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Follow the story of Pvt. Daniel Armstrong and his friend Cpl. Alex Taylor, members of the 3rd Panter Brigade Combat Team (3rd PBCT) as they fight their way through the AAF forces during the invasion of Altis by NATO forces in a war between these two factions. Two young brothers in arms, eager to fight in an easy war that seems already won and go home with their heart full of pride. However their journey might be darker than expected, and collateral damage can never be avoided in a war where the enemy has still a lot of unexpected ressources. This war will soon transform into a fight for survival.

Green Draw features:

  • Voice acting
  • Non-linear storyline, where choices do matter
  • A lot of attention has been paid to the immersion, with opening cinematics and dialogs between characters
  • Different missions according to the player's choices
  • Broad range of missions: infiltration, big assaults and combined arms missions
  • Varied gameplay: Control multiple squads with the High Command, disguise as an enemy soldier and infiltrate a city, play as a forward observer for the artillery or be the minigunner of a Ghost Hawk.
  • Entire custom soundtrack
  • A drastic change of mood during the second part of the campaign
  • And a lot more...



MANW page for Green Draw

If you like this campaign, show your support and vote for it.


Corrections: Boozdeuvash

Music: Forgotten Dawn, TheFabs

Mission design and story: Gilles "kibot" Van der Schueren

Voice acting: Scott Stoked, River "RiverK" Kanoff, Daryan "ghostcub" Borys, Gianni "SirUndead" Matragrano


It's better that you subscribe on the steam workshop page of the campaign. But for those who are having issues with the steam workshop or the launcher, you can download the campaign manually here (v1.021).

Note: if you download the campaign manually, don't add it in the campaign folder of ArmA3. Instead, launch it like an addon.

How to install if you have downloaded manually:

Put the @green_draw folder in your arma directory (...\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3).

Then you go to your steam library right click on Arma 3->properties, under the general tab you click the button set launch options .

It opens a text zone where you enter-mod=@Green_Draw. If it worked the new campaign will be in the campaign tab in game.

Edited by kibot

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Nice, another SP campaign!

Looking forward to it!

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To quote Churchill (the dog), "Oh yes!" Some seriously cool stuff is popping up for SP guys at the moment. Looking forward to this.

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Hi, Kibot - I'm familiar with your work - good luck with the campaign! I'm sure it'll blow us all away!

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Sounds good, looking forward to it kibot !

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I'm proud to announce the release of part 1 !

The campaign contains a prologue plus 4 missions, with entire custom soundtrack and full voice acting.

I won't spoil too much, but the part 1 is where the most of the linear storyline is. While a lot of the features are in part 2 and not part 1, cutting the campaign in 2 parts at the beginning of mission 5 seemed the best thing to do because of the story.

Keep in mind that part 2 has a lot more different missions, options and gives more liberty to the player.

Stay tuned.

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How do I play it?

I follow it on the steam workshop, but it doesn't appear anywhere.

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Try out with the launcher, be sure that Green Draw is checked in addons, then you should find it in Campain tab.

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Weird though, cause in the main menu (config then addon), it doesn't show up.

Never used the launcher though.

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tried it over the last few days. Solid infantry-based design, clear mission flow and nice cutscenes. A few comments about some stuff I've noticed:

  • The voice acting is well done but sadly the volume is too low. Most of the time I didn't hear a word and read the subtitles instead.
  • Large parts, especially of the first mission (after the prologue) and the last one (before the cut) are running through the fields. There's not much happening apart from getting fatigued which slows one down even more. I used to accelerate time until something happened.
  • Babysitting the AI buddy caused me to always leave him behind, somewhere far away from the enemy. I just put him behind a house or wall and killed the enemies on my own because he was instakilled a few times which resulted in mission failure.
  • The world is quite empty apart from the enemies. Especially on the longer walkways there's not much to see. No civies, no ambient stuff.
  • A few script errors popped up here and there. They didn't seem to cause any real problems though.
  • No choices or non-linear design so far but if I got your post right that's more part of the second half.

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Hi everyone, thanks for the feedbacks !

I've been working hard these last days, and the release of part 2 is approaching. To celebrate this, I've created a little teaser for you guys:

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Wow :eek:

Can't wait to play this. I love good story driven campaigns, especially if the voice acting is good. This is superb!

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Just finished the first part of your campaign. I mostly enjoyed playing, it was of solid construct, there was nothing glaringly game breaking that I ran into, which is impressive!

It has good potential, but suffers from a number of things.

I'd like to reiterate and elaborate on most of the points IndeedPete already brought up.

I played it through on DEV branch, I'm not sure how much of a difference this should make though.

The voice acting is well done but sadly the volume is too low. Most of the time I didn't hear a word and read the subtitles instead.

