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ALiVE still has to be pre-coded ahead of time, and therefore only accept a pre-approved faction as per their wiki page. Or has this changed? I'm a little behind on ALiVE stuff right now.


Sure, ALiVE requires the faction group configs to be done based on BIS standards, but you don't have to play by the same rules.


You could just as easily scan the config for all assets belonging to a faction and then categorize them for easy picking.


Get the assets

private _faction = _this;
private _result = [];

private _configPath = configFile >> "CfgVehicles";

for "_i" from 1 to (count _configPath - 1) do {

    private _entry = _configPath select _i;

    if (getNumber (_entry >> "scope") > 1) then {
        if (getText (_entry >> "faction") == _faction) then {
            _result pushback (configname _entry);



Sort the assets

private _units = _this;
_result = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]; // infantry, car, truck, armored, tank, naval, helicopter, plane, static

    if (_x isKindOf "Man") then {
        (_result select 0) pushback _x;
    } else {
        if (_x isKindOf "Car") then {
            (_result select 1) pushback _x;
        } else {
            if (_x isKindOf "Truck") then {
                (_result select 2) pushback _x;
            } else {
                if (_x isKindOf "Armored") then {
                    (_result select 3) pushback _x;
                } else {
                    if (_x isKindOf "Tank") then {
                        (_result select 4) pushback _x;
                    } else {
                        if (_x isKindOf "Ship") then {
                            (_result select 5) pushback _x;
                        } else {
                            if (_x isKindOf "Helicopter") then {
                                (_result select 6) pushback _x;
                            } else {
                                if (_x isKindOf "Plane") then {
                                    (_result select 7) pushback _x;
                                } else {
                                    if (_x isKindOf "StaticWeapon") then {
                                        (_result select 8) pushback _x;
} foreach _units;



Of course you could also read deeper into each unit config in order to establish more credible group compositions as well.


But, as you've noted, changing methods of reading factions also leads to rewriting the portions of code that use the factions. However, it's an option going forward if you want to establish expandable-flexibility without "indexing" each new faction.

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The SOCOM Mission Generator has been released as a Stand-Alone Module.


Please direct all related questions, comments, etc over on that Forum Thread.

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I'm hoping to release the upgraded CORE project today. Can't find any bugs.


Here's a teaser... Of the NEW OpsCenter which I'm hoping will be ready soon....



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Hey Von,


Bit curious to ask since I noticed this hasn't updated on Armaholic since 2015, is this mod considered 'broken' after the last few updates? If not I can't wait to try this out with my unit.. On the flip side I was curious about how well it'd play with ACE3... Any thoughts on this?


If people have already asked I do apologize, I got sent your old sniper mod by one of my scout snipers and did some digging on my break at work... which is about to be over..




C. "Ghost" Williams

This mod is as broken as the economy. I get nothing but errors.

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Funny. Yes!


I'm in the process of releasing all the sub-modules, into main Stand-Alone Projects of their own. This will be downgraded into just Spooks type stuff. Right now look into the just released stand-alones. CORE, FROGS, LEAP, SOCOM.

I have yet to release FUSE, SCAR, and SCOUT/SNIPER. I should update the main page with a notice to not use this in its current state.

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Beta Testers --- NEW S.C.A.R System.






This is the NEW Enemy Spawner Module System. Its a complete re-write of the DARK System from this SpookWarCom project. Let me know what you think so far. I'm hoping to release it on its own public thread maybe this week.


If you want to use it, you MUST place ALL 4 Modules down. Squads, Combatants, Areas-of-Operation, and Reinforcements. The S-Module will run in a loop (like DARK) and spawn things (squads) around you for the entire Map.


The A-Module will ONLY spawn things IF you are in the AO. The AOs are randomized. It spawns units in BOTH Land and Water. Mix-and-Match any way you wish. The way we have been testing and playing, is having NATO running on the S-Module (side note - set Infantry as well in the S-Module to your ENEMY), and all Enemy on the A-Module to simulate an occupying force. This will create random firefights that will breakout around you from time-to-time.


