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Aaron Kane


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Ladies and gentlemen, I regret to inform you all that my sister became a full fledged vegetarian a few months back.  At first, I thought it was a joke and she'd get over it, but she hasnt! Its madness!

The thing that is stupid is that she isnt getting much protein at all, since meat is one of our main protein sources (as you all know).  She eats peanut butter sometimes, but still, "sometimes" isnt good enough.

She argues that one vegetarian saves on average 300-something animals a year.  I argue that she needs to shut up. mad.gif

What is your standing on vegetarianism? I think its a nice idea in concept, (save the animals by not eating them), but theres not enough vegetarians to make a big difference, and many foods that they eat still contain animal products, such as lard.

BTW, I realize that not all vegetarians dont eat meat just to help animals. Just wanted to clarify that.

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Well, I personally dont care if someone doesnt want to eat meat... its his/her own decision.

But its not ok if he/she comes to tell me that I shouldnt eat meat either.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Kegetys @ Aug. 20 2002,12:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Well, I personally dont care if someone doesnt want to eat meat... its his/her own decision.

But its not ok if he/she comes to tell me that I shouldnt eat meat either.<span id='postcolor'>

Same here.

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If this thread is going to move onto animals, I suggest you move along to the animal testing thread were we are talking about animals.

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hokey dokey, I'll meander over to the other thread. Mods, please close this one.

*runs away*

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Aaron Kane @ Aug. 20 2002,13:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The thing that is stupid is that she isnt getting much protein at all, since meat is one of our main protein sources (as you all know).  She eats peanut butter sometimes, but still, "sometimes" isnt good enough.<span id='postcolor'>

Tell her to eat beans and tofu. They're a good source for protein.

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meat = good

human eats meat since the beginning of hummanity and , why having sentiments for things that don't have any for you

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Well, I show you Therapy Site that could make her return to the world of meats! tounge.gifhats of meat

The ones of you that had to do with cooking know that meat has much more important elements than just proteins. I dont know how you call all this stuff in english (maybe tissue, zink, phosphor, jod). Those are very hard to compensate with vegetables. To neglect meat is the wrong solution. Damn go to a farmer and buy your meat there. There you know what you get. But for that she is probably to lazy. And to help improve things probably too. So I guess it is just a fad. People always choose the passive way never the active one!

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I don't eat a lot of meat, i dunno why, i just don't like it that much. And there is too much wrong with our meat these days, all those deseases!!

I always eat small parts of meat, i respect vegetarians, basically i respect everyone that wants to do something postive for animals or nature.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Albert Schweizer @ Aug. 19 2002,14:54)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Damn go to a farmer and buy your meat there. There you know what you get. But for that she is probably to lazy. And to help improve things probably too. So I guess it is just a fad. People always choose the passive way never the active one!<span id='postcolor'>

Um, i don't think you understand why vegetarians don't eat meat, it's not just because they think bad stuff happens with the animals or because they don't know what happened to the meat, most of them have reason that have nothing to do with that.

So what you say isn't right.

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There are two types of vegetarians:

Philosphical - "I don't wan't to eat the poor little moo-cow"

Health - Who don't think meat is healthy for them

Most philosophical vegetarians also use health reasons to help legitimize their decision.

I know vegetarians who don't care if people kill animals, or even how they are treated, but are health-freaks and think meat is bad for their bodies.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Major Fubar @ Aug. 20 2002,15:20)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Philosphical - "I don't wan't to eat the poor little moo-cow"

Health - Who don't think meat is healthy for them<span id='postcolor'>

3: "I don't like meat"

4: "If people in the western countries would be vegetarians, the famine

in third world countries would be over, because m00-c0ws eat so much

before they are slaughtered"

5: "I wanna be a hippie, but I secretly eat meat"

6: "I would like to eat meat, but my nazi vegan parents won't allow me to."

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We could start a thread like: 100 types of vegetarians.

Could be pretty funny biggrin.gif

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100, thats would be pretty tough to reach!

5. the disgusted ones: "Once in spain I got served a fish and after I ate a few bites I saw it was full of worms. Since then no more!"

6. The religious ones: "Cow? No way, I am Hindu! Those are holy animals!"

7. The scary consumer "I dont know anymore. All this mad cow desease and other viruses nowadays. I try to get away from meat-products"

8. The farmer "If I eat Betsy I can no longer sell her"

9. The Butcher "No, the only thing I dont wanna see after work is meat, believe me!"

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Aaron Kane @ Aug. 20 2002,12:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Ladies and gentlemen, I regret to inform you all that my sister became a full fledged vegetarian a few months back.  At first, I thought it was a joke and she'd get over it, but she hasnt! Its madness!

The thing that is stupid is that she isnt getting much protein at all, since meat is one of our main protein sources (as you all know).  She eats peanut butter sometimes, but still, "sometimes" isnt good enough.

She argues that one vegetarian saves on average 300-something animals a year.  I argue that she needs to shut up.  mad.gif

What is your standing on vegetarianism?  I think its a nice idea in concept, (save the animals by not eating them), but theres not enough vegetarians to make a big difference, and many foods that they eat still contain animal products, such as lard.

BTW, I realize that not all vegetarians dont eat meat just to help animals.  Just wanted to clarify that.<span id='postcolor'>

There's nothing healthier than fish smile.gif

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Actually fish was healthy but it's proven that fish is full of crap these days. I can't tell you what exactly makes them unhealthy because i don't know the names of the poisenous stuff in english. Some women their kids were very unhealthy because those women ate a lot of fish when pregnant.

I'm not joking here...

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Actually, some recent tests (forgot from where) have determined that the following people live longest: japanese, scandinavians, and people who live near the mediteranean. This is only because that they eat more fish than others. tounge.gif

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