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1.05 released.

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Here we have it, patch 1.05. It seems to be the same version as the beta. Does this mean there were no fixes to the beta, as there were quite a few bugs in the beta, or have they been fixed?


Edited by Dajunka

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patch 1.05 is almost the same as beta version 1.05. We just wanted release it to every player, non-steam and steam.

But dont worry, we are planning to announce next update.


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  Nifty said:

patch 1.05 is almost the same as beta version 1.05. We just wanted release it to every player, non-steam and steam.

But dont worry, we are planning to announce next update.


Thank you. It's really good to hear that you are continuing development on this excellent game. It's great fun to play as it stands, so any extra bugs cleared and any additions can only make it better.

I think when a lot of people actually sit down and play the game instead of moaning about it, they get to love it.

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  Dajunka said:
Thank you. It's really good to hear that you are continuing development on this excellent game. It's great fun to play as it stands, so any extra bugs cleared and any additions can only make it better.

I think when a lot of people actually sit down and play the game instead of moaning about it, they get to love it.

I agree. I am one of the people who thinks this game is outstanding. I always did. It needs some more fixes, but it is really great even as it is.

---------- Post added at 08:18 ---------- Previous post was at 08:16 ----------

  Nifty said:

patch 1.05 is almost the same as beta version 1.05. We just wanted release it to every player, non-steam and steam.

But dont worry, we are planning to announce next update.


Thanks for your comment, Nifty.

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  Dajunka said:
Thank you. It's really good to hear that you are continuing development on this excellent game. It's great fun to play as it stands, so any extra bugs cleared and any additions can only make it better.

I think when a lot of people actually sit down and play the game instead of moaning about it, they get to love it.

Yeah, now EVERYBODY can get blinded and learn to see in the dark at the same time :D


I think by my post you can guess my stance on making beta a release version when there is a known serious visual bug in there that makes the game hard to play.

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  atroublestarter said:
Yeah, now EVERYBODY can get blinded and learn to see in the dark at the same time :D


I think by my post you can guess my stance on making beta a release version when there is a known serious visual bug in there that makes the game hard to play.

Yep! confirmed. visual bug is still present and it's a bad one. I really thought they would have cleared this bug up before releasing to Steam. Now there will be hell to play.

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(- In the strategy game, the player now has to always "find" certain items on enemy or neutral islands (carrier weapons, Hammerhead, Torpedo, Howitzer, Walrus Missiles)

Where do you find updates to your tech in strategy mode, is it labs...or ?

UPDATE: Okay-zee, I found out for myself, you get the BP's just by capture. I was thinking it might be something complicated. ;)

Apart from the graphical glitch, it seems to be working lovely, could not believe it when my walrus negotiated a bridge hardly wide enough for it to squeeze through.

Edited by Dajunka

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But dont worry, we are planning to announce next update.

That's really great to hear :yay: The last 1.05 beta was great gameplay wise but the lighting bug is indeed annoying.

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I'm definitely paying attention to Your reports, so do others in the company and from CC: GM development team ...

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  Dwarden said:
I'm definitely paying attention to Your reports, so do others in the company and from CC: GM development team ...

Thanks, Dwarden.

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  Dwarden said:
I'm definitely paying attention to Your reports, so do others in the company and from CC: GM development team ...

Great stuff Dwarden. Having two developers reply in one thread kind of proves that this game is very much alive.


Can you confirm the lighting bug?

Do have any idea what may be causing it?

Is there any sort of work around until it's fixed?

Thanks. ;)

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After the release of this patch, any news on the possibility of adding multiplayer?

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To tell you the truth, I thought that removing the "BETA" in the patch name would mean a fixed v1.05.026. But now I have a intro which starts at drop of the pod and entering the atmosphere and all that without sound but with subtitles. While the beta version of patch 1.05.26, ran flawlessly.

Maybe its the fault of the savegames, I will remove them after this post is written. And then I will test everything again. Else, I will install again the Beta version of this patch, which had less problems.

And if I am not satisfied with that I return to V1.04. :-P At least that one was ok, while running the game.

I am off to the test bench now.... (very angry now, do not come closer, I bite. LOL )

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  Nifty said:

patch 1.05 is almost the same as beta version 1.05. We just wanted release it to every player, non-steam and steam.

But dont worry, we are planning to announce next update.



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  Antares said:
To tell you the truth, I thought that removing the "BETA" in the patch name would mean a fixed v1.05.026. But now I have a intro which starts at drop of the pod and entering the atmosphere and all that without sound but with subtitles. While the beta version of patch 1.05.26, ran flawlessly.

Maybe its the fault of the savegames, I will remove them after this post is written. And then I will test everything again. Else, I will install again the Beta version of this patch, which had less problems.

And if I am not satisfied with that I return to V1.04. :-P At least that one was ok, while running the game.

I am off to the test bench now.... (very angry now, do not come closer, I bite. LOL )

Now the test so far. Stable 1.4.031 installed. And working good. Then installed patch v1.05 beta. Result: Cutscene with droppod (when clicking "campaign" and acknoledge the deletion off all old savegames) starts without sound, and runs without sound, until you find yourself at the beginning of the action (with the line "combat suit ready") A new bug appeared now, when clicking exit out of the game, the desktop is darker than before starting the game.

I think we need a better patch v1.06 than this now ?

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  Antares said:
Now the test so far. Stable 1.4.031 installed. And working good. Then installed patch v1.05 beta. Result: Cutscene with droppod (when clicking "campaign" and acknoledge the deletion off all old savegames) starts without sound, and runs without sound, until you find yourself at the beginning of the action (with the line "combat suit ready") A new bug appeared now, when clicking exit out of the game, the desktop is darker than before starting the game.