I agree, the VO is great, but levels are unbalanced, also found myself a little confused as to who was talking at any given moment.

Large parts, especially of the first mission (after the prologue) and the last one (before the cut) are running through the fields. There's not much happening apart from getting fatigued which slows one down even more. I used to accelerate time until something happened.

I would seriously consider moving the APC Insertion and Extraction locations closer to the objectives, the factory objective was the biggest culprit here. The last mission involved some serious running between objectives, and seriously drained my attention span. How about throwing in some curve balls for the player i.e. a support chopper crashes mid objective and you need to divert and secure the crash site. Not a great example but you see what I'm getting at maybe.

Babysitting the AI buddy caused me to always leave him behind, somewhere far away from the enemy. I just put him behind a house or wall and killed the enemies on my own because he was instakilled a few times which resulted in mission failure.

The way ARMA AI is set up IMHO one should NEVER have an objective 'X squad mate MUST survive' it causes more problems than it's worth. If the character needs to stay alive for story purposes, then make them invulnerable.

The world is quite empty apart from the enemies. Especially on the longer walkways there's not much to see. No civies, no ambient stuff.

Agreed, one thing I've seen in other campaigns to fill the void is create story dioramas; you don't need actual units, just a suggestion of what might have happened in a location. A civilian slumped against a wall, pistol nearby and shell casings around tells a story and generates interest, without diverting the player completely from the task at hand. This is just a very basic example but hopefully you see what I mean.

A few script errors popped up here and there. They didn't seem to cause any real problems though.

I caught Screens of them if that helps, I'll link to them below.








A few other random notes:

I was confused about the intro mission, was it supposed to be a flash forward in time? it seems to take place in Pyrgos... did I miss something?

I hate to say it but I thought the ending was a bit ridiculous, and quite out of tone with the picture you were painting, but then that just my opinion, and maybe you have an interesting way of justifying the reasoning for it's use.

Nice touch with the use of Autoturrets.

There was consistently problems with the task assignment not updating, with the player having to do it manually in the journal. This may seem trivial, but leaving the player in confusion momentarily can break their interest long enough for them to reach for the escape key.

I hope that doesn't come across as overwhelmingly negative? It was hoping to sound constructive.

It's heading up there with the RESIST's and DELIVERANCE custom campaigns, just needs a little bit more tweaking.


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@Electricleash: Thanks for the feedback ! The screenshots you gave me have allowed me to crush these bugs and those error messages ! Believe it or not, I was running without the -showscriptError because BIS has once upon a time incorporated the line by default in a patch (you didn't had to add it to the launch parameters). I didn't knew they patched it to remove it a few patches later... Well, whatever, typical BIS stuff.

As for the suggestions, the campaign is done, I'm just integrating the voices into it then I'll release it, I can't do a lot of changes since nearly everything is wrapped up, but I will see what I can do.

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Good stuff Kibot, glad I could help a little.

Fair enough, I've worked on enough TV shows to know when a wrap is a wrap ;)

I'll certainly give part two a bash. Looking forward to it.


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Good luck with your entry, Kibot - it's looking brill! :)

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Thanks guys !

I've just finished editing the campaign and I've sent the new build for testing. If everything go smoothly, I should be able to release the campaign the 1st of October.

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In the beginning of the mission "Copperhead", there is an error message "No entry 'config.bin/CfgWeapons.'."

It was previous reported by Electricleash, but the issue still present in the steam workshop version.

Btw, this campaign is awesome :D

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This issue will be solved at the part 2 release, wich is only a few days away.

Thanks for the support !

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Part 2 is out !

If you already have completed the first part, just select the last mission and hit the "reverse" button to play. A lot more variety in the gameplay and the storyline really kicks in hard. I hope you'll have as much fun playing the campaign as I had making it guys.

Unfortunately, I haven't received as much feedbacks for the testers. So, if you find any bugs, make sure to let me now and I'll fix everything ASAP !

Again, thanks for the support everyone !

Also, right now steam workshop is being capricious as usual and won't update the .pbo, so please download the campaign manually.

Install the campaign like an addon, not a campaign.

Edited by kibot

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I just wanted to say that this campaign is the SP content that I've liked the most for A3 to this moment ( besides the vanilla stuff ) :)

Good job!

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great campaign but could you please upload it as an addon in playwithsix? as many players like me have problem with arma 3 launcher and it doesn't show addons to us and so PWS inform players about updates and we can easily update it, also I think you didn't received many comments as your campaign were bug free as I played!

only one thing:

"in the last mission as fighting beside denny, some of denny's voice messages were in "direct channel" and player couldn't hear them as he was in top roof, so it would be better you set them as "side channel" maybe.


Edited by VoiceOfArmA

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