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Join, or Die. - An ArmA III Modification

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Hey how about a South American joint armed forces OPFOR force? Just like CSAT, but instead its contributors are South American nations.

But that's COD: Ghosts...

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I'm doing my best to make a modification based on a worst-case scenario in the United States. There is no bias on my side other than I'm a freedom-loving American, for all Americans. :)

And trust me, it's not that I dislike the United Nations or the British. It's just the options that I chose that would most likely be the case in that situation should it ever happen.

Just like Glenn Beck and Fox News are Fair and Balanced reporters of honest news for freedom-loving Americans.

If you'd like, we could all run down the list of ways in which your scenario is utterly impossible according to all rational and informed people you'd care to ask, the ways in which it draws from far-right conspiracy theorists with ideological ties to hate and militia groups, and the ways in which it is deeply inflammatory political provocation and transparent partisan allegory (whether consciously or not). I mean, DAMN, just take a quick look at the sub-human mind that created post #11.

But it all ends up more like self-satire, so don't worry; no one's offended and everyone's amused.

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I just like that the non-elected president (presidents aren't president the year they are elected) does all this. :p

Should really get your dates in order at least story wise!

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woow so when was the current president of America actually elected ? 1706 ?

What? No, the election is held in the year prior to their inauguration. Bush was president from 2001-2009, Obama will be president until January 2017. His successor will be elected in 2016. This is done for logistical reasons.

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Just like Glenn Beck and Fox News are Fair and Balanced reporters of honest news for freedom-loving Americans.

If you'd like, we could all run down the list of ways in which your scenario is utterly impossible according to all rational and informed people you'd care to ask, the ways in which it draws from far-right conspiracy theorists with ideological ties to hate and militia groups, and the ways in which it is deeply inflammatory political provocation and transparent partisan allegory (whether consciously or not). I mean, DAMN, just take a quick look at the sub-human mind that created post #11.

But it all ends up more like self-satire, so don't worry; no one's offended and everyone's amused.

Your argument is valid, Maturin. It is deeply noted.

I would actually like you to make a list of the ways that my scenario is "utterly" impossible. However, I want you personally to know that I am not a "far-right conspiracy theorist." I'm a Libertarian. My goal isn't to offend or promote either political Party, considering that job has been taken care of in the real world. I think you should also recognize that the "sub-human mind that created post #11" was probably not being serious, considering that none of the options he proposed is really even possible in ArmA, and certainly not possible in the modification which I aim to make.

Also, when you say no one is offended - I'm afraid I'm getting the impression that you're offended, and not amused. I apologize. When the modification is complete, you don't HAVE to download and play it. Thank you for posting, Maturin - your feedback is very much appreciated.


You're completely right, I apologize for the inconsistency in my story.

Thank you all for your activity and feedback.

---------- Post added at 20:52 ---------- Previous post was at 20:42 ----------

Hey how about a South American joint armed forces OPFOR force? Just like CSAT, but instead its contributors are South American nations.

I apologize for not addressing your post with my last reply,

A South American joint effort was definitely up there on my list of options for OPFOR candidates. Seeing as using the United Kingdom as the opposition may draw some negativity towards the modification, it might be a good decision to consider changing to the South American force.

Thank you very much, Modder - I appreciate your feedback :)

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"Seeing as using the United Kingdom as the opposition may draw some negativity towards the modification"

I doubt any Brits would get offended by being OPFOR. We've been the baddies in Murican films for ages and we don't complain about actually we quite like it for reasons I won't go into here :D

But in the grand scheme of things, the forces of the United Kingdom would still be BLUFOR and at best your freedom fighters would be INDFOR.

As the government of the United States would be a democratically elected regime (evil or not). and still be NATO , etc.

Unless the UK has become some sort of evil empire builders and is coming to take HRH's property back :P it does smack a bit of the war of independence tho ;)

But of course this is the Armaverse and is open to how things are different from "reality" and more importantly "your" interpretation of what is happening (sandbox after all eh?).

And you can make what you want. Go for it!