I think we need a better patch v1.06 than this now ?

I have found 1.4 to be less buggy then 1.5 as well. The mind truly boggles.

Sure am glad I didn't buy it on steam, those poor sods can't back-pedal, they are stuck with 1.5.

Things I have noticed wrong with 1.5 so far.

Graphics are not as good as 1.4 and are buggy. The worst of it being the lighting bug.

Units, mainly walrus become unresponsive.

The weather system seems to be broken. Not as expansive as it was in 1.4 and when it does change it seems to be very erratic and can change to something else within seconds.

Enemy carrier seems to start with full tech whatever you set the tech level to.

I have a had a couple of islands were I destroy all shield generators but the shield stays up.

Plus many more, which I can't remember at the moment.

Edited by Dajunka

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I forgot to mention: I made the tests (both means: with V1.04 and V1.05 beta) from the intro to the point where you get the first walrus. Then I stopped testing. Version 1.04 works very well. V1.05 beta worked the same as Version 1.04, except the glitch with the intro start of the campaign. But both the starting intro, meaning the introduction, when you start the game, with myrik on the bow of the carrier and talking, to the point were the marines are embarked into their pods, are working in both versions, with the same result. What the strategy part concerns, and weather and ai and so forth, I still had not the time to look at that. Therefore I have to rely what said Dajunka.

Of course it is clear, from the point when you get your first walrus to the end of the game there could be more bugs waiting at me, as the game begins to getting more complex every time you reach another island. But one thing is for sure, V1.04 left a better impression than V1.05. Dev-Team please do not stop now. The new enhancements are interesting and should de-bugged not discarded. So I hope really the V1.06 is coming along with better results.

I make a list of recommended patches: V1.02, V1.03, V1.04

I wouldn´t install V1.05

But in order to make a accurate buglist we should.

- til now minor problem, is the campaign intro without sound

- til now walrus capsizing while roling down a mountain and then remaining stuck half under the ground and half over the ground, but yes the collision system worked and it destroyed itself....

- til now only one walrus, in the whole islands campaign, did after reaching the enemy cc and successfully hacking it began to elevate itself in the "air" and "flying" to the carrier and docked itself then in normal manner, very time saving but I think its not like it should have gone, after pressing "dock".

Something other I have in mind: Could it be ? That the regular game is messing because you guys (dev-team), introduced the modability in the patch ?

Just asking. And no, I did not mod the game at any time. I downloaded the ones with SDK, yes and installed them, yes. But I never used this feature.

And I noticed that the patch V1.5 (both beta and the real one) installed itself, almost in an instant, on my average PC, while the others needed 1 minute or so. And the patch number of V1.05 beta has this line in the patch requester: "La patch 122318112i Carrier Command: Gaea Mission c stata applicata. " its italian, and says the the patch V1.05 beta is installed.

And I noticed that the patch V1.05 (the real one) has in the patch requester this: "La patch 85093664i Carrier Command: Gaea Mission c stata applicata."

Does that mean something ?

Please note: I not made any tests in the strategy part of the game yet.

Edited by Antares

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Hi there,

I unfortunately skipped patches 1.03 and 1.04, as I've been playing other games (shame on me, as I must say CCGM is a very fun game. Congrats BI!). However, since patch 1.05, the game has become unplayable for me, because of constant "jumps" happening every 1-2 seconds. It's not bad fps ; just very similar to lag. Only two things that changed since the last time I played are: NVidia drivers and game version (from 1.02 to 1.05). Is it possible to manually patch the Steam version to an earlier patch, if I've disabled the game's auto-update feature in steam and re-install from scratch?

@Antares: Is that what you did for your tests? I have time to spare, so I don't mind re-installing to do some tests as well. ;)

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Glad to see work still continuing on the game.

Other than bug fixes, would there be any changes/additions to the new tech mechanic? Also would there be any AI improvements to look forward to?

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  jureidinim said:
Glad to see work still continuing on the game.

Other than bug fixes, would there be any changes/additions to the new tech mechanic? Also would there be any AI improvements to look forward to?

The whole thing would test the patients of a saint. ;)

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  Antares said:
Sorry I am no - steam user.. can't help you on steam.

Well, nothing like trying! I've downloaded patches 1.03 and 1.04 and will try with a hopefully non updated version on Steam.

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  hellR1de said:
Well, nothing like trying! I've downloaded patches 1.03 and 1.04 and will try with a hopefully non updated version on Steam.

I feel sorry for all the steam users that paid full wack for this, and are now lumbered with this bad patch. I keep my fingers crossed they get it fixed for you one day, or you can get 1.4 to work with the steam version.

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Thanks Dajunka. I'm a very persistent man, so I'm far from being done trying. Being in the software development world myself will have at least taught me that! :)

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  hellR1de said:
Thanks Dajunka. I'm a very persistent man, so I'm far from being done trying. Being in the software development world myself will have at least taught me that! :)
offtopic I had to be quick to answer, so excuse me if I tell you now this : I ordered some time ago, The Dig by Lucasarts. It is an adventure game, a very simple directory structure, so maybe it is no help what I am describing. Now, here it is: I bought it on steam as I just said, and I put steam in offline modus, and could retrieve the whole game into another directory which in return, enabled me to play it with ScummVM a Virtual Machine designed to play LucasArts Adventure Games. May be, I am hipotizing now, please understand that, just may be, you can retrieve the whole game, launch it while offline, and maybe the stuttering is the fault of steam to be online and exchanging constantly data between their servers and your PC. offtopic

Hope I could help somehow.

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