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Ofp is dead?

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it would be smart to release a patch before BF1942 hits the stores.

i heared that there will be a multipack for sale soon

ofp + red hammer & ressistance for special price,

watch what happens when ppl buy these 3 games for the price of one other game .. that might boost things up.

ofp is still my game, placing it since day one.....i am waiting for V 1.8*

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My two cents, well I believe OFP is far from dying, maybe when Independance lost is released it will die as all prequels do but at the moment not is it the only choice for this type of gameplay but its a FANTASTIC game to boot. Battlefield 1942 is a fun game but its possibilities are limited compared to OFP.

Its really CS with lots of vehicles in the way it plays. OFP doesent attract 1337 h4x0r d0oD$ it has the best community of any game I have ever played. OFP is not dying it is growing, mod makers are more acitve than ever. User made scripts and vehicles are ever making the game more and more versetile and fun. For example the long awaited Herc was released a few days back, with more on the way the possibilities are endless. I dont see the graphics aging at all, some say the engine looks dated but I still think it looks fantastic, the details on the vehicles outstrip any game ever plus dozens can be modelled at the same time. Yes OFP is losing some players to 1942 and other competitors but most of the true fans will stick to Flashpoint, so let the 1337 h4x0r d0oD$ go and we'll continue to love OFP as we did before without cries of r0f1m40! d0oD, j0o $uX! Good ridance to bad rubbish, I still think implementing joining mid section should be a massive priority I mean it shouldent be THAT hard to implement

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I think that there are some really good mods under construction out there. I hope they will be finished.

They may give OFP a boost like Half-Life with Counter Strike.

Of course the graphic engine is not the top after one year, but not the worst. smile.gif

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Why should a game stop people playing something as immersive, variable and well-supported as OFP+®?

Well, because the console types have no long-term memory smile.gif

Personally, I play many games online depending on what I want to do, I still fly many old flight sims and FPS, and continue to do so as long as players have an arena to meet and contribute add-ons, missions etc.

I think BiS have shown a lot of support for the people playing, from great people down to whiners, and I think its sad that the quick-fix ppl migrate to BF1942. Personally, I'm sick of WWII as I'm old enough to remember the contributions made by ppl other than the US smile.gif and I enjoy the massive flexibility of the engine in this game. This was the first game to truly integrate real weapons, FPS style with flight sims (even in its limited aspect) and vehicle control, and to some degree role-playing and RTS with resistance. It overwhelms arcade games, but then, we see a lot more players of games on consoles than on PC's don't we!

I think the migration will take care of the 'buy-a-new-game-a-month' crowd and leave a core of serious, happy players, who don't mind the work in creating (or supporting) something worthwhile. Whether it survives online is our choice in both playing and building new stuff, rather than expecting a producer or developer to do it for us. Nothing has been as fulfilling as playing this game, but then, i'm european smile.gif

I see a lot more life in this yet... how many ppl left HL before CS was created? smile.gif

Just because something is popular and sells well, doesn't make it a good game... conversely some of the best games have never sold well or attracted a huge following. I'll take gameplay over graphics every time and I think this has a lot of room for add-ons and expansions, maybe a reworked core-engine etc... but the feel and direction of the game is right. BiS have tried to make something outside the genre barriers and succeeded in spite of its low marketing and lack of zombies for the kiddies.

My only regret is that BiS knuckled in to the pressure to change true NATO to US troops after 3 years development, slightly redressed by Resistance. In PC gamers recent survey of top selling games, OFP is not mentioned, despite its clear genius.. the top seller in the UK.. The Sims.. sad.gif

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The BEST marketing move for BIS would be to release the following:

1.8(or whatever)+ 3 official campaigns(1895 cwc+RH+Res)+IL+editing tools(BIS wrpedit alternative+O2+config editing files) = Flashpoint Classic of Platinum Edition!

But my best quess is that Codemasters will never go with this policy, as they own the OFP rights,and they love making money on worthless things like RH. Even with BIS's greatest desire to help players or to release such a PACK, Codemasters will not follow.

But I am quite sure, that such a PACK would revive most of the players that lost interest in OFP.

And yeah if they don't think of geting rid of some limitation the engine currently have, OFP will fade more and more. And my best quess that's what's BIS is doing right now(overcoming some of limitations or correcting bugs), that would answer the question as to why it takes them too long to release the damn patch for Res.

Or probably they are busy developing VBS1 Engine for Coalescent or OFP2 or IL for us, or they just having a rest.

Anyways, as it is my first post, just wanted to express my respect for BIS. Being talented rookies, they gained lots of respect from the community. And thanks for your support. It really did help to keep many of us here playing game and here on the board ...

Just my 2 cents.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Die Alive @ Sep. 10 2002,03:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HellToupee @ Sep. 09 2002,04:40)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">no theres alack of players because ppl dont want to wait 30mins for a game with a lack of players. I hate waiting, i luv ofps mp but so far play it once a week y because one never enough ppl to makea good game, takes a lot of trouble to get  into a game, which ends up to be a stupid ctf with atout 5ppl.<span id='postcolor'>

With only 5 ppl, why not play a COOP mission, they're as fun as CTF.  I like CTF, but with bigger groups of ppl, 20 or more (rare these days), but when there's like 3 or 6 ppl on the server, do a coop, just because there's more action and a CTF with 3 per side isn't very exciting, it's more running than gunning.

I've played coop with 3 other people, and I had a fun time with them.  And if u don't like being a seagull, there's some coop with respwan.

-=Die Alive=-<span id='postcolor'>

its the admin he chooses the maps and dosnt listen to us, there was also a time last week we had aout 20ppl on server he choose a 16person map draged a guy out of his spot booted him booted me and every one else not in a spot and started the game, those ppl waited ages.

And warin who has time to play a 2hour game well i do when i play mp ofp once i get into the game no more waits im sync wit the reassigns i stay in game, but u wont have to stay u could leave come back, take a break etc in wolf i take breaks all the time i can come and go when i plz

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I play OFP MP Co-op with a group of guys and girls in a very dedicated #IRC Community. We have a library of well over 20 or so User-Made Co-Op Maps to choose from. While most of us have Cable/DSL, the 56k players have an equally good time. We play in Veteran mode so there is no peeking at the map and Roger Wilco for Communications.

After a few games with the same people, you begin to learn their personalities and how they respond to certain situations. Its a much better experience when you know your buddy next to you and have spoken with him for over 8 months in IRC.

While we normally only have 6 or so people per game, its still an excellent experience. OFP is FAR from dead. We just need more addons and hopefully  *sigh* Independence Lost.

Also, I really only bought Resistance for Multiplayer, I didn't bother with the campaign and have only played the first few missions. Within a week everyone in my IRC room had it. it was awesome.

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I don`t think OPF is dead, remember there are many players

that only play single player and I think only the most

hardcore fans play online, though the online experience with the lag killed it, I guess many people just tried it when

it was released and not upgraded with patches to see improvement because then they had allready moved over to

other games .

I only played OPF in co-op online, but it was a long time

since I played it last, and I wait for Raven Shield so now

I play MOH, but will likely move over to BF 1942 when it is

released .

But when OPF 2 comes along ( hopefully with smaller multiplayer maps, which is an option they should have implanted in OPF in my opinion not that they shouldn`t

have large maps , but to give people a choice ) then

I think many players will come back .

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i cant remember what day it was but i refreshed my server list and nobody was playing online and htis was at around 6 pm, lol no it int dying, also Opflash will nevewr be the phenomina that HL was as it aint been a big revelution in the gaming world as HL was.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ArchangelSKT @ Sep. 10 2002,12:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">But when OPF 2 comes along ( hopefully with smaller multiplayer maps, which is an option they should have implanted in OPF in my opinion not that they shouldn`t

have large maps , but to give people a choice ) then

I think many players will come back .<span id='postcolor'>

its not the lagg its the wait, and the lack of players, the maps can be as small as u want them look a t real paint ball, ofp gives u the option of much bigger battles than the simple death match style of the rainbow series or df. But theres not enough ppl. Raven shield dosnt look that great still small maps its more like AA.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Rhubarbman @ Sep. 10 2002,13:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">i cant remember what day it was but i refreshed my server list and nobody was playing online and htis was at around 6 pm, lol no it int dying, also Opflash will nevewr be the phenomina that HL was as it aint been a big revelution in the gaming world as HL was.<span id='postcolor'>

ppl play HL cos of the ppl not the game these days back then it looked good but itsgot a fan base so ppl keep playin, ofp could have been jus as big if the mp was done right, previews said if its mp is half as good it will probly be a cs killa that wasabout a year ago.

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I know people who say 'OFP is old' and I say to them, until something better comes out, I shal stay with OFP. I play a very little bit of BF1942. It is fun, but OFP tramples all over it. There is not game out there that is better than OFP. There is no game that has massive islands to play on, an awsome mission editor, hunderds of add ons, lots of realism(except in vehichles)and batltes on land, air and sea. I think only soemthing like OFP:2 will be able to top OFP.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Col. Kurtz @ Sep. 10 2002,16:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I know people who say 'OFP is old' and I say to them, until something better comes out, I shal stay with OFP. I play a very little bit of BF1942. It is fun, but OFP tramples all over it. There is not game out there that is better than OFP. There is no game that has massive islands to play on, an awsome mission editor, hunderds of add ons, lots of realism(except in vehichles)and batltes on land, air and sea. I think only soemthing like OFP:2 will be able to top OFP.<span id='postcolor'>

its great sp nothing comes close to its longitivity, and i reckon its vechiles r good, cant be havin falcon 4 realsim on planes cause by the time your've gone thru the bombing stages a island would be a small dot in the distance. But none of these addons help mp, if u put addons on a server even jus one of kegeties ones you will find many it reduces alot of the players that visit the server. Online is where ofp is dying, online is where the big market is.

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What it needs is an automatic download feature like that of Unreal Tournoment. If you join a server that is running a mission or map that has add-ons, it automaticly downloads and installs those add-ons onto your system. Prob with this is that OFP add-ons are too big for this system unless yiou have cable.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Col. Kurtz @ Sep. 10 2002,21:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What it needs is an automatic download feature like that of Unreal Tournoment. If you join a server that is running a mission or map that has add-ons, it automaticly downloads and installs those add-ons onto your system. Prob with this is that OFP add-ons are too big for this system unless yiou have cable.<span id='postcolor'>

yea but imagine the wait at the breifing as every one sits there twiding there thumbs so they can start the game.

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Flashpoint is the best game ever, I went through the Delta force fad, along with the half life mods (C64- Amiga as well), this is the game I have been waiting for, for some 15 years, when EA and Novalogic said it was not possible to combine tanks, choppers and so on, BIS gave them the Middle Finger,

The one thing I want is a better Multiplayer pack to address the lag issues.

But with the amount of add-ons around I can spend days and days playing Single player as well,

It’s up to us hard core fans to keep this game going if the others cant see the light, then let them have their non thinking kiddie shoot’ em up games.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (168GRN HPBT @ Sep. 10 2002,10:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">...this is the game I have been waiting for...<span id='postcolor'>

I think so too wink.gif

When I swa it in the stores I never heard of it before but I simply knew this was the right game.

Its cool as it is that close to the real life.

Wait until the campaingn come out...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Col. Kurtz @ Sep. 10 2002,03:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What it needs is an automatic download feature like that of Unreal Tournoment. If you join a server that is running a mission or map that has add-ons, it automaticly downloads and installs those add-ons onto your system. Prob with this is that OFP add-ons are too big for this system unless yiou have cable.<span id='postcolor'>

What would be better is if the server makes an addon pack, with a bunch of addons that could be used to make missions for that server, and before you plan to play on that server, u get the addon pack and you're set to play on that server. So that's one way of getting user made addons into MP where most people could play there, and yet you don't have to wait for DL the addon or wait for others to DL the addon when you already have it.

-=Die Alive=-

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HellToupee @ Sep. 10 2002,09:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Col. Kurtz @ Sep. 10 2002,21:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What it needs is an automatic download feature like that of Unreal Tournoment. If you join a server that is running a mission or map that has add-ons, it automaticly downloads and installs those add-ons onto your system. Prob with this is that OFP add-ons are too big for this system unless yiou have cable.<span id='postcolor'>

yea but imagine the wait at the breifing as every one sits there twiding there thumbs so they can start the game.<span id='postcolor'>

They should at least make it a server option. I mean, where is it decreed that all addon maps MUST have tons of addons? Besides, if thats a concern, why did they make it so that you have to d/l maps every single time you log onto a server?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Die Alive @ Sep. 10 2002,14:46)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What would be better is if the server makes an addon pack, with a bunch of addons that could be used to make missions for that server, and before you plan to play on that server, u get the addon pack and you're set to play on that server.  So that's one way of getting user made addons into MP where most people could play there, and yet you don't have to wait for DL the addon or wait for others to DL the addon when you already have it.

-=Die Alive=-<span id='postcolor'>

sounds good in theory, but Fraghaus did that, and it killed their servers popularity. You see, most people are too stupid to comrehend the message of the day that says you NEED the addons to play here, you can get them at server.com!!!

They just ignore it, and as a result, they get frustrated and leave after CTDing a few times. idiots

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This is the main reason why I think "unified add-on packs" would make things better!

See following thread in multiplayer dated 29 June...

 Addon packs for multiplay

Personally OFP is the only FPS I play. Resently tried AA, BF1942 and MOHAA but none of them can really compare since they are to much "run-and-gun" for me.

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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I just think things like its unmatched versitility in being able to re-create it however you want will keep it alive far longer than any other game. The only reason i'm not really into it right now is because my computer's in really sad shape and i'm getting a new one in not too long. When that happens, i'll be cranking out missions left and right!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ Sep. 11 2002,03:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HellToupee @ Sep. 10 2002,09:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Col. Kurtz @ Sep. 10 2002,21:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What it needs is an automatic download feature like that of Unreal Tournoment. If you join a server that is running a mission or map that has add-ons, it automaticly downloads and installs those add-ons onto your system. Prob with this is that OFP add-ons are too big for this system unless yiou have cable.<span id='postcolor'>

yea but imagine the wait at the breifing as every one sits there twiding there thumbs so they can start the game.<span id='postcolor'>

They should at least make it a server option. I mean, where is it decreed that all addon maps MUST have tons of addons? Besides, if thats a concern, why did they make it so that you have to d/l maps every single time you log onto a server?<span id='postcolor'>

lets say they just use 1 addon, the heuy, its abou a meg and considering we have to what 10mins for a mission over 1meg that means theres a long wait, ppl hate waiting ppl stay sayin boot the guy etc.

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