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ALiVE - Advanced Light Infantry Virtual Environment

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We already have Tuplication for kit getting dup'd in persistence, and BISlocation for multiple menu items due to the module init schedule bug. Can we call this Drooplication?

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Yea sure, can you link me to this ticket place i'm new to this, and I will add a subject of "Droopy's Duplication" ?


You'll need to create an account on Dev Heaven. You can normally just PM me with the details and link to the RPT file but I am leaving town today and won't be able to check PMs until early next week.

Tripple checked prior to posting. Like i've said never had a problem before. Maybe I need to redownload CAF but I don't see why. I also don't see why blacklist won't work, it always has.. well I guess not always. If a dev could post EXACTLY what needs to be posted for multiple blacklist (spacing and all) that would help but I'm sure I'm perfect. I have 6 outpost all with markers labeled FOB1-FOB6. On blacklist for all spawning forces I have FOB1, FOB2, FOB3 etc with and without spaces. They still spawn.

Spaces or no spaces both should work. I would try creating a blacklist for each module (ie: don't use the same BL marker for 2 or more modules) to see if that fixes it.

Remember if you are having strange issues with your existing ALiVE missions please delete and replace any affected modules in the editor.

Edited by SavageCDN

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We already have Tuplication for kit getting dup'd in persistence, and BISlocation for multiple menu items due to the module init schedule bug. Can we call this Drooplication?

Lol I would be honoured!

---------- Post added at 14:11 ---------- Previous post was at 13:37 ----------

I've only just discovered that triggers don't work is there anyway of making markers show or hide on the the trigger of Ofcom not being present, I mean, I have the trigger where it hides shows way points but its 50/50 if the trigger fires, I made it simple as in a Ofcom unit not present in the trigger, so i'm wonder now is it not at this stage poss to make my own scenarios with ALiVE, thx in advanced

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Anyone else have issues with Map FSF Dariyah and ALiVE?

Right at start-up it locks up!

Tried waiting an extra long time. Nothing. Tried adding

ALiVE in steps, and it locks up right after I add the

OPCOM and Mil Placement.

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Anyone else have issues with Map FSF Dariyah and ALiVE?

Right at start-up it locks up!

Tried waiting an extra long time. Nothing. Tried adding

ALiVE in steps, and it locks up right after I add the

OPCOM and Mil Placement.

That's because this map is not on the list of compatible maps for ALiVE, Here is the list.

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I'm using multiple blacklists no probs (FOB1,FOB2,FOB3 etc - see that vid posted in the recent release thread for an example). Make sure the marker covers the area fully and are listed in every Mil Placement / Mil Civ Placement as appropriate. You can check with MP/MCP debug on that no locations are being created. You will also need to blacklist CQB and/or sync the CQB module to MP so it inherits the blacklisted area. Note that nearby enemy locations will still send out clearance patrols and may attack your FOBs if they get within range.

I am, I have all markers covering clafgans FOB's and Base. Labeled FOB1,etc. Military placement module for blufor, synced to op com with logistics synced to opcom. I then have Military civilian with all factions off overriding caf_ag_me_t with CQB(same faction) synced to military civilian module and that synced to their opcom. Op com being synced to logistics and intelligence. All syncing between the modules is correct. Yet, they still spawn in fobs and factions wont load. I'm going to try and do separate military placement modules and see if that works.

Still not sure why it's spawning Opfor though? I have the name correct.

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Is it confirmed that its not just me making mistakes, I've been looking on the wiki, that triggers have a limited success rate? u can restart the game several times an have about a 50% success rate, is there another method I can use to trigger events? as I essentially just need to set up a few targets to assassinate, that type thing

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Nevermind, figured it out. Set the Mil Placement Module class name from BLUFOR to BLU_F. Cleared everything up. Still having some pretty long load times though.

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@Ophelian / @SavageCDN

Right. Thanks guys! Got ahead of myself. Everything was clicking along great with A2 Maps that

I forgot there was a supported maps list and the FSF maps are not yet ready for ALiVE. Sorry.

Was getting ready for the weekend, then it came screeching to a stop... Guess I panicked a little. :o

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I had a strange one last night, we played thru a mission, and 3 of us decided we would check the player persistence we all left, said player saved for all of us, then 2 of us joined and no probs, the third joined few seconds after and he just got duplicated to around 30 of him, anyone no why :D http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/559885232799990816/C62350811D917BAA9652803DA4E990D4A339793C/

Droopy, is the group size for the players (on the map in the editor) larger than 12? To clarify, I don't mean 12 players playing on the server, I mean on the actual map in the editor are there any groups/squads of playable or unplayable units larger than 12?

I've seen it happen because of groups larger than 12 before... Its strange.

That might cause the "Droopliception" phenomena.

