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TPW MODS: enhanced realism and immersion for Arma 3 SP.

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Hi KK.

LOS is disabled by default, that's why it shows red.

I downloaded and ran the latest Whole lotta altis with TPW MODS and it all ran fine for me. Sorry this isn't much help.

As usual, thanks for your help!

I seem to have got it working. It was like..................................MAGIC!!

I did this before and tonight did it again, put the glasses on and off and on and off.............this time it kicked in. Don't know how.

Maybe it was.........................................................................MAGIC!

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TPW - Thank you so much for separating all the colors. Amazing! And that's frickin' cool news about steam streaming on a linux netbook.

KK - Glad you got it working! Even if it was magic.

Gliptal - Loving the work you're doing on the Interface! Keep on cranking.

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Hi all, I have frontpaged the latest release with Gliptal's latest version of TPW SETTINGS.

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New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Hey there TPW.

I see you're still breaking barriers left and right.

The following is only relevant if this 'issue' hasn't been resolved yet....ahem....I wanted to know if you would consider changing a minor detail with regards to which aircraft are used for the flyovers. Having a 737 (or ANY civilian aircraft, but especially the big ones) come screaming through a battle space at 200 feet is about as unlikely as anything...having it happen multiple times is just weird. Would you consider to EXCLUDE civilian aircraft mods from doing flyovers? Maybe don't include them for that particular feature? Please? I don't mind some crazy little Cessna (or similar) doing a suicide run over the AO (the thought of the pilot sh!tting himself while gunning the little engine actually makes me giggle), but the big ones are a ABSOLUTE no-no for me, UNLESS they can be limited to spawning at +2000 Altitude (for those who don't want them excluded completely). Your thoughts would be appreciated.

Anyway, cheers.

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Awesome work guys! Take a victory lap!

Sadly, I'm still at work so I can't test the newest version just yet, but I'm chomping at the bit to use it! A few more hours and I'll be free from this workplace prison.

Again, TPW. You have my eternal undying . . . appreciation. :) :) :)


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Idea for a new TPW MOD: occasional ambient fights between NATO and CSAT, that you can find while exploring the map. What do you think?

As promised, I have posted my simple ambient insurgent combat script. Basically it spawns map specific enemy insurgents using Ohally's awesome CAF aggressors, between 500-2000m from the player. Footbound squads spawn into and patrol around nearby houses as well as out in the open. Enemy vehicles will spawn onto and randomly patrol roads in a similar fashion to TPW CARS (except they'll try to kill you with weapons as well as their shit driving). If you engage/kill an insurgent, other squads will move towards them in support. There is no other AI behaviour modification, so you can use ASR, bCombat etc to enhance the AI behaviour.

The script scans created enemies every 30 seconds and both removes distant (>2000m) enemies, and replaces killed or deleted enemies up to a user specified maximum.

You need to be running tpw_core.sqf (either by running TPW MODS, or running the script version), and CBA so that enemies can use the excellent and under-rated cba_fnc_taskpatrol.

If you have any comments or ideas I welcome them as always, but let me just say this right now - this is not intended to be a replacement for MCC/ALIVE/DAC/UPS etc etc. If you want highly configurable and plausible enemy AI scenarios with static weapons, armour, aircraft etc, use one of these excellent mods. If you just want to occasionally encounter bad people to kill or be killed by when you're on a map, then TPW SKIRMISH might fit the bill.

I (or you if you want), can easily modify this system to spawn CSAT, or friendlies.

OK enough pontificating, here is the script:

TPW SKIRMISH - Random insurgent combat using CAF Aggressors
Author: tpw 
Date: 20140523
Version: 1.00
Requires: CAF Aggressors, Community Base Addons for A3, tpw_core.sqf

Disclaimer: Feel free to use and modify this code, on the proviso that you post back changes and improvements so that everyone can benefit from them, and acknowledge the original author (tpw) in any derivative works.     

To use: 
1 - Save this script into your mission directory as eg tpw_skirmish.sqf
2 - Call it with 0 = [5,2,500,2000] execvm "tpw_skirmish.sqf"; where 5 = maximum enemy squads around player, 2 = maximum enemy vehicles around the player, 500 = minimum distance to spawn enemies from player, 2000 = maximum distance to spawn enemies, enemies will be removed past this distance.


if (!isServer) exitWith {};
if !(isclass(configfile/"CfgWeapons"/"H_caf_ag_turban")) exitWith {"CAF Aggressors not present, exiting."};
private ["_unitlist","_carlist"];

sleep 5;

tpw_skirmish_version = "1.00";
tpw_skirmish_squad_max = _this select 0; // Maximum number of squads around player
tpw_skirmish_vehicles_max = _this select 1; // Maximum number of vehicles around player
tpw_skirmish_minspawnradius = _this select 2; // Minimum distance from player to spawn enemies
tpw_skirmish_maxspawnradius = _this select 3; // Maximum distance from player to spawn enemies
tpw_skirmish_active = true;

// GET ENEMIES FROM CONFIG  - Thanks to Larrow for the code idea
tpw_skirmish_fnc_getenemytypes =
private ["_str","_cfg"];
_str = _this select 0;
_unitlist = [];
_cfg = (configFile >> "CfgVehicles");
for "_i" from 0 to ((count _cfg) -1) do 
	if (isClass ((_cfg select _i) ) ) then 
		_cfgName = configName (_cfg select _i);
		if ((_cfgName isKindOf "camanbase") && {getNumber ((_cfg select _i) >> "scope") == 2} && {[_str,str _cfgname] call BIS_fnc_inString} && {!(["civ",str _cfgname] call BIS_fnc_inString)}) then 
			_unitlist set [count _unitlist,_cfgname];

tpw_skirmish_fnc_getenemycartypes =
private ["_str","_cfg"];
_str = _this select 0;
_carlist = [];
_cfg = (configFile >> "CfgVehicles");
for "_i" from 0 to ((count _cfg) -1) do 
	if (isClass ((_cfg select _i) ) ) then 
		_cfgName = configName (_cfg select _i);
		if ( (_cfgName isKindOf "car") && {getNumber ((_cfg select _i) >> "scope") == 2} && {[_str,str _cfgname] call BIS_fnc_inString} && {!(["civ",str _cfgname] call BIS_fnc_inString)}) then 
			_carlist set [count _carlist,_cfgname];

tpw_skirmish_fnc_randpos =
private ["_thispos","_radius","_dir","_posx","_posy"];
_thispos = _this select 0;
_radius = _this select 1;
_dir = random 360;
_posx = ((_thispos select 0) + (_radius * sin(_dir)));
_posy = ((_thispos select 1) + (_radius * cos(_dir)));
randpos = [_posx,_posy,0]; 

tpw_skirmish_squadspawn = 
private ["_spawnpos","_randomsquad","_max","_enemy","_house","_houses","_spawnpos","_sqname","_leader"];
// Pick random members for enemy squad
_randomsquad = [];
_max = 2 + floor random 4;
for "_i" from 1 to _max do 
	_enemy = _unitlist select (floor (random (count _unitlist)));
	_randomsquad = _randomsquad + [_enemy];

// Random position to spawn	- either in a nearby house (250-500m away) or otherwise at a random position > 500m away
[tpw_skirmish_minspawnradius] call tpw_core_fnc_houses;
_houses = tpw_core_houses;
for "_ct" from 0 to (count _houses - 1) do
	_house = _houses select _ct;
	if (position _house distance player < (tpw_skirmish_minspawnradius / 2)) then
		_houses set [_ct, -1];
_houses = _houses - [ -1];	
if (count _houses > 10 && {random 100 > 50}) then
	_house = _houses select (floor (random (count _houses)));
	_spawnpos = position _house;
	} else
		sleep 0.5;
		[position player,(tpw_skirmish_minspawnradius + (random tpw_skirmish_maxspawnradius))] call tpw_skirmish_fnc_randpos;
		!(surfaceiswater randpos);
	_spawnpos = randpos;

_sqname = [_spawnpos, EAST,_randomsquad] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;

// Patrol behaviour
_leader = leader _sqname;
[_leader, _leader, 250, 7, "MOVE", "SAFE", "YELLOW", "LIMITED","WEDGE", "_this spawn CBA_fnc_searchNearby", [3,6,9]] call CBA_fnc_taskPatrol; 

// Add killed eventhandler
	_x addeventhandler ["killed",
		for "_ct" from 0 to (count tpw_skirmish_squads - 1) do	
			_group = tpw_skirmish_squads select _ct;
			// Remove current waypoints
			for "_i" from count (waypoints _group) to 1 step -1 do
				deleteWaypoint ((waypoints _group) select _i);
			// Get squads to move towards and patrol around killed unit	
			[(leader _group),_this select 0, 250, 7, "MOVE", "AWARE", "YELLOW", "NORMAL","WEDGE", "_this spawn CBA_fnc_searchNearby", [3,6,9]] call CBA_fnc_taskPatrol; 		
	} foreach units _sqname;

// Add to the squad array	
tpw_skirmish_squads set [count tpw_skirmish_squads,_sqname];

tpw_skirmish_vehspawn = 
private ["_spawnpos","_randomsquad","_roadlist","_farroads","_road","_enemycar","_car","_gunner","_leader","_wppos","_wp"];
// Pick random members for enemy vehicle
_randomsquad = [];
for "_i" from 1 to 2 do 
	_enemy = _unitlist select (floor (random (count _unitlist)));
	_randomsquad = _randomsquad + [_enemy]

// Pick random car	
_car = _carlist select (floor (random (count _carlist)));

// Roads to spawn and drive on	
_roadlist = (position player) nearRoads tpw_skirmish_maxspawnradius;
_farroads = [];

for "_i" from 0 to (count _roadlist - 1) do	
	_road = _roadlist select _i;
	if (vehicle player distance position _road > tpw_skirmish_minspawnradius) then 
		_farroads set [count _farroads,_road];

if (count _farroads > 10) then
	// Random position to spawn	
	_spawnpos = getpos ( _farroads select (floor (random (count _farroads))));	

	// Spawn car and passengers
	_sqname = [_spawnpos, EAST,_randomsquad] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
	_enemycar = createVehicle [_car, _spawnpos, [], 0, "FLY"]; 
	_enemycar setcaptive true;	
	_leader = leader _sqname;
	_leader moveindriver _enemycar;
	_gunner = (units _sqname) select 1;
	_gunner moveingunner _enemycar;

	// Waypoints
	for "_i" from 1 to 5 do
		_road = _roadlist select (floor (random (count _roadlist)));
		_wppos = getpos _road; 
		_wp = _sqname addWaypoint [_wppos, 0];
		if (_i == 5) then 
			_wp setwaypointtype "CYCLE";

	// Add to the vehicle array	
	tpw_skirmish_vehicles set [count tpw_skirmish_vehicles,_enemycar];

["caf_ag_eeur"] call tpw_skirmish_fnc_getenemytypes; // European default
["caf_ag_eeur"] call tpw_skirmish_fnc_getenemycartypes; // European default

if (worldname in 
) then 
["caf_ag_me"] call tpw_skirmish_fnc_getenemytypes; // Mid east
["caf_ag_me"] call tpw_skirmish_fnc_getenemycartypes; // Mid east
if (worldname in 
) then 
["caf_ag_afr"] call tpw_skirmish_fnc_getenemytypes; // African
["caf_ag_afr"] call tpw_skirmish_fnc_getenemycartypes; // African

private ["_centerW", "_centerE", "_centerR", "_centerC","_unitlist"];
_centerW = createCenter west;
_centerE = createCenter east;
_centerC = createCenter civilian;
west setFriend [east, 0];
east setFriend [west, 0];

tpw_skirmish_squads = [];	
tpw_skirmish_vehicles = [];
while {true} do
private ["_squad","_car","_group"];
if (tpw_skirmish_active) then 
	// Spawn new squads
	if (count tpw_skirmish_squads < tpw_skirmish_squad_max) then
		[] call tpw_skirmish_squadspawn;

	// Spawn new vehicles
	if (count tpw_skirmish_vehicles < tpw_skirmish_vehicles_max && {random 100 > 75}) then
		[] call tpw_skirmish_vehspawn;

	//Delete distant squads
	for "_ct" from 0 to (count tpw_skirmish_squads - 1) do	
		_squad = tpw_skirmish_squads select _ct;
		if ((leader _squad) distance player > tpw_skirmish_maxspawnradius) then
				deletevehicle _x;
				} foreach units _squad;
			deleteGroup _squad;
			tpw_skirmish_squads set [_ct,-1];
	tpw_skirmish_squads = tpw_skirmish_squads - [-1];

	//Delete distant vehicles
	for "_ct" from 0 to (count tpw_skirmish_vehicles - 1) do	
		_car = tpw_skirmish_vehicles select _ct;
		_group = group driver _car;

		if (_car distance player > tpw_skirmish_maxspawnradius) then
			// Remove waypoints	
			for "_i" from count (waypoints _group) to 1 step -1 do
				deleteWaypoint ((waypoints _group) select _i);
			// Remove crew		
				deletevehicle _x;
				} foreach units _group;
			deletevehicle _car;
			deleteGroup _group;
			tpw_skirmish_vehicles set [_ct,-1];
	tpw_skirmish_vehicles = tpw_skirmish_vehicles - [-1];
	sleep 30;	
sleep 30;

Edited by tpw

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Problem: I use tpw_mods in different missions. Some need Bcombat (and therefore not the EBS system of TPW_Mods), some others only environmental stuff.

-> I need to mess with the config file. A different approach from loading @mod and not flexible approach.

Solution 1 You split mod again - you don't want to.

Solution 2 Would it be possible to read 2 userconfig sources? First one inside the modfolder, and only if that doesn't exist, the one in Arma3\userconfig\...?

This way we could copy stuff to a different folder like "@tpw_mods_environmentOnly" and call this for missions.

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inside the "init" this correct?

Call it with 0 = [5,2,500,2000] execvm "tpw_skirmish.sqf";

Nice job by the way :) love to so see this migrate in the future to dedicated server side :) Our community ran tests server side the other evening but was unplayable, fps drop, latency issues, music echoing to the point that's all you heard in headset :confused: Guess we had to give it a go :) SP seems the better option.


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I have feature request regarding HUD (with is great idea, I always missed stuff like this):

*option markers on hostile and neutral only after they are properly spotted (ie. they are reported and are marked on the map). This will make the proper scouting much more important adding a bit more flavour to the game.

*option to disable range to markers. I dont like range display as I use an extended artillery call and figuring out the range for polar mission is half the fun.

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I have a question regarding the HUD colors. I think you already mentioned this problem earlier . . . how does the computer determine which faction the "enemy" is, for the "enemy HUD color"?

As far as I know, there are 4 factions. NATO, CSAT, AAF, and FIA. Is there a line of code somewhere which I can use to specify one (or more) of those factions as "enemy"?

I ask, because I ran a test on my friends coop multiplayer server yesterday with the HUD feature. I set the enemy color to be "red", but they still came up "orange". I *think* the independent faction is used as the enemy on his coop server, which might explain why the HUD didn't color them red.

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inside the "init" this correct?

Call it with 0 = [5,2,500,2000] execvm "tpw_skirmish.sqf";

Nice job by the way :) love to so see this migrate in the future to dedicated server side :) Our community ran tests server side the other evening but was unplayable, fps drop, latency issues, music echoing to the point that's all you heard in headset :confused: Guess we had to give it a go :) SP seems the better option.


It might work if you have only one client running the ambient mods of the TPW package. What is happening is that each client is spawning his set of civilians, dogs, cats, goats and greek music, leading to a clusterfest that grows bigger as the player count increases.


---------- Post added at 20:51 ---------- Previous post was at 20:47 ----------

*option markers on hostile and neutral only after they are properly spotted (ie. they are reported and are marked on the map). This will make the proper scouting much more important adding a bit more flavour to the game.

*option to disable range to markers. I dont like range display as I use an extended artillery call and figuring out the range for polar mission is half the fun.

For the range thing, check
tpw_hud_rng[] = {1,0.5,0.55,1};

As you can read in the .hpp comments or *spot* my TPW SETTINGS tooltip *end of spot* the first value sets whether the range is active or not.


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For the range thing, check
tpw_hud_rng[] = {1,0.5,0.55,1};

As you can read in the .hpp comments or *spot* my TPW SETTINGS tooltip *end of spot* the first value sets whether the range is active or not.

In other words, change this:

tpw_hud_rng[] = {1,0.5,0.55,1};

To this:

tpw_hud_rng[] = {0,0.5,0.55,1};


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This may be beyond the scope of what you want, but if you add a random skirmish option to your mod, is it possible to add a pool of specific weapons? For example, while the CAF units have decent weapons, they pale in comparison to Toadie's AKs (or whatever a particular user prefers). If there was a way to have them spawned based off of a pool/array of listed weapons, that could be the perfect "just jump into the editor and start fighting" mission. Just a thought. Thanks for your continued work.

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Hi all, thanks for the questions.

inside the "init" this correct?

Call it with 0 = [5,2,500,2000] execvm "tpw_skirmish.sqf";

Nice job by the way :) love to so see this migrate in the future to dedicated server side :) Our community ran tests server side the other evening but was unplayable, fps drop, latency issues, music echoing to the point that's all you heard in headset :confused: Guess we had to give it a go :) SP seems the better option.


Thanks. Yep, these are SP mods, you pays your money (in this case $0.00) and you takes your chances with MP. I'm not going to apologise for it.

I have feature request regarding HUD (with is great idea, I always missed stuff like this):

*option markers on hostile and neutral only after they are properly spotted (ie. they are reported and are marked on the map). This will make the proper scouting much more important adding a bit more flavour to the game.

*option to disable range to markers. I dont like range display as I use an extended artillery call and figuring out the range for polar mission is half the fun.

Hi Taro8. The whole point of these goggles is that they are meant to be an augmentation. They can't magically see through walls/trees/landscape, merely tag what they and other goggle wearers have line of sight to, and do it more effectively than a plain human because of 2035 image processing and pattern recognition tech. If you'd prefer that distant stuff wasn't so easily spotted, drop the detection range back.

You can disable any HUD element you like, including range. Have a look here and here.


I have a question regarding the HUD colors. I think you already mentioned this problem earlier . . . how does the computer determine which faction the "enemy" is, for the "enemy HUD color"?

As far as I know, there are 4 factions. NATO, CSAT, AAF, and FIA. Is there a line of code somewhere which I can use to specify one (or more) of those factions as "enemy"?

I ask, because I ran a test on my friends coop multiplayer server yesterday with the HUD feature. I set the enemy color to be "red", but they still came up "orange". I *think* the independent faction is used as the enemy on his coop server, which might explain why the HUD didn't color them red.

TPW HUD uses getFriend to determine a given unit's relationship to the player. It's not tied to factions. For instance, if civilians suddenly become hostile, they'll show as hostile (orange), rather than civ (white).


This may be beyond the scope of what you want, but if you add a random skirmish option to your mod, is it possible to add a pool of specific weapons? For example, while the CAF units have decent weapons, they pale in comparison to Toadie's AKs (or whatever a particular user prefers). If there was a way to have them spawned based off of a pool/array of listed weapons, that could be the perfect "just jump into the editor and start fighting" mission. Just a thought. Thanks for your continued work.

@GatorDev: It's already a "just jump into the editor and start fighting" system, regardless of how shiny the AK47s are. I'm not trying to be an arsehole, but what you're proposing is a fair bit of work for what amounts to largely aesthetic changes. There are enormous numbers of weapon mods, and accounting for them all in a comprehensive pool/array of weapons would be pretty daunting. If you want to give me a comprehensive list of weapon classnames then I'll put it in, but I'm not going to compile it myself, sorry.

---------- Post added at 10:47 ---------- Previous post was at 10:41 ----------

Problem: I use tpw_mods in different missions. Some need Bcombat (and therefore not the EBS system of TPW_Mods), some others only environmental stuff.

-> I need to mess with the config file. A different approach from loading @mod and not flexible approach.

Solution 1 You split mod again - you don't want to.

Solution 2 Would it be possible to read 2 userconfig sources? First one inside the modfolder, and only if that doesn't exist, the one in Arma3\userconfig\...?

This way we could copy stuff to a different folder like "@tpw_mods_environmentOnly" and call this for missions.

Hmm, I think Solution 3 Use the script version might be the way forward for you if you want to use different TPW MODS for different missions. That's how I run it on my machine.

Edited by tpw

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inside the "init" this correct?

Call it with 0 = [5,2,500,2000] execvm "tpw_skirmish.sqf";

Nice job by the way :) love to so see this migrate in the future to dedicated server side :) Our community ran tests server side the other evening but was unplayable, fps drop, latency issues, music echoing to the point that's all you heard in headset :confused: Guess we had to give it a go :) SP seems the better option.


Everyone joining your server has to have all the music switched off. That is, set all music options in tpw_mods to 0. Failure to do this results in music everywhere.

All you need client side is the HUD and fall. Keep everything else server side.

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TPW HUD uses getFriend to determine a given unit's relationship to the player. It's not tied to factions. For instance, if civilians suddenly become hostile, they'll show as hostile (orange), rather than civ (white).

That's cool!!

But for some odd reason, civilians always show up as red, and enemies always show up as orange. While enemies were shooting at me - their icons were orange - even though I have enemy color set to red.

So I dumped out of ARMA 3, and I tried reversing the colors in case the tag accidentally got switched. Civilians are now set to red, and enemies are orange. And now, they're all orange! :butbut: Hahaha.

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That's cool!!

But for some odd reason, civilians always show up as red, and enemies always show up as orange. While enemies were shooting at me - their icons were orange - even though I have enemy color set to red.

So I dumped out of ARMA 3, and I tried reversing the colors in case the tag accidentally got switched. Civilians are now set to red, and enemies are orange. And now, they're all orange! :butbut: Hahaha.

If this is happening when you're playing on a server then I really can't help you, all I know is that in SP, all sides are correctly displayed.

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Hmm, I think Solution 3 Use the script version might be the way forward for you if you want to use different TPW MODS for different missions. That's how I run it on my machine.

Oh thank you! Interesting, I didn't see this possibility. I think de-pboing, editing a file and re-pboing is not a problem. So if it works, I'll be more flexible with missions.

Is it correct, the way I did it? Because I did not get notified about tpwmods being loaded, after meeting my first enemy in Pilgrimage mission I was not sure if TPW is turned on... will see. This is how I did it:

I edited init.sqf in the root of the pilgrimage mission and I put the script calls to the very top:

0 = [] execVM "c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\@tpw_mods\scripts\tpw_core.sqf";
0 = [5,10,0,500,1,1,1] execVM "c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\@tpw_mods\scripts\tpw_ebs.sqf";
0 = [] execVM "c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\@tpw_mods\scripts\tpw_rainfx.sqf";
0 = [1,1,60] execVM "c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\@tpw_mods\scripts\tpw_radio.sqf";
0 = [250,10,1,1,1,1,1] execVM "c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\@tpw_mods\scripts\tpw_fog.sqf";
0 = [
[50,500], // Min/max range of goggles
[1,1,1], // HUD colour
[0,1,1], // Friendly colour
[1,0.5,0], // Enemy units colour
[1,1,1], // Civ colour
[0,1,0], // Squad and marker colour
0.6, // Initial HUD brightness
[1,0.4,0.4,1], // ASL where 1 = active ( 0 = inactive), 0.4 = X position, 0.4 = Y position, 1 = text size
[1,0.5,0.4,1], // AZT
[1,0.6,0.4,1], // GRD
[1,0.4,0.5,1], // LMT
[1,0.6,0.5,1], // TMP
[1,0.4,0.6,1], // HLT
[1,0.5,0.6,1], // RNG
[1,0.6,0.6,1], // VEL
[1,0.5,0.5,1], // PRX
[1,1,0.25,0.5], // UNITS where 1 = active ( 0 = inactive), 1 = icon max size, 0.25 = icon min size, 0.5 = text size ( 1 = same size as HUD text)
[0.03,0], //HUD offset [x,y] -1 to 1
1, // HUD scale. > 1 = larger
1, // Text scale. > 1 = larger
1, // HUD distance degradation. 0 = no degradation
0, // No HUD in 3rd person. 1 = HUD in 3rd person
1, // Add TAC glasses to player's uniform if not present. 0 = don't add
[24,23,30,29,24,23,30,29,22,20], // ICONS [unit,hidden unit,vehicle,hidden vehicle,enemy unit,hidden enemy unit,enemy vehicle,hidden enemy vehicle,marker,predictor]
1.5 // Detection range multiplication factor for vehicles (1.5 = 750m max detection range for vehicles vs 500m for units)
] execVM "c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\@tpw_mods\scripts\tpw_hud.sqf";

Titletext ["","BLACK FADED",0];

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Oh thank you! Interesting, I didn't see this possibility. I think de-pboing, editing a file and re-pboing is not a problem. So if it works, I'll be more flexible with missions.

Is it correct, the way I did it? Because I did not get notified about tpwmods being loaded, after meeting my first enemy in Pilgrimage mission I was not sure if TPW is turned on... will see. This is how I did it:

I edited init.sqf in the root of the pilgrimage mission and I put the script calls to the very top:

0 = [] execVM "c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\@tpw_mods\scripts\tpw_core.sqf";
0 = [5,10,0,500,1,1,1] execVM "c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\@tpw_mods\scripts\tpw_ebs.sqf";
0 = [] execVM "c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\@tpw_mods\scripts\tpw_rainfx.sqf";
0 = [1,1,60] execVM "c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\@tpw_mods\scripts\tpw_radio.sqf";
0 = [250,10,1,1,1,1,1] execVM "c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\@tpw_mods\scripts\tpw_fog.sqf";
0 = [
[50,500], // Min/max range of goggles
[1,1,1], // HUD colour
[0,1,1], // Friendly colour
[1,0.5,0], // Enemy units colour
[1,1,1], // Civ colour
[0,1,0], // Squad and marker colour
0.6, // Initial HUD brightness
[1,0.4,0.4,1], // ASL where 1 = active ( 0 = inactive), 0.4 = X position, 0.4 = Y position, 1 = text size
[1,0.5,0.4,1], // AZT
[1,0.6,0.4,1], // GRD
[1,0.4,0.5,1], // LMT
[1,0.6,0.5,1], // TMP
[1,0.4,0.6,1], // HLT
[1,0.5,0.6,1], // RNG
[1,0.6,0.6,1], // VEL
[1,0.5,0.5,1], // PRX
[1,1,0.25,0.5], // UNITS where 1 = active ( 0 = inactive), 1 = icon max size, 0.25 = icon min size, 0.5 = text size ( 1 = same size as HUD text)
[0.03,0], //HUD offset [x,y] -1 to 1
1, // HUD scale. > 1 = larger
1, // Text scale. > 1 = larger
1, // HUD distance degradation. 0 = no degradation
0, // No HUD in 3rd person. 1 = HUD in 3rd person
1, // Add TAC glasses to player's uniform if not present. 0 = don't add
[24,23,30,29,24,23,30,29,22,20], // ICONS [unit,hidden unit,vehicle,hidden vehicle,enemy unit,hidden enemy unit,enemy vehicle,hidden enemy vehicle,marker,predictor]
1.5 // Detection range multiplication factor for vehicles (1.5 = 750m max detection range for vehicles vs 500m for units)
] execVM "c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\@tpw_mods\scripts\tpw_hud.sqf";

Titletext ["","BLACK FADED",0];

I've never tried to execute scripts from an absolute path like that before, but it looks like it should work. Are you seeing the HUD? If so, then it's working :)

You won't get a notification because there's a notification script that only runs for the addon version.

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To be honest I never saw the HUD, I don't know what the tactical goggles are... With NV goggles, I don't see it. Walked through many buildings and have not yet heard a radio. Maybe I'll try relative paths.

EDIT: Does tpw_core need to be loaded at first?

Edited by tortuosit

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I have no idea how I could see the HUD. What do I need? Classname?

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