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"Seeing as using the United Kingdom as the opposition may draw some negativity towards the modification"

I doubt any Brits would get offended by being OPFOR. We've been the baddies in Murican films for ages and we don't complain about actually we quite like it for reasons I won't go into here :D

But in the grand scheme of things, the forces of the United Kingdom would still be BLUFOR and at best your freedom fighters would be INDFOR.

As the government of the United States would be a democratically elected regime (evil or not). and still be NATO , etc.

Unless the UK has become some sort of evil empire builders and is coming to take HRH's property back :P it does smack a bit of the war of independence tho ;)

But of course this is the Armaverse and is open to how things are different from "reality" and more importantly "your" interpretation of what is happening (sandbox after all eh?).

And you can make what you want. Go for it!

Wow, thank you very much Section 20!

You are very right about the UK being BLUFOR and Freedom Fighters being INDFOR. I also considered how NATO would effect this situation, but couldn't find a clear solution other than the UNAAA which employs the assistance of the United Kingdom which I guess would be a NATO effort to counter an insurgency in the United States. But you are very right about the faction orientations. Your suggestion is noted and very much appreciated.

While the ArmAverse is an open sandbox, I want to keep this modification as close to real as I can get it while this all is a fantasy. Thank you very much for your input, I look forward to seeing more posts from you!

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Your Idea has potential behind it.

But you're gonna have to kill other Americans...

Your INDFOR would probably have to be secessionists and trying break away from what the USA has become (Authoritarian, police state, civil liberties and constitution revoked, etc.)

but Woods would still have to have enough support within the American population too not just be thrown out of office, but too actually create a stand off

of forces loyal to him and his new America and those loyal to the constitution and old America.

With enough power and manipulation of the media he makes out that you're the bad guys to the rest of the world and enlists the help of the UN to put the insurgency down.

lol at putting that stoopid veri code in as the title I shouldn't be allowed to drink alcohol

Edited by Section 20

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Your Idea has potential behind it.

But you're gonna have to kill other Americans...

Your INDFOR would probably have to be secessionists and trying break away from what the USA has become (Authoritarian, police state, civil liberties and constitution revoked, etc.)

but Woods would still have to have enough support within the American population too not just be thrown out of office, but too actually create a stand off

of forces loyal to him and his new America and those loyal to the constitution and old America.

With enough power and manipulation of the media he makes out that you're the bad guys to the rest of the world and enlists the help of the UN to put the insurgency down.

lol at putting that stoopid veri code in as the title I shouldn't be allowed to drink alcohol

Pure genius, Section 20. Very well thought.

I'll have to expand my story a bit to warrant a lead-to the actual breakdown. If you're willing, I'd love to talk to you a bit more - shoot me your Steam ID in a PM.

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Since there seems to be an overflow of ideas now, I suggest that you start working on some content and set feasible goals to achieve. Im just afraid that you seem to be too focused on getting the story right instead of making the content and getting that out. Adding more to the already overflowing amount will just cause it to spill everywhere and ends up being a mess.

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Marshall law would of been my suggestion with fema camps, 10 km x 10km is possible in the time frame if you use the right tools for the job Sierra leone was built in about a month for me at 10 km x 10 km also bovington at 5 km x 5km was done in under 20 hours so get your heads down and crack on sounds like a good mod to me

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despite the legitimate and gathering concerns varying from timescale ,progress so far and well technical knowledge proof of the author , this thread has produced some quite interesting and plausible spin offs

Over and above the obvious concerns i wont believe any of it myself until the Foundation stone has been laid and surely this must be in the form of

Mel Gibson as : Insert character here .

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Thank you all for your activity and support once again!


Workin' on it! Trust me, while the story is an important part of the modification - all of the content still holds high precedence over it.


