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I tried to figure out, how it was working and we're also not able to modify any AI skill.

It's done in the cfg file but it doesn't affect the AI once the mission is started.

Exactly the same issue than #Blackburn [Tier-1]

We're on default branch.

Maybe our trouble come from the Arma3.profile

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  ck-claw said:
Upload it to your server.

Which folder do i use or doesnt it matter? and do we also need it on our local machine

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  jimos said:
Which folder do i use or doesnt it matter? and do we also need it on our local machine
How To Install

Unzip the pack directly into your root arma3 install

This will then give you the folder structure



Define a -mod param in your startup line -mod=@zeus

No -it is not needed client side.

Thats the beauty of Terox(Zeus) AI mod ,just need it up on your dedi server to effect all clients-they dont need the addon:cool:

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  ck-claw said:
No -it is not needed client side.

Thats the beauty of Terox(Zeus) AI mod ,just need it up on your dedi server to effect all clients-they dont need the addon:cool:

does it work by u ? cuz i did exactly this and it doesnt work ..

server is hosted by hosters.at and running on the actually dev branch ..

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Can't get this to work at all. Our server is on Stable Branch, have installed and edited the mod per the instructions. Doesn't affect the AI at all. :(

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I hate to say it, but this mod isn't working for me either. I'm on DEV build. I have run the test mission with and without the mod active both from the editor and in local multiplayer. The skill settings shown in-mission are identical (all 0.63xxxx) which means that the mod isn't actually running. All files are installed into their proper places and activated correctly as far as I'm able to do so.

Any ideas on what may be happening?

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  vagrantauthor said:
I hate to say it, but this mod isn't working for me either. I'm on DEV build. I have run the test mission with and without the mod active both from the editor and in local multiplayer. The skill settings shown in-mission are identical (all 0.63xxxx) which means that the mod isn't actually running. All files are installed into their proper places and activated correctly as far as I'm able to do so.

Any ideas on what may be happening?

Curious? Has this been fixed? Confirmed? Love the idea of this mod!

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  TMP95 said:
Curious? Has this been fixed? Confirmed? Love the idea of this mod!

As far as I know, it has not been updated since last week. (Read the first post).

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There are 2 Zeu_CFGAIskill (mods / and this is the newer of the 2, correct?).

This type mod (to be able to adjust more than just skill but those individual skill sets themselves) is what is exactly what is needed! Right now AI is too accurate shooting wise but if you dumb them down (to give them less effective shooting) they are also too far dumbdowned in basic infantry skills. Wish BIS would put something like this out as a standard tool for everyone to use. Hope this one gets up and working.

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There are two Zeus AI skill mods, and this one is the newest. The older one still works for me on both my locally hosted server and on the dedicated run by the group I play with.

I tested this one out as a potential replacement to the older Zeus AI mod because of how its touted, but couldn't get it to work after an hour or two. The older mod was practically plug'n'play and didn't require anything more than a bit of light reading to adjust skills to desired levels.

I'm still betting it has something to do with the DEV build, though that's my usual assumption for problems.

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am in the middle of some major building works so havent had chance yet to look as to why folks are having issues with this. its a simple config overwrite and doesnt have any scripting but maybe the dev branch has locked config overwrites, anyone having the same issue on Stable build ?

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Haven't been able to playtest with this yet (life reasons) as well as was waiting for the new patch that just came out -

Question - This mod allows you to set differing AI skillsets for both BlueFor and OpFor units, correct? Not a single AI skillsets that is in place for both sides.

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Do I have this correct - How this should work is -

DL and place the @Zeus folder into my correct A3 directory -

DL and place the userconfig file into my A3 userconfig folder -

Next I need to edit my ARMA3 PROFILE file (which is located within MyDocuments-Arma3 folder - I can edit the values within there for Recurit through Veteran individual skill levels ( Skill enemy, Skill Friendly, Precision Enemy, Precison Friendly). Does editing these fields do anything as they use to in A2 ...only to be taken out by BIS later on??

Is this correct?

Then once done doing that (editing those values) I can further tweak the Zeus userconfig file as well?

---------- Post added at 01:13 ---------- Previous post was at 01:04 ----------

The userconfig that comes with the DL show this - (WHAT Does the #s, for example the .45 at the end of aiming accuracy mean? Or the 0.6 at end of aiming speed? - I'm confused thinking there should only be 4 sets of numbers , yet at the end of some there is a decimal number). Thanks? WAIT, there are only 4 #s, those are just reduced values from 1.0 (I got it! Dumb by me).

class CfgAISkill


//aimingAccuracy[] = {0,0,1,1}; BIS Default dev version 0.72

aimingAccuracy[] = {0,0.2,1,0.45};

aimingShake[] = {0,0,1,1};

aimingSpeed[] = {0,0.2,1,0.6};

endurance[] = {0,0,1,1};

spotDistance[] = {0,0.2,1,0.45};

spotTime[] = {0,0,1,0.45};

courage[] = {0,0,1,1};

reloadSpeed[] = {0,0,1,1};

commanding[] = {0,0,1,1};

general[] = {0,0,1,1};


---------- Post added at 02:01 ---------- Previous post was at 01:13 ----------

OKAY - After installing as I thought correct above (and adjusting my ARMA3.Profile file). In SP - This definitely appears to have worked! OpFOR AI is much less accurate and I've made BluFor AI more accurate! It appears in limited 2 mission playtest.

Edited by TMP95

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class CfgAISkill
aimingAccuracy[] = {0, 0   , 1 , 0.3  };
aimingShake[] =    {0, 0   , 1 , 0.6  };
aimingSpeed[] =    {0, 0.2 , 1 , 0.6  };
endurance[] =      {0, 0   , 1 , 1    };
spotDistance[] =   {0, 0.2 , 1 , 0.45 };
spotTime[] =       {0, 0   , 1 , 0.3  };
courage[] =        {0, 0   , 1 , 1    };
reloadSpeed[] =    {0, 0   , 1 , 1    };
commanding[] =     {0, 0   , 1 , 1    };
general[] =        {0, 0   , 1 , 1    };



and we are having pretty nice results on a dedicated server. I'm thinking about upping the accuracy just a bit though. :)

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I have been doing Enemy Skill at 0.82 and PrecisionEnemy at 0.52 --- Liking what I see -

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Thanks, great work, will test it out on our insurgency server.

now i dont want to seem ungrateful but what would be awesome for the interface (opposed to editing txt files) would be an admin login while in game and a series of sliders or input method in order to change/test on the fly.


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now i dont want to seem ungrateful but what would be awesome for the interface (opposed to editing txt files) would be an admin login while in game and a series of sliders or input method in order to change/test on the fly.

You can't modify the cfgAISkill entries inside/during a mission (which is what the addon does). Using the debug console you can setSkill individual units however.

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would it be possible to do simething like this???

class CfgAISkill


aimingAccuracy[] = {0, 0 , 1 , (0.1 + (random 0.2)) };

aimingShake[] = {0, 0 , 1 , (0.1 + (random 0.5)) };

aimingSpeed[] = {0, 0.2 , 1 , (0.2 + (random 0.4)) };

endurance[] = {0, 0 , 1 , (0.5 + (random 0.5)) };

spotDistance[] = {0, 0.2 , 1 , (0.2 + (random 0.25)) };

spotTime[] = {0, 0 , 1 , (0.1 + (random 0.2)) };

courage[] = {0, 0 , 1 , (0.5 + (random 0.5)) };

reloadSpeed[] = {0, 0 , 1 , (0.5 + (random 0.5)) };

commanding[] = {0, 0 , 1 , (0.5 + (random 0.5)) };

general[] = {0, 0 , 1 , (0.5 + (random 0.5)) };


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  Lordprimate said:
would it be possible to do simething like this???

class CfgAISkill


aimingAccuracy[] = {0, 0 , 1 , (0.1 + (random 0.2)) };

aimingShake[] = {0, 0 , 1 , (0.1 + (random 0.5)) };

aimingSpeed[] = {0, 0.2 , 1 , (0.2 + (random 0.4)) };

endurance[] = {0, 0 , 1 , (0.5 + (random 0.5)) };

spotDistance[] = {0, 0.2 , 1 , (0.2 + (random 0.25)) };

spotTime[] = {0, 0 , 1 , (0.1 + (random 0.2)) };

courage[] = {0, 0 , 1 , (0.5 + (random 0.5)) };

reloadSpeed[] = {0, 0 , 1 , (0.5 + (random 0.5)) };

commanding[] = {0, 0 , 1 , (0.5 + (random 0.5)) };

general[] = {0, 0 , 1 , (0.5 + (random 0.5)) };


random 0.5

scripting code does not apply within a config and this is not something you would want. This defines the upper and lower skill levels that units can have.

This is further modified by additional config attributes like camouflage etc.

It is them further modified by setskill, the skill slider in the editor and the serverside arma3profile

think of it like allowing an rpg to fire totally innacurately or super accurately over very short or very long ranges

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For all comrads that were doubting the efficiency of this addon: it happens ´cus WW_AI and WW_cover (and probably FFIS) disables it! I used to have all my activated addons on a same folder, and since I started using those other Ai addons, the bots got almost BIS godlike skills again, till I had the insight of putting ZeusCFGAIskill in a single folder, loading after all the rest!

So, to have all these addons working (some features of ww_ai may not function) you MUST put Zeus_Ai on the last part of launch parametrs, so Terox´s addon can overule any other AI addon, and work as it should.

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hm i dont use any other AI addons and it doesn´t work :( enemy pilot killed us with an pistol (!) from ~100m

what ive done so far ..

- uploaded @Zeus

- uploaded the zeu_ai.hpp with the default settings from terox to arma3/userconfig/zeu

- added @Zeus to the startup parameter line .. the addon is loaded in the .rpt

this my parameter -Server -config=Server.cfg -mod=@CBA_A3;@Zeus;@USMC_A3_v1.0;@NATO_Russian_SF_Weapons_v1.0;@mcc_sandbox -cfg=Basic.cfg -port=2302 -ip= -profiles=D:\TCAFiles\Users\MichaelP\515\ -download -logFile=Server.log -noSound -noCB -nosplash -noPause

any idea ? pls check my .rpt for any conflicting addons -> http://www.file-upload.net/download-8140788/arma3server_2013-10-04_06-47-24.rpt.html

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;2525367']For all comrads that were doubting the efficiency of this addon: it happens ´cus WW_AI and WW_cover (and probably FFIS) disables it! I used to have all my activated addons on a same folder' date=' and since I started using those other Ai addons, the bots got almost BIS godlike skills again, till I had the insight of putting ZeusCFGAIskill in a single folder, loading after all the rest!

So, to have all these addons working (some features of ww_ai may not function) you MUST put Zeus_Ai on the last part of launch parametrs, so Terox´s addon can overule any other AI addon, and work as it should.[/quote']

WHat is exactly LAST? on the add-on list within expansion. Is the highest priority mod at the TOP of the LIst or the Bottom? (A3, stays at the bottom so leads me to wonder which it is for the mods).

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Unable to get this working on a rented server as well. Uploaded @Zeus folder, defined it in command line, uploaded zeu folder to userconfig, no luck. Ran the test mission and not a single skill has changed. Not running any other AI mod, simply CBA and ACRE.

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