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UK Government censorship

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This is off topic but you thought that was interesting:


Calling for neighbours to call social services for people letting children too long in the sun, not in this article directly but was part of news-think the other day from this. Thats right, social service who practically "act on" this information to split families. Its for the children's safety of course.

Interesting. What's next? Children playing with rocks = report their parents to social services? Because you know, rocks can injure a child.

They tried that method and it isn't working, also I would like to see your methodology of educating children not to look at porn, you must have the skills of the Pied Piper? It's a choice you can disable the filter if you want.

I don't have a methodology, I'm a civil engineer, not a psychologist. With education I don't mean to say we must educate children not to look at porn, I guess that would only make them more curious.

There must be a way to educate parents though, but it's not accomplished by bombarding them with commercials and soap operas all the time. And yes, knowing how to block inappropriate websites would be a good start.

Edited by Kernriver

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Ok,then let's also allow adults to marry children ... equality&freedom yes ... but within the morale sphere ! otherwise it will be chaos !

Have a look around the web and you will find many pages entitled:

"The 10 Dumbest Things Ever Said About Same-Sex Marriage"

Congratulations, you only have 9 more to go........it's known as the slippery slope fallacy. It's another example of a failure of critical thinking, isn't plausible, lacks evidence, isn't logical or likely etc.

I don't have a methodology, I'm a civil engineer, not a psychologist. And yes, knowing how to block inappropriate websites would be a good start.

That is what various campaigns have tried and failed to do, it doesn't work, particularly where there are several internet capable devices in the home. Knowing how to do that and then achieving it successfully on several different devices and platforms is a long and difficult job, then you have to maintain it, monitor it's effectiveness and repeat when a new OS is installed. So after much thinking by experts in the field, they decided giving people the option of a password protected network filter would be more effective and clearly the best option. You can filter all the devices in your home from 1 place.

@Sudayev (post #79 below) There is a 9pm watershed in the UK and you're using one of the few examples when the rule was bent. There were many complaints and Rhianna didn't perform that before 9pm again. Also I'm not sure just how many ways to say this....... the filter isn't mandatory, it can be turned off by the account holder with their password. You can watch what you like as long as you can prove you're an adult. How is that restricting the freedoms of the adult account holder? Do you need me to translate this?

Edited by Mattar_Tharkari

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Lol,critical thinking .... for a guy who only rapes the search button on google to copy paste links from everywhere ... It's not that it's the internet that it's necessarely true ...

well,it's not a problem that some "men"/women want to get pounded by other "men"/women (that's the freedom&equality part) ,but it's the question of destroying the root of society/civilization ... when you say gay marriage ,it leads directly to to assisted procreation which means in other words the business of children and i guess that i dont have to go in details because,first ,because any free thinker would see the bad things that come with this and second i am using a phone to type and i think this subject is not worth the effort ...

Otherwise,Without having children,i don't see why making the homos marriage a legal stuff since the boys can live together and enjoy their love without being persecuted or considered outlaw.

Great,capitalism found a new way to create profit ... sell children,host babies for gay couples ... lol

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There must be a way to educate parents though, but it's not accomplished by bombarding them with commercials and soap operas all the time.

Not to mention most of the shit played on tv is dripping with sex, nudity, foul language, direct sexual references, prostitute-like popstars singing about sex and bending their bodies in obvious positions. Because someone has really big interest in promoting these openly. Things need to change are the mainstream media itself and this whole foul content they are promoting, which pushes kids to things what they idols like that slut Rihanna sing about. Well if someone broadcasts songs like Rihanna's S&M in the afternoon - no wonder that such 10-12 year old gets on the internet and starts searching for it and 'suddenly discovers' really twisted thing that only adults may understand. Job well done? Like someone has the point in encouraging young ones to watch let's say 'shocking' content.

But it's not the media only, politicians are involved as well with high level of aggression in their debates, lack of elementary culture, promotion of homosexuality saying it's normal thing to have buttsex among men and have kids at the same time etc etc. They should start from themselves giving a good example instead of cutting peoples freedoms to watch on-demand content on the internet.

Edited by Sudayev

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Lol,critical thinking .... for a guy who only rapes the search button on google to copy paste links from everywhere ... It's not that it's the internet that it's necessarely true ...

well,it's not a problem that some "men"/women want to get pounded by other "men"/women (that's the freedom&equality part) ,but it's the question of destroying the root of society/civilization ... when you say gay marriage ,it leads directly to to assisted procreation which means in other words the business of children and i guess that i dont have to go in details because,first ,because any free thinker would see the bad things that come with this and second i am using a phone to type and i think this subject is not worth the effort ...

