major-stiffy 282 Posted December 28, 2016 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
major-stiffy 282 Posted December 28, 2016 1 hour ago, law-giver said: @Rydygier Hi mate, when i get radio messages i'm sure it never started with ------> game logic "RADIO: etc etc, I'm sure it used to be "RADIO: etc etc or am i wrong? It's no biggie but it just seems to be unrealistic with the word game logic popping up. And this mission is still as good as the last time i played it. And looking forward to whatever secret projects you may have sometime in 2017. Will be keeping an eye out! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
law-giver 190 Posted December 28, 2016 1 hour ago, major-stiffy said: How did i miss that, i even went through that page. My old age i guess, thanks major........Doh! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MisterOth 76 Posted December 28, 2016 Hello ! I've tried your mission before and I really love it !! I didn't play it since a long time and now I'm coming back to it and try Pilgrimage 1.94hotfix on Altis and Bornholm. I can't lunch this mission, I went until the option screen and when I hit Play your Pilgrimage, the game crash and I have this error : Out of memory (requested:969643 KB) footprint 1853235200 KB pages 81920 KB Please if someone can help me to give it a new try to this beautifull mission I'm running Arma 3 1.66 Thank you Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
a2012v 30 Posted December 28, 2016 On 27.12.2016 at 1:07 AM, Rydygier said: 1. Find this in the JRInit.sqf: 2. Just before this code define your blacklist with exact (for example all lower case) classnames to restrict: 3. Modify the 1.'s code with additional condition, that will filter out blacklisted items. Several ways possible, an example: if ((isText _dlc) and {((toLower _class) in _dlcRestricted) and {not ((304400 in (getDLCs 1)) or {332350 in (getDLCs 1)})}}) exitWith {}; if ((toLower _class) in _blacklist) exitWith {}; It can be set dependent on the level of complexity in this way? _chancedifficulty = 80 - (15 * RYD_JR_Difficulty); if ((random 90) > _chancedifficulty) then { if ((toLower _class) in _blacklist) exitWith {}; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted December 28, 2016 Sure, you can expand the condition with new variables or add next and should work, but exitWith exits only the current {}, so this need to be a single chain of conditions, let's say: if (((toLower _class) in _blacklist) and {((random 90) > _chancedifficulty)}) exitWith {}; It will perform difficulty test per each blacklisted item, and pass it into the pool or not, depending on the result. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted December 28, 2016 Quote I have this error : Out of memory (requested:969643 KB) Well, one way to try would be tone down initial settings as for AI presence (less hostiles to spawn), another - something, that helped me some time ago (quoting my FAQ from Pilgrimage Workshop entry): Quote Crashes (CTDs) may have various causes, but some of them, especially those happening at init, eg during loading screen, also probably some weird errors with vanilla config breaking loading screen may be fixed by allowing more RAM for Arma 3 (seems, Pilgrimage needs lots of it during initialization due to lots of things to set). This may be done via -maxmem startup parameter[], for example -maxmem=6144 if you have at least 8 GB of RAM or even -maxMem=8192 for 16 GB of RAM. Lower value may be sufficient though, not tested. Should be higher, than 2047. In the Arma's own game launcher this parameter may be set in parameters -> advanced. Same trick may help to reduce greatly initial lag, making initialization much smoother. IIRC they wrote recently something about max amount of RAM, Arma can use now, it may be not that high value, but anyway above solved my issue. Also, if above doesn't help, there was present for all out of memeory CTD since 1.66, thus the hotfix, that apparently solved the problem for all, but maybe with some exceptions - is that CTD happens just after you press "begin your Pilgrimage", or rather at some certain point of loading screen, say close to half of the loading bar? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MisterOth 76 Posted December 28, 2016 Thank you for responding Yes I've put down some options and change the maxmen for my RAM. I tried but I have this error. The game crash at loading after hitting ''begin your Pilgrimage''. Thank you I will wait for the 64bit release and see. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jakob Kraus 2 Posted January 2, 2017 The Best mission i have ever played 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alky_lee 280 Posted January 5, 2017 I have just seen a tweet from Killzone Kid that the limit for maximum groups has been doubled to 288 instead of 144. Might be useful to know for the future. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MiniGunJosh 0 Posted January 7, 2017 On 28/12/2016 at 11:36 PM, MisterOth said: Thank you for responding Yes I've put down some options and change the maxmen for my RAM. I tried but I have this error. The game crash at loading after hitting ''begin your Pilgrimage''. Thank you I will wait for the 64bit release and see. I had an issue with the game crashing as you say - i just downloaded the "Dropbox HOTFIX 1.94" version and this has sorted the problem. For Info: I was using the Armaholic versions prior to using the HOTFIX version. I have also had some memory issues (similar to 'malloc' issues) and found restarting PC before playing helps considerably - bit of a pain but a workaround. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MiniGunDad 0 Posted January 8, 2017 This is a great scenario and i cant stop playing it. I have one request to Rydygier can you put in the options screen choices for the independants/opfor/blufor units. I only say this as i was playing on Lingor and came across Takistani's - my fault for still having various CUP MOD's loaded but i have also noticed other unnatural units. I appreciate that you are not responsible for 'ports' to other maps but if this option was in the CORE of the Pilgimage i think it would ensure a more realistic feel to what is one of the best scenarios that ArmA 3 has had. Many thanks for a great scenario! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted January 8, 2017 Thanks. Scenario takes to randomize for given side every group, that can be found in the config. About faction filter, frankly, it's not likely to happen, currently still no time to make any updates anyway and best you can do, is disable mods introducing units, you don't want to encounter. Unless you/someone wish and can edit mission scripts. Vanilla units however are always a possibility. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rsoftokz 288 Posted January 9, 2017 back on the CTD for "Out of memory" reason. I tried to make a port on TAUNUS (Xcam map ) , changing the boat to a car, with all the files from the hotfix.... games crashes to death once I hit "begin your pilgrimage". I rewrited the JRInit twice (one from the Altis 1.94 Hotfix, one from my Tanoa Edition 1.22H)....... same result..... too bad, this map seems to be great (even there are a lot of new buildings from modders ) Happy New Year every one. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted January 9, 2017 Quote games crashes to death once I hit "begin your pilgrimage". If it CTD exactly on pressing that button (not later, at some point of loading), then reason is different, than hopefully fixed by hotfix. Anyway, you can know exact code line, where CTD occur by adding diag_log flags every some portion of the code, then checking in the RPT, which diag_log was the last written there: (some code) diag_log "1"; (some code 2) diag_log "2"; (some code 3) diag_log "3"; etc. Then, after CTD, if you see, so the last number in the RPT was 2, you know, CTD occurs due to something in the third code block. Knowing that, you can set analogous debug line by line in this code block alone to learn exact line causing CTD there. Of course for that you need to understand, in which order exactly code lines are truly executed, which may be not the same, as order written in the file. That's usual debug method, I'm using in such cases. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vafana 116 Posted January 9, 2017 1 hour ago, rsoftokz said: I tried to make a port on TAUNUS (Xcam map ) , changing the boat to a car, with all the files from the hotfix.... games crashes to death once I hit "begin your pilgrimage". I rewrited the JRInit twice (one from the Altis 1.94 Hotfix, one from my Tanoa Edition 1.22H)....... same result..... The same thing happened to me with "Taunus" port. I tried to replace the boat with a quad bike. After "begin your Pilgimage", loading screen for about 75% and then it crashes or freezing.... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rsoftokz 288 Posted January 9, 2017 thank you Rydygier for the reply. but to be honest (and it seems Vafana's reply is to confirm my thought) I think the matter is on the map side.... it is a huge map with lot of details and I'm not sure it is optimized that much for Arma 3 with missions like Pilgrimage I tried a simple mission with Ravage Mod and I had a lot of lags when some stuffs are spawning..... I will wait for a further update of this map to try again a port. @Vafana : great minds think alike 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vafana 116 Posted January 9, 2017 I do not think it's a memory issue, I think I'm doing something wrong with the vehicle (script) from starting position... Of course, @rsoftokz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rsoftokz 288 Posted January 9, 2017 I tried the simple code Rydygier gave us a while ago to look for crossroads for all available positions for Check Points.... it made the game crash too and I have the message about the memory error. the position of the "car" shouldn't be a matter if you do something like this (unless I made a mistake too ) _CarSpots = []; _expression = "meadow * (1 - forest - trees - houses - sea)"; _value = selectBestPlaces [_mapC,_rds,_expression,15,6]; { _CarSpots set [(count _CarSpots),_x select 0]; } foreach _value; { _pos = _x;// select 0; //_val = _x select 1; _pos set [2,0]; _nB = position (nearestBuilding _pos); _vehType = "C_Offroad_02_unarmed_F"; if ((random 100) < 1) then { _vehType = ["C_Offroad_02_unarmed_F","C_Offroad_01_F"] select (floor (random 3)) }; _Car = createVehicle [_vehType, _pos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _dir = [_pos,_nB,10] call RYD_JR_AngTowards; _Car setDir _dir; RYD_JR_Cars pushBack _Car; clearItemCargo _Car; clearWeaponCargo _Car; clearMagazineCargo _Car; if ((random 100) > 0.25) then {_Car setFuel (0.3 + (random 0.7))}; if ((random 100) > 0.25) then {_Car setVehicleAmmo (random 1)}; if ((random 100) > 0.25) then {_Car setDamage (random 0.6)}; if (RYD_JR_Debug) then { _m = "VMark_" + (str _pos); _m = createMarker [_m,_pos]; _m setMarkerColor "colorGrey"; _m setMarkerShape "ICON"; _m setMarkerType "mil_triangle"; _m setMarkerSize [0.5,0.5]; _m setMarkerText _vehType } } foreach _CarSpots; I've just replaced the "boat" by "car" in the scripts for : -RYD_JR_Boat -> RYD_JR_Car -RYD_JR_Boats -> RYD_JR_Cars - _boat -> _Car ect.... you have to modify the expression for car to be spawned out of water of course 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vafana 116 Posted January 9, 2017 21 minutes ago, rsoftokz said: I tried a simple mission with Ravage Mod and I had a lot of lags when some stuffs are spawning..... I will wait for a further update of this map to try again a port. A few days ago was an update for Taunus (version 1.1). I tried a mission with @Von Quest's S.C.A.R.and it worked. Thanks for the tips, @rsoftokz I replaced everywhere boat with the car, I also took care of "water" stuff. Thanks again for sharing, I really appreciate. I'll try that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted January 9, 2017 Well, there's a chance, that coming 64-bit will solve most of out of memory problems. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alky_lee 280 Posted January 12, 2017 Gunship approaching. Take cover behind the vehicle. Switch to the companion so he takes cover as well and to use the AA launcher. Then this happens. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hanes Schwarzmüller (Hansmüller) 0 Posted January 13, 2017 I have an issue loading the scenario. I get to the point where click "begin your pilgrimage" and then the loading screen shows. But the game hangs when it gets to 100%. If I force restart the game I can resume the mission but nothing is there. Just me and my boat. Here is the RPT log file Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted January 13, 2017 15:31:28 Error in expression <rue) : { RYD_JR_Fatigue = false; { _x enableStamina false; _x enableFatigue fa> 15:31:28 Error position: <enableStamina false; _x enableFatigue fa> 15:31:28 Error Missing ; Here. What's your game version? At least 1.54 is required to recognize enableStamina command. Earlier game versions doesn't know, what's that, takes it as undefined global variable and thus syntax error appears, causing whole chain of crtical errors. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hanes Schwarzmüller (Hansmüller) 0 Posted January 14, 2017 Yea, that was the issue. Updated the game and it works now. Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites