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Authentic Gameplay Modification

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Hello there.

My clan is using the Bradly (M2A3) from RHS mod.

On our last mission we lost the left track of our Bradly.. but there was not repair option from the AGM menu,Just unload the Spare Track and check the status of the veh.

Can you add the option for that?

AFAIK you can repair tracks if you use AGM, you need to unload spare track and use it to repair vehicle track. I didn't had time to test everything in 1.40, but it worked in 1.38.

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Have you guys thought of breaching? Something like breaching charges and lockable doors.

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it would be so cool if you could add stretcher instead of someones back pack, then deploy it, then you could carry the wounded or Ai on a strecher!

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Is it somehow possible to declare a vehicle via config.cpp as a medical vehicle? The same way like adding/enable fastroping?

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A couple of months ago on the AGM Github, there was talk about removing the default vignette.

Any updates on this? Is it still happening?

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i am trying to make this work

// _myVehicle is a reference to the vehicle object

_myVehicle spawn {

private ["_item", "_i"];

waitUntil {!isNil "AGM_Logistics_loadedItemsDummy"};

// adds 4 spare wheels

for "_i" from 0 to 3 do {

_item = ['AGM_SpareWheel', [-1000, -1000, 100]] call AGM_Logistics_fnc_spawnObject;

[_this, _item] call AGM_Logistics_fnc_initLoadedObject;


// adds 6 jerry cans

for "_i" from 0 to 5 do {

_item = ['AGM_JerryCan', [-1000, -1000, 100]] call AGM_Logistics_fnc_spawnObject;

[_this, _item] call AGM_Logistics_fnc_initLoadedObject;



But when i put it in the init line i get a error

"invalde number in expencion"

Help :D

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Afaik you can't have comments and in unit init lines. You'd be better off making a sqf file and put that code in it and execute that script, passing the vehicle

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Help :D

You can't put comments in the init box. Remove all lines with //.

_myVehicle is never defined. Replace it with 'this' if you want to use the init box. Also the script has to return nil.

Change line 1:

- _myVehicle spawn {
+ 0 = this spawn {

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Afaik you can't have comments and in unit init lines. You'd be better off making a sqf file and put that code in it and execute that script, passing the vehicle

so put the teks in a sqf file and exevm[] script.sqf

---------- Post added at 09:34 ---------- Previous post was at 09:25 ----------

this spawn {

private ["_item", "_i"];

waitUntil {!isNil "AGM_Logistics_loadedItemsDummy"};

for "_i" from 0 to 3 do {

_item = ['AGM_SpareWheel', [-1000, -1000, 100]] call AGM_Logistics_fnc_spawnObject;

[_this, _item] call AGM_Logistics_fnc_initLoadedObject;


for "_i" from 0 to 5 do {

_item = ['AGM_JerryCan', [-1000, -1000, 100]] call AGM_Logistics_fnc_spawnObject;

[_this, _item] call AGM_Logistics_fnc_initLoadedObject;



Is now logi.sqf

an in the init i put

_handle = execVM "logi.sqf";

waitUntil {isNull _handle};

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Also could you please remove from the mod the AGM_AI&AGM_AI.BISIGN, or at least make it compatible with any kind of AI Enhancement mod (ASR_AI3+TPWCAS_A3, AISS, Vcom and etc'..), me at least prefer ASR and TPWCAS Instead AGM AI ones...


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Rather than removing them. Please add a module to Define their usage in the editor.

I'm still a little unclear as to what AGM is changing with AI ? Could that be defined (or point me to the post :) )

Does it mess with the Danger FSM in which case it will not properly be compatible with other Ai mods such as Vcom, bCombat, ASR etc ? Could that be clarified ?

Thanks as ever


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Thanks Cuel.. Looks like that config will only work on Vanilla units ?

Am I right ?

if so I definitely would like a module to A)disable it altogether or B) allow me to add the ACTUAL Opfor/Blufor classnames I'm using. Potentially even tweak the settings in the module ?

Is that possible commy ?

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Thanks Cuel.. Looks like that config will only work on Vanilla units ?

Am I right ?

if so I definitely would like a module to A)disable it altogether or B) allow me to add the ACTUAL Opfor/Blufor classnames I'm using. Potentially even tweak the settings in the module ?

Is that possible commy ?

From the looks of the code cuel posted it should work with all units, where do you get the impression it only works on default units? The weapon code works on ALL AI carrying those weapons (regardless of default or mod-added units), and the AI skill settings would work with all units by default afaik.

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sorry Jackal, I should have been more specific - it's the weapons I spotted.

We don't run ANYTHING vanilla on our servers *shudder* so it will not have any affect for our Opfor - which is why we go with ASR or bCombat etc - which can be tailored to suit the user.

I'd feel much more comfortable having the Ai module as an option as it's something very personal to each unit's playstyle and more to the point it means all my careful tuning of Ai setup is overwritten by AGM's :)

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sorry Jackal, I should have been more specific - it's the weapons I spotted.

We don't run ANYTHING vanilla on our servers *shudder* so it will not have any affect for our Opfor - which is why we go with ASR or bCombat etc - which can be tailored to suit the user.

I'd feel much more comfortable having the Ai module as an option as it's something very personal to each unit's playstyle and more to the point it means all my careful tuning of Ai setup is overwritten by AGM's :)

Ahh I've got you. I guess overwriting would be determined by the load order of your mods (or specifically the load order of mods on the server) as to whether AGM would be the overwriter, or the overwritee. Though off the top of my head I can't remember how ArmA works as to whether AGM would need to be loaded before or after ASR/BCombat etc to be overwritten.

I know in the case of CBA it is required to load first, before mods that require it. However, as to whether loading bCombat/ASR after AGM would have their settings be used I am unsure.

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sorry Jackal, I should have been more specific - it's the weapons I spotted.

We don't run ANYTHING vanilla on our servers *shudder* so it will not have any affect for our Opfor - which is why we go with ASR or bCombat etc - which can be tailored to suit the user.

I'd feel much more comfortable having the Ai module as an option as it's something very personal to each unit's playstyle and more to the point it means all my careful tuning of Ai setup is overwritten by AGM's :)

So, if thinking as you said, if i load like: -mod=@CBA_a3;@ASR_AI3;@agm, I will get what I want (ASR working instead of AGM's) without deleting agm's ai pbo's, and convice other members of my group also delete?

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So, if thinking as you said, if i load like: -mod=@CBA_a3;@ASR_AI3;@agm, I will get what I want (ASR working instead of AGM's) without deleting agm's ai pbo's, and convice other members of my group also delete?

Possibly. As I said I'm unsure as to order (whether ArmA loads them in order or reverse-order). Also, ASR only needs to run on the server for co-op, and on clients if they have AI under player's command (as far as I'm aware).

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Possibly. As I said I'm unsure as to order (whether ArmA loads them in order or reverse-order). Also, ASR only needs to run on the server for co-op, and on clients if they have AI under player's command (as far as I'm aware).

Logically, if all of your players want to experience same AI skill, all of them must run asr as far as my mind can understand..

More of that, how can i look onto the order (if it matters) of the mods loading?

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Hmm I think load order is the other way around - i.e. if you want to "over-write" a setting or a config it would be loaded AFTER the mod you wish to over-write.


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It also may help to run ASR AI3 after AGM.

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Problem for us is we use Pw6 as our community tool - for Client loading that would be an issue as I don't think you can specify loadout order

Edited by serjames

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Problem for us is we use Pw6 as out community tool - for Client loading that would be an issue as I don't think you can specify loadout order

We are talking about server command in the server control center.

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