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Battleye is here (Quick tutorial)

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yes and no, you can't write universal filters w/o them being (for now) too weak and not useful as protection ...

you need to realize the script code security changes weren't yet rolled out (only the setVehicleInit removal)

you can write them for logging and then parse thru the results and ban every abuser ...

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Will this work.

1 ""

to every file in the BE filters, as only entry, to log all scripts/actions taken. This I know will generate large files with little to nothing of any relevance in them. However it should also log all cheats/hacks etc. Then I can simply await an attack, and check the logs against the time it occurred.

Then I should have logged the code they used, and be able to add that back into the relevant file, with 7 to kick anyone who uses the code again, then ban those who do. In theory building up a small database of my own of the current hacks being used.

In theory this should work, but to my opening question. Yes or No?

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ofcourse it will work ... why you not use it self already? :)

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Will this work.

1 ""

Yes, it works, and i'm using it already to monitor what's happening on each server.. then i'll start to filter each one progressively, excluding the obvious "no-cheat" calls. Basically the same you would do in A2.

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can someone give a detailed description on how to connect to your server(s) using RCon? Every time I think I have it setup properly on my individual servers I cannot connect. I have read and re-read every linked forum thread regarding this and for the life of me I cannot establish a connection.

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Try changing the file BE.cfg to BEServer.cfg and it should work as described, not something I had noticed as had copied my A2 file over.

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can someone give a detailed description on how to connect to your server(s) using RCon? Every time I think I have it setup properly on my individual servers I cannot connect. I have read and re-read every linked forum thread regarding this and for the life of me I cannot establish a connection.

This was written by gonk on the first page, I missed it myself the first few times I read this post, because it was cleverly hidden behind a spoiler.

Not exactly step by step but with a little common sense, its easy to do.

"eg. 1. Make folder on the server hard drive drive and place BESever.cfg and bans.txt in this folder. They can be empty for now.

2. Add "-BEpath-c\folder" to Firedaemon in paramaters or start script. eg "-BEpath=c:\unique name\"

3. In the BESever.cfg add the line:- Maxping 300

4. If you want to use battle warden tool also add this line into the BEServer.cfg :- RConPassword Secret_Code"

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I cannot get any RCON tools to work on my ARMA 3 Servers.

I change the Rconpassword in the be.cfg file

tried renaming be.cfg to BEServer.cfg

Server.cfg has battleeye=1

Added host firewall rule to allow the exe through the local firewall (Windows Server 2008 R2)

Tried to connect using loopback address and proper port from directly on the server ( Should eliminate firewall problem )

I keep getting "Could not connect to server"

Any suggestions?

Edited by Hurtz72

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I cannot get any RCON tools to work on my ARMA 3 Servers.

I change the Rconpassword in the be.cfg file

tried renaming be.cfg to BEServer.cfg

Server.cfg has battleeye=1

Added host firewall rule to allow the exe through the local firewall (Windows Server 2008 R2)

Tried to connect using loopback address and proper port from directly on the server ( Should eliminate firewall problem )

I keep getting "Could not connect to server"

Any suggestions?

Did you add the -BEpath param to your startup line?



Config file should be BEServer.cfg

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getting random errors on rcon and on the console

12:14:15 PM | Could not connect to BE Master

12:14:15 PM | Update attempt failed

Is this something that I can fix on the server or is it an issue with the player joining?

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ignore, if it's not doing all the time, it might mean that at that moment the BE master was unreachable

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Don't know if it's only happening to me or if there is a patch somewhere allready but our server gets drained a few days allready cause of a BE kick for Count Restriction "Supply100"

I have deleted all txt files containing any restrictions, though this still happens, I am running a domination mission from xeno - ported by Haz and i see many servers running this version.

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Don't know if it's only happening to me or if there is a patch somewhere allready but our server gets drained a few days allready cause of a BE kick for Count Restriction "Supply100"

I have deleted all txt files containing any restrictions, though this still happens, I am running a domination mission from xeno - ported by Haz and i see many servers running this version.

Check your BEServer.cfg for a "maxCreateVehiclePerInterval" or similar setting.

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Below my BEServer.cfg

MaxPing 500 // maximal delay to server before BattlEye autokicks
MaxCreateVehiclePerInterval 72 1
MaxSetPosPerInterval 2 1
MaxSetDamagePerInterval 36 1
MaxAddBackpackCargoPerInterval 12 1
MaxAddMagazineCargoPerInterval 96 1
MaxAddWeaponCargoPerInterval 24 1
MaxDeleteVehiclePerInterval 48 1
MaxAttachToPerInterval 4 1

I have read the support article on your site but can't make sense of what createvehicle does so have no idea on how to set any of it :(

maybe a description for dummies ?

Just set the 72 1 to 72 2 (checks every 2 seconds) so far no issue :)

Edited by XoloX

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I had an issue with BattleEye on my Server two nights ago. It wrote a 59 gb file in the script1 file to the point were it crashed the server by using up all the memory. Never had this issue before. I shut my server down until I could get some answers. I had to delete the file just to be able to fire up the machine it crashed the entire box not just Arma 3.

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O.k. so no response on how to fix BE and stop it from writing Massive script and script1 files. BE is as it was when installed to the server. So settings are default and again the Server correction Batteye was writting to the script and script1 file to the tune of 22,000,000 kb the first time i caught it then deleted the file only to have it return and do the same shit over and over and over so I shut down my server. Then I thought Fuck that Batteye is shut down untill I can get some help on how to stop the insanity that is the default BE server settings and no Response from the Developer on how the fix this. Not my first thought but default should not be spamming my server with text Fucking 50-60 GB worth.

