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LAxemann's "Climb" - Enables basic climbing in ArmA 3

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1.27 • Players shouldn't get hurt anymore when being pushed over a wall

Enjoy! :)

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New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

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Man this is Lax week, I'm crossing fingers hoping you're going to update mount too :o! Also is everything eventually going to be in the immersion bundle?

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Man this is Lax week, I'm crossing fingers hoping you're going to update mount too :o! Also is everything eventually going to be in the immersion bundle?

I wish I could work on Mount since it's pretty much all there, but I desperately need this to happen... :(

There is a "bug" or "exploit" in mount in the current version.

When dragging an item from your weapon onto the ground, it'll stay on your weapon but the "original one" will still be on the ground, to put it simple.

In ArmA, the "ground" is nothing but an invisible crate, you could say.

I need a command to delete this specific single dropped item from the ground, but there only are commands that remove ALL items from it.

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I know about that "invisible crate", assuming you're talking about weapon holders. Didn't know that ticket was so critical in the progress, I guess you can't pull a Jarhead and release it without it :(.

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Is it possible to throw/pass your rifle over the wall I had the "too heavy to climb" put the rifle down then could climb over wall, with rifle left on previous side. Is it or could it be possible for the future?

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Is it possible to throw/pass your rifle over the wall I had the "too heavy to climb" put the rifle down then could climb over wall, with rifle left on previous side. Is it or could it be possible for the future?

I wanted to write no, but I just saw the we recently got a command that could help me with this. I'll look into it! :)

But regarding your actual question: Not yet, no :P

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LAxemann since the last Bis update I cant seem to get the climb to work at all anyone else have the same problem?

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LAxemann since the last Bis update I cant seem to get the climb to work at all anyone else have the same problem?

It's working fine for me and the rest of our community... but anyway, good news for you!

I've been working like crazy on climb the last two days.

Polished up the scripts a bit, added the ability to drop down from ledges, fixed an error where you couldn't throw your launcher when being on a platform above water... oh, and I've also added the ability

to help someone down... Meaning, someone can "catch" you which makes it possible to safely get down from small bulding and stuff like that.

Has to be tested in MP first, but the update will arive within the next days!

Ah, I've also got rid of the userconfig, the keys are now handled with the CBA keybiding system and can be swapped on the fly. :)

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Nice looking forward to that.

I did change the userconfig to use shift & its not worked since then, even when I changed it back again.

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Large Update!



• ADDED: Ability to drop down from ledges

• ADDED: Ability to help others down from greater heights (so they don't injure themselves)

• CHANGED: The keybinding is now handled via the CBA keybinding system. The userconfig therefore becomes obsolete!

• Fixed: General code and performance cleanup

• Fixed: Launchers will be correctly thrown when above water



Enjoy, took me a while! :)

@Mods, I've also updated the first post quite a bit, please take this into consideration.

Thanks! :)

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New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Nice work LAxemann!

May I ask your permission to include this addon as well in my upcoming A3WarMod?

I thought i had asked you for this one before but only for your other mods I have.

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Small hotfix:

Download (1.51)



• Fixed some ASL stuff


Nice work LAxemann!

May I ask your permission to include this addon as well in my upcoming A3WarMod?

I thought i had asked you for this one before but only for your other mods I have.

Sure thing, dude :)

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Downloaded 1.51 getting an error about a missing userconfig. I thought userconfig was no longer used?

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Downloaded 1.51 getting an error about a missing userconfig. I thought userconfig was no longer used?

Awww dayum, hate stuff like that. Forgot to remove one line of code.




• Userconfig can now be removed!

Download (1.52)

Sorry :)

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New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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after launching the game on v1.52 it says 'Script L_climb\scripting\main.sqf not found'

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