nullrick 10 Posted September 22, 2014 A video detailing both the glorious and buggy in's and out's of the Firing From Vehicles update on the dev branch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cancan69 2 Posted September 22, 2014 (edited) Will we be able to see an enhanced version of the RAH-66 Comanche in this new DLC? The Chopper we have right now is not comparable to the CSAT MiL chopper, so what I was wondering is...why not adding a new type of Comanche, the Attack version with external pylons? Here some examples: (148 kB) As you can see there are EXTERNAL PYLONS carring more weapons... the ideal can be a combination between FFAR, AGM-114 and A-A Missiles, but an other good idea can be the simple fact to keep the other "lighter" version for more "recoinnassance" missions and add this new version for attacks (just like a modernized version of the AH-64 Apache to let you understand). Edited September 22, 2014 by cancan69 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nullrick 10 Posted September 22, 2014 With the ability to now choose exactly where to sit in the MH-9, assault boat and offroad, I hope this is the beginning of BI moving away from the action menu and more towards a single dedicated context sensitive key. @cancan69 BI has yet to release any info on that subject. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaptainAzimuth 714 Posted September 23, 2014 With the ability to now choose exactly where to sit in the MH-9, assault boat and offroad, I hope this is the beginning of BI moving away from the action menu and more towards a single dedicated context sensitive key.@cancan69 BI has yet to release any info on that subject. No. I think BIS is better off taking the TOH way in terms of Interaction. Might as well since try went with the Advanced Flightmodel, it would be simple, easy to understand, no learning curb and could be fun and beneficial. Having the Icons you can select instead of the scroll menu. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roshnak 41 Posted September 23, 2014 No. I think BIS is better off taking the TOH way in terms of Interaction. Might as well since try went with the Advanced Flightmodel, it would be simple, easy to understand, no learning curb and could be fun and beneficial. Having the Icons you can select instead of the scroll menu. You know what else doesn't have a learning curve? A context-sensitive action key like every other game has. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nullrick 10 Posted September 23, 2014 (edited) No. I think BIS is better off taking the TOH way in terms of Interaction. Might as well since try went with the Advanced Flightmodel, it would be simple, easy to understand, no learning curb and could be fun and beneficial. Having the Icons you can select instead of the scroll menu. If this type of "click where you want to sit" interaction is applied to other vehicles like APCs and tanks with a similar type of compartment layout, there definitely would not be any learning curb. And it'd be very intuitive as apposed to how it is now. The way things are now, I have to remember what side I can and cannot get into "seat x" from, how far away I have to be in order to access the gunner seat in "vehicle x", etc. This type of interaction is annoying. Actions like setting up a mortar or a static HMG while looking at two packs on the ground next to each other or placing down a charge via the action menu are the more viable reasons to keep the action menu around. Because looking at the ground or two packs next to each other isn't context sensitive enough for one key. Those tasks are too complicated. Therefor, these tasks better suit the action menu. However walking up to the front of a tank or an APC and pressing one dedicated context key should let me into the driver's seat. The same should apply to getting into a turret from the side of such vehicles. Having to scroll to select a possibly time sensitive action proves hazardous. Like opening a door, getting into a vehicle, etc. I should only have to look at a certain part of a vehicle or a building and press one key to interact with it in the manner I'm context sensitively working for when it comes to those time-sensitive tasks. I should have to only do this and not play the scrolling game which may or may not get me e-murdered. ------------------------------ On a side note, just learned that smacking into a tree with a helo now makes a sound of wood sort of splintering everywhere. Or something like that. That, and the're different sounds for when you land. Edited September 23, 2014 by Nullrick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaptainAzimuth 714 Posted September 23, 2014 If this type of "click where you want to sit" interaction is applied to other vehicles like APCs and tanks with a similar type of compartment layout, there definitely would not be any learning curb. And it'd be very intuitive as apposed to how it is now. The way things are now, I have to remember what side I can and cannot get into "seat x" from, how far away I have to be in order to access the gunner seat in "vehicle x", etc. This type of interaction is annoying.Actions like setting up a mortar or a static HMG while looking at two packs on the ground next to each other or placing down a charge via the action menu are the more viable reasons to keep the action menu around. Because looking at the ground or two packs next to each other isn't context sensitive enough for one key. Those tasks are too complicated. Therefor, these tasks better