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I can fix my half a dozen missions ok, but do not want to have to go through all the missions on the server! easier to roll the server back to version 0914 which is still on Armaholics. The version on Armaholics has the all important; in which you can turn off the enableAttack

section "asr_ai3_main_reactions = [1,1,1]; // Infantry groups will randomly react with basic, scripted, random actions, to detecting the enemy or being shot at; format: [enableAttack,enableDefend,enableSupport]"

which is not available in version 0915

You still have this:

asr_ai3_main_reactions 		= 1;		// Infantry groups will randomly react with basic, scripted actions, to detecting the enemy or being shot at (1-enabled, 0-disabled)
Giving individual AI units/squads waypoints of hold, or sentry, as Seba suggested, seems to hold them to a degree. BUT if you are using the default sites modules for observation post, Base etc, you cant give them waypoints, & they wont now stay in position, that's both friendly & enemy AI units.

The only solution seems to be that, until there is another update roll back to previous version.

Re "doStop" as in your link I have used that for a while, problem is since the last ASR AI3 update, doStop dont stop!

Are you confident that doStop actually does what you're expecting it to do, even with vanilla ? Because I gave you the link hoping you'd realize it does not. It's just a temporary measure, units will still move once they come into contact. Maybe it's an indirect result of the vanilla lack of awareness, deaf and blind AI that they stay in their place longer ? In any case, I will look at this if you can provide a repro scenario.

Easiest solution to the problem for a dedicated server seems to be, version 0914 with the userconfig sqf line; section "asr_ai3_main_reactions = [0,1,1]

Testing now..

Later that day....

For missions with sequential tasks where the mission maker has put units in buildings or to guard/hold different waypoints and wants the units not to move. the above seems, at the moment to be the simplest solution. A lot less confusion on the battlefield when tested on dedicated server.

If your units have uncompleted waypoints the mod won't give them new ones. Also moving to cover is automatically disabled for units in or near buildings.

Some info about waypoints from the wiki:


This waypoint type will cause the group will move to and stay at this position indefinitely. Only a Switch type trigger or script command will move the group from the waypoint. While waiting, any unknown targets are checked (group moves in the direction of the target) and any recognized enemies are engaged.


The group will move to the waypoint and hold position until the group knows enough about an enemy unit to identify which side that belongs to, and that they are capable of attacking. At that point, the group will proceed to their next waypoint. They will normally also attack the spotted enemy on the way.


This waypoint works in conjunction with the 'Guarded by' trigger type, see that topic above for more details. The group will move to the waypoint's location, then wait for a point to require guarding. A guard point or object is only considered guarded if a group has been set to guard it through a Guard waypoint (any other friendly forces in the area are not considered). If there are several guard triggers, the group will move to the first placed (highest priority), unguarded trigger (or it's linked object). Once at a guard point, the group will continue to check if any higher priority guard point requires guarding, or for any enemies to engage. A group can be made to stop guarding using the setCurrentWaypoint command or a Switch trigger. Besides guarding areas marked by "Guarded by" triggers, guarding groups are also ordered to destroy any enemy units which are known to any group of the same side. See the Guarded by <side> trigger description for more details. See also: Waypoint:Guard.

Edited by Robalo

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You still have this:
asr_ai3_main_reactions 		= 1;		// Infantry groups will randomly react with basic, scripted actions, to detecting the enemy or being shot at (1-enabled, 0-disabled)

But it used to have "three" options for attack, defend and support. Now there is only one. Question here, if I use "asr_ai3_main_reactions = [1,1,1];" instead of "asr_ai3_main_reactions = 1;" will it work?

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But it used to have "three" options for attack, defend and support. Now there is only one. Question here, if I use "asr_ai3_main_reactions = [1,1,1];" instead of "asr_ai3_main_reactions = 1;" will it work?

No, it has been simplified to on/off (1/0) after changing the way they choose to react.

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I guess this has been answered often but I can't find it.

We had some gaming lately and I love using ASR. The problem we encountered is...the enemies are like super strong. They shot at us immediately and are very accurate. I tried to change some things in the settings in the userconfig folder but actually I don't know what to change!

We use some mods (AGM, TFAR and ASR of course). The Enemies are just regular OPFOR units. Any tipps?

