RavenlHawk 0 Posted January 24, 2016 Alright currently having issuse with TFAR and BR Insurgency 1.44 trying to add TFAR to it the first time i loaded it up it was fine second time after that i get a Y and N in TS instead of Y Y and it moves me out of TFAR Channle after it loads up. Basicly TFAR is loading then turning itself off. No onein our clan can seem to get Y Y with TFAR and BR 1.44 any ideas what can be causing this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alexcroox 29 Posted January 24, 2016 Anyone have the issue where accessing Arsenal steals your SRR? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EricJ 765 Posted January 24, 2016 I've had the same issue, so last night I disabled the mod, and then equipped a vanilla radio and things seems to be working out when I re-enable the mod. Still haven't verified but that may be a good technique. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
itsoweninhd 10 Posted January 25, 2016 Everyone time i talk it works but after 15 to 20 seconds the radio stops working i cant open my radio after that time but i can hear people but i cant talk back. Any suggestions? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Variable 322 Posted January 26, 2016 Probably it is because waves level... Could you check?Checked. It worked just fine on another mission. Why should the sea waves height affect the underwater radio? Is that on purpose? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hamst3r76 11 Posted January 27, 2016 I dont know if this has been asked or answered previously My clan has 6 channels for Aviation , i setup all 6 channels on the radio Question: Is there a way to assign keyboard keys for example 1-6 that if i push keyboard key 3 it transmits on channel 3 and push key 6 it transmits on channel six or do i manually have to change channels manually to broadcast on that channel Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crielaard 435 Posted January 27, 2016 You can assign a primary and Alternate channel. So two channels you listen and talk on one radio. I'd advice to take a prc152 to listen to 2 other channels. that gives you 4 channels you can listen in to. Of which 2 can be transmitted on at short range. All militairy aircraft I've flown (PC7, T6 T38, F16 and L39) We never had more than 2 radios to transmit on at once. With a max of 6 listening freqs of which 2 transmit. This last one was with the AH64. (No I was never a formal crew member) The SUAS I fly these days has 3 radios, with 3 possible listening channels but only 1 I can transmit on. So Id say regard it as a realistic limitation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DaViSFiT 21 Posted January 27, 2016 Is there a roadmap or plans about the future? Its been a while since the last version and i read much about what is beeing tought of for the future and so on ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Belbo 462 Posted January 29, 2016 player setVariable ["tf_receivingDistanceMultiplicator", 3, true];player setVariable ["tf_sendingDistanceMultiplicator", 3, true]; don't seem to have a function right now. Is that intended? #edit: I found out: player setVariable ["tf_sendingDistanceMultiplicator", 3, true]; does actually work. If setting "tf_receivingDistanceMultiplicator" to the same value as "tf_sendingDistanceMultiplicator", they seem to cancel each other out. Thanks to this finding I present to you my relay-script: /* ADV_fnc_radioRelay - by Belbo (QA and approved by Nyaan) This function turns a vehicle into a radio repeater for use with TFAR. The distance multiplicator is applied to all units of the side provided if at least one radio repeater is up and running. If a radio repeater is destroyed, damaged beyond 60% or descended below the given minimum height it will stop working as a radio repeater. If the last radio repeater is deactivated, the distance multiplicator is removed for all units of the side provided. Possible call - has to be executed on client and server: in init.sqf: [VEHICLE, west, 90] spawn ADV_fnc_radioRelay; or [VEHICLE, west, 90] spawn compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fn_radioRelay"; or from a local client: [VEHICLE, west, 90] remoteExec ["ADV_fnc_radioRelay",0]; or {[VEHICLE, west, 90] spawn compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fn_radioRelay";} remoteExec ["bis_fnc_spawn",0]; */ params [ ["_relay", objNull, [objNull]], ["_side", west, [west]], ["_minHeight", 10, [0]] ]; if !(isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "task_force_radio")) exitWith {}; if (side player == _side) then { if ( isClass(configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "ace_interact_menu") ) then { _ace_relayActionON = [ "relayActionOn", ("<t color=""#00FF00"">" + ("ACTIVATE RADIO REPEATER") + "</t>"), "", { (_this select 0) setVariable [format ["adv_var_isRelay_%1",((_this select 2) select 0)],true,true]; systemChat "Radio repeater activated."; }, { !((_this select 0) getVariable [format ["adv_var_isRelay_%1",(_this select 2) select 0],false]) && damage (_this select 0) < 0.4 }, nil,[_side] ] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; _ace_relayActionOFF = [ "relayActionOff", ("<t color=""#FF0000"">" + ("DEACTIVATE RADIO REPEATER") + "</t>"), "", { (_this select 0) setVariable [format ["adv_var_isRelay_%1",((_this select 2) select 0)],false,true]; systemChat "Radio repeater deactivated."; }, { ((_this select 0) getVariable [format ["adv_var_isRelay_%1",(_this select 2) select 0],false]) && damage (_this select 0) < 0.6 }, nil,[_side] ] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; [_relay , 0, ["ACE_MainActions"],_ace_relayActionON] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; [_relay , 0, ["ACE_MainActions"],_ace_relayActionOFF] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; } else { [_relay,_side] spawn { _relay = _this select 0; _side = _this select 1; while { alive _relay } do { waitUntil { sleep 1; (damage _relay) < 0.6 }; _relay setVariable [format ["adv_var_isRelay_%1",_side],false,true]; adv_handle_relayActionOn = _relay addAction [("<t color=""#00FF00"">" + ("Activate Radio Repeater") + "</t>"), { (_this select 0) setVariable [format ["adv_var_isRelay_%1",((_this select 3) select 0)],true,true]; systemChat "Radio repeater activated."; (_this select 0) removeAction (_this select 2); adv_handle_relayActionOff = (_this select 0) addAction [("<t color=""#FF0000"">" + ("Deactivate Radio Repeater") + "</t>"), { (_this select 0) setVariable [format ["adv_var_isRelay_%1",((_this select 3) select 0)],false,true]; systemChat "Radio repeater deactivated."; (_this select 0) removeAction (_this select 2); },_side,6,false,true,"","player distance _target <5"]; },_side,6,false,true,"","player distance _target <5"]; waitUntil { sleep 1; _relay getVariable (format ["adv_var_isRelay_%1",_side]) }; waitUntil { sleep 1; ((damage _relay) > 0.6 || !alive _relay) || !(_relay getVariable (format ["adv_var_isRelay_%1",_side])) }; if (!isNil "adv_handle_relayActionOff") then { _relay removeAction adv_handle_relayActionOff; }; }; }; }; }; if (isServer) then { [_relay,_side,_minHeight] spawn { _relay = _this select 0; _side = _this select 1; _minHeight = _this select 2; while {alive _relay} do { waitUntil { sleep 1; damage _relay > 0.6 || !alive _relay || getTerrainHeightASL (getPos _relay) < _minHeight}; _relay setVariable [format ["adv_var_isRelay_%1",_side],false,true]; waitUntil { sleep 1; damage _relay < 0.4 || !alive _relay }; }; }; if !( missionNamespace getVariable [format ["ADV_var_relayScriptHasRun_%1",_side],false] ) then { missionNamespace setVariable [format ["ADV_var_relayScriptHasRun_%1",_side],true,true]; while {true} do { waitUntil { sleep 1; {_x getVariable [format ["adv_var_isRelay_%1",_side],false]} count (vehicles+allMissionObjects"Land_DataTerminal_01_F") > 0 }; { if ( (side _x) == _side ) then { _x setVariable ["tf_sendingDistanceMultiplicator", 2, true]; }; } forEach allPlayers; waitUntil { sleep 1; {_x getVariable [format ["adv_var_isRelay_%1",_side],false]} count (vehicles+allMissionObjects"Land_DataTerminal_01_F") == 0 }; { if ( (side _x) == _side || (side _x) == sideEnemy ) then { _x setVariable ["tf_sendingDistanceMultiplicator", 1, true]; }; } forEach allPlayers; }; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Persian MO 82 Posted January 31, 2016 My radio have a weird bug.When i hold caps-lock , right side down monitor, it show me the radio working and channel hint.Working in single player fine but in multi player the radio not working at all. I reinstalled the mod, plugin, team speak few times, no luck.Also changed my arma profile name. I reinstalled CBA mod too.Executed teamspeak as run as administrator, still not working radio.Anyone have this problem? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Persian MO 82 Posted January 31, 2016 My radio have a weird bug.When i hold caps-lock , right side down monitor, it show me the radio working and channel hint.Working in single player fine but in multi player the radio not working at all. I reinstalled the mod, plugin, team speak few times, no luck.Also changed my arma profile name. I reinstalled CBA mod too.Executed teamspeak as run as administrator, still not working radio.Anyone have this problem? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nkey 35 Posted January 31, 2016 Hey. Sorry for the noobish question. I created a hidden backpack as a placable item. But i can't get it to work. How do i exactly use this functions? Greetings Need more details... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nkey 35 Posted January 31, 2016 Hi, I have question, we wish to force player on our server to be on TFR an in our teamspeak, such that they would be given some kind black screen if they were not on TFR. Is it possible to do this with a script in a mission file (as opposed to using a mod to do it) Yes, check https://github.com/michail-nikolaev/task-force-arma-3-radio/wiki/API%3A-Functions There fuction to get plugin/server/channel status. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nkey 35 Posted January 31, 2016 I have a problem with TFAR initializing incorrectly after loading a saved mission. If I start a custom mission of my own creation, select "Save And Exit" in the pause menu then resume that mission, I will hear everyone as though we were just using normal TeamSpeak, but I can still bring up the radio. Everyone else in the server can use TFAR without issue, but they will also hear me as if through normal TeamSpeak. Saved games not supported... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nkey 35 Posted January 31, 2016 little problem here: no matter what i do, TFAR always spawns a microdagr in the inventory.. tried the command that i could find in the FAQ also it loads the frequencies for LR but not for SR (put both in the init) Have you tried to adjust server userconfg setting? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nkey 35 Posted January 31, 2016 Alright currently having issuse with TFAR and BR Insurgency 1.44 trying to add TFAR to it the first time i loaded it up it was fine second time after that i get a Y and N in TS instead of Y Y and it moves me out of TFAR Channle after it loads up. Basicly TFAR is loading then turning itself off. No onein our clan can seem to get Y Y with TFAR and BR 1.44 any ideas what can be causing this. Probably compatibility issue.. Probably mod uses deprecated onEachFrame. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nkey 35 Posted January 31, 2016 Checked. It worked just fine on another mission. Why should the sea waves height affect the underwater radio? Is that on purpose? Yes, because underwater uses infrasound for communications. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nkey 35 Posted January 31, 2016 Everyone time i talk it works but after 15 to 20 seconds the radio stops working i cant open my radio after that time but i can hear people but i cant talk back. Any suggestions? Any errors in logs? Plugin reload helps? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nkey 35 Posted January 31, 2016 Is there a roadmap or plans about the future? Its been a while since the last version and i read much about what is beeing tought of for the future and so on ;) Have plan to release new version. Could not say exact ETA - busy with another project (hope I'll able to announce it soon). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nkey 35 Posted January 31, 2016 player setVariable ["tf_receivingDistanceMultiplicator", 3, true]; player setVariable ["tf_sendingDistanceMultiplicator", 3, true]; don't seem to have a function right now. Is that intended? #edit: I found out: player setVariable ["tf_sendingDistanceMultiplicator", 3, true]; does actually work. If setting "tf_receivingDistanceMultiplicator" to the same value as "tf_sendingDistanceMultiplicator", they seem to cancel each other out. Thanks to this finding I present to you my relay-script: /* ADV_fnc_radioRelay - by Belbo (QA and approved by Nyaan) This function turns a vehicle into a radio repeater for use with TFAR. The distance multiplicator is applied to all units of the side provided if at least one radio repeater is up and running. If a radio repeater is destroyed, damaged beyond 60% or descended below the given minimum height it will stop working as a radio repeater. If the last radio repeater is deactivated, the distance multiplicator is removed for all units of the side provided. Possible call - has to be executed on client and server: in init.sqf: [VEHICLE, west, 90] spawn ADV_fnc_radioRelay; or [VEHICLE, west, 90] spawn compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fn_radioRelay"; or from a local client: [VEHICLE, west, 90] remoteExec ["ADV_fnc_radioRelay",0]; or {[VEHICLE, west, 90] spawn compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fn_radioRelay";} remoteExec ["bis_fnc_spawn",0]; */ params [ ["_relay", objNull, [objNull]], ["_side", west, [west]], ["_minHeight", 10, [0]] ]; if !(isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "task_force_radio")) exitWith {}; if (side player == _side) then { if ( isClass(configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "ace_interact_menu") ) then { _ace_relayActionON = [ "relayActionOn", ("<t color=""#00FF00"">" + ("ACTIVATE RADIO REPEATER") + "</t>"), "", { (_this select 0) setVariable [format ["adv_var_isRelay_%1",((_this select 2) select 0)],true,true]; systemChat "Radio repeater activated."; }, { !