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LAxemann's "Climb" - Enables basic climbing in ArmA 3

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LAxemann's "Climb"

What it does?

"Climb" adds climbing and descending functionality to the game.

You can climb by double-tapping a key you specify in the CBA keybindings (Default is C, can be found under controls -> Configure Addons).

"Climb" isn't meant to turn ArmA into a free-running paradise and I therefore tried to keep the climbing as realistic/ reasonable as possible.

You are also able to help other players up and down!

A small summary:

• Climb by double-tapping the key you specify in the CBA keybindings menu

• Descend by double tapping the climb key on a ledge

• Offer someone help by double-tapping the climb key

• The maximum height you're able to climb is based on your current weight load

• Climbing will increase your fatigue, also based on your current load (That said, it's very exhausting anyway )

• You won't be able to climb very high with a launcher on your back, however you can throw it over/on top of the obstacle!

• You won't be able to climb at all in case you're too heavy-loaded

• You won't be able to climb if you're too injured

The climbing/descending and helping aren't pretty but do their job surprisingly well. 🙂


What can you show us?


Known issues?

You and the other player might get stuck when helping eachother up. This is because the mod waits for the both of you to be in reasonable stances and that part might be a bit unreliable.

Make sure that the helper is crouching and the helped player is standing in case you get stuck.




• Updated for the new CBA keybinding


• Fixed binarization


• Userconfig can now be removed!


• Fixed some ASL stuff


• ADDED: Ability to drop down from ledges
• ADDED: Ability to help others down from greater heights (so they don't injure themselves)
• CHANGED: The keybinding is now handled via the CBA keybinding system. The userconfig therefore becomes obsolete!
• Fixed: General code and performance cleanup
• Fixed: Launchers will be correctly thrown when above water


• Players shouldn't get hurt anymore when being pushed over a wall


• Climb now has it's own key


• Fixed the 1.25 bug of not being able to help eachother


• No animation slowdown by fatigue anymore


• Pulling another player up won't cause him to get stuck anymore. Enjoy your full mutual support! 🙂


• Everything should work on a dedicated server now (Thanks to Sitrepo and SENSEII for pointing this out!)


• Improved player detection so that only players in front of you will get a request

1.1 - New features, fixes, stuff

• You now can help other players by either pushing them up when you're on the same level
or pulling them up when you're higher than them. Do so by looking at the player and double-tapping
the climb key
• You now can throw your launcher over the obstacle in order to be able to climb
• You now can climb over/on small obstacles even when carrying a launcher
• You must not hold shift anymore thanks to Kerc Kasha! By default, double-tapping
the climbing key is enough, but you can now define if you'd still like to press
shift in the userconfig
• Fixed some smaller issues
• Changed the way the mod works a bit

1.01 - Key overwriting workaround

• You now have to press SHIFT + double-tap the climb key
• You no longer can climb while being very exhausted

1.0 - Initial Release


Empty! 🙂





ArmAholic (1.53)




Kerc Kasha for helping me out with the key-overwriting issue!

[W] Tadome and [W] Twisted for sacrificing their patience during endless testing sessions 😛

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Ooooh this is NICE !

EDIT: My 6,666 post !

Edited by Kremator

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Really cool! So you could actually access otherwise inaccessible rooftops by placing big items next to the houses ?

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  Old_Painless said:
Really cool! So you could actually access otherwise inaccessible rooftops by placing big items next to the houses ?

Uhm, yup, should be possible!

*continues searching for a fix for the issue mentioned above*

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  LAxemann said:
Uhm, yup, should be possible!

*continues searching for a fix for the issue mentioned above*


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Okey, so here is a cheap workaround for my problem, bringing the mod to 1.01.




1.01 - Key overwriting workaround

• You now have to press SHIFT + double-tap the climb key

• You no longer can climb while being very exhausted

For the ones interested, an explanation of the problem:

I use displayAddEventhandler in order to detect if the right key was used.

When I only use e.g. C and not C + Shift, all default ArmA actions that were mapped to C (by default e.g. the combat pace) don't work anymore.

Does anyone have a solution for this? I'm trying to find a solution since 3 hours now...

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Is a nice addon, but i have one suggestion. Not very believable see a soldier with full weight bearing and equipment, through such a small window in 2 seconds. If you can, you should set a size limit to cross, and lengthen the time. Thanks.

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Really good addon mate! Have You thought about option to jump over walls ect. like jumping through the window (without weapon "hiding" on lower walls ofc.)?

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  LAxemann said:
Okey, so here is a cheap workaround for my problem, bringing the mod to 1.01.



For the ones interested, an explanation of the problem:

I use displayAddEventhandler in order to detect if the right key was used.

When I only use e.g. C and not C + Shift, all default ArmA actions that were mapped to C (by default e.g. the combat pace) don't work anymore.

Does anyone have a solution for this? I'm trying to find a solution since 3 hours now...

Are you returning false at the end of the script called by displayaddeventhandler? You have to return true or false to tell the engine if it should handle the key press aswell as the event handler or not. I can't remember which way around it is but I'm pretty sure 'false' tells it to do in engine handling.

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  Kerc Kasha said:
Are you returning false at the end of the script called by displayaddeventhandler? You have to return true or false to tell the engine if it should handle the key press aswell as the event handler or not. I can't remember which way around it is but I'm pretty sure 'false' tells it to do in engine handling.

Yupe, I return wether it got handled or not, otherwise it wouldn't even work...

Thanks for your efforts, mate!

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  LAxemann said:
Yupe, I return wether it got handled or not, otherwise it wouldn't even work...

Thanks for your efforts, mate!

And tactical pace still isn't working? that's really odd I wonder if it's something unique to that particular action. I'll take a better look when I get home if you haven't worked it out by then

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  Kerc Kasha said:
And tactical pace still isn't working? that's really odd I wonder if it's something unique to that particular action. I'll take a better look when I get home if you haven't worked it out by then

Thanks a tons dude! :)

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Good stuff just blasting from you LAxemann! Thanks for this one. :)

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Now, if you can just make it's companion add-on: Throw! (So I can throw my rocket launcher over the wall, and then climb over. Hahaha.)

Extremely useful add-on. Thank you.

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Thanks for the kind words and support, guys! :)

  heyvern69 said:
Now, if you can just make it's companion add-on: Throw! (So I can throw my rocket launcher over the wall, and then climb over. Hahaha.)

I actually wanted to implement this, but I really have no clue how to realize it... but.. wait... as I'm typing I got an idea haha, we'll see :D


While I haven't been able to fix the key-overwriting issue (which is "workarounded" in the current version, don't worry), I began working

on the additional features. To be more precice I wrote a first prototype of helping eachother out!

Here's a quick video:

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  LAxemann said:
Thanks for the kind words and support, guys! :)

I actually wanted to implement this, but I really have no clue how to realize it... but.. wait... as I'm typing I got an idea haha, we'll see :D


While I haven't been able to fix the key-overwriting issue (which is "workarounded" in the current version, don't worry), I began working

on the additional features. To be more precice I wrote a first prototype of helping eachother out!

Here's a quick video:

Make that a hotkey (like Shift + X, which i'll use to explain my next idea) and I'll bite.

You should also see about reversing it so you can do a "foot" lift.


Player 1 (climber) and player 2 (Helper) come to a wall neither can pass.

Player 2 walks up to wall, crouches, player 1 walks up to player 2. Player 2 presses Shift + X to go into Lift Mode (Crouch/Bottom) looking at player 1 near wall.

Player 1 looks at wall, with player 2 in vicinity, and presses Shift + C to "climb" wall, using help of Player 2.

Player 1 goes prone on top of wall, presses Shift + X to go into "Lift" mode (Prone/Top) to lift Player 2 up.

>_> But I don't know ARMA modding stuff so i don't know how many workarounds you had to make to get THIS working lol.

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This is now by far my favorite mod. If I may be so bold to make a suggestion, I feel a vault animation would make it awesome-er. Either way, Keep up the good work!

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I love the "helping each other" option. That's really cool!

The throw option sounds cool, but if it's not possible don't sweat it. This mod is already awesome!

The "vault" option is something that a TON of people want. If you can add a vault option, it would be really good if you can make it work like vaulting with the ACE mod from ARMA 2 - where the "climb over" key-press automatically became a "vault over" when you were running. Climb over during walk/vault over during run = perfect. But I'm not sure how much ARMA 3 may limit animations and/or key-press programming.

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This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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