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@A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

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Actual version: 1.4

As the Arma community could already see, I've been working for some time on a mod which aims to port Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead maps to Arma 3. So I contacted the developers in order to receive their permission. While I was working, I received many private messages in which you were asking me to release the mod ASAP. I decided to perform some close beta tests whose results are satisfying. Therefore, the next step will be the public test release, I want to stress that it's still the TEST phase and some problems may still appear. I made sure that there are no bugs or crashes during launching or playing the game.

Donation info

You can donate here -> http://a3mp.arma3coop.pl/ Donations are non-refundable, all the money will be used to maintain the server hosting the files A3mp.


Update is dedicated to KarelMoricky, Dslyecxi and Kju for great support and big help

Changelog v1.4:

- Added new map Bukovina

- Added new map Bystrica

- Added full support for A3MP-AP mod - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?174141-A3MP-ArmA-3-Map-Pack-Additional-Pack { No more popup errors on supported by A3MP-AP maps }

- Added support for Zeus { Read new CBA changelog, to avoid misunderstanding }

- Single Player Save support added { Thx DrCataclysm for help }

- Fixed problem with few "holes in maps"

- New server keys

- Fixed compatibility problem with Arma Samples Mod { Only for testers atm }

Changelog v1.3a:

- Keys problem fix

- License edit ( Thanks for feedback )

- Lightings tweaks.

Changelog v1.3:

- Fixed black line error on all maps - Now you can play on Podagorsk, Calfghan and others without black water line problem.

- Fixed problem with black lakes on cherno (Exchange with nice glade's)

- Fixed problem with MP keys (New ones)

- Fixed problem with indestructible object (Most of them)

- License edit ( Read new Read Me )

- Renember, custom A2 maps may popup with some errors in MP, but there is no problem with using them as 3rd party mod in ArmA 3 now with A3MP.

Changelog v1.2:

- ADD: New map - Desert

- ADD: New map - Proving grounds

- ADD: New map - Shapur

- ADD: Added better compatibility with certain maps from ArmA 2 (Like Fallujah or Namalsk )*

- FIX: A3 clouds on all maps

- FIX: Visiblity range fixed on all maps

- FIX: Lighting on Utes

- FIX: Lighting on Takistan

- FIX: Lighting on Zargabad

- FIX: Problem with missing CFG's

- FIX: Water-hit particles fixed

- FIX: Optimization tweaks - Moar FPS

* - There may be problem with " water line " at middle of screen ( Have NO IDEA how to fix it )

Download Full v1.4

Full pack pack - v1.4

Mirror #1 -

Mirror #2 -

Download via Torrent v1.4 - Renember to SEED please!

Torrent - www.utils.arma3coop.pl/A3MP_v14.torrent

Download in parts v1.4

Part #1 - v1.4

Mirror #1 - http://a3mp.alduric.pl/@A3MP.part1.rar

Mirror #2 -

Mirror #3 -

Part #2 - v1.4

Mirror #1 - http://a3mp.alduric.pl/@A3MP.part2.rar

Mirror #2 -

Mirror #3 -

Part #3 - v1.4

Mirror #1 - http://a3mp.alduric.pl/@A3MP.part3.rar

Mirror #2 -

Mirror #3 -



ArmA 3 Map Pack - A3MP

Remember to check my A3MP-AP mod!


Special thanks to:

- .kju for help with the mod creation and sharing the AiA configs.

- Fabio for great lighting configuration

- Bohemia Interactive

- Awesome community support

- Rockhount and [C-L-F.org] Doc for help with host!

Some informations

- Info about license and version is in Mod folder

- You are not allowed to redistribute this mod, and sign it as your own.

- Please to renember who is 1st author :)

- You all are allowed to make Takistan Life, Cherno Life based on this mod ofc!

- Share and like our Facebook Click!

- License is APL-SA

- MP Keys included

And again Thanks to kju and Fabio - without them and AiA project, this project would not exist.
























Edited by Alduric

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Excellent!- i was holding out on making a mission tonight, hoping for this!! :yay:

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Good work, this fills the void missing in Arma 3, now I can actually get creative with the more diversity of objects of Arma 2 now in Arma 3. Time to make some missions once I get to it.

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such big file size...

But still YAY! and good work!

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Damn community stop releasing stuff my modem is on FIRE!!!

...of course I kid thanks for these much appreciated

edit: 2nd mirror are direct links to Armaholic files getting DO NOT HOTLINK page

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Ahhh the nostalgia ... flying fast over Cherno and Taki .... superb work again!

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Too much awesomeness, I can't handle it! :yay:

Thank you so much Alduric, especially for bringing Chernarus back to game :jump_clap:

Edit: And of course, huge thanks to .kju, Fabio_Chavez and Bohemia and supporters as well! :cool:

Edited by Ezcoo

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Thanks for this release.

BTW, mirror 2 not working...

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Super excited for this. It looks great.

Any chance that someone that's completed the download could post a .torrent of them. Just noticed the part 1 package is 1.6 gig and I don't particularly trust my HTTP connection to be stable for that long (flakey internet) or to get all the other parts.

Much appreciated!

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Part 2 seems to be corupted, tried downloading it 2 times now. used mirror 1

also mirror 2 is hotlinking to armaholic.

Edited by Lodvib

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  Simpsoid said:
Super excited for this. It looks great.

Any chance that someone that's completed the download could post a .torrent of them. Just noticed the part 1 package is 1.6 gig and I don't particularly trust my HTTP connection to be stable for that long (flakey internet) or to get all the other parts.

Much appreciated!

I second that! Torrent file would be really useful!

Anyway.. I've been waiting for this for a long time! Thank you!!!

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I'm unable to download the files from any of the mirrors.

Does anyone have the same problem?

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Its release day, lads!

  SavageCDN said:
my modem is on FIRE!!!

That is so true.

Thank you so much Alduric for releasing this package of awesomess. And so soon after its announcement! Congrats, hope there will be some missions using this on the workshop soon.

Downloading all 3 on mirror one at the same time. Gonna be a looong night. But totally worth it ^^

EDIT: all three downloads just were interrupted and canceled in try to resume. Dude, these servers really must be on fire.

Edited by Dar

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Links are removed, reuploading guys :) Sorry for problem.

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  Alduric said:
Links are removed, reuploading guys :) Sorry for problem.

Nevermind, thank you so much for your work!

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