I considered Marshall Law. FEMA camps are definitely still a possibility, however without federal government funding - I'm not sure how they'd work out in real life. Without the story's IDMA, Marshall Law wouldn't be a possibility due to the fact that in the United States we have the Posse Comitatus act which restricts the federal government's use of federal troops to enforce state laws. However, considering in the story that Woods issued the IDMA and UNAAA by executive order - PC wouldn't matter. Marshall Law is essentially what is taking place, except that the bulk of the federal troops have either "deserted" or have been imprisoned in UN Detainment Centers. I guess what the IDMA and UNAAA does in conjunction is close to the same thing as Marshall Law.

As for the terrains; thank you very much for your advice. If you don't mind, I'd like to PM you with just a few questions.

Thank you for posting, SmokeDog!


Join, or Die. - An ArmA III Modification



White House janitor ;)

Thanks for posting everybody!

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I've got it!

Martin Riggs now the ageing sheriff of the a small town in Pennsylvania. Fights President woods FEMA controlled PMC's that are really South African drug dealing ex special forces in league with corrupt police and chinese triad gangs who are controlled by CSAT Chinese military command.

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A Pennsylvanian 'island' sounds cool; always wanted to play in D.C.

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Feel free to pm me.

Also marshall law has been used numerous times in the us from the 1st time in New Orleans, Louisiana in the War of 1812 and the last time it was used would be when Katrina hit the us and police were disarming civilians in there homes or even Boston when they entered houses with no warrants to find the second bomber that was hiding, food for thought

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5 pages of story and no content, perhaps put this on hold until you have something to show

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Nice idea man, interesting setting.

Have you considered adding Canadians in the same role as (or maybe replace) the british? They're closer and have badass hardware as well

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Nice idea man, interesting setting.

Have you considered adding Canadians in the same role as (or maybe replace) the british? They're closer and have badass hardware as well

Think it would be pretty nice to have a joint Canadian and British operation, maybe have it called a Commonwealth Division like during the Korean war.

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this has me interested but something no one has mentioned so far is States Rights. Some have said the main antagonist has to gather enough support but there will be a few states who hold out and resist any form of federal infringement on the constitution. This makes the NG part very realistic but this mod maybe be too complex to have that big of a scope. Some Countries would Undoubtedly send SF troops to help in the fight against a tyrant American Government especially if they start killing civilians in mass numbers. At any rate i will be very intrigued in seeing how this mod plays out and hopefully i can run around ArmA as a freedom fighter.

best of luck.

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I would have the USAF and the Department of Homeland Security troops as the main U.S government force as they already exist in a state where they could be used in the way portrayed by your scenario.

If you choose this route you could also recycle the NATO MRAP, Port the ArmA 2 F-35, A-10 and MQ-9 Reaper and the DHS troops would be easy to model


Think, drones and internal troops used to put down unrest instead of an all out UN intervention. Media whitewashing the atrocities and NATO countries secretly complying with the all powerful United States by sending unmarked specops teams.

Thats how I would do it.

EDIT: You could actually just retexture arma 3 flight suits to make the DHS troop uniform

P.S I can have a go at porting any assets, making maps and i'm a fairly good mission designer and i would be willing to write and produce a campaign for you

Edited by Madopow2110

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Here's some quick concept infantry i pieced up:

https://i.imgur.com/LSUT7hM.jpg (281 kB)

https://i.imgur.com/2XXyVfo.jpg (287 kB)

https://i.imgur.com/6mIkJVK.jpg (235 kB)

It only needs the AAF flag replaced with the symbol of DHS and a reskinned black MICH helmet to be complete, also add M110 to the marksmen.

All else that would be needed would be a black MRAP, a black Stryker APC and a DHS Littlebird

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Very cool idea mate

Might provoke a few politically induced fires around certain camps but as long as you don't insult too many people this has great potential.

Oh and don't worry about insulting the British (we are used too it :) ) loving the Mel Gibson comments :D

Don't know if you have already answered this but what kind of British kit will you be using (don't see much on the kit list) ? Just the standard Bluefor stuff? Or are you going to make your own/borrow existing models of contemporary British gear (SA-80's, jackals) ?

Also, how are the missions going to run? More linear story with strict objectives? Or more open world blow up what you can get to kind of thing.

Thanks and good work

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