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ALiVE - Advanced Light Infantry Virtual Environment

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I have a rather stupid question on building mission with asymetric commander

Do i need to populate an area with occupying AI force and be on that side to see how insurgency tries to ambush us etc?

Does asymetric AI need to be in same TAOR as occupying force?

Will it try to attack another commander if he is not in same TAOR?

I've read a wiki page about insurgency, but i still don't understand how it works

may be there is a skype group or something where i could bother you with such questions?

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If I'm not mistaken map makers themselves may be able to assist in the near future by providing the ALiVE team with some static data regarding locations and types of military and civilian structures specific to their map, but don't quote me on this :p

The future is now!


If anyone is actually interested in helping with this, make sure you read the entire article.

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I have a rather stupid question on building mission with asymetric commander

1 - Do i need to populate an area with occupying AI force and be on that side to see how insurgency tries to ambush us etc?

2 - Does asymetric AI need to be in same TAOR as occupying force?

3 - Will it try to attack another commander if he is not in same TAOR?

I've read a wiki page about insurgency, but i still don't understand how it works

may be there is a skype group or something where i could bother you with such questions?

1 - not sure I understand the question - do you mean you (player) has to be on the 'occupation' side in order for the Insurgency features to work?

2 - nope

3 - If you specify a TAOR in the module then the AI will be restricted to that TAOR, otherwise it will spread out over the entire AO

An insurgency will typically start in a high threat or 'hot zone' (loosely equivalent to a military TAOR) and seek to spread out from there to conduct operations across the AO. The location of the AI Commander module will be the the centre of the insurgency zone and they will initially prefer secure unguarded installations nearby.
The future is now!


If anyone is actually interested in helping with this, make sure you read the entire article.

Hmm...seems I drank too much over vacation and missed this gem :) Thanks

Edited by SavageCDN

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"The location of the AI Commander module will be the the centre of the insurgency zone and they will initially prefer secure unguarded installations nearby."

For anyone new to the asymmetric mode this is very important to remember, the center of the insurency will be the location of the Military AI Commander that is set to asymmetric. It will spread out from there.

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Wish ALiVE Team would just let you Index your own Maps

Believe me, I wish people could index their own maps too! As it stands, I wrote in this thread and our own forum a few weeks ago asking if anyone was interested in helping indexing new maps, and I wrote up that wiki article with a detailed description of what it takes. I suppose I rather naively expected the people who keep badgering us to let them get stuck into indexing would fall over themselves to take me up on the offer. Unfortunately to date I've not had a single response. But by all means if people want to help out I would be absolutely delighted.

Meanwhile, as pointed out above, you can use custom objectives and CQB to get a sort of manual ALiVE going reasonably easily.

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Is it possible to let the assymetric commander get his hands on some vehicles? Might just be me that cant figure out how to give him access to it, the other commanders i just give them in the placement module.

But this guy dont spawn any at all. I know he is supposed to be insurgentish, but he need's some car's and apc's.

Did a quick search (almost 3am here so i might have missed it) in the post, but didn't find anything about it.

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Has anyone encountered any weird issues with the following modules..

Profile, AI Commander, ALIVE, Combat Logistics, Custom Obj placement, Military Logistics.

Following are synced:

AI Commander, Custom obj, Military Logistics

What i am noticing is just with a single AI placed (player), the body of my guy twitches and i get all sorts of glitches and FPS lag. It is very strange (Altis). The weirder thing is i first noticed this same affect in a 3rd part map, and scrapped the whole mission design, but now found out what is causing it is the Military Logistic module. If i kill that, it works just fine.

Anyone see this before? Should i upload a test mission for you all to see if it happens on your end? I thought maybe it was ACE so disabled that and still no go. All other MODS i am running are for extra units and such, doesnt really have an affect on mission LOAD. Thanks guys

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Quick question

I'm trying to exclude certain vehicle classes from the player logistics module, but can't seem to find anyway to do so. I'm using the RHS US Army woodland faction, and i'm trying to make it so that players can't simply call in a Abrams platoon or something ridiculous whenever they feel like it. Currently, when using the player logistics, it allows for any RHS US Army Woodland unit or group to be called in.

I tried restricting this through a number of ways, first with the player logistics disable module, but from my understanding that only applies to objects, structures and the players interaction with them? I put the vehicle classnames into the blacklist, but again it has no effect (On another note, i'm pretty new to the editor, and might have made a mistake with the classnames or something, especially because its RHS)

I then tried restricting it through the military logistics module (Setting "Allow Armour" to "No", ect.) and that had no effect.

I looked through the ALiVE wiki and other related modules, but couldn't really find much help on the issue.

So if anyone could help me with this, I would appreciate it :D

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Is it possible to let the assymetric commander get his hands on some vehicles? Might just be me that cant figure out how to give him access to it, the other commanders i just give them in the placement module.

But this guy dont spawn any at all. I know he is supposed to be insurgentish, but he need's some car's and apc's.

Did a quick search (almost 3am here so i might have missed it) in the post, but didn't find anything about it.

As far as I know, there is no way to do it automatically. You could add them periodically through code.

Has anyone encountered any weird issues with the following modules..

Profile, AI Commander, ALIVE, Combat Logistics, Custom Obj placement, Military Logistics.

No issues here, try it with only CBA and ALiVE enabled even if the rest are just unit mods. If it still happens then we can go from there.

Quick question

I'm trying to exclude certain vehicle classes from the player logistics module, but can't seem to find anyway to do so. I'm using the RHS US Army woodland faction, and i'm trying to make it so that players can't simply call in a Abrams platoon or something ridiculous whenever they feel like it. Currently, when using the player logistics, it allows for any RHS US Army Woodland unit or group to be called in.

I tried restricting this through a number of ways, first with the player logistics disable module, but from my understanding that only applies to objects, structures and the players interaction with them? I put the vehicle classnames into the blacklist, but again it has no effect (On another note, i'm pretty new to the editor, and might have made a mistake with the classnames or something, especially because its RHS)

I then tried restricting it through the military logistics module (Setting "Allow Armour" to "No", ect.) and that had no effect.

I looked through the ALiVE wiki and other related modules, but couldn't really find much help on the issue.

So if anyone could help me with this, I would appreciate it :D

I think you can do so by editing the staticData info.

Here is a big chunk concerning RHS that references resupply options

If you put this in your init.sqf

call compile preprocessFile "staticData.sqf";

And then create this file in the root of your mission folder


Inside the staticData.sqf file at the very top put


You can then post that code I linked from pastebin below that line and begin to override it. I think where you want to start is by deleting groups in this section

I think you might also be able to delete options off the dialog by editing these lines

Edited by SpyderBlack723

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No issues here, try it with only CBA and ALiVE enabled even if the rest are just unit mods. If it still happens then we can go from there.

Thanks. Yes i know you're right. Been trying all night and it's very difficult to pin point. Here's an example how its affecting my game and what i looks like:


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I think you can do so by editing the staticData info...

Thanks! I'm trying this now, will edit to tell you if I have any success

UPDATE: Well nothing thus far, I'm doing as you say, but for some reason it doesn't seem to be affecting anything in-game

I'm pretty sure i'm doing something wrong with the staticData.sqf or init.sqf. I have them both set up as SQF files in my mission folder, I pasted the lines exactly as you showed, and I deleted both the groups and dialog options I didn't want, but again when I load up the mission in the editor nothing seems to have changed.

Again i'm a total noob at this, so I've probably made some simple error somewhere. This is where I currently have the SQF files: \Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Westonsammy\missions\ye.Stratis

And I have the lines you told me to paste inside of each of those (and nothing more, I might add).

So if you see anything I may have done wrong or forgotten to do, please point it out. Again sorry if its some simple newbie mistake

Edited by Westonsammy

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Thanks. Yes i know you're right. Been trying all night and it's very difficult to pin point. Here's an example how its affecting my game and what i looks like:


I know you said it only happens with the logistics module enabled but that doesn't look like something ALiVE would be causing. Almost looks like a faulty download or something. Does this happen with only modded gear, or with vanilla gear as well?

Edited by SpyderBlack723

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Vanilla as well. i think i've narrowed it down to the ARES mod. So strange but i think thats it. Getting late here so i'll keep testing tomorrow. If anyone has the mod and wants to test themselves let me know how it works out for ya. Thanks Spyder!


Take that back, running vanilla with ARES/ALIVE seems to work OK. Gotta be ARES and another conflicting. More testing tomorrow...

Edited by JCae2798

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"they're armed, m'lord" ;)

Thanks for the replies guys! Makes more sense now. Good info. I should have guessed with the CQB Modules. Will keep that in mind. And will assist with my own indexing if and when I can find time to carve out my own Maps next year. Thanks again.

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As far as I know, there is no way to do it automatically. You could add them periodically through code.

Thank you!

Gonna try to figure out the code option.

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Vanilla as well. i think i've narrowed it down to the ARES mod. So strange but i think thats it. Getting late here so i'll keep testing tomorrow. If anyone has the mod and wants to test themselves let me know how it works out for ya. Thanks Spyder!


Take that back, running vanilla with ARES/ALIVE seems to work OK. Gotta be ARES and another conflicting. More testing tomorrow...

HI AlIVE Team -

I think i found the problem. Please see attached example mission. This is running game vanilla, see mod table below. The glitches happen when higher numbers are used in Custom Obj to spawn units. However if you leave those numbers as is and disable the Military Logistics module, the glitches go away. So it has to be something between the two modules...

Launcher info:










Running latest ALIVE and CBA Any help would be appreciated.


To further explain issue, run mission in Editor and preview. Then go into 3rd person and keep an eye on player unit. You will see glitches/twitches in units head/body. Sometimes moving head side to side helps. May need to wait up to a min for the issue to start appearing, but the latest test shows it happening consistently so you should be able to see what i mean. Otherwise let me know

Edited by JCae2798

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... what, the frogs ?

Haha are you referring to my explanation or the issue itself? :P

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No sorry mate that was an ALiVE map indexing joke.... I forgot to quote the original post... so it doesn't make much sense... ignore

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I think you can do so by editing the staticData info...

Ok, 2 hours of scratching my head and literally 1 obviously missing ";" later, I finally got it to work.

The problem is, this seems to only affect the resupply options, not the reinforcement options. Meaning you can still call in all the US Army AI groups. So it only really fixed half the problem. I'm going to search around and see if there's anyway to restrict the reinforcement groups, but if anyone knows how, please let me know :)

Also thanks for the help Spyder, I really appreciate it.

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Also thanks for the help Spyder, I really appreciate it.

No problem, good luck with the rest. I have been meaning to test that out for awhile now but never did get around too it so it is nice to know it works.

No sorry mate that was an ALiVE map indexing joke.... I forgot to quote the original post... so it doesn't make much sense... ignore

I got the reference ;)

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I asked this on the ALiVE forum but I figured I would ask here as well.

For Tupolov, Highhead and the rest of the Dev team....

Would it be possible to add that wonderful "Join Assault" script into the standard script for ALiVE 1.0 release?

Spyder had it in one of his mission templates,my group added it to one of our missions and we loved it. So awesome to just jump in with a bunch of AI infantry, vehicles, etc and attack an AI objective.

I know we have the autotasking in the CISTAR module, but adding the ability to join a full scale assault on an objective at any time as well would be a nice addition.

Best mod in ARMA history BTW. I use it with every mission I make.

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Can't promise anything cos we're in change freeze mode, but I'll add it to the list of requests :)

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Anyone have a working mission where they have 3 AI commanders on field? One occupying one invasion and one assymetric? With a working reinforcement i simply can not get it to work.

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