((_this select 0) getVariable [format ["adv_var_isRelay_%1",(_this select 2) select 0],false]) && damage (_this select 0) < 0.4 }, nil,[_side] ] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; _ace_relayActionOFF = [ "relayActionOff", ("<t color=""#FF0000"">" + ("DEACTIVATE RADIO REPEATER") + "</t>"), "", { (_this select 0) setVariable [format ["adv_var_isRelay_%1",((_this select 2) select 0)],false,true]; systemChat "Radio repeater deactivated."; }, { ((_this select 0) getVariable [format ["adv_var_isRelay_%1",(_this select 2) select 0],false]) && damage (_this select 0) < 0.6 }, nil,[_side] ] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; [_relay , 0, ["ACE_MainActions"],_ace_relayActionON] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; [_relay , 0, ["ACE_MainActions"],_ace_relayActionOFF] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; } else { [_relay,_side] spawn { _relay = _this select 0; _side = _this select 1; while { alive _relay } do { waitUntil { sleep 1; (damage _relay) < 0.6 }; _relay setVariable [format ["adv_var_isRelay_%1",_side],false,true]; adv_handle_relayActionOn = _relay addAction [("<t color=""#00FF00"">" + ("Activate Radio Repeater") + "</t>"), { (_this select 0) setVariable [format ["adv_var_isRelay_%1",((_this select 3) select 0)],true,true]; systemChat "Radio repeater activated."; (_this select 0) removeAction (_this select 2); adv_handle_relayActionOff = (_this select 0) addAction [("<t color=""#FF0000"">" + ("Deactivate Radio Repeater") + "</t>"), { (_this select 0) setVariable [format ["adv_var_isRelay_%1",((_this select 3) select 0)],false,true]; systemChat "Radio repeater deactivated."; (_this select 0) removeAction (_this select 2); },_side,6,false,true,"","player distance _target <5"]; },_side,6,false,true,"","player distance _target <5"]; waitUntil { sleep 1; _relay getVariable (format ["adv_var_isRelay_%1",_side]) }; waitUntil { sleep 1; ((damage _relay) > 0.6 || !alive _relay) || !(_relay getVariable (format ["adv_var_isRelay_%1",_side])) }; if (!isNil "adv_handle_relayActionOff") then { _relay removeAction adv_handle_relayActionOff; }; }; }; }; }; if (isServer) then { [_relay,_side,_minHeight] spawn { _relay = _this select 0; _side = _this select 1; _minHeight = _this select 2; while {alive _relay} do { waitUntil { sleep 1; damage _relay > 0.6 || !alive _relay || getTerrainHeightASL (getPos _relay) < _minHeight}; _relay setVariable [format ["adv_var_isRelay_%1",_side],false,true]; waitUntil { sleep 1; damage _relay < 0.4 || !alive _relay }; }; }; if !( missionNamespace getVariable [format ["ADV_var_relayScriptHasRun_%1",_side],false] ) then { missionNamespace setVariable [format ["ADV_var_relayScriptHasRun_%1",_side],true,true]; while {true} do { waitUntil { sleep 1; {_x getVariable [format ["adv_var_isRelay_%1",_side],false]} count (vehicles+allMissionObjects"Land_DataTerminal_01_F") > 0 }; { if ( (side _x) == _side ) then { _x setVariable ["tf_sendingDistanceMultiplicator", 2, true]; }; } forEach allPlayers; waitUntil { sleep 1; {_x getVariable [format ["adv_var_isRelay_%1",_side],false]} count (vehicles+allMissionObjects"Land_DataTerminal_01_F") == 0 }; { if ( (side _x) == _side || (side _x) == sideEnemy ) then { _x setVariable ["tf_sendingDistanceMultiplicator", 1, true]; }; } forEach allPlayers; }; }; }; Cool ;) Put 3 to sending and 0.333 to receiving. 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nkey 35 Posted January 31, 2016 My radio have a weird bug.When i hold caps-lock , right side down monitor, it show me the radio working and channel hint.Working in single player fine but in multi player the radio not working at all. I reinstalled the mod, plugin, team speak few times, no luck.Also changed my arma profile name. I reinstalled CBA mod too.Executed teamspeak as run as administrator, still not working radio.Anyone have this problem? Any errors in logs? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nkey 35 Posted January 31, 2016 So can anyone confirm problem with TFAR when there is 30+ people on the channel ? we have issues that people are cut out, or we don't hear other people talk on the radios. We can hear the 'beep' at start and the end but sometimes we just can't hear anyone talk. I heard that TFAR can't handle lots of people on one channel, is that true ? We are playing with 100+ players in one channel without issues. Could you test to just move all players into one TS channel (without TFAR) and talk? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Belbo 462 Posted January 31, 2016 Cool ;) Put 3 to sending and 0.333 to receiving. Is there a logic behind that? Something like (sending) x (receiving/3) = normal range? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Persian MO 82 Posted February 1, 2016 Any errors in logs? Well, problem fixed.CBA was the problem.Used uploaded cba with radio mod and all fine now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nkey 35 Posted February 1, 2016 Is there a logic behind that? Something like (sending) x (receiving/3) = normal range? Sending - your transmit randge multiplied Receviing - range your receiving from multiplied Share this post Link to post Share on other sites