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update bringing new 'one save per scenario' mechanic??!?!

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I just read on the site that the new update, (or a future update, or the beta, not sure) will make unlimited saves impossible, except when playing on Recruit difficulty level. as it says, "This means you'll have only one save slot per mission, which you cannot overwrite."

I don't think I like this. I wouldn't mind one save that COULD be overwritten, but not this. I often like to 'hack away' at a large mission, saving and coming back to it in a few days, or such. This way, a mission could be really excellently put together, but if there aren't a good plentiful number of checkpoints, the mission is useless because it MUST be played all in one sitting.

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Ah well. SP is not where its at tbh, I still didnt finish A2 SP campaign.

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The ArmA2 campaign needed multiple saves. not because it was hard, but because it was buggy and you needed points to go back to when a mission eventually went to shit.

Anyway, you can fully customize the lower difficulties anyway, so just play on recruit and disable all the easy options like 3rd person, crosshairs, extendended armor, etc etc yourself.

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Savegame cheat still working (prolly), and as mentioned in the article, good missions have fair checkpoints.

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I dunno where you saw that, but from my OFP campaigns experience, the game is much more enjoyable with a very limited amount of saves. You really feel the fear.

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One of the best news yet.

Before some of you will think "zomg it will be too hard" think "all missions will be balanced with one save in mind" which means less reloads needed actually. Just like Operation Flashpoint!

OFP was my first ArmA game and even with it being my first I was still able to complete a hour long mission without dying just thanks to fear of dying (which made me more careful) and also perfect balance with devs making sure one savegame will be enough.

Great news BIS!

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There is probably a bigger co-op and multiplayer crowd in arma than single player, true...but the single player is still great and has multitudes of missions generated by users. It's really the community-made scenarios I'm really interested in. I really hope BIS either re-considers, or there is some way around this one-save thing. Perhaps include a mechanic at the start of a scenario to have multiple saves...without changing your entire difficulty profile to 'recruit'....

Also, worth mentioning that I love games with no saves. Back in the days of the first Aliens Vs Predators (a somewhat different game) the saveless game play was kinda terrifying.

This is about being able to stop the game at a moment's notice and coming back to it. I don't think my wife will take well to "er...um...sure honey, be there in 20 minutes"

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One of the best news ever yet.

Before some of you will think "zomg it will be too hard" think "all missions will be balanced with one save in mind" which means less reloads needed actually. Just like Operation Flashpoint!

Great news BIS!

Agreed. However I do think they should scale it a little. Expert level should have 1 save slot, while Veteran should have 2.

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Agreed. However I do think they should scale it a little. Expert level should have 1 save slot, while Veteran should have 2.

Or it could be decided by the mission maker.

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but the single player is still great and has multitudes of missions generated by users.

Adding unlimited saves is as easy as using "saveGame" script command which writes into a rewritable autosave slot. It's been done since OFP which has 1 savegame for all difficulties.

Whole Lotta Stratis f.e. uses radio command (0-0-1) allowing you to save at any time

Saying that I don't see how forcing mission makers to better balance missions is a bad thing. Many usermade and BIS SP missions in A1 and A2 are plagued by lackluster design which pits you against overwhelmingly large enemy forces - just because you can savespam.

Edited by metalcraze

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Hm, there I was thinking that maybe we could finally get proper save/load system in Arma. Crysis 1 for example, had great savegame system. You could do manual save, quicksave and there were checkpoint saves/autosave. In Save/Load screen you could check exact date and level. Also you could DELETE a save! It even displayed nice screenshot of that save.

Oh well.

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NEVER played any of the SP missions / campaigns. Coops all the way baby!

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Interesting, but still you will be able to customize difficulty levels so... :P. Anyway it's nice to hear.

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One thing I always hated was when I saved just before the autosave happened. I would like to have the option to at least rewrite the save again after the autosave, it was incredibly hard to finish a mission in OFP just because you saved at a wrong time, so I had to restart often.

Also, some missions are sheer insanity (the last A2 SP mission), and AI has the tendency to improve with patches making missions harder.

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Or it could be decided by the mission maker.

The mission maker can simply add automatic save points where appropriate.

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The mission maker can simply add automatic save points where appropriate.

True, however allowing multiple saves per mission will add some flexibility and not make the player a slave of the save points.

1. A players consideration as to what counts as a major save game worthy event may differ from what the mission designer thinks.

2. Of course now we can say that the mission was meant to be played in a certain way and allowing the player to save when ever he/she wishes goes against the designer's vision.

3. But what happens, when we go back to point 1?

4. Easily solvable with multiple saves per difficulty level up till Expert level. Hardcore players will play on Expert, less hardcore players will play Veteran and restrain from saving multiple times, but the option will be there if the sweet temptation/frustration takes over.

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Then the mission maker can create manual save points using for example "radio" :)

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Saying that I don't see how forcing mission makers to better balance missions is a bad thing.
Because I fully expect the mission makers to fail at this anyway; I get maionaze's reaction.
Then the mission maker can create manual save points using for example "radio" :)
Do you have the code handy for how a mission maker can implement this?

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I've already seen that in some missions(for example Whole Lotta Stratis), unfortunately I did not unpack it :p. I suppose it's even possible to add limited save games etc.

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Because I fully expect the mission makers to fail at this anyway; I get maionaze's reaction.Do you have the code handy for how a mission maker can implement this?

Savegame in the Activation code

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Why place unnecessary restrictions on players and mission makers that everyone with ARMA know-how is going to be able to circumvent anyway (just play SP on recruit with custom difficulty settings)? The only ones who'll have to suffer under this - and suffer they will, because one save that cannot be over-written (!!) is plain silly - are the newcomers who won't know any better.

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The ArmA2 campaign needed multiple saves. not because it was hard, but because it was buggy and you needed points to go back to when a mission eventually went to shit.
Admittedly this is the working assumption that I'm using for what campaign and mission design will be like going forward, which is why, as Make Love Not War said, "might as well just play SP on Recruit then".

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I like it!

Now it puts the pressure on BI to put forth a super calibrated and tight campaign. After Montignac is still the most memorable mission to date with that 1 save. Playing it now with multi saves just isn't the same. Kind of like if Chessmaster let you take back any move you wanted :)

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If people want fear in their lives, get married or get a mortgage, but when I play ARMA I want to enjoy it. For a military "sandbox" experience BIS is trying very hard to force us into something we don't want, and is the same thing that has been holding the series back since the start.

Recent versions of the Alpha have messed with the awesome movement animations that brought the controls into the "21st Century" to quote Dsylexi.

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