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Droopy, is the group size for the players (on the map in the editor) larger than 12? To clarify, I don't mean 12 players playing on the server, I mean on the actual map in the editor are there any groups/squads of playable or unplayable units larger than 12?

I've seen it happen because of groups larger than 12 before... Its strange.

That might cause the "Droopliception" phenomena.

The only placed units are 5 all playable, the rest are purely ALiVE, do you no how I can get around the use off triggers? I wanted to kinda make my own game with ALiVE as awesome ambience

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class CfgGroups
   class INDEP
       name = "Independent";
       class drirregularsI
           name = "ME Irregulars";
           class Infantry
               name = "Infantry";
               class DRI_RifleSquad
                   name = "Rifle Squad";
                   faction = "drirregularsI";
                   side = 2;
                   rarityGroup = 0.5;
                   class Unit0
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_SquadLeader";
                       rank = "SERGEANT";
                       position[] = {0,5,0};
                   class Unit1
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_Grenadier";
                       rank = "CORPORAL";
                       position[] = {3,0,0};
                   class Unit2
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_MachineGunner";
                       rank = "PRIVATE";
                       position[] = {5,0,0};
                   class Unit3
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_RPG7Soldier";
                       rank = "PRIVATE";
                       position[] = {7,0,0};
                   class Unit4
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_Engineer";
                       rank = "PRIVATE";
                       position[] = {9,0,0};
                   class Unit5
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_RPG7Grenadier";
                       rank = "CORPORAL";
                       position[] = {12,0,0};
                   class Unit6
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_AutomaticRifleman";
                       rank = "PRIVATE";
                       position[] = {14,0,0};
                   class Unit7
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_Medic";
                       rank = "CORPORAL";
                       position[] = {16,0,0};
                   class Unit8
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_Marksman";
                       rank = "PRIVATE";
                       position[] = {18,0,0};
               class DRI_WeaponsTeam
                   name = "Weapons Team";
                   faction = "drirregularsI";
                   side = 2;
                   rarityGroup = 0.5;
                   class Unit0
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_SquadLeader";
                       rank = "SERGEANT";
                       position[] = {0,5,0};
                   class Unit1
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_RPG7Soldier";
                       rank = "CORPORAL";
                       position[] = {3,0,0};
                   class Unit2
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_RPG7Grenadier";
                       rank = "PRIVATE";
                       position[] = {5,0,0};
                   class Unit3
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_ATSoldier";
                       rank = "PRIVATE";
                       position[] = {7,0,0};
                   class Unit4
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_AASoldier";
                       rank = "CORPORAL";
                       position[] = {9,0,0};
                   class Unit5
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_AutomaticRifleman";
                       rank = "PRIVATE";
                       position[] = {12,0,0};
               class DRI_FireTeam
                   name = "Fire Team";
                   faction = "drirregularsI";
                   side = 2;
                   rarityGroup = 0.5;
                   class Unit0
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_SquadLeader";
                       rank = "SERGEANT";
                       position[] = {0,5,0};
                   class Unit1
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_AutomaticRifleman";
                       rank = "CORPORAL";
                       position[] = {3,0,0};
                   class Unit2
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_RPG7Grenadier";
                       rank = "PRIVATE";
                       position[] = {5,0,0};
                   class Unit3
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_Rifleman";
                       rank = "PRIVATE";
                       position[] = {7,0,0};
               class DRI_SniperTeam
                   name = "Sniper Team";
                   faction = "drirregularsI";
                   side = 2;
                   rarityGroup = 0.5;
                   class Unit0
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_Marksman";
                       rank = "SERGEANT";
                       position[] = {0,5,0};
                   class Unit1
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_Rifleman";
                       rank = "CORPORAL";
                       position[] = {3,0,0};

               class DRI_EngineerTeam
                   name = "Engineer Team";
                   faction = "drirregularsI";
                   side = 2;
                   rarityGroup = 0.5;
                   class Unit0
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_Engineer";
                       rank = "SERGEANT";
                       position[] = {0,5,0};
                   class Unit1
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_Repair";
                       rank = "CORPORAL";
                       position[] = {3,0,0};
                   class Unit2
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_Explosives";
                       rank = "PRIVATE";
                       position[] = {5,0,0};