Little help from the community would be nice since the Dev has nothing to say after what 2 and a half weeks now. Thanks in Advance to the community for any help.

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O.k. so no response on how to fix BE and stop it from writing Massive script and script1 files. BE is as it was when installed to the server. So settings are default and again the Server correction Batteye was writting to the script and script1 file to the tune of 22,000,000 kb the first time i caught it then deleted the file only to have it return and do the same shit over and over and over so I shut down my server. Then I thought Fuck that Batteye is shut down untill I can get some help on how to stop the insanity that is the default BE server settings and no Response from the Developer on how the fix this. Not my first thought but default should not be spamming my server with text Fucking 50-60 GB worth.

Little help from the community would be nice since the Dev has nothing to say after what 2 and a half weeks now. Thanks in Advance to the community for any help.

Sorry for missing your post.

May I ask what you mean with "script and script1 files"? BE doesn't create a file called "script1", so this problem doesn't seem to be caused by it. What is the content of these files? Also, since you mentioned default settings I suppose you do not use any BE filters (scripts.txt, etc.)?

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I wanted to use filters but deleted them after it went crazy. They would reappear after I deleted them. So I just wiped all things related to BE and had the game update new files.

Scripts.log my bad. not the text file. So the scripts.log is not a BE file? Then why is it in my Battleye folder? and if not why does it use BE. Also if you do add the filters your saying BE has nothing to do with t he functioning of these files?

Why do the go in the BE folder?

So the first page in this thread BE is here quick tut is what I followed when I set up my server with BE and RCON.

You don't recommend following this?

Steps 1 and 2 ?

I followed verbatim

Leading to my issue

Please clarify because now I'm confused?

I just want the Rcon at this point and NO log\txt files that Log 50 gb of Data.

All I need is my Bans.txt and the Rcon just Like A2.

I never had this kind of issue.

Thank you for listening to my problem and hopefully providing clarification as to what it is and isn't BE handles or does now?

And where did I go wrong when following this tutorial.

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I wanted to use filters but deleted them after it went crazy. They would reappear after I deleted them. So I just wiped all things related to BE and had the game update new files.

Scripts.log my bad. not the text file. So the scripts.log is not a BE file? Then why is it in my Battleye folder? and if not why does it use BE. Also if you do add the filters your saying BE has nothing to do with t he functioning of these files?

Why do the go in the BE folder?

So the first page in this thread BE is here quick tut is what I followed when I set up my server with BE and RCON.

I was talking about "scripts1", of course scripts.log is a BE file.

After looking at the first post I'm wondering if you simply used the scripts.txt (and possibly other files) from https://github.com/DayZMod/Battleye-Filters? Obviously you cannot use those in Arma 3 as they are only for DayZ.

I just want the Rcon at this point and NO log\txt files that Log 50 gb of Data.

Just delete any filter files like scripts.txt and you should be good to go.

Edited by $able

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Just wondering, instead of frigging around with the keys system, is there a way the blacklist or whitelist mods/addons using BE? and kick players out of the server that are or aren't using certain addons?

One of our guys has implemented a system within a mission itself for allowing or disallowing players with certain mods, but it can't kick them out of the game they have to alt+F4, disable the mod and then rejoin, whereas BE could, and now you can set scripts on a per-mission basis this would be pretty cool. Unfortunately I don't understand enough about the scripting side of things to work it out.

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The BE filters in first post are for dayz, is there a download for Arma3 BE filters?

My server is getting hacked with BE enabled, so I'd like to improve its protection...

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The BE filters in first post are for dayz, is there a download for Arma3 BE filters?

My server is getting hacked with BE enabled, so I'd like to improve its protection...

You need to write filters for your specific mission for optimal protection.

Afik there is no general filters for arma3.

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It simply isnt practical for a server to write filters for each and every mission they run unless they are just a 1 mission server. We run lots of missions which are constantly being removed, replaced rewritten.

A creatunit log would be nice alongside the createvehicle log though

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It simply isnt practical for a server to write filters for each and every mission they run unless they are just a 1 mission server. We run lots of missions which are constantly being removed, replaced rewritten.

A creatunit log would be nice alongside the createvehicle log though

I totaly agree with you on this part. a admin of an server doesnt really got the time to create/update Be filters for N missions.

Its basicly a nogo unless you got some guy(s) dedicated to the Be filters.

What i like to see if a change in the mind of Mission makers instead.

They need to learn and get used to include Be filters with the mission(s) they make. esp if it is a pub.game.

I feel like most of mission makers dosent do this. maybe not because the dont want to but becase they cant.. idk,

Because there is basicly no documentation on Be filters. sqf has good wiki support. most mission makers hang around there.

With Be filters you just get tossed around some file(s) and get told here.. look at mine..

and if youre stupid enough to try em out before looking at em. you end up Uber kicking all players :p

or you get told to log it all and end up on n^y gigs of logs to dig in..

If the wiki for had more referaces & examples to on how to set up the filters in the scripting section

example commands like setdamage & foreach all the other supported Be fileters It would be more Encuriging idk who knows..

a tool to auto create the Be filters would have been nice tho :p

Edited by nuxil

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