The Main Goal of this AO System was to create HOT and COLD Spots on the Map that you must take into account for executing the Mission (SOCOM Mission Generator) when planning from the Ops Center (CORE Module).


You can use it as the sole enemy generator, or use it to supplement any other Enemy Spawner, (ALiVE, MCC, EOS, DAC, etc) you wish. I must warn you though, this may get a little more confusing until this project moves further along. At which stuff will get tied back togeather. Those of you who have been experimenting with my stuff from the beginning will already see how most of this works, and where I'm going with all this.


I can already hear some grumbling before we start. Hang in there! LOL. It WILL get better. IF you want to use this, you MUST let it start-up and run its course for the first few minutes. Sorry. At this point in the DEV Stage, I have to let it run a little slow. It also has to give the LEAP Module and FROGS Module to setup first before it starts.



1. Place ALL Modules I have released so far: CORE, FROGS, LEAP, SOCOM, and now SCAR.

2. Set all Options as you wish.

3. Set CORE so you START in the Ops Center.

4. Wait.... Once you are in the Ops Center, Open the Map and Watch it Build... Wait and Watch.

5. After the RADAR is displayed and Saved (erased), it is now done setting up all AO's.

6. Then you can Grab your Mission and PLAY as usual.

7. You can Check the Intel for the AO's on the Ops Center Laptop.


NOTE - Because the SCAR System IS DESIGNED to have both HOT & COLD areas, you will of course have games where it MAY SEEM like nothing is going on and its tad dull. TRUST ME! Keep testing. Try at least several games BEFORE you offer feedback.


Thanks! And Good Luck!!!! :ph34r:

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Thanks. There are a few bugs in the test version of SCAR. So sorry. And I guess you don't really need to place all other modules. Just place all 4 of the SCAR. I'll try and update the test version or just push for the full beta release very soon. It's not quite ready. I really want to get a bunch more custom Factions supported for it.

I'm well aware of ALiVE and their framework. But I'm not going to re-invent their stuff. Either way, I still have to implement and setup my code with or without their help. So it's still a bunch of work either way. And my SCAR System is easier to use, since you just have to select from a drop-down menu rather that lookup the correct syntax for group Classnames.

And one last quick note. Please post in the correct threads. I'm getting a little crossover. Please post all SCAR feedback here, until I can get it officiallly released on its own thread.

Thanks guys!

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Any update on F.U.S.E.?


My unit and I are extremely anxious to get a full scale hard test on this mod. Please keep us informed.

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I'm about 95% with the upgrade and fixes. I should just finish it quick. Been super busy and kinda burnt out on ArmA dev right now. I'm so sorry but I don't know when I'll have time to finish and upload FUSE.

I finished the new code, and only have to fix a couple graphics issues. At least I think that's where I left off. I'd have to look again. And right now I don't see me working on NEW stuff added until this winter it's looking like. So even with the update, it's still gonna just be the 1 type of explosive device to disarm.

So at this point, I can't give a better projection of update time-table. Busy this weekend, but I'll try and get SCAR and FUSE ready for the next weekend after that. No promises. Thanks. ;)

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I'm about 95% with the upgrade and fixes. I should just finish it quick. Been super busy and kinda burnt out on ArmA dev right now. I'm so sorry but I don't know when I'll have time to finish and upload FUSE.

I finished the new code, and only have to fix a couple graphics issues. At least I think that's where I left off. I'd have to look again. And right now I don't see me working on NEW stuff added until this winter it's looking like. So even with the update, it's still gonna just be the 1 type of explosive device to disarm.

So at this point, I can't give a better projection of update time-table. Busy this weekend, but I'll try and get SCAR and FUSE ready for the next weekend after that. No promises. Thanks. ;)

Take your time, you don't to rush the release. After all making addons is a hobby, its not a job :)

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Hi i have a question when i try to open the loc door to the outside i get a error 


HMS PROTEUS isnt in position must plot aprroved course how do i do that ? 


That what i did on the computer right ? choosed depth and teleported to the sub did i miss anything ? 

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Any updates Von?  Would love to see anything you've improved or fixed with your system.

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Thanks bud! Wise words.