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asr_ai3_main_levels_units = [

[], // 0: super-AI (only used for testing)

[], // 1: sf 1

[], // 2: sf 2 (recon units, divers and spotters)

[], // 3: regular 1 (regular army leaders, marksmen)

[], // 4: regular 2 (regulars)

[], // 5: militia or trained insurgents, former regulars (insurgent leaders, marksmen)

[], // 6: civilians with some military training (insurgents)

[], // 7: civilians without military training

[], // 8: pilot 1 (regular)

[], // 9: pilot 2 (insurgent)

[] // 10: sniper


Not very clear with these,I need to write something in the "[]" or I could just remain them blank?

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Put the classnames in there.


only these two classnames or I need to put all the classname from the mods I'm using in here?

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only these two classnames or I need to put all the classname from the mods I'm using in here?

As I understand it, if you leave these brackets open ASR AI will automatically detect what level your soldiers are in the mod (SF, regular 1, regular 2 etc) and add the corresponding accuracy and skill levels. Also for most mods, the units will mostly fall in the regular 1 & 2 level. So you can leave it open and the mod will work but this settings allow you to have more control over the mod and which preset skill level some units will use by adding the classnames in them.

That is how I have understood it anyway.



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I guess this has been answered often but I can't find it.

We had some gaming lately and I love using ASR. The problem we encountered is...the enemies are like super strong. They shot at us immediately and are very accurate. I tried to change some things in the settings in the userconfig folder but actually I don't know what to change!

We use some mods (AGM, TFAR and ASR of course). The Enemies are just regular OPFOR units. Any tipps?

Easiest way is to adjust your skill sliders in your game's difficulty options. There are other ways too, like tweaking this mod's userconfig values, that have been discussed in this thread.

RPT Errors found with Version


Is your game version < 1.24 ? Either that or you're running some out of date mods which have not been updated for game changes brought in 1.24, specifically the way the sounds are defined.

Hello. Does this mod work well with Alive mod ? Thank you

Yes it is working wonderfully here.

asr_ai3_main_levels_units = [

[], // 0: super-AI (only used for testing)

[], // 1: sf 1

[], // 2: sf 2 (recon units, divers and spotters)

[], // 3: regular 1 (regular army leaders, marksmen)

[], // 4: regular 2 (regulars)

[], // 5: militia or trained insurgents, former regulars (insurgent leaders, marksmen)

[], // 6: civilians with some military training (insurgents)

[], // 7: civilians without military training

[], // 8: pilot 1 (regular)

[], // 9: pilot 2 (insurgent)

[] // 10: sniper


Not very clear with these,I need to write something in the "[]" or I could just remain them blank?

Basic rule is if you don't know what it does do not touch it :)

As I understand it, if you leave these brackets open ASR AI will automatically detect what level your soldiers are in the mod (SF, regular 1, regular 2 etc) and add the corresponding accuracy and skill levels. Also for most mods, the units will mostly fall in the regular 1 & 2 level. So you can leave it open and the mod will work but this settings allow you to have more control over the mod and which preset skill level some units will use by adding the classnames in them.

That is how I have understood it anyway.



You understood perfectly, thanks :)

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We're running the latest stable version of A3 (1.38).

Type: Public

Branch: Stable

Version: 1.38.128937

To my knowledge its the latest version of ASR_AI3 (and it says in the RPT - ASR AI3

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Need the complete Rpt.

What's the best way to get this over to you Robalo? Skype? (PM me your name if you'd prefer that option)

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What's the best way to get this over to you Robalo? Skype? (PM me your name if you'd prefer that option)

I'm rarely on skype. Just zip it and upload it somewhere, then provide link. You can also attach it to the ticket.

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Easiest way is to adjust your skill sliders in your game's difficulty options. There are other ways too, like tweaking this mod's userconfig values, that have been discussed in this thread.

Is your game version < 1.24 ? Either that or you're running some out of date mods which have not been updated for game changes brought in 1.24, specifically the way the sounds are defined.

Yes it is working wonderfully here.

