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ARMA3 is close to release the final version but MP server list interface is too old

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ARMA3 is close to release the final version but MP server list interface is too old for nowadays stream MP games...

It must need improve!

First, I need an option to sort my favorite or dislike server.

Second, I need an option to show the resent servers I have played.

Third, I need a introduction of a server showing on the interface before I enter the server, in which I will know where the player from is allowed and if TS is a must etc..

Fourth, Will MP interface can combined with STEAM WORKSHOP?

To be continued...

Edited by msy

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First, use PlayWithSix.

Second, use PlayWithSix.

Third, wut?

Fourth, no need. Any mission that's on a server will automatically be downloaded to your client. No need for Steam to be involved at all.

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It's just going to be wasteland, wasteland, wasteland and wasteland anyway.

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First, use PlayWithSix.

Second, use PlayWithSix.

Third, wut?

Fourth, no need. Any mission that's on a server will automatically be downloaded to your client. No need for Steam to be involved at all.

not everyone needs playwith six. if in-build interface can be better, why not?

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good point...I need to be able to select everything EXCEPT Wasteland. at the moment its ridiculous.

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There will be an MP GUI redesign at some point, but it's possible that it will happen after the game releases.

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I do agree that the server list interface needs a serious overhaul. It's just not up to today's standards.

The amount of filtering available is too limited and not even doing a good job at this moment.

Let's hope that at full release of the game, or after release in the form of a patch this old-school problem gets addressed in the Arma-series.

Generally I guess we all hope that Arma3, on the short or long run, incorporate those changes which the community has been asking since the days of OFP.

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First, use PlayWithSix.

Second, use PlayWithSix.

Third, wut?

Fourth, no need. Any mission that's on a server will automatically be downloaded to your client. No need for Steam to be involved at all.

We should be hoping for official fixes to avoid having to use third party programs. We should have everything we need with the A3/Steam combo. If something doesn't work we should get it fixed. PlayWithSix was good for A2, but it would serve the game well to make that program obsolete and unnecessary.

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With the problems of steam workshop on ip rights the addons won't be there to download off steam, so play with six or armaholic will be the norm still. I would rather be free from steam till we have sorted the ip rights for mod and addon makers first to be able to release content knowing it won't be used in other games with just a mention that they built it, Also having to give up their IP rights with the upload to steam workshop.

(We should be hoping for official fixes to avoid having to use third party programs) yes it would be good to have what you have asked for in an ideal world no steam and mod and server intergration and not having to use a 3rd party programme ie steam to activate and play your game would of been the best solution.

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(We should be hoping for official fixes to avoid having to use third party programs) yes it would be good to have what you have asked for in an ideal world no steam and mod and server intergration and not having to use a 3rd party programme ie steam to activate and play your game would of been the best solution.
That's what I was saying.

I can find my group's server just fine in the A3 browser, and I can download my mods from Armaholic and my group's forums. I have no need for PWS.

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First, use PlayWithSix.

Second, use PlayWithSix.

and why should we need a third party programme to play the game properly? Having a favourites/recent tab is not that difficult to create...

with third I think he tries to say that servers should have some kind of dialogue box when you select them that shows if only players from certain region are allowed, allowed languages to be spoken, if you need yo join an specific voice server to be able to play (e.g. some I&A servers if you want to play as pilot) ad that kind of things.

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I get your point but I don't think you get what you have said here (We should be hoping for official fixes to avoid having to use third party programs. We should have everything we need with the A3/Steam combo.) "Steam is a 3rd party"

Bis should of stuck with sprocket I can't praise it enough I have 12 copy's of a1/a2/0a/baf/pmc/acr/Toh/hinds bis should of gone it alone for distribution which in turn would mean no 3rd partys and could of built a system like six in house and would not now have to act on the situation that is now brewing on the forums in terms of IP rights.

Example if I use the a1 sample rifle mod it for a3 and release it on steam workshop for arma3 that's fine but if that addon was the best /most downloaded addon and they saw this they could in theory take that addon and use it in a new game which in turn would break BIs eulas for only being used in arma series and non profit.

Why did we need steam at all what is the reason I have to have steam on my machine just to activate the game and now when I play I get steam telling me the world and his brother are playing this or that game on my game screen just to annoy me some more. :)

Sorry for the hijack yes the ui is a bit stale and old and needs a face lift.

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"Steam is a 3rd party"
Not when you need Steam to play A3

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Steam is only needed to activate the game and update if you need too.

Try shutting down Steam and running arma3.exe.

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I get your point but I don't think you get what you have said here (We should be hoping for official fixes to avoid having to use third party programs. We should have everything we need with the A3/Steam combo.) "Steam is a 3rd party"

Bis should of stuck with sprocket I can't praise it enough I have 12 copy's of a1/a2/0a/baf/pmc/acr/Toh/hinds bis should of gone it alone for distribution which in turn would mean no 3rd partys and could of built a system like six in house and would not now have to act on the situation that is now brewing on the forums in terms of IP rights.

Example if I use the a1 sample rifle mod it for a3 and release it on steam workshop for arma3 that's fine but if that addon was the best /most downloaded addon and they saw this they could in theory take that addon and use it in a new game which in turn would break BIs eulas for only being used in arma series and non profit.

Why did we need steam at all what is the reason I have to have steam on my machine just to activate the game and now when I play I get steam telling me the world and his brother are playing this or that game on my game screen just to annoy me some more. :)

Sorry for the hijack yes the ui is a bit stale and old and needs a face lift.

Steam is not a 3rd party in this case, as it IS needed to launch the game (and no, you cannot play without steam, as executing the arma3.exe only launches steam and afterwards the game). It is implemented into the game itself. Getting involved with Steam was BI's choice, they know why they did it, and have to face the consequences, both good ones and bad ones. But we should not need a TPP as PW6 to do something as easy as have favourite servers.

And I use PlayWithSix to download some addons and stuff, so it's not that I have a problem with the programme.

If you want you can turn off those pop ups with "whoever is playing [that shitty game]" in your steam configuration.

And about Workshop, well, I don't have a problem with that, as I am not a content creator (only created two broken missions that I still have to fix), but I understand them, and will keep using armaholic as my downloading place, and if I ever create something, I will also use it (my missions have some third party scripts, so I don't want to put them in Workshop if the creators don't want to).

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I get your point but I don't think you get what you have said here (We should be hoping for official fixes to avoid having to use third party programs. We should have everything we need with the A3/Steam combo.) "Steam is a 3rd party"

Bis should of stuck with sprocket I can't praise it enough I have 12 copy's of a1/a2/0a/baf/pmc/acr/Toh/hinds bis should of gone it alone for distribution which in turn would mean no 3rd partys and could of built a system like six in house and would not now have to act on the situation that is now brewing on the forums in terms of IP rights.

Example if I use the a1 sample rifle mod it for a3 and release it on steam workshop for arma3 that's fine but if that addon was the best /most downloaded addon and they saw this they could in theory take that addon and use it in a new game which in turn would break BIs eulas for only being used in arma series and non profit.

Why did we need steam at all what is the reason I have to have steam on my machine just to activate the game and now when I play I get steam telling me the world and his brother are playing this or that game on my game screen just to annoy me some more. :)

Sorry for the hijack yes the ui is a bit stale and old and needs a face lift.

My topic is server list interface not STEAM itself...:mad:

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Fact of the matter is steam has massive funds and infrastructure, if we can leverage any of those resources to our advantage then we should.

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IMO I prefer Steam managing my games for me. I had retail Combined Operations and the patching process was a headache (especially after reinstalling the game). With the amount of patches the ArmA series gets, an auto-updater is essential. I also prefer to have all my games on Steam so it becomes easy to install and is kept in one location. Really useful incase I'd happen to misplace my physical copy.

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