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The Unsung Vietnam War Mod 2.5 Released

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I Will make a campaign with Unsung.

However, do you have base and airbase template?

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making good progress with the Evolution mission, but still not ready I'm afraid

have edited the classlist text file here


to include the NVA SF and pre 66 NVA infantry

sav - are there flags in the mod? i can't find them anywhere, e.g. flagcarrierNVA etc.

ah sorry found em in "objects" in the editor








are there any simple ways to get the snakes/sharks working with dangerous proximity script etc?

I tried putting on the BIS ambient animals but it doesn't seem to do much, just spawns a few cows and chickens...

not done this before- anyone know how to get the sharks and snakes "patrolling" with occasional attacks on humans?

if not, I'll see if i can design something.

EDIT: I've had a play with CSJ's shark intro and snake tales - very cool demos. will look at how to bring them into evolution mission

Edited by eggbeast

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Love the improvements to the mod. But I cant seem to figure out how to get the virtual radio station to play through the RTO? Not only that, but when I preview MP editor mission it says I am missing UNS_Radio. Any suggestions?

If you are talking about the commercial radio you can only hear it through the transistor radio under empty-> Uns West objects-> Transistor radio 1 or 2. The commercial radio will not play through the RTO radio. If your RTO is not playing radio transmissions check you have uns_radio in your @uns directory and have CBA installed.

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Here is a sample of the new gun sounds mod I have been working on for Unsung featuring recorded weapons.


I am in talks with Savage about possibly having this released as a part of an UNSUNG update, so PLEASE voice your opinions on what you think!

Edited by Max Power

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I take it you didn't review the rules for content permissions. Since the rules link seems to be broken, I will be a nice guy and not suspend your account.

To make a long story short, posting images or videos of content that was edited without permission risks a permanent ban. Do not edit content without permission. Do not show images or videos of edited content.


If you have authorized this video, or wish to authorize it, please let me know. Alternately, if you require the link to report to the youtube administration, also PM me.

Edited by Max Power

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Hey guys, really hope someone can help me with this one. I'm trying to create some ambient CAS in a mission. Basically planes just flying in over you dropping bombs.

The script relies on the AI using the "fire" command, extract below...

	case "bombs": {
	_plane setSpeedMode "full";
	_plane fire _bombLauncher;
	sleep (0.5 + random 1.5);
	_plane fire _bombLauncher;

This is tested and works with default aircraft, A10's for example are fine. As do aircraft from other mods.

For the life of me i cannot get any of the Unsung aircraft to drop bombs.

At first i thought it was the "ripple" system on the Skyraider, that was causing it, so i tried the other aircraft, which have a standard 1 at time drop. But still, they just dont seem to want to release the bombs.

Worth mentioning, i can get the strafing function of the script working fine. Its just those bombs...

Is there any reason you know of as to why they behave like this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT1: Or alternatively, is there a way to call an airstrike using the Support module system. But initialised from a script call?

EDIT2: Or :) before 2.5 the name for the napalm bomb was "uns_Bo_Blu2" What is it called now?

Edited by Shadow.D. ^BOB^

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If you need to use any material from Unsung mod, including unpacking or altering their files, it may be against their EULA or even against any agreement Unsung has with other mod makers to exchange assets. IP stuff is taken pretty seriously on the forum.

I would recommend contacting SGT_SAVAGE and attempting to come to some agreement before doing anything. For instance, if he gives you his classnames then you can create a sound pack for Unsung without altering or unpacking anything. If it's not possible to create a mod pack without unpacking the files, and SGT_SAVAGE doesn't give you permission, and then you release it anyway, you may in violation of the rules of content permissions. If that happens your links can be taken down and your account can be suspended.

Is it against permission to modify files for completely personal use and not even let anyone else know about it?

Not that I've done anything, but, I don't want to get in trouble if I perhaps would, you know...

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Is it against permission to modify files for completely personal use and not even let anyone else know about it?

Not that I've done anything, but, I don't want to get in trouble if I perhaps would, you know...

It does breach the license. However, I am a moderator of these forums, not an FBI officer.

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how are you defining "_bombLauncher"?

the skyraider is configured like this:

//////////////A-1J Skyraider




"Uns_Skyraider4x20mm" (modes 1-4)

"Uns_FFARLauncher" (modes 5-8)

"Uns_NapalmLauncher" (modes 9 and 10)





the Uns_NapalmLauncher has fire modes (as you rightly point out)

modes[] = {"mode1","mode2"};

class mode1: RocketPods

displayName = "Ripple 1";

class mode2: mode1

displayName = "Ripple 2";

but before this, the other weapons each have several modes


modes[] = {"manual","close","medium","far"};


modes[] = {"AImode","PlayerMode","PlayerMode2","PlayerMode3"};

how do you select the firemode? if one is NOT selected then i guess the fire button/action would do nothing - like when you dont select a muzzle on a grenade launcher.

would this be any use?



so if the modes are in sequence, then this may work e.g.

case "bombs":


_plane setSpeedMode "full";

_bombLauncher = "uns_napalmlauncher"; //needed?

(driver _plane) selectweapon _bomblauncher;//needed?

(driver _plane) action ["SWITCHWEAPON",(driver _plane),(driver _plane),9]; //single bomb

//or (driver _plane) action ["SWITCHWEAPON",(driver _plane),(driver _plane),10]; //2 bombs

_plane fire _bombLauncher;

sleep (0.5 + random 1.5);

_plane fire _bombLauncher;


Edited by eggbeast

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Ok i see what your getting at, the bomb launcher is just defined earlier in the script where i set the parameters for the dive onto target etc.

		Switch (_type) do {

		case "mgs": {_planeArray = _us_mgs; _diveDist = 575; _fireDist = 360};
		case "cannons": {_planeArray = _us_cannons; _diveDist = 500; _fireDist = 400};
		case "bombs": {_planeArray = _us_bombers; _diveDist = 500; _fireDist = 400; _bombLauncher = "uns_MK82SnakeLauncher"};
		case "rockets": {_planeArray = _us_rockets; _diveDist = 555; _fireDist = 360};


The above is just an extract, trying to use the other types of launchers. I have been through and tried all of the Unsung bomb launchers on diff aircraft.

Here is the full script... Ignore the switch cases for USNavy & NVA, those are just in place for once it works.

//Single aerial bombing/rocket/mg/cannon run - [KH]Foxy

if (!isServer) exitwith {};

private ["_spwnPos", "_wpPos", "_vehDestroyed", "_pilotType", "_grpSide", "_planeArray", "_diveDist", "_fireDist", "_bombLauncher", "_rndPos", "_vel0", "_vel1", "_spwnDir", "_trg", "_friendlySide", "_marker"];

waitUntil {!isNil "fx_aircraftCompileDone"};

//Aircraft arrays for random selection



_us_mgs = ["uns_a1j"];

_us_cannons = ["A7UN"];

_us_bombers = ["A7UN"];

_us_rockets = ["uns_a1j"];

//US Navy

_usnavy_bombers = [];

_usnavy_cannons = [];


_nva_bombers = [];

_nva_cannons = [];



_side = _this select 0; // "us", "usnavy", "nva"

_type = _this select 1; // "mgs", "cannons", "bombs", "rockets"

Switch (typeName (_this select 2)) do { // spawn position - can be a marker name or a positon array e.g: [567, 32, 0];

case "STRING": {_spwnPos = getMarkerPos (_this select 2)};

case "ARRAY": {_spwnPos = _this select 2};


_dir = _this select 3; //Direction aircraft should fly on spawning - "N", "S", "E", "W", "NE", "NW", "SE", "SW"

Switch (typeName (_this select 4)) do { // target position - can be a marker name or a vehicle name or a positon array e.g: [567, 32, 0];

case "STRING": {_wpPos = getMarkerPos (_this select 4)};

case "OBJECT": {_wpPos = getPosATL (_this select 4); if (!alive (_this select 4)) then {_vehDestroyed = "true"}};

case "ARRAY": {_wpPos = _this select 4};


if (!isNil "_vehDestroyed") exitwith {diag_log ["fx_singleAirstrike - target destroyed - exit script"]};

if (count _this > 5 && (_this select 5) != "noEgress") then { // optional: Egress position - can be a marker name or a vehicle name or a positon array e.g: [567, 32, 0];

Switch (typeName (_this select 5)) do {

case "STRING": {_egress = getMarkerPos (_this select 5)};

case "ARRAY": {_egress = _this select 5};


} else {



_rndTarPos = if (count _this > 6) then {_this select 6} else {false}; // optional: Random strike location - true or false

_xAxis = if (count _this > 7) then {_this select 7} else {100}; // optional: Random strike x-axis - number

_yAxis = if (count _this > 8) then {_this select 8} else {100}; // optional: Random strike y-axis - number

_rndSpwnPos = if (count _this > 9) then {_this select 9} else {false}; // optional: Random spawn location - true or false

_xAxis_Spwn = if (count _this > 10) then {_this select 10} else {100}; // optional: Random spawn x-axis - number

_yAxis_Spwn = if (count _this > 11) then {_this select 11} else {100}; // optional: Random spawn y-axis - number

_safeTrg = if (count _this > 12) then {_this select 12} else {false}; // optional: Safe trigger - checks for friendly units at target location

//Side/pilot/plane/weapon/dive and fire distance selection


Switch (_side) do {

case "us": {

//_centre = createCenter west;

_pilotType = "uns_pilot1";

_grpSide = west;

_friendlySide = "west";

Switch (_type) do {

case "mgs": {_planeArray = _us_mgs; _diveDist = 575; _fireDist = 360};

case "cannons": {_planeArray = _us_cannons; _diveDist = 500; _fireDist = 400};

case "bombs": {_planeArray = _us_bombers; _diveDist = 500; _fireDist = 400; _bombLauncher = "uns_MK82SnakeLauncher"};

case "rockets": {_planeArray = _us_rockets; _diveDist = 555; _fireDist = 360};



case "usnavy": {

//_centre = createCenter west;

_pilotType = "uns_pilot1";

_grpSide = west;

_friendlySide = "west";

Switch (_type) do {

case "mgs": {_planeArray = _usnavy_cannons; _diveDist = 615; _fireDist = 360};

case "cannons": {_planeArray = _usnavy_cannons; _diveDist = 615; _fireDist = 360};

case "bombs": {_planeArray = _usnavy_bombers; _diveDist = 525; _fireDist = 360; _bombLauncher = "uns_MK82SnakeLauncher"};

case "rockets": {(if (true) exitwith {hint "There are no naval aircraft with rockets!"})};



case "nva": {

//_centre = createCenter east;

_pilotType = "uns_pilot1";

_grpSide = east;

_friendlySide = "east";

Switch (_type) do {

case "mgs": {_planeArray = _nva_cannons; _diveDist = 575; _fireDist = 360};

case "cannons": {_planeArray = _nva_cannons; _diveDist = 575; _fireDist = 360};

case "bombs": {_planeArray = _nva_bombers; _diveDist = 485; _fireDist = 320; _bombLauncher = "uns_MK82SnakeLauncher"};

case "rockets": {(if (true) exitwith {hint "There are no NVA aircraft with rockets!"})};




_planeType = _planeArray select (floor(random(count _planeArray)));

//Set up start direction and speed


Switch (_dir) do {

case "N": {_vel0 = 0; _vel1 = 50; _spwnDir = 0};

case "E": {_vel0 = 50; _vel1 = 0; _spwnDir = 90};

case "S": {_vel0 = 0; _vel1 = -50; _spwnDir = 180};

case "W": {_vel0 = -50; _vel1 = 50; _spwnDir = 270};

case "NE": {_vel0 = 35; _vel1 = 35; _spwnDir = 45};

case "SE": {_vel0 = 35; _vel1 = -35; _spwnDir = 135};

case "SW": {_vel0 = -35; _vel1 = -35; _spwnDir = 225};

case "NW": {_vel0 = -35; _vel1 = 35; _spwnDir = 315};


//Set up safety trigger


if (_safeTrg) then {

_trg = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [0,0,0]];

_trg setTriggerArea [100,100,0,false];

_trg setTriggerActivation [_friendlySide,"PRESENT",true];

_trg setTriggerStatements ["'man' countType thislist > 0 || 'Car' countType thislist > 0 || 'Tank' countType thislist > 0", "", ""];

_trg setTriggerTimeout [0, 0, 0, true];


//For debugging only

_markerName = format ["air_%1",random 10000];

_marker = createMarkerLocal [_markerName, [0,0,0]];

_marker setMarkerShapeLocal "ELLIPSE";

_marker setMarkerSizeLocal [100, 100];

//_marker setMarkerTypeLocal "Dot";

_marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorOrange";

//_marker setMarkerTextLocal _markerName;



//Set up random strike/spawn locations (if required)


if (_rndTarPos) then {

_pos = _wpPos;

_wpPos = [((_pos select 0) + _xAxis - random (_xAxis * 2)),((_pos select 1) + _yAxis - random (_yAxis * 2)), 0];

//Check safety trigger


if (_safeTrg) then {

_trg setPosATL _wpPos;

sleep 2;

_marker setMarkerPos (getPosATL _trg);

while {triggerActivated _trg} do {

_wpPos = [((_pos select 0) + _xAxis - random (_xAxis * 2)),((_pos select 1) + _yAxis - random (_yAxis * 2)), 0];

_trg setPosATL _wpPos;

sleep 2;


_marker setMarkerPos (getPosATL _trg);

_marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRED";



deleteVehicle _trg;



if (_rndSpwnPos) then {

_pos = _spwnPos;

_spwnPos = [((_pos select 0) + _xAxis_Spwn - random (_xAxis_Spwn * 2)),((_pos select 1) + _yAxis_Spwn - random (_yAxis_Spwn * 2)), 0];


//Spawn aircraft and pilot / set direction and speed and behaviour


_grp = createGroup _grpSide;

_plane = createVehicle [_planeType, _spwnPos, [], 0, "fly"];

_pilot = _grp createUnit [_pilotType,_spwnpos, [], 0, "none"];

_pilot moveInDriver _plane;


_x setDir _spwnDir;

_x setVelocity [_vel0, _vel1, 0];

_x setPosATL [(_spwnPos select 0), (_spwnPos select 1), 300];

_x flyInHeight 300;

_x setSpeedMode "LIMITED";

_x allowFleeing 0;

_x disableAI "target";

_x disableAI "autotarget";

_x setBehaviour "careless";

} forEach [_plane];

//Add waypoints


[_plane] call fx_delAllWp;

sleep 1;

_wp0 = _grp addWaypoint [_wpPos, 0];

_wp0 = [_grp,0] setWaypointType "MOVE";

if (_egress != "noEgress") then {

_wp1 = _grp addWaypoint [_egress, 0];

_wp1 = [_grp,1] setWaypointType "MOVE";


//Attack Run


waitUntil {_plane distance _wpPos < _diveDist || !alive _plane};

if (!alive _plane) exitwith {};

_plane flyInHeight 30;

waitUntil {_plane distance _wpPos < _fireDist || !alive _plane};

if (!alive _plane) exitwith {};

Switch (_type) do {

case "bombs": {

_plane setSpeedMode "full";

_plane fire _bombLauncher;

sleep (0.5 + random 1.5);

_plane fire _bombLauncher;


case "rockets": {_plane setSpeedMode "full"; [_plane] spawn fx_fireRockets};

case "cannons": {[_plane] spawn fx_fireCannon};

case "mgs": {[_plane] spawn fx_fireMG};


//Egress and delete plane


waitUntil {getPosATL _plane select 2 < 120 || !alive _plane};

//deleteMarker _marker;

if (!alive _plane) exitwith {};

_plane flyInHeight 1000;

_plane setSpeedMode "full";

while {getPosATL _plane select 2 < 900 && alive _plane} do {

sleep 10;


if (!alive _plane) exitwith {};

{deleteVehicle _x} forEach crew _plane + [_plane];

Cheers for the reply though, appreciated. I'll have a play around...

Dont suppose you know the name of the new napalm bomb do you? As previsouly posted, before 2.5 it was "uns_Bo_Blu2", but seems to have changed. I have a simple script that calculates the fall of the bomb and creates the bomb object below the aircraft to simulate the drop, just need tthe new name, then at least i will have a backup system if this new one doesnt work.

Edited by Shadow.D. ^BOB^

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Is it against permission to modify files for completely personal use and not even let anyone else know about it?

Not that I've done anything, but, I don't want to get in trouble if I perhaps would, you know...

Not at all you are free to modify for your personal use only as long as its not redistributed or uploaded to another source or any references to the unsung mod. Your fine mate :) However your modifications may not work on MP servers though so be warned :(

@Max thanks.

The video has not been authorised and we have asked Crazyquick to remove it from youtube. Initially we were not consulted about this project and it was made public without our consent.After reviewing the video we have found the author has yet again breached the conditions of the EULA with the public release on youtube ,yet again without our consent. Also the incorporating the unsung name and referring to our mod which can be easily be confused with an upcoming release. Also using our mod name to promote his work in this video.

The team will not authorise this modification for use with the unsung mod.

We are sorry for being harsh , but we all have invested so many years in the mod. And we also must consider the wishes of other mod makers that have given us permission to use their work in our mod. While we are not discouraging any further ideas or suggested changes for unsung 2.5 we ask that you contact us first before making it public.


Sgt Savage

Project Lead

Unsung Vietnam mod

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@sgt savage

I didn't have an answer yet:

Do you have (or not) base template for this mod?

Maybe from the campaign you canceled? If yes, may you send them to me please?

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Sorry mate , we don't have a base template perhaps ask one of the community members they might be able to build one for you. Regarding the campaign the missons were saved on our FTP and it was lost unfortunately.

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ok, so I'm asking here:

among the people who use Unsung, can someone make base templates please?

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wiki what sort of base do you want mate? using which buildings? MBG? or another island buildings? NVA/VC or blufor? populated with vehicles or empty? with static weapons or without? scripted to spawn in on map, or placed in editor/mission.sqm? size? function? helipads? runway? if it's reasonably small i can knock up something quick - would be a distraction from the horrific configging i'm doing at the moment for evolution nam... (not sav's fault, just the timing - i migrated to a3 and rewrote the mission with a million improvements and now i'm havingto work it all back into A2...)


this is what you're looking for

class Uns_Napalm: Bo_FAB_250


hit = 1000;

indirectHit = 250;

indirectHitRange = 12;

soundHit[] = {"\uns_weap\Explosions\napalm1c",20,1,2500};

CraterEffects = "";

explosionEffects = "Uns_NapalmFuelExplosion";

model = "\uns_weap\blu1\uns_blu1.p3d";

proxyShape = "\uns_weap\blu1\uns_blu1.p3d";

trackOversteer = 1;

trackLead = 0.95;

maneuvrability = 20;

fuseDistance = 35;

whistleDist = 24;


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I cannot find the information which explains how to use the air support module. Please could use some advice. I am not referring to scripting it, I mean just playing a mission with it already included. how does one initiate it within the mission to call in Napalm? I saw your post about unsung 2.5 in the root director and i couldnt find it.

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class Uns_Napalm: Bo_FAB_250


hit = 1000;

indirectHit = 250;

indirectHitRange = 12;

soundHit[] = {"\uns_weap\Explosions\napalm1c",20,1,2500};

CraterEffects = "";

explosionEffects = "Uns_NapalmFuelExplosion";

model = "\uns_weap\blu1\uns_blu1.p3d";

proxyShape = "\uns_weap\blu1\uns_blu1.p3d";

trackOversteer = 1;

trackLead = 0.95;

maneuvrability = 20;

fuseDistance = 35;

whistleDist = 24;


Are you aware if the napalm effect is kicked off by a script call with those bombs? Bombs spawn ok and impact, but explode as if just HE...

Which .pbo contains the info above? Save me keep asking you, i'll take a look at the other bomb names aswell.

Edited by Shadow.D. ^BOB^

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On page 7, the second post, written by Sgt_Savage, of this thread, is a short summary of how to use the support function. Again, you must either be an RTO, or a leader of a group with an RTO in it. If you are the leader, you must be close to your RTO and look at him. Alternatively, you can just take over the radio from your RTO using the gear call up. All these options will give you a "call support" function in your action menu. Then, just do as Sav says, and voila, CAS is on station to cover your behind. ;)

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does the RTO function work after respawn? we found it failed and needed to be manually re-added. need to catch up with sav in the server and test this maybe

i'll look at which functions we're missing too as our respawned RTO doesn't have the radio chatter on.

---------- Post added at 10:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:00 AM ----------

Are you aware if the napalm effect is kicked off by a script call with those bombs? Bombs spawn ok and impact, but explode as if just HE...

Which .pbo contains the info above? Save me keep asking you, i'll take a look at the other bomb names aswell.


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Guys please read the release notes that installed with the mod it will tell you the reason you not hearing the DSAI . Its in your root dir called unsung 2.5 release notes & Eula. As far as the air support script you need to place the support module on the map, config the settings and enter the game.

Use your compass to get the direction set the slider to the that heading. Then set the distance from your location, select type of support , set the bomb spread, direction you want aircraft to enter the screen and hit ok .

For those who didn't read it the DSAI only works in safe careless and danger modes, not in aware or stealth. Again all is in the release notes. All the Arma chatter was removed since it more an annoyance than anything and it was the only way to remove the Russian voices. Our DSAI does not replace the vanilla arma commands and chatter ..Yet. What it does is create random chatter for the AI that's all. In relation to the manual the guy that made the original is not with us anymore. It has not been update but I have included it in the link below , it may answer your questions on class names etc

2.0 Manual :


Thanks everyone for the advice about this! Savage, Damian, etc...

But as a noob I am still a virgin to this terminology begat do yo mean by place support module on the map? And how does one do that?

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edited my master list here


to include all airborne bombs, missiles and air weapons, some are in individual plane pbo's and some are in uns_weap.

note 2 types of napalm bomb

hope it helps

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Downloaded from Armaholic twice, first the normal one and then the fixed one and both were corrupt. Now I'm downloading the torrent, is anybody seeding this? Taken me 7 hours to get 90% done with an average download speed of 92kB/s.

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@ Eggbeast

I'm not too sure about that. Mines an SP mission so if I died and just reverted to last save, the module still is usable, no problem. Haven't made an MP mission to try it out. Thought we could look at it through your server :)

@ crazyquick

If you're talking about mission making, if you want to have the support function available to your RTO or yourself, you need to place the Unsung support module, which can be found under the modules tab, into your mission. You can set how many aircrafts and bombs you want to have available.

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Hey guys, really hope someone can help me with this one. I'm trying to create some ambient CAS in a mission. Basically planes just flying in over you dropping bombs.

The script relies on the AI using the "fire" command, extract below...

	case "bombs": {
	_plane setSpeedMode "full";
	_plane fire _bombLauncher;
	sleep (0.5 + random 1.5);
	_plane fire _bombLauncher;

This is tested and works with default aircraft, A10's for example are fine. As do aircraft from other mods.

For the life of me i cannot get any of the Unsung aircraft to drop bombs.

At first i thought it was the "ripple" system on the Skyraider, that was causing it, so i tried the other aircraft, which have a standard 1 at time drop. But still, they just dont seem to want to release the bombs.

Worth mentioning, i can get the strafing function of the script working fine. Its just those bombs...

Is there any reason you know of as to why they behave like this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT1: Or alternatively, is there a way to call an airstrike using the Support module system. But initialised from a script call?

EDIT2: Or :) before 2.5 the name for the napalm bomb was "uns_Bo_Blu2" What is it called now?

this works fine:

_Ziel=_this select 0;

_dropPosition = getpos _Ziel;


_dropPosX = _dropPosition select 0;

_dropPosY = _dropPosition select 1;

_dropPosZ = _dropPosition select 2;


_planespawnpos = [_dropPosX + 3000, _dropPosY, _dropPosZ + 1000];

_pilotspawnpos = [_dropPosX + 3000, _dropPosY, _dropPosZ + 1000];


_PlaneA = creategroup WEST;

_plane = createVehicle ["uns_a1j",_planespawnpos,[], 0, "FLY"];

_plane setPos [(getPos _plane select 0),(getPos _plane select 1),900] ;

_pilot = "Pilot" createUnit [getMarkerPos "Firedirection", _PlaneA, "P3=this"];

_Plane setVelocity [100,0,0] ;


P3 moveinDriver _plane;

P3 setDamage 0;

P3 action ["gear_up", vehicle P3] ;

_plane flyinHeight 70;


P3 doMove getPos _Ziel;

P3 doTarget _Ziel;

P3 doWatch _Ziel;

? (_plane distance _Ziel) < 1500 : goto "DROP"

goto "CHECK"



_i = 0

_plane flyInHeight 70;

_plane setPos [(getPos _plane select 0),(getPos _plane select 1),100] ;



_bomb = "Uns_Napalm" createvehicle [(getPos _Plane select 0)+((random 10)),(getPos _Plane select 1)+((random 10)-1),(getPos _Plane select 2)-1]

_bomb setDir (getDir _Plane)

_bomb setVelocity [(velocity _Plane select 0)*1.0,(velocity _Plane select 1)*0.9,(velocity _Plane select 2)*0.9]

_i = _i + 1


? _i < _num : goto "loop"


? _i <= 3 : goto "FIRE"

;=========FLY AWAY=======================

_Ziel setPos [0,0,0];

"Firedirection" setMarkerPos [0,0];


_plane flyInHeight 300;

P3 doMove getPos _Ziel;


_plane setDamage 0;

P3 setDamage 0;

? (_plane distance Player) > 2500 : goto "ENDE";

goto "Check2"



deleteVehicle _plane;

deleteGroup _PlaneA

deleteVehicle P3;


---------- Post added at 04:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:36 PM ----------

this works fine:

Target = x

[x] exec "airstrike.sqs"

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