Otherwise,Without having children,i don't see why making the homos marriage a legal stuff since the boys can live together and enjoy their love without being persecuted or considered outlaw.

Great,capitalism found a new way to create profit ... sell children,host babies for gay couples ... lol

Quite possibly the biggest load of codswallop i've read this week... change the air in your bubble.

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Interesting how a political topic about censorship of pornography has shifted to same sex marriages.

You guys should keep that to a topic of its own rather than derail.

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Interesting how a political topic about censorship of pornography has shifted to same sex marriages.

You guys should keep that to a topic of its own rather than derail.

The Młodzież Wszechpolska illuminati (All-Polish Youth) are here - anything could happen! There is much outrage over EU human rights law in Poland hence the attempt to portray this simple internet filter service as some sort of human rights violation. There is a fear that all this EU liberalism may lead to the uncovering of the scandal of widespread paedophilia within the Polish Catholic Church. The number of victims speaking out is growing and it's something that will break wide open soon, they try, but there really isn't anything they can do to stop it.

Edited by Mattar_Tharkari

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Most news articles and debates bring this back to what should be the issue, rather than "porn online" its actually all linked to paedophilia and child images and the like/peer to peer (bodies in place that need more funding are already in place for this too). Most news Uk based focuses on that from the subject off the back of the porn filter. Which I see as two separate issues altogether, but they merge them as one argument in a debate, which is what I called previously as the "guilt trip" debate.

I said this before but project Yawtree need to start climbing the chain they dont venture if they really want to protect children, channel 4 had a 3 min interview which asked something that will never be put back on TV as a debate again:

(Excuse the surrounding crap on the video, the Channel4 clip is the focus only).


The point being that a silly filter at ISP level that we have local anyway does pretty much nothing in the grand scheme of things, but it does introduce another feature to expand later.


British ISP tells "Kim Jong Cameron" to jog on

Anti-porn crusade slammed as censorship

Edited by mrcash2009

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FFS it's Operation Yewtree, Y-e-w-t-r-e-e ok.gif

Mattar you really have nothing much to do at the moment than correct an "a" to an "e" and that rattled you?

I suppose it is on topic in some ways, becuase it was childish.

Edited by mrcash2009

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Mattar you really have nothing much to do at the moment than correct an "a" to an "e" and that rattled you?

I suppose it is on topic in some ways, becuase it was childish.

Just trying to help out, searching for "program yawtree" doesn't yield any results and if memory serves me correctly that is the 2nd time you made that mistake, people might think you write nonsense! Just photo-editing the holiday snaps in another window so no don't worry about keeping me busy - I can multi-task. ;)

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that is the 2nd time you made that mistake, people might think you write nonsense!

Focus on the subject, and kindly keep your thinly veiled personal poster specific snipes out of it, there's a good lad. If you have nothing to add to the post I made other than hiding behind sniping sarcasm at minor detail then its just plain argumentative & you know what that means.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Yewtree seeing as Mattar has the only issue with it and didn't actual help by linking anything in correction based on his minor non-issue I though I would.

As I say this is more the focus and media currently try to merge both topics as one, online porn and children filters/the child porn and online aspect are 2 difference subjects, but not in the media's eyes recently.

Edited by mrcash2009

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Kind of reminds me of when a bill is attempted to pass here in the US but there is something else joined in that makes it a flat "No"

I'm pretty sure the majority of people wouldn't be against the idea of filtering child pornography, it doesn't fit western culture for one and plenty would happily go rabid on the subject via morality.

Taking away pornography on the other hand..well that is obviously a step too far and would invoke a plethora of debates concerning adults being free to watch mostly what they wish, mental capacities, broad exceptions for websites that have alleged pornography but aren't the focus such as deviantArt and image boards, 3D modelling websites with photo's of nude men and women for artists to use as references.

Likely also debates of art vs reality and wether or not posession of art is as bad as the real thing and wether or not it suggests that the person would commit or partake in the acts depicted, guro being a prime example. (Don't google unless you have a strong stomach)

Personally I'd like to know how they would intend to filter out images and videos, I know there are image recognition programs but those seem to mostly revolve around duplication, and aside from blacklisting the websites directly how does one filter something like that out from their region?

Edited by NodUnit

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Quite possibly the biggest load of codswallop i've read this week... change the air in your bubble.

Each has something that looks like a codswallop to him ... i am happy that you found nothing to say against that ! BACK TO TOPIC !

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Taking away pornography on the other hand..well that is obviously a step too far and would invoke a plethora of debates concerning adults being free to watch mostly what they wish, mental capacities, broad exceptions for websites..........

