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Rastakhar region

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Hi everybody!

Today I decided to announce my new project:

Rastakhar region

It's a really WIP, there are no groud texture, no clutter, and no details. I'm still working on the terrain.

The map will be 8x8 km.

Here a little video:

Modding takes a lot of time and efforts, if you like this script and you'd like to offer me a beer:


Edited by Giallustio

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This looks very interesting. I'm always glad to see more terrains representing middle eastern settings. I really like the amount of trees, and large rock formations you have on those ridge lines off in the distance. The villages also looked nicely laid out. Overall it looks like a strong start to a great map. Looking forward to seeing what progress you make on this.

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Nice work sir, I'm expecting to see some Viliage on that mountain for rangers :D

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This will be great, I think the community is waiting for a good middle east style map to the arma 3 standards!

Did you see the Arma 3 assets (buildings etc) released by the guys doing Sangin?

Looking forward to this.

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I'm using jbad buildings at the moment! I'd like to create some custom assets but I need to learn how tu use blender first

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Can't tell untill it shown in actuall map but i think it's pretty good if it implied in your map.

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Nice to see this kind of luscious and green desert terrain! Most of the ones people have already made are pretty bare in terms of foliage. If what we saw in the video represents what the foliage on the entire map will look like, I'm really looking forward to seeing the release. Keep up the good work :)

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Very impressive detail, I was so amused in that strain tree, many rocks, and some small platforms for corssing small area. really like those small detail and works. If i can found some refrence photo, i'll pm to you :)

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Nice terrain! :D

Hope X-cam will be released soon, so people can make high-detail ENVs easy.

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I think that "easy" and "make a terrain" can't be in the same sentence, but yeah, we all hope that ;)

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I switched to a smaller terrain due to my free time. If anyone wants to jump in and finish it PM me

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