               class DRI_SentryTeam
                   name = "Sentry Team";
                   faction = "drirregularsI";
                   side = 2;
                   rarityGroup = 0.5;
                   class Unit0
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_Rifleman";
                       rank = "CORPORAL";
                       position[] = {0,5,0};
                   class Unit1
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_Rifleman";
                       rank = "PRIVATE";
                       position[] = {3,0,0};
               class DRI_LargeSquad
                   name = "Large Squad";
                   faction = "drirregularsI";
                   side = 2;
                   rarityGroup = 0.5;
                   class Unit0
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_SquadLeader";
                       rank = "SERGEANT";
                       position[] = {0,5,0};
                   class Unit1
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_Grenadier";
                       rank = "CORPORAL";
                       position[] = {3,0,0};
                   class Unit2
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_MachineGunner";
                       rank = "PRIVATE";
                       position[] = {5,0,0};
                   class Unit3
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_RPG7Soldier";
                       rank = "PRIVATE";
                       position[] = {7,0,0};
                   class Unit4
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_RPG7Grenadier";
                       rank = "PRIVATE";
                       position[] = {9,0,0};
                   class Unit5
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_RPG7Grenadier";
                       rank = "CORPORAL";
                       position[] = {12,0,0};
                   class Unit6
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_AutomaticRifleman";
                       rank = "PRIVATE";
                       position[] = {14,0,0};
                   class Unit7
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_Medic";
                       rank = "CORPORAL";
                       position[] = {16,0,0};
                   class Unit8
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_Marksman";
                       rank = "PRIVATE";
                       position[] = {18,0,0};
                   class Unit9
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_Rifleman";
                       rank = "PRIVATE";
                       position[] = {20,0,0};
                   class Unit10
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_Rifleman";
                       rank = "PRIVATE";
                       position[] = {22,0,0};
                   class Unit11
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "DRI_AutomaticRifleman";
                       rank = "PRIVATE";
                       position[] = {24,0,0};
           class Motorized
               name = "Motorized";
               class DRI_Technical_1
                   name = "Technical (1)";
                   faction = "drirregularsI";
                   side = 2;
                   rarityGroup = 0.5;
                   class Unit0
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "dri_Offroad_01_armed_F";
                       rank = "SERGEANT";
                       position[] = {0,5,0};
               class DRI_Technicals_2
                   name = "Technicals (2)";
                   faction = "drirregularsI";
                   side = 2;
                   rarityGroup = 0.5;
                   class Unit0
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "dri_Offroad_01_armed_F";
                       rank = "SERGEANT";
                       position[] = {0,5,0};
                   class Unit1
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "dri_Offroad_01s_armed_F";
                       rank = "CORPORAL";
                       position[] = {3,0,0};
               class DRI_Technicals_3
                   name = "Technicals (3)";
                   faction = "drirregularsI";
                   side = 2;
                   rarityGroup = 0.5;
                   class Unit0
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "dri_Offroad_01_armed_F";
                       rank = "SERGEANT";
                       position[] = {0,5,0};
                   class Unit1
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "dri_Offroad_01s_armed_F";
                       rank = "CORPORAL";
                       position[] = {3,0,0};
                   class Unit2
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "dri_Offroad_01s_armed_F";
                       rank = "PRIVATE";
                       position[] = {5,0,0};
               class DRI_Technicals_4
                   name = "Technicals (4)";
                   faction = "drirregularsI";
                   side = 2;
                   rarityGroup = 0.5;
                   class Unit0
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "dri_Offroad_01_armed_F";
                       rank = "SERGEANT";
                       position[] = {0,5,0};
                   class Unit1
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "dri_Offroad_01s_armed_F";
                       rank = "CORPORAL";
                       position[] = {3,0,0};
                   class Unit2
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "dri_Offroad_01_armed_F";
                       rank = "PRIVATE";
                       position[] = {5,0,0};
                   class Unit3
                       side = 2;
                       vehicle = "dri_Offroad_01s_armed_F";
                       rank = "PRIVATE";
                       position[] = {7,0,0};

Gonna post this again so maybe an Alive dev can figure out why MEC's units are spawning vehicles. This is an annoying problem I have found with 3-4 different unit packs and I am wondering where the compatability problem lies.

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Thanks Acoustic. That problem has been bugging me too with some of the packs like massi's. Even some of the mod authors say they followed the ALIVE configs correctly and they don't spawn vehicles.

And my Fallujah is sill spawning civilians incorrectly without MCC, so it's not that which is causing the problem. It works fine though just using A3MP, Fallujah, and ALIVE. I am not sure where the conflict is. I can't imagine its a vehicle or weapon mod that is causing the problem. Does anyone know what could be causing interference with ALIVE and the Ambient Civilian Module on Fallujah?

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Thanks Acoustic. That problem has been bugging me too with some of the packs like massi's. Even some of the mod authors say they followed the ALIVE configs correctly and they don't spawn vehicles.

And my Fallujah is sill spawning civilians incorrectly without MCC, so it's not that which is causing the problem. It works fine though just using A3MP, Fallujah, and ALIVE. I am not sure where the conflict is. I can't imagine its a vehicle or weapon mod that is causing the problem. Does anyone know what could be causing interference with ALIVE and the Ambient Civilian Module on Fallujah?

Is that a typo that you don't have @A3MP_AP in there? Unless something has changed since we last used @Fallujah, it required @A3MP and @A3MP_AP. Could that be it?

