missions :)

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mission updated !

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I cant run it. I have a problem with ALIVE.

No entry bin/config.bin/cfgvehicles/ALIVE_sys_profile/Arguments/debug/values/Yes.-defualt

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Hosted this up on my dedi and ran around for a bit. Brought back the good old Insurgency feeling.

I will host this for my group in the coming days and let you know how we go.

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  Imperator_Pete said:
Hosted this up on my dedi and ran around for a bit. Brought back the good old Insurgency feeling.

I will host this for my group in the coming days and let you know how we go.

If it's public, I would like to join you guys !! Can I know what's the server IP ?

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Ditto what Malcom86 said.. I'd love to play this on a server, so if there's one with a Public IP -- or a private one that'd like me along -- lemme know.

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Just a question, but why didn't you pick the Iraqi army (from Leight, for example), as BLUFOR? It would make for a more realistic scenario!

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mission updated !

- no more US tanks in ISIS faction

- enemy reinforcements changed to infinite

- increased spawn distance

- fixed errors in faction blacklist

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no, reason ALiVE won't work in single player no support for saving game

it's easy to play alone ...

start multiplayer then LAN

you have KI you can recruit etc.

the only thing is you can't save!

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mission updated !

25.01.2015 - updated for Leights OPFOR Pack v0.6

don't forget to update your Leights OPFOR Pack to version 0.6

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Love the mission maquez. Been playing it quite a bit over the last few days with my group and we are really enjoying it.

One thing I've noticed is that sometimes the Intel or Caches spawn inside the building walls / floors and so you cannot see them or destroy them. I jumped into the editor and ran around the map looking at the green and red dots and in some cases I was stood on the exact spot where the dot was but there was nothing there. Other times I could just about see a laptop or something sticking out of the floor.

Not sure if it's something your aware of but thought I'd let you know, see if its something that can be fixed.

Again thanks for the great mission and all your hard work.

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mission updated

update for Leights OPFOR Pack v 0.7

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Hi there. I am trying to run this mission on my dedi server and am getting a couple errors when launching the server...

Addon 'ClassMappingToCUP' requires addon 'CUP_Creatures_People_Military_DummyInfantrySet' and a CfgWeapons related item.

Oh, I should mention, I am only loading the mods you have listed as required, with one except: AiA SA Lite versus AiATP.

The server will not launch. Any ideas???

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  maquez said:

OK. This has not created any issues with other missions said to require AiA TP versus AiA SA. But I will it a shot.

Thank you.

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  lightford said:
OK. This has not created any issues with other missions said to require AiA TP versus AiA SA. But I will it a shot.

Thank you.

You can de-PBO the mission, open the mission.sqm and remove the mission addon list between AddOns[] { }; and addOnsAuto[] { };

This will only work for changing which terrain pack you're using and not for other dependencies or requirements.

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Erm :confused:

Twisted ISIS supporters are distributing a sickening video game that allows users to play the role of Islamic extremists on a mission to murder Westerners.

Supporters of the terror group, which has brought rape and massacre to vast swathes of Syria and Iraq, have modified the popular video game ARMA III to create characters based on ISIS militants.

The user-generated modification, or 'mod' in video game parlance, is understood to reward users for killing Westerners and characters based on Syrian regime soldiers and the brave Kurdish peshmerga fighters who have formed the most effective resistance against the terrorists in real life.

Although the mod is not part of an official release by Czech developers Bohemia Interactive, ISIS supporters are said to be using it to recruit children and radicalise the vulnerable, distributing it free on gaming forums to those declaring their support for the terror group's self-styled caliphate.

The video game that allows you to play as an ISIS fighter slaughtering Westerners: Islamists give away combat simulator in a bid to recruit children and young men

ISIS supporters have modified ARMA III so users can play as the militants

Jihadi characters are able to kill Westerners and Syrian regime soldiers

Also carry out attacks on characters based on Kurdish pershmerga forces

Mod is not an official release by Czech developers Bohemia Interactive

But jihadis are using it to recruit children and radicalise vulnerable, giving it out for free on gaming forums to those declaring support for ISIS

ISIS supporters have previously used popular video games Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty in their sickening propaganda films

Full info Here

Edited by Richie

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  Richie said:
Erm :confused:

The video game that allows you to play as an ISIS fighter slaughtering Westerners: Islamists give away combat simulator in a bid to recruit children and young men

ISIS supporters have modified ARMA III so users can play as the militants

Jihadi characters are able to kill Westerners and Syrian regime soldiers

Also carry out attacks on characters based on Kurdish pershmerga forces

Mod is not an official release by Czech developers Bohemia Interactive

But jihadis are using it to recruit children and radicalise vulnerable, giving it out for free on gaming forums to those declaring support for ISIS

ISIS supporters have previously used popular video games Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty in their sickening propaganda films

Full info Here

Yeah, i read that.. ignorant people. tho I'm not worried about.

Edited by AlexSegen

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I'm sick of Leights continued changes if this persists I do think about to delete this mission !

  Richie said:
Erm confused.png

The video game that allows you to play as an ISIS fighter slaughtering Westerners: Islamists give away combat simulator in a bid to recruit children and young men

ISIS supporters have modified ARMA III so users can play as the militants

Jihadi characters are able to kill Westerners and Syrian regime soldiers

Also carry out attacks on characters based on Kurdish pershmerga forces

Mod is not an official release by Czech developers Bohemia Interactive

But jihadis are using it to recruit children and radicalise vulnerable, giving it out for free on gaming forums to those declaring support for ISIS

ISIS supporters have previously used popular video games Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty in their sickening propaganda films

Full info Here

I do give a shit on politics and false propaganda we had this already 70 years ago! Wake up people!

To a moderator:

could you please change Thread Title to US Insurgency ALiVE

old title does not make sense anymore thanks Leights !

I am really pissed off now!

under steam workshop this means all my subscribers have to new subscribe mission :mad:

Edited by maquez

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mission updated!

05.02.2015 - mission renamed and update for Leights OPFOR Pack v 0.8

Edited by maquez

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I am having an issue here loading the mission. Is there a trick to this somehow? A fellow mission builder I am anxious to expand upon the mission's base for our 76AB and 2/1 IN server. what I am experiencing is perpetual loading screen. I know this seems to be an issue with ALiVE I have been unable to use it in anything lately.

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you sure loading all addons required ?

sounds like you not loading Leights OPFOR

Edited by maquez

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forget last. Do you suppose TFAR could be affecting it?

Edited by maddog2-1

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