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[SP] Pilgrimage

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Since the 1.66 update todayi haven't been able to load your mission successfully. Game CTDs after choosing the beginning options/parameters and hitting "start your journey"

Anyone else having this issue?

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Since the 1.66 update todayi haven't been able to load your mission successfully. Game CTDs after choosing the beginning options/parameters and hitting "start your journey"

Anyone else having this issue?

I am sure that Rydygier will update in due course. In the meantime these versions will work with 1.66.


Pilgrimage (Tanoa)


Pilgrimage (Altis)

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Since the 1.66 update todayi haven't been able to load your mission successfully

,.....my two cents worth


    I always wait at least a month before i allow my game to be updated. More often than not, mods and missions can be broken, and so this gives folks a chance to patch stuff. So.....thanks for the heads up :(. 

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Pilgrimage Altis updated on Workshop (as new item - unable to actually update older version). Links (including coop wip) here are coming, as long I'll finish with official ports. Ports will be not updated on the Workshop - updating tool fails, as usual, again, damn. 


The change is lowered precision from 1 to 15 for placing additional boats, (thanks again, Robalo). That means, as I saw, probably bigger chance to see boat stuck on the shore, sunk, destroyed or drifted away, thus perhaps lower chance for finding useable boat. 

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Dropbox links updated, including coop wip6. 

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just updated to 1.66 (no steam arma3 )

I will have to check out Tanoa Edition SP and COOP.

I will also open a different thread for the "non Official Pilgrimage Tanoa Edition" .


all of this within the end of the week I hope, busy times.....

have a cool week end guys, mine is at work.   <_<

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I made those changes will test when have COOP partner. Thanks.


I assume those changes were to make stomper active...? If so, didn't work.


arma3_2016_12_05_18_26_14_683.jpgimage post

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This thing working?

Been so quiet since December 5th...

Rsoftokz, any luck with repairing your Tanoa editions?

I'm going through withdrawal. :O)



Edited by shoki

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as I said earlier, Tanoa Edition Hotfix is on the way.

I though I could release it this last week end but I'm more busy than expected at work and have not much time on my free moments ( end of year doesn't help, familly affairs.... )


SP has been fixed and is on test (played a few hours and seems to works )

COOP not done yet and I have also this thing about the broken and not active UGV to do....

and most of all, I have to start a new specific thread about Tanoa Editions (that means copy and paste previous posts to this new thread and the latest update of the forum

wasn't a big help and  have delayed my work on this to )


does anyone have now the phone calls or radio transmissions on the left lower side of the screen  begining by "game logic" since 1.66 Hotfix ???????

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Thank you for the quick response.

No worries and no hurry. I just love your work (Roads, too!).


And, yes, I also have "game logic" in transmissions since 1.66 hotfix.

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Well, it's been almost 2 years since I've been able to play much Arma, so I might as well pick up where I left off ... playing this great mission!


I've downloaded the "hotfix" version of Altis mission and unpacked it into my user's missions folder with PBO Manager. 


The problem I'm having is that attempting to open the mission in Eden I receive the error: "Error when loading the scenario".   The non-hotfix version of 1.94 opens without issue.


Any suggestions?





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I can only say, 1.94 hotfix was first version saved in Eden format. Any previous was old mission.sqm format and had to be imported to open it in Eden. I can open my Pilgrimage mission folder in Eden without any problem, so my guess is - issue is produced by used dePbo tool. So here is zip file with not packed into pbo 1.94 hotfix - try it. 


"Gamelogic" has to be not due to my hotfix, but due to 1.66. Gamelogic is used as sender of sidechat messages, as previously game logics was nameless in the sidechat. Apparently BI devs made a change here. Not sure, but if possible, I'll try to do it something about along with 1.95 update, when I'll be finally able to work on it. 

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Thank you, Rydygier!  Could you recommend something other than that PBO manager? 
It seems to work for other PBO's, but not any of the hotfix versions.  Would you be willing to create a zip for Bornholm and Chernaus?





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I'll zip other ports and add to this post, when ready: ports


Frankly I don't know other dePbo tools than Eliteness (but never tried it on Eden format missions, I rarely need to depbo anything. Also Eliteness seems to be barely a GUI shell, a heart is depbo.dll IIRC, so it's about version of this file), it was always somewhat obscure topic, which are these tools and where to find them. Don't know, why. Also it's only my guess, that depbo is the reason. 



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I also experienced the "error when loading scenario" issue on lot of missions, "official" Pilgrimage after import, "non -official" ones and some other missions files including mines.....

I haven't yet figure out why.... (nor search on internet if it has been discussed yet somewhere )

if you erase the actual .sqm file and rename the .sqm.oldbackup in .sqm you can import the mission again and open it in Eden.


my PBO manager opens all Pilgrimage lastest PBO, meaning the HOTFIX ones,  without any issue .


consider to download and reinstall it on your computer (delete all previous installation on your computer, this inclued registery cleaning )


here is the link to the Pilgrimage Tanoa Edition SP only (Hotfix-test mission ) barely tested .


ltKc4O.png PILGRIMAGE TANOA EDITION SP V1.22H   Hotfix after Arma 3 update to 1.66 version.





 Pilgrimage Tanoa Edition Thread is HERE 

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Thank you for the ports as well, Rydygier. They worked perfectly.  And thank you for the info, rsfotokz. 


FWIW, I had the same error after unpacking the original hotfix missions with Eliteness as well.  I'll keep the re-importing trick in mind the next time I'm in there though.  In the mean time I'm halfway through the Chernarus mission and loving it!



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EDIT: I see there is a newer version of the Tanoa SP mission as well since I dowloaded it a couple weeks ago, so I'll give that a try.  If I have issues, I'll comment in the other thread.



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yes it appears that there was a few scripting errors in the 1.22H SP

as I said, mission's Hotfix was made in an hurry and barely not tested.

I try to do my best but ...... 

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After the update APEX is too much
can be found
Night-vision device
thermal sight



and others
How to restrict or remove?

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1. Find this in the JRInit.sqf:



for "_i" from 0 to ((count _weapClass) - 1) do
	_class = _weapClass select _i;

	if (isClass _class) then
		_class = configName _class;
		_scope = getNumber (_weapClass >> _class >> "Scope");
		if (_scope == 2) then
			_pic = _weapClass >> _class >> "Picture";
			if (isText _pic) then
				_pic = toLower (getText _pic);
				if not (_pic in ["","\a3\weapons_f\data\clear_empty.paa"]) then
					_dlc = _weapClass >> _class >> "DLC";
					if ((isText _dlc) and {((toLower _class) in _dlcRestricted) and {not ((304400 in (getDLCs 1)) or {332350 in (getDLCs 1)})}}) exitWith {};
					if (not (RYD_JR_Abundant) or {not (isText _dlc) or {not ((toLower (getText _dlc)) isEqualTo "kart")}}) then
						if (not (RYD_JR_Abundant) or {(((toLower _class) find "u_c_driver_") < 0)}) then
							_isItem = false;
							_item = _weapClass >> _class;
							_item = _class;
							_base = tolower _item;
							while {not (_base in ["itemcore","detectorcore","binocular"])} do
								_base = inheritsFrom (_weapClass >> _base);
								if not (isClass _base) exitWith {};
								_base = tolower (configName _base);
								if (_base in ["default"]) exitWith {};
							if (_base in ["itemcore","detectorcore","binocular"]) then
								_isItem = true

							switch (_isItem) do
								case (false) : {RYD_JR_AllWeapons pushBack _class};
								case (true) : {RYD_JR_AllItems pushBack _class};



2. Just before this code define your blacklist with exact (for example all lower case) classnames to restrict:


_blacklist = 

for "_i" from 0 to ((count _weapClass) - 1) do


3. Modify the 1.'s code with additional condition, that will filter out blacklisted items. Several ways possible, an example:


					if ((isText _dlc) and {((toLower _class) in _dlcRestricted) and {not ((304400 in (getDLCs 1)) or {332350 in (getDLCs 1)})}}) exitWith {};
					if ((toLower _class) in _blacklist) exitWith {};


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Hello Rydygier!  
Do you have any new missions planned for 2017?

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I have a 3/4-ready idea/concept for one more project-scenario for Arma 3 (planned as the last one major project for A3), dedicated to Tanoa, hopefully something fresh (and risky, rather not exactly a common Arma gameplay style - can't say, if it will be success or failure, same, as I couldn't say this about Pilgrimage at the start). But I have a queue of already existing projects requiring updates first (Ragnarok, Pilgrimage, Hetman, HWS) and no time/free mind to work on any of them due to RL. This status quo continues a year and half so far. 

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Hi mate, when i get radio messages i'm sure it never started with   ------>  game logic "RADIO: etc etc, I'm sure it used to be "RADIO: etc etc or am i wrong? It's no biggie but it just seems to be unrealistic with the word game logic popping up.


And this mission is still as good as the last time i played it. And looking forward to whatever secret projects you may have sometime in 2017. Will be keeping an eye out! :)

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