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The unloading mechanic for the MAN trucks is very very difficult to get working properly. I've tried on flat runways or dirt and it prevents me from unloading the containers. I've managed to get the container to unload a few times but more often then not, even if I don't move the truck, it prevents me from unloading in the same spot. From what I can tell, there is no rhyme or reason on when I can or cannot load/unload. Both with mods and only 3CB vehicles/requirements. is there a fix or workaround?

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I spoke to the person who created the system. He was aware that a recent game update broke it and has fixed it for an update.

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Having issues with the husky that are turreted. it's stuck in a free cam even with safety off the turrets don't function had a friend have same issues. tried Eden editor with just the bare mods and on our server its just the husky that does it. 

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Are you running the Arma France Mod?


I had the same problem with the Husky with the Arma France Mod running alongside 3CB BAF Vehicles during a test. Removed Arma France and Husky returned to normal. 


Don't know what the conflict was, but I haven't used Arma France since.





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I seem to have stumbled across a particularly weird bug, specifically whenever I place any of the BAF Helicopters in eden it breaks my ability to move the camera in eden, all other vehicles from BAF and other mods are fine but placing a helicopter breaks my ability to use the editor, anyone ever experienced this? even with another mod as I've never heard of this happening before, this mod or otherwise

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On 8/15/2023 at 6:23 PM, evrik said:

I spoke to the person who created the system. He was aware that a recent game update broke it and has fixed it for an update.

Is there any update on this as it still seems to be broken almost a year later...

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