Wrong thread. Post Combat Diver stuff in the New FROGS Section. Not sure what you are doing wrong. Since you posted here, I have to assume you are using the wrong outdated version. Are you using the FROGS or this old SpookWarCom? If using the newer version, walk me through what you did.



Thanks man. I upgraded the Explosives stuff months ago. Now Called F.U.S.E (I think)... I only had 2 things left to update. Then I lost the files. Fuck! So I'm not starting over... I have the old stuff of course, but I'm not re-doing the update. I have a few computers and few FlashDrives that I use, and need to dig through them to find the new update. I also lost the Changelog for all projects as well. Sucks. I wouldn't put it past me to leave a FlashDrive in a jeans pocket and send it through the wash. LOL!!!


I updated most, if not all Projects. I just haven't uploaded anything. As soon as I do, BIS has an update that will break everything. And I hear there is another BIS update coming in the next few days. SO.... we'll see. I think I have most stuff updated with stricter standards and code to help protect it from official BIS Game Updates. Just got burned out for a while, so I'm been updating and keeping them private.


I added a few more options to CORE. But I can't get the New Tactical Ops Center to spawn. Larrow helped ALOT with his project, but I can't get it to spawn with the Mod version, only the Script version. I added Civ Back-Ops Transport. I upgraded the Scout/Sniper Project. Just need to do a couple small things before release. I lost the new Sniper .408 Rifle you can dismantle and pack into your Backpack. Probably the same file with all the other lost stuff. I have the New SCAR ready for public release. I re-wrote it I think, 4 or 5 times now. And it sounds cocky, but we are liking it MORE than the ALiVE mod for populating the Maps. It won't be for everyone, but I fucking love it!


What else?.... Oh, just finished adding the new Stingray Rebreather Combat Diver Rig. And have a new Diving Computer that you can wear to monitor both the Dragonfly and Stingray Rebreathers. Works like the Altimeter. You now have to manage your Systems and Air Supply. They are partially fictional, but now you can't dive too deep or forever. You can turn the Gas On/Off. And once you run out, you will drown if underwater. We just did the first full game MP Testing last night. Works great!!!!!


If using Pooks SAM stuff, actual SAMs/RADAR spawn in for the SAM (HALO mod) and RADAR (SCAR mod) AOs. You can set Fog-of-War for both HALO and ParaJump Flights. The SAMs for the ParaJump Flights are 2x as deadly as before, making low-level jumps more hazardous if in a SAM Site range.


I forget what else... anyway. Updates are slow this summer but I have been working on stuff almost each week. Stay tuned! B)

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@Von Quest:
Holy shit!  Sounds like you've been very busy.  I can understand getting burned out on coding if every time BIS breaks your shit for a while ;)

I really hope you can get your lost files back, or at least get things to a state you like for a release.  ESPECIALLY for MP!    My unit has a couple different servers, and I co-run our Experimental server for trying all kinds of new mods out. 
For example, I run the ALiVE missions and other persistent style stuff (Antistasi), and all the /shit that's cool lets try that!/ type mods and maps.


The other servers are our Zeus Operations, usually up for any members to get on and put together a mission at their leisure.

I really look forward to your upcoming stuff, as we tend to run more Spec-ops style games. Actually putting together some missions that will require stealth, coordination, team-play and less Rambo would be awesome!

I am particularly stoked to hear that you are incorporating Pooks SAM pack into your work!  We just started to evaluate the mod for inclusion in our missions now that he removed CUP dependency (we use RHS for the most part).

Having actual SAM and RADAR sites to contend with while doing either HALO drops, or player Aircraft activities would bring a great depth to missions.

On that tangent: How does the SAM/RADAR interact with your Static Aircraft drop?  It seems that when I am running a tester mission with HALO, the aircraft is in a static position at the drop site.  Will SAMs fire on this static drop vehicle?  Will the radars cause troops to be alerted in the mission area if you are spotted?

IF you need any more testers I would love to help out.  I can provide a dedicated server for testing any time you might need one.

Absolutely love the direction your work is headed, and I can't wait to integrate it into some persistent mission play if at all possible.   