Basic rule is if you don't know what it does do not touch it :)

You understood perfectly, thanks :)

---------- Post added at 08:47 ---------- Previous post was at 08:46 ----------

As I understand it, if you leave these brackets open ASR AI will automatically detect what level your soldiers are in the mod (SF, regular 1, regular 2 etc) and add the corresponding accuracy and skill levels. Also for most mods, the units will mostly fall in the regular 1 & 2 level. So you can leave it open and the mod will work but this settings allow you to have more control over the mod and which preset skill level some units will use by adding the classnames in them.

That is how I have understood it anyway.



Thar's really helped,thanks!

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I'm rarely on skype. Just zip it and upload it somewhere, then provide link. You can also attach it to the ticket.

RPT has been attached to the ticket.

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RPT has been attached to the ticket.

Thanks, I will improve checking for outdated sound configs and prevent them from causing errors for next update.

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Hi Rob, quick question. does "asr_ai3_main_enabled = 0" means that the ASR AI mod is not used by any means? As it says "scripted features"....

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Robalo - I apologise if this has already been covered in this thread but I wanted to know if ASR_AI controls AI as drivers within vehicles (e.g. BMP's etc?)?

If so, how would I exclude the drivers from being under the control of ASR_AI if I wanted to continue using ASR_AI for Infantry.

In summary - I want ASR_AI only for Infantry units (boots on the ground) and not vehicles.

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Is there any way to make groups obey their set waypoints and/or combat modes more, even in combat situations? After running several Zeus sessions I think i'm going to have to disable ASR, as much as I like the changes to the AI taking cover and popping smoke, because the groups just stop following their orders or waypoints after getting into combat. Some sort of 'Hold this position no matter what' option or ability would be extremely useful.

Basically, as much as I like ASR, it does take away from your control if you're using Zeus to guide where groups of AI go and how they generally act. It would be awesome if there was a way to override some behaviors, but I understand if that's not really possible.

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Is there any way to make groups obey their set waypoints and/or combat modes more, even in combat situations? After running several Zeus sessions I think i'm going to have to disable ASR, as much as I like the changes to the AI taking cover and popping smoke, because the groups just stop following their orders or waypoints after getting into combat. Some sort of 'Hold this position no matter what' option or ability would be extremely useful.

Basically, as much as I like ASR, it does take away from your control if you're using Zeus to guide where groups of AI go and how they generally act. It would be awesome if there was a way to override some behaviors, but I understand if that's not really possible.

My question (post before yours) is more or less what I'm experiencing but with vehicles (controlling the AI via Zeus)- They don't/won't/stop following waypoint orders once in a heightened state (combat) - It feels like they've gone into a free-for-all mode).

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Hi Rob, quick question. does "asr_ai3_main_enabled = 0" means that the ASR AI mod is not used by any means? As it says "scripted features"....

Disables features added via scripting. Changes done via configs are impossible to disable on the fly.

---------- Post added at 18:05 ---------- Previous post was at 18:04 ----------

Robalo - I apologise if this has already been covered in this thread but I wanted to know if ASR_AI controls AI as drivers within vehicles (e.g. BMP's etc?)?

If so, how would I exclude the drivers from being under the control of ASR_AI if I wanted to continue using ASR_AI for Infantry.

In summary - I want ASR_AI only for Infantry units (boots on the ground) and not vehicles.

It's all about infantry.

---------- Post added at 18:09 ---------- Previous post was at 18:05 ----------

Is there any way to make groups obey their set waypoints and/or combat modes more, even in combat situations? After running several Zeus sessions I think i'm going to have to disable ASR, as much as I like the changes to the AI taking cover and popping smoke, because the groups just stop following their orders or waypoints after getting into combat. Some sort of 'Hold this position no matter what' option or ability would be extremely useful.

Basically, as much as I like ASR, it does take away from your control if you're using Zeus to guide where groups of AI go and how they generally act. It would be awesome if there was a way to override some behaviors, but I understand if that's not really possible.

This mod is not taking control from anything else. There are actually checks in place to make sure it does not override any mission design. If you want me to look at something specific, make sure it's indeed this mod that is causing it and then provide clear repro.

In any case, next update will remove any traces of adding waypoints from this mod. I decided to streamline it a bit and keep essential/safe features only.

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In any case, next update will remove any traces of adding waypoints from this mod. I decided to streamline it a bit and keep essential/safe features only.

Yeah, considering the last batch of questions thrown at you, I can't blame you.

EDIT: That won't stop them though :).

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