suit the action menu. However walking up to the front of a tank or an APC and pressing one dedicated context key should let me into the driver's seat. The same should apply to getting into a turret from the side of such vehicles. Having to scroll to select a possibly time sensitive action proves hazardous. Like opening a door, getting into a vehicle, etc. I should only have to look at a certain part of a vehicle or a building and press one key to interact with it in the manner I'm context sensitively working for when it comes to those time-sensitive tasks. I should have to only do this and not play the scrolling game which may or may not get me e-murdered. ------------------------------ On a side note, just learned that smacking into a tree with a helo now makes a sound of wood sort of splintering everywhere. Or something like that. That, and the're different sounds for when you land. This is what i mean. In TOH, for Vehicles, they had an icon that pops up. You can set a key to press to use for when the icon is intractable. This would eliminate getting shot 50 times before you are able to quickly get into your MRAP while escaping 7 enemies with SMG's. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nullrick 10 Posted September 23, 2014 Ah. My fault. Late is the hour for me. Also when I saw you first typed "No" I thought you were talking against harshly murdering the action menu. Still, my bad. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RuecanOnRails 10 Posted September 23, 2014 (edited) With a focus on flight, will we see improvements to night flying? Currently flying at night is really only possible with night vision (or gamma/brightness increase), many large structures lack aircraft warning lights (some models have them but they don't work). This isn't too friendly towards civilian pilot missions at night/dusk. The large Altis airport at night looks absolutely beautiful while viewing from a distance or landing. It would be nice to get similar lighting effects around the other airstrips and some small residential lighting around buildings and structures. Three quick suggestions from things I recently flew into at night, powerline transmission towers, large military structures, and wind farm turbines. It would be a great to see with warning lights. Obviously I was flying fairly low which I'm sure is part of the problem ;) With the heavy shaking from overspeed, will we eventually see this cause stress damage from pushing the helicopter into speeds beyond "safe limits"? It still needs to be tweaked as the vibration shaking begins at too low of a speed around 95-100 knots, below the rated cruising speed of 125 knots? But it's nice to see some negative effect for trying to push 150+ knots. Edited September 23, 2014 by RuecanOnRails Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nullrick 10 Posted September 25, 2014 (edited) New screens of the CH-67 Huron's exterior and cockpit as well as the CSAT Mi-290 Taru! Aka "Hip"! Hell. Yes. Edited September 25, 2014 by Nullrick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deltagamer 612 Posted September 25, 2014 (edited) Its sad to see that there isn't any signs of a VTOL :icon_frown: But I think the new helicopters will be interesting to fly. Edited September 25, 2014 by deltagamer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackpixxel 53 Posted September 25, 2014 (edited) I am shocked by the two new helicopters. They are so detailed, it must have taken a ton of work to make them. But at the same time, I don't like them. I hoped that there would be existing helicopters, like a CH53K or a real chinook. I was not waiting for 100% fantasy helicopters that don't even have a existing prototype. It is just a pity to see so many work used to make two fantasy helicopters that I personally did not want to have.. I am also afraid that this is just other BI-content that will never really get used on any 'realism' server. And why does the fantasy-chinook have 6.5mm Dooguns while current helicopters use 7.62mm? But this is just my opinion, I am sure that I will still have a lot of fun flying these giants. What I really like are the transportable medic/fuel/repair containers that you can see on the pictures. They can be very helpfull in multiplayer sessions! It would be even more awesome if it would be possible to load them onto the HEMTTs, Zamaks and Tempests. It also looks like there are PiP-screens for a better slingloading and another one showing the ammunition status of the doorguns. Edit: Looks like the front of the Opfor Heli is based on a Mi38. Edited September 25, 2014 by BlackPixxel Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
suiside 95 Posted September 25, 2014 if they gave us a real existing chinook you probably would not get past the posts complaining about another copy paste asset. besides there are good mods for realism, i think people should just respect/get over/ignore the futuristic arma approach rather than whine about it for another year. the containers and stuff shown in the pictures look promising, i really like the fuel tanks in the csat night picture Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaptainObvious 95 Posted September 25, 2014 And why does the fantasy-chinook have 6.5mm Dooguns while current helicopters use 7.62mm? I'd say it's smart to use caseless ammo on helicopters to reduce the weight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roberthammer 582 Posted September 25, 2014 I'd say it's smart to use caseless ammo on helicopters to reduce the weight. On heavy transport heli? and using weaker caliber isnt much smart neither On Littlebird that might be more believable but on other vehicles like on tanks - they should used atleast caseless 7.62 if not even new stronger caliber tho Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chortles 263 Posted September 25, 2014 And why does the fantasy-chinook have 6.5mm Dooguns while current helicopters use 7.62mm?Presumably because the "Microgun" -- a scaled-down Minigun in 5.56 x 45 -- existed, making these 6.5 mm guns the 2035 equivalent, and BI has consistently demonstrated that "never ordered, much less mass produced" is no barrier to their Arma 3 content picks. Heck, the fantasy-Chinook is presumably because rumor has it that stealth Chinooks were held in reserve during the Abbottabad raid.It would be even more awesome if it would be possible to load them onto the HEMTTs, Zamaks and Tempests.Wouldn't that require new, purpose-modeled HEMTT/Zamak/Tempest variants though? (I thought of the HEMTT that already has a cargo container, but BI seems to shy away from the attachTo method, so they're probably not just going to replace the container HEMTT with a single flatbed HEMTT, and I'm pretty certain that proxies don't work that way...) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roberthammer 582 Posted September 25, 2014 Presumably because the "Microgun" -- a scaled-down Minigun in 5.56 x 45 -- existed, making these 6.5 mm guns the 2035 equivalent, and BI has consistently demonstrated that "never ordered, much less mass produced" is no barrier to their Arma 3 content picks. Funny enough that the A3 Minigun is the exact M134 model , not the "Microgun" with new caseless ammo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chortles 263 Posted September 25, 2014 Cue every copy-paste joke under the sun! :lol: But I did bring that up insofar as the idea of sub-7.62 mm guns (that it was actually done IRL) which has already been applied before in Arma 3. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaptainObvious 95 Posted September 25, 2014 On heavy transport heli? and using weaker caliber isnt much smart neitherOn Littlebird that might be more believable but on other vehicles like on tanks - they should used atleast caseless 7.62 if not even new stronger caliber tho Yes, on all aerial vehicles IMO, weight tends to be of essence in those, tho I agree about the tanks and other vehicles where weight isn't such an issue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drakedaeron 13 Posted September 25, 2014 "The Arma 3 Helicopters DLC will be available on November 4th for 12.99 EUR/10.99 GBP/15.99 USD" Seriously ? You kidding me BIS ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chortles 263 Posted September 25, 2014 Yes, on all aerial vehicles IMO, weight tends to be of essence in thoseEspecially when said ammo weight is (supposedly) taken into account with the advanced flight model enabled...@ Drakedaeron: They announced the $15.99 part a long time ago, dude. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaptainObvious 95 Posted September 25, 2014 (edited) Especially when said ammo weight is (supposedly) taken into account with the advanced flight model enabled... Yea, it's pretty observable with the AH-9 when emptying the rocket pods. edit: With other helos too of course, but very noticeable with the AH-9. Edited September 25, 2014 by CaptainObvious clarification Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nullrick 10 Posted September 25, 2014 The only thing I want addressed is whether or not you'll be able to disembark from the Huron from the interior so you can walk out from inside and vice versa instead of just disembarking and spawning along the outside of the hull. I like the "futuristic" feel of the new helos. Even if it's due to BI wanting to dodge licensing. Smart move either way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sniperwolf572 759 Posted September 25, 2014 @ Drakedaeron: They announced the $15.99 part a long time ago, dude. What a price when you have no idea what you will get for it? I'm pretty sure anyone who knew about the price didn't think it'd be 2 choppers. The only thing I want addressed is whether or not you'll be able to disembark from the Huron from the interior so you can walk out from inside and vice versa instead of just disembarking and spawning along the outside of the hull. I wouldn't expect dismounting inside. It would cause too many bug reports for BI. I'd be surprised if it even has a roadway lod and an user openable cargo ramp. It'll probably have the same treatment as the Mohawk. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
devilslayersbane 28 Posted September 25, 2014 I am shocked by the two new helicopters.They are so detailed, it must have taken a ton of work to make them. But at the same time, I don't like them. I hoped that there would be existing helicopters, like a CH53K or a real chinook. I was not waiting for 100% fantasy helicopters that don't even have a existing prototype. I would like to also point out that during the raid on Osama bin Laden it's speculated that, along with the Stealth hawks, 2 heavily modified stealth chinooks flew alongside them. However, those didn't crash so it's impossible to tell what they looked like. They were, just like the stealth hawks, able to keep off the Pakistani radar. Also, keep in mind that in real life, angled plating makes it easier for bullets to ricochet away at important spots. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites