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HAFM - ArmA 2 HMMWVs import

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Remember that ACRE hasn't been released for Arma3, there is just a port from the A2 version that is floating around in various forms with lots of errors/problems in it. I wouldn't be surprised if this A2 mod is seeing the A2 vehicles that you are porting and making some kind of sick, twisted love to it....

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I use this mod with AvIndus because that lacks vehicles. It's a great fit. Haven't been able to try out the new updates since my father is PCSing and my computer is in a box. Anyways, I don't suppose you can do an optional config that crews the Humvees with AvIndus units? That'd be great for crewing them without the hassle of adding units in by hand.

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Original thread post updated also.



- Some desert HMMWVs added

- Some PhysX tweaking

Classnames added:


Known Issues: No animations when using ACRE.

Primary Download Link : http://www.mediafire.com/download/9ozwx4ugsj17zgx/HAFM_HMMWVs_Final_v3.rar

Armaholic Link : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24573

Edited by Aplion

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Thanks for informing us about the new version :cool:

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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*puts on shades* War has been called upon, time to return....

to takistan...

This + AVindus units will be 'mazin

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very nice!

I especially like M1151.

Do you have any plans about zeroing?

Zeroing to iron-sight weapon optics ?

I'm not sure that I undestood that ... but in any case I'm not thinking to make so deep changes as this mod is just an import from A2 to A3 ... sry.

Edited by Aplion

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Zeroing to iron-sight weapon optics ?

I'm not sure that I undestood that ... but in any case I'm not thinking to make so deep changes as this mod is just an import from A2 to A3 ... sry.


in this version, I can't change zeroing of iron sight such as M2, mk19.

Could you solve this problem?

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in this version, I can't change zeroing of iron sight such as M2, mk19.

Could you solve this problem?

I'd never used zeroing on these vehicles so far (probably you are confused with this addon here http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24517 which have zeroing capability and isn't mine).

Personally I don't believe that non-zeroing capability is an issue on these vehicles but in any case I'll keep it in mind if there will be another update.

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Is there any reason the .50 cal viewpoint is so zoomed in? Or is it something my end?

The other view is the other ported HMMWV;

http://i.imgur.com/8iLAt9n.jpg (577 kB)

Feels abit weird to me with the zoomed in view, other than that great port mate!

(If this is intentional I apologies!)

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Is there any reason the .50 cal viewpoint is so zoomed in? Or is it something my end?

The other view is the other ported HMMWV;

http://i.imgur.com/8iLAt9n.jpg (577 kB)

Feels abit weird to me with the zoomed in view, other than that great port mate!

(If this is intentional I apologies!)

I've used just the default FOV as in ArmA 2 ... I haven't change anything on that ... probably the guy of the other ported HMMWV has change some values on that.

But please do a test ... try to raise the M2 aiming up to the sky ... do you have any view obstruction when you are doing such a movement on any of these addons ?

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There aren't any adverse effects because of the FOV, i just think the wider FOV is much better, because you can see more. I don't mean this derivatively, as you port is absolutely cracking, but from the current FOV you cant see very much at all.

Just opened up ArmA 2 and the FOV seems to be different to yours?

Comparison pictures again :)

http://i.imgur.com/1VDUH6V.jpg (802 kB)

Not sure if you can tell but, its that kind of height, looking over the gun.

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Hmm..i ll have to say i had the same feeling using the .50 the 1st time.

ArmA3 FOV is really different of A2's for sure..so maybe more "zoomed out" values

as "default" should do the trick .

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ok guys I'll have a better look about FOV ... thanks for this constructive feedback :)

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Well I found that PhysX needed in order for sounds to work !! I can't figure out the reason but after PhysX applied the sound issue no longer existed.

So at next update these models will include PhysX plus an increased armor value.

hay man love your ports I was wondering would help me fixing the sound on the marp maxpro my email address is [email protected] this truck would be great in arma 3 I have ported but the engine sounds wont work anyway let me no if you can help and ill send you the files thanks paddy31180

---------- Post added at 22:13 ---------- Previous post was at 22:11 ----------

Well I found that PhysX needed in order for sounds to work !! I can't figure out the reason but after PhysX applied the sound issue no longer existed.

So at next update these models will include PhysX plus an increased armor value.

hay man love your ports I was wondering would help me fixing the sound on the marp maxpro my email address is [email protected] this truck would be great in arma 3 I have ported but the engine sounds wont work anyway let me no if you can help and ill send you the files thanks paddy31180

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hay man love your ports I was wondering would help me fixing the sound on the marp maxpro my email address is [email protected] this truck would be great in arma 3 I have ported but the engine sounds wont work anyway let me no if you can help and ill send you the files thanks paddy31180

---------- Post added at 22:13 ---------- Previous post was at 22:11 ----------

hay man love your ports I was wondering would help me fixing the sound on the marp maxpro my email address is [email protected] this truck would be great in arma 3 I have ported but the engine sounds wont work anyway let me no if you can help and ill send you the files thanks paddy31180

I'm already working on that project on behalf of another guy request mate but in case you have it close to completion it will be better for me ... about the sounds ... you need to apply the PhysX lod in your p3d file as well as the appropriate values into your config ... then you'll have working sounds also.

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Great mod and great port!

I'm happy with the way the vehicles drive and with the quality overall, but I have some feedback to give:

The rate of fire for the TOW is far too high, as I can fire 2 missiles in quick succession.

I also agree that the FOV is too zoomed in (when not looking down the sight). I believe that the gunner should have great situational awareness, which is the advantage (and point) of sticking your head out of a protected vehicle :P.

I also have a suggestion if I may, which would be to enable zeroing for the HMG and GMGs.

Keep up the good work though and thank you!

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I'm already working on that project on behalf of another guy request mate but in case you have it close to completion it will be better for me ... about the sounds ... you need to apply the PhysX lod in your p3d file as well as the appropriate values into your config ... then you'll have working sounds also.

hi how's things thanks for getting back too me yes ill send you the files where im at so far as iv got no driving engine sounds and hopefully they will speed up your progress on this great release ill also wait for your release as you are more advanced in the modding thanks paddy31180 link to files download http://www.fileconvoy.com/dfl.php?id=g884552d0f79698289994791206fbfcae7797b438c let us no when you think you can release it

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I have to agree with Phoenix_ZA, fantastic mod, feels great to drive these again.

However the guns' FoV is too zoomed with the default zoom, hold in right click and they function like mini binos.

Thanks for all your effort,


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It seems that the TOW and Mk gunner woodland HUMVEE doesn't play properly the animation ( he stands frozen with the Da Vinci's Vitruvian man position ).

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anyone notice that if this goes too fast on a straight road it wobbles violently?

Yep.. i noticed that too.. maybe something change in the last stable release of ArmA3 that affected the mod.

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Hey Aplion! Great mod!

I have a request though. It seems that the iron sights are zeroed to ~100m

This means that if you're shooting at anything past that distance, you have to aim very far up.

Instead of being zeroed at 100, could you make it zeroed at 500m by default? Meaning that where you're aiming is where the bullet impacts at 500m instead of 100m.

Also, would you be able to make a version with the MK19 grenade launcher instead of the AGS30?

Edited by MacScottie

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I was wondering if theres plans to add the spec ops humvee? :P

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