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ASOR Gear Selector

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deleyt: Thanks for the for the feedback. With so many different options it's impractical for me to test everything alone, so it definitely helps having people like yourself pointing out the problems.

Seems I screwed up while adding the Whitelist functionality. The error is on line 18 of fn_updateCombo.sqf. It should be

if((count _details > 0) && {([_details select DBF_Class] call ASORGS_fnc_IsAllowed) && (_details call _additionalCheck)}) then

1. Yeah, I'm aware that under rare circumstances, the script can crash and stop everything from working. I'm unable to reproduce it properly to understand what's happening.

2&3. Hmm.. This seems to be a result of the new optimizations I made to use the 'find' command which made attachment names case sensitive. Most mods don't seem to use mixed case (so I thought it wouldn't be an issue), but it appears BIS does. Can fix it by changing line 459 of fn_builddatabase2.sqf to:

_newindex pushBack (toLower(_x select DBF_Class));

and line 4 of fn_getDetails.sqf to:

_classindex = (ASORGS_DBIndexs select _arrayindex) find (toLower(_this select 0));

4. Is this when you first open ASORGS or after choosing a scope? I'm aware that it's an issue when you first open it, but just a cosmetic one that I haven't been able to track down.

5. Scopes can go on Launchers, but not suppressors/side-rail attachments (I'm yet to see any that use them). If it wasn't working, maybe it was related to 2&3?

Edited by Lecks

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Really looking forward to having insignias back again too!

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@Opendome: Thanks for the reminder. Need to change 'picture' to 'texture' on line 401 of fn_buildDatabase2.sqf so it's like this:

"isClass(_x) && {(getText(_x >> 'texture') != '') && (getText(_x >> 'displayName') != '') && {[configName(_x), true] call ASORGS_fnc_IsAllowed} }", 

I'll get a new version out asap with all these fixes.

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I love this script.

However, it doesn't seem to work right with Alive.

The whole thing becomes slow, and the character on the right floats in the air (as if he were parachuting).

I hope there is some kind of solution for this :)

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I love this script.

However, it doesn't seem to work right with Alive.

The whole thing becomes slow, and the character on the right floats in the air (as if he were parachuting).

I hope there is some kind of solution for this :)

We are using it with an ALIVE mission without problems

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I love this script.

However, it doesn't seem to work right with Alive.

The whole thing becomes slow, and the character on the right floats in the air (as if he were parachuting).

I hope there is some kind of solution for this :)

I've had this happen when running the server via the client rather than a dedicated server.

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Starcos: Is it consistantly doing that? I have seen it doing weird things before including:

Randomly going into a medic animation and doing CPR infinitely.

Pulling out a Titan and firing at an enemy jet that must have flown off the map to where the gear selector is.

Dieing/being thrown off the screen.

But I've always just been able to close/reopen it and it doesn't happen again. I've got no idea why it happens.. If you have a circumstance where it happens constantly I'd be interested to hear it.

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It happens always, when I open the Gear selector. In fact, even the opening of the interface is slower than usual.

But since Zriel claimed that they use it with Alive, I did some test, and it turns out, it only happens when I use Alive AND AGM.

I had the script running in another mission, with AGM enabled, without problems. Now I tried it with Alive and without AGM, and no problem. Only when both are enabled.

(We use AGM without these modules: disposable, markers, medical, noradio, scopes)

Shortywz is also right: the bug doesn't show up when I run it on a dedicated server, only when hosting.

When I wrote yesterday, I thought it's only some disagreement between Alive's visualization and this script.

But now I see, it's much more complicated than that :)

Anyways, my problem is kinda solved, since we'll run the mission on dedicated server, it only runs locally hosted when I test it. :)

Thanks for the replies!

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quiet_man: Thanks for the suggestions.

This is already possible by passing the squad member to open.sqf ( squadmember1 execvm 'asorgs\open.sqf'). It's up to the mission maker to decide how/where they want to call it.

I know I am late to the party but this was in regards to a question awhile back about the ability of the leader equiping the AI in his sqaud. Could someone please breakdown how that would be implemented because I am still learning this stuff and I dont really understand this answer.

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Morning Lecks,

Seems that Whitelisting of radios has some problems.

I wanted to only show one specific radio from TFAR mod. As I'm using whitelist (global whitelist) I just added "tf_anprc152" to the whitelist array. But no radio was showing. I remembered to see it in other missions, so I added the generic "ItemRadio" to the whitelist as it may be needed. And now they are shown...along with all the other TFAR radios XD.

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Where i can find the loadout scripts when i save a lodout with this mod?


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@Flex242: Sorry, this script doesn't do that. It saves to your profile so you can load it with ASOR Gear Selector (or VAS) later. Virtual Arsenal can create loadout scripts.

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Hey Lecks, not sure if you know but the new Marksmen DLC has a new slot for bipods and ASOR Gear Selector does not have this slot on it so you cannot select them. Even if you work around this and try to save with it pre-attached it will not stay saved.

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Thanks for informing us about the updated version :cool:

New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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In latest version 1.52 I am getting the following error when opening.

_control lbSetPictureRight [(lbSize _control)-1, >
14:21:32   Error position: <lbSetPictureRight [(lbSize _control)-1, >
14:21:32   Error Type Any, expected String
14:21:32 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\ASORGS\functions\fn_updateCombo.sqf, line 28
14:21:32 Error in expression <trol)-1,(_details select 4)];

Apart from that I have not noticed any other problems.

Thank you :)

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KadinX: Thanks for reporting. You should be able to stop it by changing line 28 of fn_Updatecombo.sqf from:

_control lbSetPictureRight [(lbSize _control)-1, (ASORGS_DB select DB_ModIcons) select (_details select DBF_ModIndex)]; 


		if(ASORGS_ShowModIcons) then {
		   _control lbSetPictureRight [(lbSize _control)-1, (ASORGS_DB select DB_ModIcons) select (_details select DBF_ModIndex)]; 

Then if you make sure ASORGS_ShowModIcons = false; near the top of config.sqf, the error should be gone.

Gunter Severloh: It's repopulating the combo boxes that's slowest (it has to clear/readd all the ammo when you change some things). From my experience it works a lot quicker with more things blacklisted (especially guns, which automatically blacklists ammo). I'm always adding small performance improvements, and really wish I could make it near-instant, but with lots of gear, and especially when your client is under load, it can admittedly run pretty slow.

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FYI you can do this

		if (!isNil "asdg_fnc_compatibleItems") then {
		_wpnrail = [_classname, 301] call asdg_fnc_compatibleItems;
		_wpnscopes = [_classname, 201] call asdg_fnc_compatibleItems;
		_wpnsuppressors = [_classname, 101] call asdg_fnc_compatibleItems;
		_wpnbipods = [_classname, 302] call asdg_fnc_compatibleItems;

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Robalo: Thanks, I did see that in some ASDG JR patch notes. I wrote mine before that function existed. I'll probably leave it as is unless you're planning on changing something (or mine doesn't work properly in all cases).

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When opening ASORGS an error appears about not being able to load a texture "ASORGS\images\rotate_right.paa". Creating such named file and placing it in the requested folder does not stop the error. The only mention of right_rotate.paa is in the menu.hpp (line 513) and I cannot seem to find the cause of this error.

Any suggestions?

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For some reason some helmets I want to use aren't showing up, is there a way to add them manually? (like adding extra items to medical, miscellaneousness etc in the config?" Would adding

"//Items that belong in the headgear

ASORGS_headgear = ["whatever_the_items_classname_is"];" work?

Edited by Opendome

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@Opendome: I've never seen helmets that don't come up properly, so I haven't added any way to force them in. What mod/classname are the helmets? The only things that should prevent it coming up is if it doesn't have a display name, it's included in the blacklist or not included in the whitelist, or the scope on the helmet is 0. It's also possible it'll count as blacklisted if its' parent is blacklisted.

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