I have an idea for a Tanoa mission- small inserted ODA that is there to disrupt and or destroy the Syndikat forces that are helping smuggle arms and drugs to the Phillipnes/Indonesia etc.  Can't send in a full scale NATO or US force due to PLA/CSAT influence in the area.. so clandestine forces with very limited re-supply is it!  Maybe throw in a Pooks SAM site or 2 to discourage NATO aircraft in the vicinity...

I'm getting a little giddy... :D

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Hey Von,


Since you've lost your files.. Is it at all possible to get the mods over on steam? It'd make everything 10xs easier...

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I only lost a few. 99% of the project is still intact. And I'm not going to upload to Steam until this is further along. Plus I don't think the Steam downloads keep other files, like Docs included. Does anybody know or can confirm? So people downloading from Steam would be lost on setup and details.

As I type this, I had an idea... I may use Steam for the full SpookWarCom Project (all stand-alones) so you can subscribe for the nice automatic updates and only have it download once per month or something. That might be the best of both worlds. That way people can choose the single projects, or they can chose the full package. Cherry-pick any you want from Armaholic or Dropbox (with docs, etc) that will update faster.

Or they can choose the Automatic Updates with Steam for ALL projects included, but it'll be updated less often and (potentially) without the docs.

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Get Both? :D

I like the idea of that.. faster iterations on Armaholic etc, while complete, easy updating from Steam.  More people would be exposed via Steam, so the mod would get out there.
You could always include links to your documentation on the Steam description pages and make sure it's in GIANT SCREAMING BOLDFACE about where to download the documents.

Edit:  Looking at my install Dir>  F:\Steam_DIR\steamapps\workshop\content, the Workshop folders that hold downloads DO have both Readme files, as well as full PDF instruction books for different mods.
Firewills' AWS and F16 mods both come with PDF's from Steam.

Check through your own Steam install directory, you may be able to find reference Docs like I did.

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I only lost a few. 99% of the project is still intact. And I'm not going to upload to Steam until this is further along. Plus I don't think the Steam downloads keep other files, like Docs included. Does anybody know or can confirm? So people downloading from Steam would be lost on setup and details.

As I type this, I had an idea... I may use Steam for the full SpookWarCom Project (all stand-alones) so you can subscribe for the nice automatic updates and only have it download once per month or something. That might be the best of both worlds. That way people can choose the single projects, or they can chose the full package. Cherry-pick any you want from Armaholic or Dropbox (with docs, etc) that will update faster.

Or they can choose the Automatic Updates with Steam for ALL projects included, but it'll be updated less often and (potentially) without the docs.

Awesome! Guess I just miss read that post... Anyways, Steam has been a big help with organizing mods for units, much like my old one. We was able to make a collection and have the mods update rather than the old "Hey have you seen such n such updated?" and cause a backup for a mission or whatever.. Was always a pain.. Steam is pretty nice. RHS is shifting to it for their 4.2 update and pretty much every mod anyone uses are there as well. Plus side is, the downloads don't take very long and unless it's ACE, ACRE, TFAR or whatever requires the users to do nothing more than let the mod load in their launcher then check it off.. Good stuff all around!

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Wow made a dumb mistake myself :) srry 


Btw love the mod its the most fun i had in a arma game and i play the serie way back when it was called ofp :P


Now testing scar :)


Edit : When the laptop scannes for units and stuff it whipes all waypoints of the mission :(

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Don't use the SCAR. It's way out of date at this point, and doesn't work right. I need to take that down. And yeah, the way it runs is it stores the Intel in a marker layer. So any and all markers get erased and stored in a file you can check later. It'll make more sense when I get some docs types up.

And good news everyone.... I found the lost EOD stuff. So that project is back on schedule. ;)

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Great news!


  So SCAR is goofed up.  I'll hold off on messing with that for a bit then.    Don' burn out, we'd like to see this new stuff :D

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Should have the New SCAR out before the end of the weekend.

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Woo!  Will give it a try Monday.  Working my ass off this weekend to include a double on Sunday.

None of the others have been updated recently have they?

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