Ad nauseam..............the OP got it wrong as did most others - the filter isn't mandatory the account holder can turn it off using their password. No phone calls are involved you simply change the account settings online.

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Posting for thread ref:


Cameron's proposed filters extend to more than just porn


After brief conversations with some of the Internet Service Providers that will be implementing the UK's "pornwall" we've established a little bit about what it will be doing. To be fair, the BBC were pretty close.


This describes the mentality of opt out only very well. Defaults for people who dont check the setting certainly narrow the field, which isnt a surprise as people cant seem to RTFM to switch what exists on anyway.

Ad nauseam..............the OP got it wrong as did most others -

As a suggestion, if your tired of it leave the discussion, clearly you have no issue with it so what's the problem? Leave the folks to discuss implications of it once it comes into place.

the filter isn't mandatory the account holder can turn it off using their password. No phone calls are involved you simply change the account settings online.

Differnt ISP's will have different ways to implement it and the filtering can be expanded, so theres room for continued concerns, if you think the buck will stop at this soft-sell notion then fine.

Edited by mrcash2009

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Cool so what I posted back on page 3 on July 23rd was correct then? WTF @ openrightsgroup stealing my scoop! ROFL.


Ad nauseam.........picture posted for 3rd time.

Have a look at Orange Safeguardᵀᴹ for a similar list with further explanation:


Example: Why a home/public place network filter is needed:

Please note - Orange Safeguard does not work when connecting by Wi-Fi. This is due to Safeguard being a filter that sits within our mobile network but we have no control when devices connect to a third party Wi-Fi network.


Positive reinforcement method for combatting nudge theory brainwashing:

1. Buy some sweeties.

2. Each time you untick a box, give yourself a sweet.

By the time you reach the last tick, any contributory affects from web filter nudge theory programs should be negated. Caution!: only apply this to the web filter or you may find yourself immune to other nudge programs such as insulating your loft, installing energy saving light bulbs, replacing your old boiler, not dropping litter, cleaning up after your dog, lol.

Edited by Mattar_Tharkari

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The Młodzież Wszechpolska illuminati (All-Polish Youth) are here - anything could happen! There is much outrage over EU human rights law in Poland hence the attempt to portray this simple internet filter service as some sort of human rights violation. There is a fear that all this EU liberalism may lead to the uncovering of the scandal of widespread paedophilia within the Polish Catholic Church. The number of victims speaking out is growing and it's something that will break wide open soon, they try, but there really isn't anything they can do to stop it.

nonsense, first of all Młodzież Wszechpolska is not illuminati, illuminati is sect, MW is simply skinhead-like party with 2% of voters among teenagers, even if they would want to ban porn they would not even enter parliament, they are young and naive Catholic teenagers without any voters support, nothing more,

second thing EU human rights are sometimes weird, especially when they give more rights to criminal than to victim of that criminal, i would never understand and never accept it,

but ban proposals ARE from liberals (economical meaning), yes, as it was told by Qazdar - all this porn issue was raised by politicians to give people talk about ANYTHING other than economy and crisis in EU,

in Polish language we call it "temat zastępczy" = "a red herring, counterirritant"

our media in EU are full of saying about anything other than economy, unemployment, poverty etc.

as Qazdar said porn ban it is counterirritant, more dangerous is "Year 1984" problem and bans on many politcally non correct informations, cause if someone will write about bank's dirty tricks, and bank belong to Jewish businesman, than ban will hide such info as "racist, antisemitic", it is real danger and societies should strike against such bans

i know from history of television in last few years - when in TV there was something controversial spread- behind scenes politicians were making other dirty stuff,

TV was showing whole week case of 20 y.o. women who killed her daughter, meanwhile politicians were selling national bank shares to foreign capital, retired age was moved to 67 etc. but mainstream media took care that people will not know about economical and legal changes, but about one woman who killed child,

the same is with porn, policians started smoke screen to hide other actions behind

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Positive reinforcement method for combatting nudge theory brainwashing:

1. Buy some sweeties.

2. Each time you untick a box, give yourself a sweet.

3. Contemplate the full reasons your in this situation to begin with faffing about with ISP level tick boxes, ask who's implementing the infrastructure and who's benefits, ask if this solution to a problem is the right one and solves anything other than reverting back to why you as an individual are in the situation to begin with while parents have a plethora of tools to do this exact process at local level, and repeat.

Ad nauseam.........picture posted for 3rd time.

Ad neuseum ... posted for the second time:


Chinese firm Huawei controls net filter praised by PM
TalkTalk, another major client, uses Huawei technology to run HomeSafe - a system to monitor the internet use of its customers in order to offer content filters and blocking of adult and other "unsuitable" content.
Huawei's founder Ren Zhengfei, a former officer in China's People's Liberation Army, visited Downing Street last year after his company made a £1.3bn investment into its UK operations.

Prime Minister David Cameron has announced that UK internet service providers (ISPs) will be putting pornography filters on domestic internet connections.

The speech is the culmination of a long campaign by the government to get ISPs to impose default filters for adult and sensitive subjects. But what will the changes mean in practice?

But Huawei's position was recently the subject of an Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) report. It criticised the lack of ministerial oversight over the firm's rapid expansion in the UK.

The report

Edited by mrcash2009

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I'm not in any situation, I will be turning it off.

The reason they are making it a network filter is because the current systems where you implement a filter on each device isn't working, no one has the time, many don't have the skills and currently public wi-fi is often not filtered at all. They have trialed device based software for years now along with campaigns - it didn't work, it was a failure, there is a mountain of evidence to show that.

Seems you have an 'idee fixe' about Huawei? That news item and report you link to also says no evidence has been found of any wrong doing. As they have been running filtering systems on several networks for years now - why has no-one complained previously or found anything wrong?

Are you sure you read that report properly? The public internet/public telecoms is not part of the Critical National Infrastructure so it doesn't apply? When it refers to Telecoms what foolish people like you [and the BBC's Dave Lee] don't realise is that the Civil Service has a separate telecoms system to the general public called the Public Services Network, it has separate telephone numbers. That is what it's refering to, you have fallen head first for another asshat, poorly researched news item.

nonsense, first of all Młodzież Wszechpolska is not illuminati

Yeeeees I added that for a leeetle joke, we obviously need a sign for that to avoid confusion. As your friends general homophobia and odd ideas about gay people ending society and civilisation dovetail exactly with the views of Młodzież Wszechpolska I assumed he was a paid up member? Are you defending what he and others said on page 8????

some "men"/women want to get pounded by other "men"/women (that's the freedom&equality part) ,but it's the question of destroying the root of society/civilization ... when you say gay marriage ,it leads directly to to assisted procreation which means in other words the business of children and i guess that i dont have to go in details because,first ,because any free thinker would see the bad things that come with this......

Otherwise,Without having children,i don't see why making the homos marriage a legal stuff since the boys can live together and enjoy their love without being persecuted or considered outlaw.

No wonder there is widespread criticism of human rights in Poland and repeated condemnation in the European Court of Human Rights and EU Parliament. There was a call for an official investigation of the problems in Poland. I think your views are more than a little backward and absurd.

There is no porn ban, it's an optional filter, you can turn it off. You also don't know how it works ROFL, key words don't work like that.

Edited by Mattar_Tharkari

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As russian proverb sais: "Кто о чём, а вшивый - о бане" (Meaning:the person who has lice always talks about getting a shower). Why won't you, Mattar_Tharkari, discuss your gay problems in appropriate thread?

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As russian proverb sais: "Кто о чём, а вшивый - о бане" (Meaning:the person who has lice always talks about getting a shower). Why won't you, Mattar_Tharkari, discuss your gay problems in appropriate thread?

Err what gay problems are those? I didn't start the gay/homophobic comments issue here, simply explained the legal and ethical reasoning behind legalising marriage when someone else criticised it? I think it was the correct decision, as I stated, you can't have partial equality......also astounded at some of the homophobic comments from people that constantly whine about freedom and human rights, some of you are lower than Pediculus humanus.

Edited by Mattar_Tharkari

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We all know that you stand for everything good against everything bad, but would you please stop raising this discussion since it is offtopic?

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Optional filter? Turning off the p()rn? But what about parental control options and such soft as RAdmin that already exist for ages in both OS and antiviral applications? Today you can fully control your child's PC if you want. It's only a matter of will. Do it yourself and don't leave the care about your child to ISP.

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Optional filter? Turning off the p()rn? But what about parental control options and such soft as RAdmin that already exist for ages in both OS and antiviral applications? Today you can fully control your child's PC if you want. It's only a matter of will. Do it yourself and don't leave the care about your child to ISP.

See post #95 plus previous pages it isn't working because of numerous internet capable devices per household, phones/tablets/PC's etc. Please read the thread before posting.

We all know that you stand for everything good against everything bad, but would you please stop raising this discussion since it is offtopic?

You need to have that discussion with Vilas, Sudayev and Qazdar..........wasn't me that raised it or continued to defend the homophobic comments. I never thought it had any relevance in the 1st place. Shows you obviously havn't read the thread or are simply trolling.

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