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Is it worth buying?

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The success of the series is not 100% dependent on mods. Given that I have created plenty of content for the series without resorting to use of custom modifications to the default games means that such a full score is in fact not attained. It is never wise to consider one's own opinion to be universally applicable.



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  scrim said:
One would be that Arma is a series that is almost 100% dependent on its success due to community mods

This is astoundingly untrue. I fail to see how one could arrive at such an opinion. There are some who hate BIS (or AWAR) mission content, or love bashing it. Why, I don't know; it mystifies me. Only one BIS A2 mission, Freedom Fighters, is so bugged that it can't be finished. I had great fun with all the others. Most of the missions I designed require no mods at all, and if they do, they are purely cosmetic mods, like an optional terrain or vehicle skin.

I think that most people who write things like that have never even tried the SP content, as MP and playing in the editor is what makes them happy. That's fine, but expect to be questioned hard in these forums when preposterous, and largely uninformed, opinions are thrown around as "fact."

I wouldn't buy or play a game with lousy out-of-the-box mission/campaign content, even if that game had a great editor. It takes a great amount of time, creativity, and ArmaTech knowledge to make a campaign like those in IF. I respect and highly value those efforts and skills. The flaws of IF, especially business-wise, are obvious and regrettable. But its mission/campaign content is more than worth playing even with the bugs, as it is fun, has great "look and feel," and develops good tactical skills and knowledge.

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Oh well, I suppose IF is a really popular game then. So popular that the devs were overwhelmed by the support expressed at allowing practically zero modding, that they couldn't stand it in the end. Because I mean, it's not like the majority of Arma players use a bunch of mods, or like modding could've helped solve the quagmire of bugs and sheer foolish things that plagued IF for months on end, and will keep doing so forever, because support has been completely dropped for it.

If you buy IF right now, what you get is the characters. That is all you can rely on to be of a good enough quality to pay for. The rest contains so many flaws, bugs, etc. that they'd be badly rated as community made addons, and even worse as part of the product. And IF costs around 3x what an Arma DLC which contains well made vehicles and future support does, including modability, as opposed to IF that has flame proof tank crews that don't care if the crew compartment turns into a sea of flames, Shermans that kill Tigers with front armour shots, ballistic trajectories which are never fixed without breaking another, pumpkin heads, and no mods what-so-ever.

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  scrim said:
If you buy IF right now, what you get is the characters. That is all you can rely on to be of a good enough quality to pay for.

Don't forget the maps, Senchi did a great job, they are all awesome.

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Oh right, my mistake: You also get one or two good maps, though the vegetation looks very strange since it keeps rendering or whatever it's called all the time. And then there's an Omaha beach map, which from the editor looks exactly like the Omaha beach map in I44. What a coincidence...

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And then there's an Omaha beach map, which from the editor looks exactly like the Omaha beach map in I44. What a coincidence...

Since its based on a real place, then its pretty obvious they are going to look similar................so yes, what a coincidence :j:

The game for me is far from perfect but it is brilliant all the same.

And Dajunka's comments don't even warrant a thought out response, I wouldn't waste my virtual ink.

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Yeah, Omaha beach is quite large, and not all of it looks exactly the same, so it's a real funny coincidence they look just the bloody same.

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They dont look the same to me, the map is missing 1 village, and a few clusters of houses that only I44 map has so they are not the same.

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Did I say they were identic? A single little village, and a few random houses is the difference between the maps. If that doesn't scream ripoff, then I don't know what does.

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Buy it and transfer it to Arma2, then playing along with other mods with a great fun.

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Hello there

As a full price game IFL is too flawed to justify, but with the recent reductions it's definitely worth a look IMHO. The maps and models are second to none (one cannot compare the I44 and IFL omaha maps they are two different beasts).

Since I recently bought the DLC (£3) I have been having a lot of fun with the game.

Once one stops thinking about the issues that surrounded the original game and just plays it for what it is, it's a good ww2 indie game.

Issues are there, but very few that are game breaking if one thinks about it. If for eg Shermans are invincible then remove them from the mission.

Lastly @Fkymplbo what do you mean?



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It's rather having to remove all Tigers, because they can't knock out a single medium tank with anything less than 4-5 shots at best. The Panther is just the same. The Tiger II also. The Stug can't be used by the AI effectively, due to the small field of fire. That leaves the Panzer IV as the only German tank you can actually put in a mission and get a slight degree of realism. Except you should take a lot of time in the editor, noting the actual ballistic trajectories of different shells, because the sights don't at all correspond with how the shells travel for quite a few of them.

Shermans, T-34s, etc. Aren't invincible per se. It's just that they become extremelly overpowered because of the rubbish penetration system, which fails to take several prominent factors such as 1, AP rounds penetrating and richochetting around, killing or wounding many crew members, destroying equipment vital to the tank functioning, putting things on fire, etc. and 2, people can't stand fire IRL, which makes it very strange to see an immobilised tank shoot round after round after round at you when you can clearly see large flames bursting out of the turret, which should cook off the ammo, and kill the crew if they don't get out, and 3, AP rounds hitting the tank and shattering on penetration killing the crew.

But since none of those things were taken into account, what you end up with is having to fire 1x 88mm shell at every crew position of an enemy tank, to kill one crewman after another, tanks with flame proof crewmen, and feared weapons like the 88mm being worth no more than the early 75mm on the Sherman. Those things have turned the tank scenarios of IF into a frustrating joke.

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That is incorrect. Shot placement makes it possible to score disabling hits with one or two AP rounds depending on the calibre of the gun and the type of target. The 88mm guns and long barrelled 75mm can cause both types of T-34 to tip their hats if one goes for weak spots on the vehicle. Vehicle crews will be induced to abandon the vehicle when targeting the right locations as well. Understanding the modelling of the various armoured vehicles is key to become a proficient tank gunner. In a target rich environment it is necessary to use the Force for laying the gun, as dialing in wastes precious time. Practice makes perfect when using Kentucky windage to guesstimate the adjustment needed compared to the sight settings.



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  scrim said:
It's rather having to remove all Tigers, because they can't knock out a single medium tank with anything less than 4-5 shots at best. The Panther is just the same. The Tiger II also.

O hai, i saw you posting bullshit and couldn´t resist telling you.

That´s one shot from Tiger and it killed TWO mediums: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/542946795810925879/2095DD845F38E8C051E17B485B6C829CA3262A27/

pls stop being silly ;)

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  Mr Burns said:
O hai, i saw you posting bullshit and couldn´t resist telling you.

That´s one shot from Tiger and it killed TWO mediums: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/542946795810925879/2095DD845F38E8C051E17B485B6C829CA3262A27/

pls stop being silly ;)

indeed, and the panthers sights used to be way off, but they did fix them (and it also depended on what shell you fired as to how you had to rerange the gun, I have no problem 1 hitting t34's with the panther, although I would always shoot another time just to be perfectly sure). I have had no armor issues (although I don't own the dday dlc) with the tanks, and infact have been killed by AP rounds going through my tank. I do agree though that the stug is a bit crappy with AI, but then again it has inherited A2's Ai (I think it was better though with the advanced AI module added). The biggest issue I was having was with my AI gunner not targeting targets that I could see (targets are about 600-700m), which is something I remember in Operation arrowhead so I nearly always am in the gunners seat when commanding an AI tank.

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Hello there

Dan, snap up the DLC while its at half price. It's worth the 3quid or so.

AI gunners are buggers for not engaging in A2/A1.

Without being a rabid fanboy I think many inconsistencies can also be levelled at vanilla A2, but the lack of built in modding highlights the issues more in IFL than in A2 etc. At under a tenner I still think the game is worth it valuewise. If it was a 30 pound game, I wouldnt recommend it to a casual gamer. But I dont think its as bad as some are making out.

It's handling and marketing were dreadful though.



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  orlok said:
Hello there

Dan, snap up the DLC while its at half price. It's worth the 3quid or so.

AI gunners are buggers for not engaging in A2/A1.

Without being a rabid fanboy I think many inconsistencies can also be levelled at vanilla A2, but the lack of built in modding highlights the issues more in IFL than in A2 etc. At under a tenner I still think the game is worth it valuewise. If it was a 30 pound game, I wouldnt recommend it to a casual gamer. But I dont think its as bad as some are making out.

It's handling and marketing were dreadful though.




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  orlok said:
Dan, snap up the DLC while its at half price. It's worth the 3quid or so.

Where´s that?

Looking to get my arma chaps into IF but the pricetag puts them off, and i cannot find it discounted anywhere :E

Just had a look at GreenManGaming, but haven´t found anything (apart from 2 ridiculously obvious rigged revisions for the DLC).

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  Mr Burns said:
Where´s that?

Looking to get my arma chaps into IF but the pricetag puts them off, and i cannot find it discounted anywhere :E

Just had a look at GreenManGaming, but haven´t found anything (apart from 2 ridiculously obvious rigged revisions for the DLC).

try this:

http://www.greenmangaming.com/s/gb/en/pc/games/shooter/iron-front-liberation-1944/ <- Base Game just over £5

http://www.greenmangaming.com/s/gb/en/pc/games/shooter/iron-front-liberation-1944-d-day-dlc/ <- DLc just under £3

or this:

Game $7.50 + tax http://www.amazon.com/Iron-Front-Liberation-1944-Download/dp/B009D06GCO/ref=pd_sim_vg_1

DlC $2.50 + tax http://www.amazon.com/Iron-Front-Libreration-D-Day-Download/dp/B00AM0MCEK/ref=br_lf_m_1000716161_19_505_ttl?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&pf_rd_p=1557128042&pf_rd_s=center-10&pf_rd_t=1401&pf_rd_i=1000716161&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1N122K081QZYZH9EF2R1

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For I44 lovers I can recommend IFL if you have the spare pennies. It's good. Not perfect, but good. IMHO its worth it for the terrains and lovely, lovely models alone.



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  scrim said:
It's rather having to remove all Tigers, because they can't knock out a single medium tank with anything less than 4-5 shots at best.

Not true. Play Tiger's Might from the DLC on Veteran. Make it through to the end and see if you feel the same way. One or two well-placed AP shots from the Tiger will disable any Russian tank. Shot placement is key. The Tiger can take more than 5 shots to its frontal armor and have no damage, as expected. As in Iron Punch, a single Tiger shot from medium range can put a Sherman out of action. I've noticed that the Tiger is largely impregnable to Sherman fire except for the special T-45 AP shot to it's rear. I can hit one with 10 normal M61 AP shots and they make barely a scratch.

Panzer Baron once wrote that the Panther sights were going to be "completely" reworked for 1.06 patch, so there is probably something wrong with them, but I haven't yet discovered what.

Edited by OMAC

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Also don't forget to disable extended armor in difficulty, its disabled on highest (and maybe second highest) difficulties, but on lower difficulties it is enabled and screws with the system a fair amount and will give you that annoying effect of the tiger sucking.

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Dan;2396653']Also don't forget to disable extended armor in difficulty' date=' its disabled on highest (and maybe second highest) difficulties, but on lower difficulties it is enabled and screws with the system a fair amount and will give you that annoying effect of the tiger sucking.[/quote']

I didnt know that. do we have a list of *features* individual to IFL like this on this forum?


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