cross888 10 Posted November 26, 2013 Just put standard IteamRadio in inventory - it will replaced by your faction radio after few seconds.---------- Post added at 14:56 ---------- Previous post was at 14:46 ---------- Could you please describe what kind of noise you want? Currently you'll hear clicks on tangent. thanks for the feedback mate. sound wise i think the radio click is fine all-thou most of our radios (Bowman) make and audible beep when you press the pressel. as it stands I think you're mod just needs the background static when you transmitt over the radio thats it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
paramedic256 10 Posted November 26, 2013 first of all thx to nkey and your crew for this great mod! we changed our com-system for a3 to TFAR...! we recommend this to all a3-Communities, its great! but we have a feature-request: is it possible to get a smaller radio, then the SR-Radio for the infantrie... maybe it is possible to port the underwater-radio to the infantry as well for short-short-range coms (200 to 300 meters) above water. the cause is, we miss a radio like 343er... i know the oppinions here are very diffrent, but we miss that option. thank you guys Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raspu86 92 Posted November 26, 2013 Any chance to get the option to set different radios to different ears so one can distinguish between different channels easier? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
paramedic256 10 Posted November 26, 2013 Any chance to get the option to set different radios to different ears so one can distinguish between different channels easier? zur zeit leider nicht raspu... grüsse zu CLF Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nkey 35 Posted November 26, 2013 first of all thx to nkey and your crew for this great mod! we changed our com-system for a3 to TFAR...! we recommend this to all a3-Communities, its great!but we have a feature-request: is it possible to get a smaller radio, then the SR-Radio for the infantrie... maybe it is possible to port the underwater-radio to the infantry as well for short-short-range coms (200 to 300 meters) above water. the cause is, we miss a radio like 343er... i know the oppinions here are very diffrent, but we miss that option. thank you guys In next version I plan add support for subchannels in radios. So, you'll able, for example, to use 152/148/Fadak via subchannels for fireteam communications (as via 343). ---------- Post added at 18:12 ---------- Previous post was at 18:11 ---------- Any chance to get the option to set different radios to different ears so one can distinguish between different channels easier? Few weeks... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
paramedic256 10 Posted November 26, 2013 thank you... good work so far... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zealot111 13 Posted November 26, 2013 Hi, All. I just tried code from init.sqf waituntil {sleep 0.5;player call haveSwRadio}; [call activeSwRadio, "101.1" ] call setSwFrequency; works just fine and sets all players' SW radio channels to that value (101.1) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zach72 1 Posted November 26, 2013 Liking what I'm seeing so far after a short 2 man test. Very smooth operation, 'just works' out of the box! But it seems really odd to me that, by default, all the radios for the same faction come with seemingly random frequencies! Wouldn't it make sense having a uniform set of frequencies for all the channels, and using code/scripting to change them if needed? I want to try this out on our public servers, but the thought of talking each player through changing frequencies is a bit daunting! I see that there are posts about calling "setSwFrequency" or changing "generateSwSetting" but without documentation, I don't know what I'm doing there really. +1 for selecting which ear for each radio - really useful feature. Distortion on the short range seems a bit harsh. Can't make out due to high end static on voices. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NeuroFunker 11 Posted November 26, 2013 can confirm, playing with this since a month with a clan, used on 100 man pvp battles. Still some bugs here and there, like not hearing eachother sometimes, but such things happen in real life too :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nkey 35 Posted November 26, 2013 Liking what I'm seeing so far after a short 2 man test. Very smooth operation, 'just works' out of the box!But it seems really odd to me that, by default, all the radios for the same faction come with seemingly random frequencies! Wouldn't it make sense having a uniform set of frequencies for all the channels, and using code/scripting to change them if needed? I want to try this out on our public servers, but the thought of talking each player through changing frequencies is a bit daunting! I see that there are posts about calling "setSwFrequency" or changing "generateSwSetting" but without documentation, I don't know what I'm doing there really. +1 for selecting which ear for each radio - really useful feature. Distortion on the short range seems a bit harsh. Can't make out due to high end static on voices. 1) check previous post - it is approved way to set frequency (for first channel) in programmic way (run it in 'spawn'). Feel free to ask any questions. 2) will be done 3) I have plan to use codec2 (real software radio codec) to emulate radio distorsion in future Thanks, Michail. ---------- Post added at 19:21 ---------- Previous post was at 19:19 ---------- can confirm, playing with this since a month with a clan, used on 100 man pvp battles. Still some bugs here and there, like not hearing eachother sometimes, but such things happen in real life too :) Update to (current version from 17.11.2013) :) Last known problem with hearing were solved. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zach72 1 Posted November 26, 2013 Thanks for prompt reply nkey. Think you are going to get swamped with interest in this thread soon... a lot of people have been waiting a long time for ACRE2 to be released. This may get very popular! Typical someone posted a working script while I was writing my post! will try that out tonight. Is there a bit of script that does a radio replacement, if for example I want everyone to spawn with a different Short Range radio than the 152? Would it be possible for Ctl-P and Alt-P to be toggles, so clicking it again removes the interface instead of having to hit Esc? Just a low priority usability thing, but would be nice. Another usability suggestion is allowing you to use the number buttons on the radio to input digits as well as using the keyboard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nkey 35 Posted November 26, 2013 Is there a bit of script that does a radio replacement, if for example I want everyone to spawn with a different Short Range radio than the 152? Would it be possible for Ctl-P and Alt-P to be toggles, so clicking it again removes the interface instead of having to hit Esc? Just a low priority usability thing, but would be nice. Another usability suggestion is allowing you to use the number buttons on the radio to input digits as well as using the keyboard. 1) radio type you get depends on your side (BLUEFOR, OPFOR, else). Will think about some API to get any radio types. 2) will think about 3) will think about (sometimes used to switch channels). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zealot111 13 Posted November 26, 2013 (edited) I wrote a litle script which generate random frequencies for TaskForce radio. Frequencies guaranteed to be uniq for each squad. Script just places markers on left upper corner of the map on the briefing screen at the start of mission. Those markers text contains frequencies for all friendly squads. (for West and Resistance for example). In the begginng of the mission each unit starts with his sw radio frequency already setup on his radio. Script intented for MP TvT missions. Use: [] execVM "zlt_gen_freqs.sqf"; from init.sqf zlt_gen_freqs.sqf // v.1d by [sTELS]Zealot // Use from init.sqf: // [] execVM "zlt_gen_freqs.sqf"; _markeast = []; _markwest = []; _markres = []; zlt_fnc_createmarkerlocal = { private ["_marker","_pos","_shape","_type","_text","_color","_dir","_brush","_size"]; _marker = [_this, 0, "mrk"] call BIS_fnc_param; _pos = [_this, 1, [0,0]] call BIS_fnc_param; _text = [_this, 2, ""] call BIS_fnc_param; _color = [_this, 3, "ColorOrange"] call BIS_fnc_param; _type = [_this, 4, "mil_dot"] call BIS_fnc_param; _size = [_this, 5, [1,1] ] call BIS_fnc_param; _shape = [_this, 6, "ICON"] call BIS_fnc_param; _dir = [_this, 7, 0] call BIS_fnc_param; _brush = [_this, 8, "Solid"] call BIS_fnc_param; createMarkerLocal[_marker, _pos]; _marker setMarkerShapeLocal _shape; _marker setMarkerTypeLocal _type; _marker setMarkerTextLocal _text; _marker setMarkerColorLocal _color; _marker setMarkerDirLocal _dir; _marker setMarkerBrushlocal _brush; _marker setMarkerSizelocal _size; _marker setMarkerPosLocal _pos; _marker; }; zlt_prc_freq_updmarkers = { _zlt_genfreq_xmap = 0; _zlt_genfreq_ymap = 8000; _zlt_genfreq_deltamap = 250; if (worldName == "Altis") then { _zlt_genfreq_xmap = 1000; _zlt_genfreq_ymap = 30000; _zlt_genfreq_deltamap = 500; }; _zlt_spawnSetSwChannel = { [] spawn { waituntil {sleep 0.5;player call haveSwRadio}; if (not isNil {zlt_genFreq_playerSwChannel}) then { [call activeSwRadio, zlt_genFreq_playerSwChannel ] call setSwFrequency; }; }; }; _zlt_fnc_printfrq = { _val = _this select 1; _group = _this select 0; _side = _this select 2; _txt = format["%1: %2 MHz",_group, _val]; _mcolor = [_side, true] call bis_fnc_sidecolor; [format ["mrk_freq_%1", _zlt_genfreq_ymap], [_zlt_genfreq_xmap, _zlt_genfreq_ymap] , _txt ,_mcolor] call zlt_fnc_createmarkerlocal; _zlt_genfreq_ymap = _zlt_genfreq_ymap - _zlt_genfreq_deltamap; }; if (isDedicated) exitWith {}; waituntil {player == player}; _friends = ([side player] call BIS_fnc_friendlySides) - [civilian]; _friendsids = []; {_friendsids set [count _friendsids, [_x] call BIS_fnc_sideID] } foreach _friends; _playerSideId = _friends find playerSide; _playerGroupId = groupID group player; _lrside = _friends select 0; _mcolor = [side player, true] call bis_fnc_sidecolor; ["mrk_freq_a", [_zlt_genfreq_xmap, _zlt_genfreq_ymap] , "Frequencies:" ,_mcolor] call zlt_fnc_createmarkerlocal; _zlt_genfreq_ymap = _zlt_genfreq_ymap - _zlt_genfreq_deltamap; _lrrecord = ( _this select (_friendsids select 0) ) select 0; [_lrrecord select 0, _lrrecord select 1,side player] call _zlt_fnc_printfrq; for "_x" from 0 to count(_friendsids)-1 do { _radioarr = _this select (_friendsids select _x); for "_y" from 1 to count(_radioarr)-1 do { _carr = _radioarr select _y; if ((_playerSideId == _x) and ([_playerGroupId,_carr select 0] call BIS_fnc_inString)) then { zlt_genFreq_playerSwChannel = str(_carr select 1); [] call _zlt_spawnSetSwChannel; }; [_carr select 0, _carr select 1,_friends select _x] call _zlt_fnc_printfrq; }; }; }; if (not isDedicated) spawn { waitUntil {!isNil "public_frequency_markers"}; public_frequency_markers call zlt_prc_freq_updmarkers; }; _fnc_genfreq = { private ["_state","_num","_isinbl","_l1","_l2"]; _state = _this select 0; if (isNil {zlt_freqblacklist}) then { zlt_freqblacklist = []; }; _num = 0; _l1 = -2; _l2 = 2; _isinbl = true; if (_state == 0) then { _l1 = 32; _l2 = 64; }; if (_state == 1) then { _l1 = 100; _l2 = 400; }; while {_isinbl} do { _num = round (([_l1,_l2] call bis_fnc_randomnum) * 10) / 10 ; if not (_num in zlt_freqblacklist) then { zlt_freqblacklist = zlt_freqblacklist set [count zlt_freqblacklist, _num ]; _isinbl = false; }; }; _num; }; if (not isServer) exitWith {}; _num = [0] call _fnc_genfreq ; _sdv = [2] call _fnc_genfreq ; _markeast set [count _markeast, ["LR", str(_num)+" ("+(if (_sdv >0) then {"+"} else {""})+str(_sdv)+")"]] ; _num = [0] call _fnc_genfreq ; _sdv = [2] call _fnc_genfreq ; _markwest set [count _markwest,["LR", str(_num)+" ("+(if (_sdv >0) then {"+"} else {""})+str(_sdv)+")"]] ; _num = [0] call _fnc_genfreq ; _sdv = [2] call _fnc_genfreq ; _markres set [count _markres, ["LR", str(_num)+" ("+(if (_sdv >0) then {"+"} else {""})+str(_sdv)+")"]] ; { _num = [1] call _fnc_genfreq ; if ((leader _x) in playableUnits) then { switch true do { case (side leader _x == west) : {_markwest set [ count _markwest , [groupID (_x)+"("+name leader _x +")", _num ]];}; case (side leader _x == east) : {_markeast set [ count _markeast , [groupID (_x)+"("+name leader _x +")", _num ]];}; case (side leader _x == resistance) : {_markres set [ count _markres , [groupID (_x)+"("+name leader _x +")", _num ]];}; }; }; } foreach allgroups; public_frequency_markers = [_markeast,_markwest,_markres]; publicVariable "public_frequency_markers"; Edited November 26, 2013 by zealot111 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PTV-Jobo 821 Posted November 26, 2013 Ben playing with this with some friends and have to say this is hands down one of my new favorites. I have officially decided to use this instead of ACRE. I love how easy it is to run right out of the box, all the features and I'm sure judging by the author and reading through his responses, that this mod will only get even better and more awesome in the future. Thank you very much for all of your time you put into putting this together, and even more thanks for releasing it for the rest of us to fall in love with using! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hoax -ESMA- 10 Posted November 27, 2013 Thank you for your Nice Work ! Definitely use it instead of actual ACRE mod. Easy to install and use and awesome features already included, can't wait for other cool features ! We are with you bro ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CARRICK_IRISH 39 Posted November 27, 2013 Hey, first of all: thank you for sharing this great mod :) its working fine and i rly like the ambience it grants. only one thing about synergy with BTC Revive: - When I get revived after being unconscious (technically: dead and respawn in dead animation) the mod is giving me a new radio from the opposite faction and changes all my frequency presets. Maybe there is any good point about it and im still missing it but i thought it could be a good idea to share it :) best regards, ian Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dimitri_harkov 10 Posted November 27, 2013 Great mod, thanks for sharing! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nkey 35 Posted November 27, 2013 Hey,only one thing about synergy with BTC Revive: - When I get revived after being unconscious (technically: dead and respawn in dead animation) the mod is giving me a new radio from the opposite faction and changes all my frequency presets. Thanks, I already know about this issues, will be fixed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sxp2high 23 Posted November 27, 2013 Really cool Addon, we tried it yesterday and were really impressed. It worked really well. :) Nice work! Thanks! 2 Things I would like to mention: - One of our players had an @ inside his nickname, and apparently he was causing "FAIL" because of that. Not a big deal, but maybe something you would like to look into. Probably special characters in general? - The volume of the radio transmissions were a bit too low for most of us, any tips on how to increase it? We set the radio to 100 volume but that didn't help a whole lot. Just minor issues. Again, nice work! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nkey 35 Posted November 27, 2013 - One of our players had an @ inside his nickname, and apparently he was causing "FAIL" because of that. Not a big deal, but maybe something you would like to look into. Probably special characters in general? - The volume of the radio transmissions were a bit too low for most of us, any tips on how to increase it? We set the radio to 100 volume but that didn't help a whole lot. 1) Oops. For some reason I was sure '@' is not allowed in Arma nickname.... I'll change separator. 2) Hope it will fixed after migration to new codec. Currently you may try to increase volume of TS in Windows settings. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hannibal2210 1 Posted November 27, 2013 Thanks nkey, this is a seriously good addon and we have started to use this over the current port of ACRE. I found one problem regarding distribution with PlayWithSix as it does not automatically install the Task Force radio dlls to the teamspeak plugins folder. I tried this with several people and they had the same problem. There is a 'plugin' folder inside your mod folder but I'm not sure how exactly PWS decides on where to move those files. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy230 10 Posted November 27, 2013 Great job Michail, our community will do some focus test in next days. We should replace ACRE port by Task Force radio plugin If there will be no big problems. Thanks for your hard work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nkey 35 Posted November 27, 2013 Thanks nkey, this is a seriously good addon and we have started to use this over the current port of ACRE.I found one problem regarding distribution with PlayWithSix as it does not automatically install the Task Force radio dlls to the teamspeak plugins folder. I tried this with several people and they had the same problem. There is a 'plugin' folder inside your mod folder but I'm not sure how exactly PWS decides on where to move those files. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again! PWS addon is not managed by me - they did it themselves (thanks them bwt). Looks like PWS can't automatically install plugins into TeamSpeak folder (the same thing with ACRE as far as I know). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CARRICK_IRISH 39 Posted November 27, 2013 Thanks, I already know about this issues, will be fixed. great, thank you. i'll stick to this thread. keep up the good work :) ian Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rinfule 10 Posted November 27, 2013 Most of the times when server restarted or changed mission, the plugin will failed to load and you have to reload plugin on TeamSpeak then return to slot menu and return to the mission to make it work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites