Meska_ 10 Posted August 15, 2014 Hey Guys, i got a little problem - it looks like I cant revive civilians if i'm playing as Blufor (west) or the other way around ;/ Does somebody know how to fix this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DancZer 65 Posted August 15, 2014 I got script error in 1.5 when i use it without acre. I added in FAR_Mute_ACRE below the time waitUntil: waitUntil{!isnil "acre_sys_core_globalVolume"}; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Genderbent 10 Posted August 15, 2014 If you're not using the debugging mode then the script won't initialize for ai units. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarealAl 10 Posted September 10, 2014 (edited) Hi there, first let me say, i am not really familiar with Arma3-Scripting. I am trying to write some MP-Code for a dedicated Wasteland Server. FAR_revive works perfectly but now i need to find out who killed a unit. So i have a Little Loop running... waitUntil { sleep 10; ! alive _Target || _failed }; _killer = _Target call FAR_findKiller; _killerName = name _killer; Result is always empty and in my logs there is a "Error Undefined Variable in Expression: far_findkiller" So my Questions are: How can i Access the FAR Variables from my script ? Is there a way to use the FAr functiosn such as UNCONSCIOUS(_unit) ? Any help would be appreciated :)) EDIT: OK, i figured out how to get FAR_Vars... Anyway, it would be cooler to use the already implemented Functions like DRAGGED_BY(), UNCONSIUOS etc... Any Ideas ? ...and i am not able to find the one who killed a Player... (Need it Serverside) :( Edited September 11, 2014 by DarealAl Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarealAl 10 Posted September 14, 2014 No one ? OK, let me try to explain... I have a dedicated A§Wasteland Server running, with FAR_revive.. It is running as i want but now i try to wirte a Server side script... I need to get the Playerobjekt that killed another one. The "Victim" is know and i can Display Names and so on. But whatever i try, i cant get the object that killed "Victim" ... I have tried via call FAR_findkiller and getVairable[""FAR_killerPrimeSuspects", objNull] but there is "any" or "error: no vehicle" when i try to Access name _unit; Any1 with ideas ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Baconator 1 Posted September 15, 2014 No one ? OK, let me try to explain...I have a dedicated A§Wasteland Server running, with FAR_revive.. It is running as i want but now i try to wirte a Server side script... I need to get the Playerobjekt that killed another one. The "Victim" is know and i can Display Names and so on. But whatever i try, i cant get the object that killed "Victim" ... I have tried via call FAR_findkiller and getVairable[""FAR_killerPrimeSuspects", objNull] but there is "any" or "error: no vehicle" when i try to Access name _unit; Any1 with ideas ? i dont know how to fix your problem, but it sounds like a locality issue or the function is not returning the player as a value. Check to see if theres a if (isDedicated) then exitWith {}; at the top of the function file or that there is a value returned when the function is done. :confused: good luck Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarealAl 10 Posted September 15, 2014 (edited) Script runs serverside, so there is a if (!isDedicated) exitwith {}; at the top. Anyway, thank you for your Kind reply. Hm, i think my Problem is not really FAR_revive ... So please consider my question as "in the wrong Forum" .. I will try it somewhere else. Anyway, thanks a lot :) Edited September 16, 2014 by DarealAl Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sag-sag 10 Posted October 7, 2014 Very good script! But there is a problem. After I respawn, the player is constantly moving. How to fix it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
seba1976 98 Posted October 7, 2014 I have a problem. Whenever I choose to commit suicide and respawn at base, everything works fine but other players can't see me in game anymore. If, for example, I die again, other player don't see my body laying on the ground, nor can they interact with me. Basically I can't be revive, nor seen. Anyone else is having this or know what the problem might be? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Smoerble 11 Posted October 13, 2014 When someone dies in a helicopter, he cannot respawn. Even more, he cannot hit ESC to leave the server. I think, I have read somewhere, that this is a known bug? Is there a fix available please? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silver_ 10 Posted November 11, 2014 When someone dies in a helicopter, he cannot respawn.Even more, he cannot hit ESC to leave the server. I think, I have read somewhere, that this is a known bug? Is there a fix available please? BUMP Yep, same problem and a little fix would be really nice: When I die in a helicopter (crashing the ground) I am stuck in the helicopter and don't die and can't press anything => I have to shut down Arma completly.. Any idea why this is happening and how I can fix it? :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
654wak654 25 Posted November 11, 2014 Open FAR_revive_funcs.sqf and replace while {vehicle _unit != _unit} do with if (vehicle _unit != _unit) then Hope this helps. This is the solution to your problems people. Go to notepad (or np++) and use Ctrl+F or Ctrl+H. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silver_ 10 Posted November 12, 2014 This is the solution to your problems people. Go to notepad (or np++) and use Ctrl+F or Ctrl+H. Thanks :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SD_BOB 10 Posted November 12, 2014 Has anyone else noticed the following behaviour since the last official game update. 1st - Medics sometimes (Generaly a little way into a session) get a situation where they cannot fully heal someone. The person who is injured shows no sign of being injured, but they cannot run. You go to heal them, but have no options. 2nd - After fully healing your self, you get the silly "medic" beep noise when fully healing yourself. The beep they continues to loop after the heal is complete. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silentghoust 132 Posted November 15, 2014 Any chance this script is still in active development? I would really like to see the ability to put wounded into vehicles. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avibird 1 155 Posted November 15, 2014 Hey I don't really thing this script is working right now. Their are a few that just don't work since the last update A3 I have been reviewing some of the day to look at the different functions. ******************** Avibird Review * Medical Script List* ******************** 1. DAPMAN-A3 Current Version 0.2.5 *works needs replacement of a SQF *works on all AI units editor place and spawned AI UNITS during mission *AI units will heal player unit *AI units will heal other units outside of its group 2. AIS Wounding System *works on only editor placed units 3. Grimes’ Simple Revive Script works *works only for editor placed units *player can revive,drag,carry AI units but AI DOES NOT revive player unit *multiple respawn locations *has a lot of other functions 4. Neo's Revive Script *works on only editor placed units *AI UNITS will not heal player unit in the group 5. Farooq's Revive 1.51 *NOT working 6. INS revive script v0.3.1 by naong *NOT working 7. norrin Version 0.61 ArmA3 revive_4 *Not working 8. bardosy's automedic script v1.0 *works only for editor placed units not working after respawn Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KRiZZ 10 Posted November 24, 2014 Hi! I wast thinking to make revive a bit more realistic, because at current point it takes only few seconds. I`ve modified revive function with some additional animations, hovewer it doesnt seem to work, (character just stands and doing nothin - idle animation) im new to scripting so if anyone can point me what is wrong - big thanks for him :) FAR_HandleRevive = { private ["_target"]; _target = _this select 0; if (alive _target) then { //player playMove "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic"; player playMove "Acts_TreatingWounded_in"; sleep 3; player playMove "Acts_TreatingWounded01"; sleep 5; player playMove "Acts_TreatingWounded02"; sleep 8; player playMove "Acts_TreatingWounded03"; sleep 9; player playMove "Acts_TreatingWounded04"; sleep 5; player playMove "Acts_TreatingWounded05"; sleep 10; player playMove "Acts_TreatingWounded06"; sleep 6; player playMove "Acts_TreatingWounded_Out"; sleep 4; _target setVariable ["FAR_isUnconscious", 0, true]; _target setVariable ["FAR_isDragged", 0, true]; sleep 6; ..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phant 10 Posted December 12, 2014 So at the moment I have the below values set in the damage handling init of the FAR_Revive script. Right now it is taking only 1 bullet from literally any gun (even a pistol) to any body part (even the foot) to put someone into the unconscious state. What values do I increase/decrease so that a player can take more damage before being put into the unconscious state. ////////////////////////////////////////////////// Handle Death //////////////////////////////////////////////// FAR_HandleDamage_EH = { private ["_unit", "_killer", "_amountOfDamage", "_isUnconscious"]; _unit = _this select 0; _amountOfDamage = _this select 2; _killer = _this select 3; _isUnconscious = _unit getVariable "FAR_isUnconscious"; if (alive _unit && _amountOfDamage >= 1 && _isUnconscious == 0) then { _unit setDamage 0; _unit allowDamage false; _amountOfDamage = 0; [_unit, _killer] spawn FAR_Player_Unconscious; }; _amountOfDamage }; I have tried setting values to the below, but it breaks the script completely. Any ideas fellas? _amountOfDamage = _this select 1; AND if (alive _unit && _amountOfDamage >= 0 && _isUnconscious == 0) then Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
profcupcake 11 Posted December 12, 2014 (edited) Farooq is not the most reliable person on these forums, and there's clearly a lot of problems here. I probably know this script just as well as he does at this point, so I'm gonna start solving problems. So at the moment I have the below values set in the damage handling init of the FAR_Revive script. Right now it is taking only 1 bullet from literally any gun (even a pistol) to any body part (even the foot) to put someone into the unconscious state. What values do I increase/decrease so that a player can take more damage before being put into the unconscious state. I have tried setting values to the below, but it breaks the script completely. Any ideas fellas? _amountOfDamage = _this select 1; AND if (alive _unit && _amountOfDamage >= 0 && _isUnconscious == 0) then Wowzers. Welcome to scripting, you're clearly new. Okay, so the first number you changed there has completely broken it. The "select" command simply selects an element from an array; by changing it, it is now selecting the wrong number. Change it back. The second number you've changed has resulted in ANY damage making someone unconscious. 0 damage is fully healed; 1 damage is basically dead. Not the other way around. As to what caused your original problem in the first place, I have no idea. If you have any weapon/damage mods enabled, it's probably those. This script should not be doing that. Try a test mission with no mods or scripts enabled other than Farooq's Revive. ---------- Post added at 14:12 ---------- Previous post was at 14:09 ---------- Hi! I wast thinking to make revive a bit more realistic, because at current point it takes only few seconds. I`ve modified revive function with some additional animations, hovewer it doesnt seem to work, (character just stands and doing nothin - idle animation) im new to scripting so if anyone can point me what is wrong - big thanks for him :) FAR_HandleRevive = { private ["_target"]; _target = _this select 0; if (alive _target) then { //player playMove "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic"; player playMove "Acts_TreatingWounded_in"; sleep 3; player playMove "Acts_TreatingWounded01"; sleep 5; player playMove "Acts_TreatingWounded02"; sleep 8; player playMove "Acts_TreatingWounded03"; sleep 9; player playMove "Acts_TreatingWounded04"; sleep 5; player playMove "Acts_TreatingWounded05"; sleep 10; player playMove "Acts_TreatingWounded06"; sleep 6; player playMove "Acts_TreatingWounded_Out"; sleep 4; _target setVariable ["FAR_isUnconscious", 0, true]; _target setVariable ["FAR_isDragged", 0, true]; sleep 6; ..... I'd recommend using playAction instead. There are cases where playMove has an advantage over it, but this is not one of them. The specific actions you're looking for will be "medicStart" and "medicStop". An extra advantage of this is that, with the engine dynamically applying the animation for as long as the action is active, you can have a randomised duration for healing (or, for example, have healing take longer for non-medics). This is, in fact, the exact thing I do in my medical system. Shameless self-advertising. ---------- Post added at 14:14 ---------- Previous post was at 14:12 ---------- Very good script! But there is a problem. After I respawn, the player is constantly moving. How to fix it? It's a quirk of disablePlayerInput. Basically, any keys that were pressed when you got knocked down will act as if they are being constantly held. To stop it, simply press whichever keys are acting as if they are held (e.g. if you are constantly running to the left, you'd probably press A). It's unfixable without a considerable amount of workaround, or possibly the addition of a better command by BI. ---------- Post added at 14:16 ---------- Previous post was at 14:14 ---------- Hi there,first let me say, i am not really familiar with Arma3-Scripting. I am trying to write some MP-Code for a dedicated Wasteland Server. FAR_revive works perfectly but now i need to find out who killed a unit. So i have a Little Loop running... waitUntil { sleep 10; ! alive _Target || _failed }; _killer = _Target call FAR_findKiller; _killerName = name _killer; Result is always empty and in my logs there is a "Error Undefined Variable in Expression: far_findkiller" So my Questions are: How can i Access the FAR Variables from my script ? Is there a way to use the FAr functiosn such as UNCONSCIOUS(_unit) ? Any help would be appreciated :)) EDIT: OK, i figured out how to get FAR_Vars... Anyway, it would be cooler to use the already implemented Functions like DRAGGED_BY(), UNCONSIUOS etc... Any Ideas ? ...and i am not able to find the one who killed a Player... (Need it Serverside) :( I don't think those variables are present server-side. I'll look into it and come up with a solution within the hour day. I said day. None of you saw "hour" here. Liars. UPDATE: Alright, I've got it. You're going to need to add something to your init.sqf, though. At line 36 of the init.sqf, modify it so that it is as follows: if (isDedicated) exitWith {"FAR_deathMessage" addPublicVariableEventHandler nameOfYourServerSideFunction;}; Then, within your server's function, _this select 1 will point to an array containing the victim's name in index 0 and the killer's name in index 1. To clarify within a script... nameOfYourServerSideFunction = { _victim = _this select 1 select 0; _killer = _this select 1 select 1; // And then from here on you can do your function's stuff as required }; Note that this assumes the server is dedicated. Would that work for you? Edited December 12, 2014 by ProfCupcake Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phant 10 Posted December 13, 2014 Farooq is not the most reliable person on these forums, and there's clearly a lot of problems here. I probably know this script just as well as he does at this point, so I'm gonna start solving problems. Wowzers. Welcome to scripting, you're clearly new. Okay, so the first number you changed there has completely broken it. The "select" command simply selects an element from an array; by changing it, it is now selecting the wrong number. Change it back. The second number you've changed has resulted in ANY damage making someone unconscious. 0 damage is fully healed; 1 damage is basically dead. Not the other way around. As to what caused your original problem in the first place, I have no idea. If you have any weapon/damage mods enabled, it's probably those. This script should not be doing that. Try a test mission with no mods or scripts enabled other than Farooq's Revive. Thanks for taking the time to help us with our problems. I am very new to scripting, yes :) So I have just run a test without any mods and same default settings. Again 1 bullet to the foot is dropping the player on their back. I was hoping there was a way to increase the damage threshold before unconscious state in this script but I guess not. As soon as I disable the script entirely it's back to the usual 3 bullets to the leg/5 to the chest before the player is killed. It's only when I'm using this script that player's start taking 1 bullet to kill. If you don't have any ideas that's okay, thanks for pointing out my previous mistakes anyway! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
voodoo23 11 Posted December 18, 2014 Has anyone else noticed the following behaviour since the last official game update.1st - Medics sometimes (Generaly a little way into a session) get a situation where they cannot fully heal someone. The person who is injured shows no sign of being injured, but they cannot run. You go to heal them, but have no options. 2nd - After fully healing your self, you get the silly "medic" beep noise when fully healing yourself. The beep they continues to loop after the heal is complete. Hi, we are a team playing mostly on PVE missions with this script and we also noticed this second bug. When a medic heals someone or himself, sometimes, the beep noise stays and the medic loose the ability to interact with anything (opening door, entering vehicule or healing again). Droping the medic bag fix the sound bug but not the interaction problem. We never had such problem before the last update with the helicopter update. Any idea ? thx Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
moharisy 10 Posted December 20, 2014 Hi there, im currently trying to implement Farooqs revive into my missions and implemented it exactly as it said on the read me file, however im running into a big problem. In the SP and MP editors, the revive script works fine, but as soon as i run it out of editor in SP or MP, it refuses to even acknowledge the scripts existence. Now I am unsure if it needs to be on a dedicated server or not as my games are done through LAN simulation through Evolve as i cant figure out port forwarding. So if anyone can help me with a solution that would be much appreciated thanks. Also to note, i am new to scripting so i dont know if its anything obvious or not Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
moharisy 10 Posted December 22, 2014 When i preview my mission in editor where the revive script works, it says at the bottom left corner when i start the preview: "Module curator not owned, player used instead in singleplayer" I believe this pops up because i have mcc sandbox but this message does not pop up when i run my mission in SP or MP and the script does not work. They just die. Just thought this extra info may be of use to anyone Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hedgehog1983 14 Posted December 24, 2014 (edited) It's a quirk of disablePlayerInput. Basically, any keys that were pressed when you got knocked down will act as if they are being constantly held. To stop it, simply press whichever keys are acting as if they are held (e.g. if you are constantly running to the left, you'd probably press A). It's unfixable without a considerable amount of workaround, or possibly the addition of a better command by BI. I found this one. Untested. According to Killzone kid, going through disablePlayerInput one extra time would clear the inputs. SO he suggested: disableUserInput true; //do something disableUserInput false; disableUserInput true; disableUserInput false; Another bug I found was when a player dies in a static weapon, they are ejected. Since there is no Eject action menu that player simply remains on the gun. moveOut command might be useful in that situation instead of eject command. (between the disableUserInput commands) Hi,we are a team playing mostly on PVE missions with this script and we also noticed this second bug. When a medic heals someone or himself, sometimes, the beep noise stays and the medic loose the ability to interact with anything (opening door, entering vehicule or healing again). Droping the medic bag fix the sound bug but not the interaction problem. We never had such problem before the last update with the helicopter update. Any idea ? thx Has anyone else noticed the following behaviour since the last official game update.1st - Medics sometimes (Generaly a little way into a session) get a situation where they cannot fully heal someone. The person who is injured shows no sign of being injured, but they cannot run. You go to heal them, but have no options. 2nd - After fully healing your self, you get the silly "medic" beep noise when fully healing yourself. The beep they continues to loop after the heal is complete. This started to happen after the most recent patch. This happens with almost every revive script. It will happen if a player is healing somebody and they move while doing it. If the player who is being healed moves away, the medic loses action menu. It is something BI introduced, and only one way to confirm that would be to test this theory with a non-scripted environment in a dedicated server. A medic heals a wounded soldier, but the woulded soldier moves away in the process. So for now, the best workaround is not to heal anybody unless they ask for it. Thus, have attention on the medic and will not move until the healing process is done. Edited December 24, 2014 by tgb Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
profcupcake 11 Posted December 25, 2014 disableUserInput is the command I was talking about. I keep mistakenly calling it disablePlayerInput because I am a gibbon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites