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About shifty_ginosaji

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  1. shifty_ginosaji

    Leights OPFOR Pack

    Leight, I realise how difficult it is to create a naming scheme that holds into the future - especially during 'beta' but I presume you are now out of beta with the v1.0 release. Please hold this naming scheme throughout future updates, for the sake of the mission makers and the many hours they might have to spend repairing their missions. P.S I also realise that RHS fucked us all a bit here too, its ok.
  2. shifty_ginosaji

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    BI, please make the next MANW have a best forums thread category. This one really deserves it, caramel coated popcorn should be a good prize...
  3. awesome, thanks for the help. also, if anybody knows how to detect chat msgs being sent please tell
  4. thanks for the work, as for you comments the hash was in front of the _missile in the setdir line. setdir in previous tests is fine for these purposes so no velocity vector is needed EDIT: (#) _missile setDir _missileVector; is still broken in the undefined variable error
  5. I am working on a jamming script and there is an "error: undefined variable" on line 23 {_missile setDir _missileVector} even though it was defined on line 21 {_missileArray (getpos_jammer) nearEntities["M_Titan_AA_long",_jamRange];}? I have no idea whats going on, please help? // //Syntax: // // _null = [Jammer,Jammer Range] execVM "jammer-missiledetection.sqf"; // // waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"}; _jammer = _this select 0; _jamRange = _this select 1; _jammerOn = "true"; private ["_jammer","_jamRange","_missileVector","_missileArray","_missile"]; while {_jammerOn == "true"} do { player sideChat "This debug proves the while-do construct is working"; _missileVector = round(random 360); _missileArray = (getpos _jammer) nearEntities ["M_Titan_AA_long",_jamRange]; sleep 0.01; _missile = _missileArray select 0; _missile setDir _missileVector; sleep 0.2; };
  6. shifty_ginosaji

    United States Air Force

    Use the loiter waypoint, it should do the job deliciously
  7. shifty_ginosaji

    Force AI to break missile lock

    already using :) EDIT: The IncomingMissile Event Handler is broken for guided missiles, it fires when the missile is fired not when the launcher acquires lockon A possible workaround would be assigning fired missiles a random trajectory/disabling guidance but i have no idea how to do that
  8. shifty_ginosaji

    Force AI to break missile lock

    That and doWatch do not work, any other ideas?
  9. I am working on an EW addon but my attempts at scrambling radar-guided AA missiles have been defeated since there is no way to forcing AI to break missile lock, For the jamming to work I am trying to find a command {which might not exist} that would break the AI and possibly humans radar missile locking every 10 seconds. Any help would be appreciated!
  10. shifty_ginosaji

    [WIP] F-22 Raptor A3

    Now for someone else to make a T-50 and have epic 5th gen dogfights
  11. Would anybody be interested in a one to two hour editing/scripting livestream that is driven by audience suggestions. I would do overviews and tests of well-known addons and scripts too, anything that anybody really needs to know at a basic to intermediate level. Thoughts?
  12. shifty_ginosaji

    Ukraine General

    Skip to 23 seconds on this video, It shows a T-72BM and the Saint Andrews flag, ensign of the russian navy
  13. Thought you were just looking for names, anyhow a good design would be the British/Australian Bay-class LSD's
  14. What about RFA Dunkirk for the EU LPD
  15. NEW VER: Works much better now Figured out how to do AI beach landings and it works really well, can transport 4 Cars/AMV's or 2 Heavy APC/Tank/Truck. //Burnes15th's LCAC vehicle unload script by Madopow2110 v2 // //Usage: // //_nul = [lcac] execVM "lcac-unload.sqf"; // // //Notes: //Place vehicles in middle of LCAC map icon with elevation set to 4 then use (vehicle attachTo [lcac];) to attach vehicle //to LCAC so it doesnt explode, execute this script on an LCAC's move waypoint placed just over shoreline and set to //careless behavior and full speed. LCAC will automatically return to water after disembarkation so additonal waypoints //are accepted. //Define Vars _ship = _this select 0; _cargo = attachedObjects _ship; //Eject Vehicles/freeze LCAC sleep 2.5; _ship enablesimulation false; sleep 1.5; _ship setVelocity [0,0,0]; {_x setVelocity [0,0,0];} forEach _cargo; _shipdir = getDir _ship; {detach _x;} forEach _cargo; {_x disableAI "MOVE";} forEach _cargo; {_x disableAI "ANIM";} forEach _cargo; _ship setPos [getPos _ship select 0, getPos _ship select 1, (getPos _ship select 2) -0.2]; sleep 0.1; _ship setPos [getPos _ship select 0, getPos _ship select 1, (getPos _ship select 2) -0.2]; sleep 0.1; _ship setPos [getPos _ship select 0, getPos _ship select 1, (getPos _ship select 2) -0.2]; sleep 0.1; _ship setPos [getPos _ship select 0, getPos _ship select 1, (getPos _ship select 2) -0.2]; sleep 0.1; _ship setPos [getPos _ship select 0, getPos _ship select 1, (getPos _ship select 2) -0.2]; sleep 0.1; _ship setPos [getPos _ship select 0, getPos _ship select 1, (getPos _ship select 2) -0.2]; sleep 2; //Vehicle Exit {_x setDir _shipdir} forEach _cargo; sleep 0.1; {_x setDir _shipdir} forEach _cargo; {_x setVelocity [(vectorDir _x select 0)*30,(vectorDir _x select 1)*20,(vectorDir _x select 2)*30];} forEach _cargo; sleep 0.1; {_x setDir _shipdir} forEach _cargo; {_x setVelocity [(vectorDir _x select 0)*30,(vectorDir _x select 1)*20,(vectorDir _x select 2)*30];} forEach _cargo; sleep 2; {_x enableAI "MOVE";} forEach _cargo; {_x enableAI "ANIM";} forEach _cargo; //Wait period - can be changed if period is too short/long sleep 30; //Clear Cargo Var _cargo = 0; _shipdir = 0; //Release LCAC _ship setPos [getPos _ship select 0, getPos _ship select 1, (getPos _ship select 2) +1.2]; _ship enablesimulation true; _ship setPos [getPos _ship select 0, getPos _ship select 1, (getPos _ship select 2) +0.6]; _ship setVelocity [(vectorDir _ship select 0)*-20,(vectorDir _ship select 1)*-20,(vectorDir _ship select 2)*-20]; //Clear Ship Var _ship = 0; Save the script as lcac-unload.sqf and run it on an LCAC's move waypoint to release all vehicles onboard