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Great update. Good to see the changes to the support system, especially CAS. Any chance of getting some support options for plane transport? Perhaps add a more precises method of choosing altitude, or an Extra High option? Would be an awesome alternative to Halo mods, etc.

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I'll say this again - ALiVE does not require any special configs or compatibility settings. It simply spawns groups configured using the standard BIS template. If vehicles are not spawning with a particular addon the issue does not lie with ALiVE and we cannot help you. I wish I could, but we're no experts in the group configs and can only refer you to the BI Wiki or editing forums for further assistance. All I can say is ALiVE spawns are proven to work with vanilla units and several known addons, such as ohally's Aggressors.

odeassea - you could try putting a transport plane classname in the CAS module and use the bombing run option to simulate a para drop perhaps?

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Hey guys,

I experience many errors right now. I don't know if ALiVE is the origin but I get this error:

Error in expression <on] call ALIVE_fnc_hashGet;

_result = [_profilesFactionType, _type] call ALIVE_>
 Error position: <_profilesFactionType, _type] call ALIVE_>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _profilesfactiontype
File x\alive\addons\sys_profile\fnc_profileHandler.sqf, line 913

Server, mission and mods are up-to-date.

Maybe you are interessted in the whole RPT-logfile:


also I have a "older" (this morning) one:


Hope you can help me

Many Greetings


EDIT: I Just noticed this on the wiki:

Note: Server Admins must update the ALiVE Plugin for v0.6.8. Copy the files from @ALIVE/Addins into your @ArmA2net/addins folder

I don't have such a folder @ArmA2net on my server! It looks like a "mod". Do I need that or what?


I guess I answered my question by myself. So...just ignore me. No I finnaly can say: "Great speed and performance improvements! THANKS ALOT!"


Sorry, not fixed yet. Am I right that multiple Opcoms and CQBs are possible now?

When I added two more Opcoms this RTP-Log happens:


Edited by Moon_chilD

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Right because triggers don't work with alive, i'm just wondering I got a old non alive mission I made, with lots of triggers all the usual stuff, now can I use the save & load player persistence bit from alive with it? as its a long mission and me and friends never get to finish it. is it possible? if so what do I need to place :) thx peeps

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Can anyone tell me,does the garbage collecter delete everything considered "garbage"?

Basically im trying to start a mission,where upon start i have an init command to destroy a town completely with set building damage1.And do this with a couple of towns on Altis.

Iv heard that can hamper performance.Will the garbage collecter clean up this hidden rubble? that i beleive resides under the map hogging cpu.

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Is that a typo that you don't have @A3MP_AP in there? Unless something has changed since we last used @Fallujah, it required @A3MP and @A3MP_AP. Could that be it?

I also had that activated.

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Right because triggers don't work with alive, i'm just wondering I got a old non alive mission I made, with lots of triggers all the usual stuff, now can I use the save & load player persistence bit from alive with it? as its a long mission and me and friends never get to finish it. is it possible? if so what do I need to place :) thx peeps

Bump :)

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Hey Droopy!

Triggers work fine with ALiVE, but you need to check the corresponding ALiVE variables in the trigger cond. (see our WiKi) in case you want to check existence of virtual AI in an area f.e.

Basically for persistence its as easy as it can get: register your server in WarRoom at alivemod.com, drop the SYS Database and SYS Player Persistence modules in your mission, good to to go!

Always at your service!


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Hey Droopy!

Triggers work fine with ALiVE, but you need to check the corresponding ALiVE variables in the trigger cond. (see our WiKi) in case you want to check existence of virtual AI in an area f.e.

Is there a link to this bit directly? because I never find anything like this in the wiki :/

Edited by DroopyPiles

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I've encountered what I believe may be a bug.

To test, I created a fairly plain Altis map with two playable units on blufor grouped as a team, and then another single independent unit. I only have the following alive modules in the map (no other non-alive modules): requires, view distance, crew info, player tags, garbage collection and profile.

When I run the map in multiplayer mode (on the same machine or on a dedicated) with one human player, the other playable unit (which is set to be AI controlled) disappears from the map. I have all debug options turned on for these modules. On the initial map when starting, it appears as those the unit was profiled; I.e., the independent unit shows up as a green marker in its intended position, but with the e designation. When in the map, the unit does not exist any longer (confirmed with alive arms command in debug console). If I switch to the other unit and restart the map, the independent exists (as a human player has filled the position) but the other two units are removed.

If I remove the profile module and restart, the AI controlled playable units work as expected. (I do have disableai = false in description.ext).

It took me some time to identify the issue (as I was originally designing a more complex mission and this was quite a bit of a moving target). I have not removed all mods except alive and cba, but believe the adding/removing the profile module should be independent as I use the same mods collection each time.

Any thoughts?


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