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Dynamic Movement - Descend in Style

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Hello everyone,

this is my first mod and I'm actually been part of the Arma community for only 1.5 months. What I bring you is my mod Dynamic Movement, which introduces the ability to descend platforms/buildings/whatever with a neat animation. How? By just pressing your "StepOver"-Key (standard: v). By just a press of this button the mod will decide to do one of the following actions:

  • jump over obstacles while running
  • drop down from great (> 2.0m) height with rifle in hand
  • drop down from medium (1.0m - 2.0m) height with rifle in hand
  • drop down from great (> 2.0m) height with pistol in hand
  • drop down from medium (1.0m - 2.0m) height with pistol in hand
  • drop down from great(> 2.0m) height with nothing in hand (case if no weapon or launcher in hand)
  • drop down from medium (1.0 - 2.0m) height with nothing in hand (case if no weapon or launcher in hand)

All these actions utilise animations which are in the game and are partly used and partly unused, which allows me to keep the addon very, very small

Of course if neither of these actions need to be done the normal "StepOver"-action will be executed.


v 0.2

  • Changed: jumping now takes priority while running (was last check before)
  • Changed: Descending through walls mostly fixed... now gets checked via "lineIntersects"-command. Still wonky on stairs with gaps
  • Changed: jumping doesn't check for stamina now, but still uses up stamina. Enjoy endless jumping
  • Changed: Some value tweaking for trigger distances

v 0.1

  • Initial release

Known issues:

  • No checking whether there is a railing/wall or not. Will just clip through atm.
  • Some clipping issues due to player being moved to check whether he needs to drop down or not. Need better solution, this one is too messy.
  • More, can't remember, it's 8 a.m.


  • Don't move player when checking if he should drop down. Possibly by placing/removing dummy object if it isn't too performance intensive.
  • Maybe add climbing? Superfluous if BB comes out with his Enhanced Movement mod
  • Scale fatigue used by weight and maybe injure player if too heavy
  • Make jumping priority action if running. Currently it always drops you down and you don't get the chance to jump from platform to platform


  • I now know how to check for railings, but there are no proper jump animations which would suit my needs. I might have to check into animating them myself, but I don't know anything about animating. So this is postponed for now.

Thanks to:

  • Das Attorney for his awesome addon jumpmf


Edit, de-pbo etc. as you want. In my opinion addons should be there to further the game, so if someone can improve on the addon? Go right ahead! However I would ask you to at least give me some credit :)

Also if you think your changes could benefit the main release, just post your code/new PBO here and I will see to incorporating it.

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Edited by Gole

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Directly from the man himself. Thanks!

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Nice Gole. Downloading now. Tell me, are the AI able to use these as well if they find themselves on a roof ?

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Nice Gole. Downloading now. Tell me, are the AI able to use these as well if they find themselves on a roof ?

Sadly no. This is completely playerside. I wouldn't even know where to start for AI, considering that it should affect their pathfinding. I can't imagine that being easy.

Is it possible to jump even when u are tired?

You can drop down while tired (which will exhaust you further), but you can't jump while tired.

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Can u make second version with jumping when u are tired?

This is funny when my soldier after 10 sec run can't jump (i dont have big backpack) :)

I was running with 20 kg backpack and jumping was hard but not impossible.

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Can u make second version with jumping when u are tired?

This is funny when my soldier after 10 sec run can't jump (i dont have big backpack) :)

I was running with 20 kg backpack and jumping was hard but not impossible.

I might make it configurable via userconfig. Will see.

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Does it work with any vault key or just "v"? Because for me only "v" works. Also it should be less fatigue dependant. But it works and its great! Thanks!

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Does it work with any vault key or just "v"? Because for me only "v" works. Also it should be less fatigue dependant. But it works and its great! Thanks!

It should work with other buttons, but I will check it out later. It might not work with button combinations though. Also fatigue is probably getting modified along the way.

Is this mod client side only?

Yep, client side only. But only people who have the mod themselves will see you doing the animations.

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This mod seeems great, sadly i could " descend " buildings through walls. That won't do for me, i already imagine how people could easily glitch with it.

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This mod seeems great, sadly i could " descend " buildings through walls. That won't do for me, i already imagine how people could easily glitch with it.

This will be fixed in the next version, which will be released some time next week.

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New mod or update v0.1 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


@ Gole;

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I found a BUG: When I stood atop the roof of a house and facing a wall when pressing the "V" key to the house, he would jump inside,

---------- Post added at 01:55 ---------- Previous post was at 01:49 ----------

I think you should make one at 10 meters above ground in the high jump with a tumbling action does not hurt

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Alright, v 0.2 is ready for release and uploaded. Changelog is in the first post, download link stays the same.

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We need some sweet videos my dear Gole!


Well okay... maybe tomorrow.

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Are these fully animated?

EDIT: Got it up and running because why wait? :p Animations are pretty good (maybe push the character out a bit more so they don't clip as much? Not a big deal though).

I do have some feedback though. I will say though that this isn't really a problem with your system so much as it is a problem with how ArmA handles falls (very poorly) and how that interacts with your system.

Basically, it seems way too easy to kill yourself with a drop. I wonder if you could find a way that when dropping using your system, it doesn't apply damage but rather increases fatigue up to a certain threshold, at which point it start to damage the character. So for example, rather than having damage start at x feet, then death occurring at y feet, you could have fatigue increase starting at x feet, damage start at y (because currently it takes way too short a fall to damage or kill your character), and death occur at z feet (therefore pushing out damage and death out a bit so they are a little more realistic). Even better would be if you disabled people from a long fall rather than just outright killing them (because it seems to take about 10 feet to kill a soldier with the current ArmA system v.v) which would be way more realistic. Even just broken legs would do the trick.

I also have to go back to the other mods that do jumping, but I feel like they worked a little better than your code. One big thing I don't like is that the fast tactical pace will make you jump. I think this is a little weird considering you have to either stop or switch paces and then press v to either drop at that pace or just step over something (and conserve a bit of fatigue as a result). Holding shift and then hitting V being the only way to jump seems much better to me because you always have to tell it to jump, there's much less of a chance to accidentally jump when trying to drop down (which can result in a death where dropping would not).

Honestly, I've been wanting someone to change how falling is handled in the game for awhile. You might think about getting in touch with the guy who had the addon that handled the actual impact of landing and work to implement or at least ensure compatibility with the mod. Or heck, find all of the big addons that handle the various traversal aspects so we could potentially have one supermod that lets us drop, fall, climb, jump, and move around better!

Mod is awesome, and I can't wait to see how it progresses. If you figure a way to make it a bit safer, I'll be using this for sure. I might think about jumping into creating assets in the game finally and make some buildings that work well with this with stuff like hatches on the ceiling that can be opened for gaining access to a building, etc. Not as many opportunities to use these features as I'd like in the vanilla game :p Hope you don't take my feedback the wrong way, I just want to see this mod be awesome :)

Edited by MordeaniisChaos

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After a few minutes of testing, mainly focused on the vault, there's a pretty significant issue:

If you try to vault when too close to an object, you can't. You can't even step over slowly. So if I'm running towards a sandbag and wait until I'm right up on the sandbag, I can't/won't jump or step over. I have to either back up and hit the button farther out, or walk around it. I can't even do a step over from stand-still if I'm right up on it.

Once it's complete it's probably going to be a required mod for me :)

Awesome work

Edited by MacScottie

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