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[QUESTION] Will Beta release have BattlEye?

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We server hosts are at the mercy of these brainless imps that run scripts that destroy the great game you have created.

Will the Beta release come with BattlEye?

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it better should have..

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They are getting sneaky, the latest round of hacking we noticed included making subtle changes to make it look as if the game isn't working properly, flickering screens with cut-text effects, swapping grenade effects for mortar effects, colour overlays to make the game look bad, tweaking AI Skill, invulnerable AI, enable simulation false etc. Script Kiddies? Yeah right. Someone didn't like the change to steam more likely?

Plaese do something BIS, ignoring this problem will not make it go away and perhaps you should start looking at the people you trust most hmmm?

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I would just like to add that kids with "hacks"/scripts have increased exponentially since release of alpha. Makes it very hard to play when someone picks a game type and runs through every server of it trying to clear all the players out / shut it down. I would say this is the worst problem in all of arma 2 or arma 3 alpha, more damaging than minor bugs for sure, can't wait to see what's in store for anti-cheat software.

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I have always read excuses online that the ARMA series is too trusting to it's players, allowing them to script in objects for missions. That may have been the case in the past when the community was small, but the grim reality is the Dayz success has brought in a lot of new players not used to the difficulty level of the Arma game style. When they get but hurt , they want to break the game for others.

Hacking and scripting is rampant, game breaking, and needs to be seriously dealt with. Weather it's from the overall game/ server structure or hiring a competent anti hacking company (battleeye I'm rolling my eyes at you for the Epic dayz anti hack fail)

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Anti cheat cannot exist by definition.

You cannot prevent hacking/cheating, you can only deter it. That's the reality in the IT world.

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  Big_T said:
Hacking and scripting is rampant, game breaking, and needs to be seriously dealt with. Weather it's from the overall game/ server structure or hiring a competent anti hacking company (battleeye I'm rolling my eyes at you for the Epic dayz anti hack fail)

Yeah, the game is too trusting. Now let's not start with the "BattlEye sucks" BS for an issue that isn't their fault.

  GossamerSolid said:
Anti cheat cannot exist by definition.

You cannot prevent hacking/cheating, you can only deter it. That's the reality in the IT world.

I think for the most part that's the definition of anti-whatever. You can say the same about anti-virus, anti-spam, etc.

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  eddieck said:
I think for the most part that's the definition of anti-whatever. You can say the same about anti-virus, anti-spam, etc.

Good point. Anti-Tank weapons do not destroy every tank in the world when deployed! ;)

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patience young padawan

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In every game i play, there is a time when some of those hacker kids join and ruin everything. When does Bohemia plan to implement a hacker protection?

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All we know so far is "when its done" :)

So maybe, maybe not.

I dont believe AC is of a big concern for BI atm, theres tons of other stuff to work on.

Even though they might end up losing players on that strategy, BI does not develop BE or what ever else AC we will get in the end, its from third party sources.

I personally would prefer to wait, untill the AC is "top-notch" and bans 1000's of people on release.

It can only be better then releasing it before its ready and having people bypass it in a couple of days.

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Making an anti hack for Arma must also be pretty hard considering you have to get the people wrecking servers, and ruining the game experience while allowing people to use mods to enhance there game experience.

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Our admins are pulling their hair out. What's been said above is true regarding the sensible "nature" of Arma gamers. The majority are good guys and they play the game as it is intended, working together, using comms, playing the objectives, etc.

For our community the success of our Arma 3 hosting depends very heavily upon having an RCON program that can be used to keep our server clean. :)

British Sergeants' Mess - Very much looking forward to the Beta and full release.

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Do not call script users as hackers they are not hackers dont give them that credit they are just script users , hackers are the ones that rarely hack they just create those scripts. Hacker is like inventor , script user is just peon who uses scripts made by hacker.

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I ask: How can I feel satisfied with a game that I paid $ 50 for each account (bought 5 accounts and distribute to my family), when it is full of dishonest players who use hacking programs?

I would like to receive information about it. For me, (Brazil), there are only 2 servers with ping acceptable, but are not deathmatch. I like to deathmath, but can not play because of the low ping and I am killed by cheaters all the time.

Please answer me about the implementation of a anticheater because I am thinking of require my money back.

Sorry for my english

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  Dwarden said:
I would suggest to use more of 'search feature' or read sometimes the Spotrep and Sitrep details


it was clearly stated Alpha has no security ...

Yes. Thank you for the quick response. But the BETA will have security?

This is my big question.

Thank you, very much

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To answer this answer this question finally. YES!

This is a snippet from the ARMA 3 website:


On the multiplayer security front, we can now finally share that we're working on getting the BattlEye anti-cheat engine up and running. Look for the early stages of the Beta for its inclusion for server admins who wish to use it to protect their servers. You may wonder why this has taken so long, or why we have not confirmed it before. We have finally agreed with all parties on how we intend to include this third-party software and how to use it within the Steam distribution of Arma 3. As with many things, this is not a simple copy-and-paste from Arma 2 technology.

Full details here: http://alpha.arma3.com/sitrep-00013

Not sure if this will be available from the 25th, when the beta is set for public release. But we might get lucky!

Only real question now, is will it be compatible with the current versions of RCON that are available, though really that is a question for another topic.

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And here is another quote from the ArmA3 website:


After revealing work on BattlEye anti-cheat last week, some people asked why we are not using Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC). The thing is: we are not saying we will not include VAC at some point. Our first priority is getting BE running; also because of experiences gained with Arma 2. Then we still consider VAC as another (optional) layer of security for admins. It cannot be confirmed now.

Full details here: http://alpha.arma3.com/sitrep-00014

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Bump! Any news on this:

[QUESTION] Will Beta release have BattlEye?


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yes, patience ...

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