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China - PLA Infantry (Alpha)

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The mod is wonderful, but I have one problem: it breaks the languages of all other units so NPCs all speak American English. Any ideas of how to fix that?

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We can rif-off his nails to convince him but..

the guys last post was at 29/9/13.

Let's hope/wish everything is fine with the fella OP


Wrong you are :) :)

Still working hard on the mod behind the scenes - I was hoping to post a surprise release this weekend but here's a quick update. Had no idea there was still interest!

- Created a uniform art/color theme for the mod, so it can sit as a complete CSAT replacement

- Fixed voice issues

- Added camouflage face paint to units and camouflage net helmets

- Added Ifrit & other light vehicles

Long story short: I tried out 500 camo patterns and finally settled on one that fits not only the characters, but vehicles as well in a uniform way. It's based on the Hex pattern, but makes the units blend into the concept and theme of the game a bit more seamlessly. I expanded the selection of vehicles to include the Ifrit and other OPFOR vehicles, rather than Independent ones. These guys running through the forest with net helmets certainly makes them a bit more intimidating :)

Should have something uploaded today or tomorrow hopefully.


http://oi61.tinypic.com/ildrat.jpg (485 kB)

Edited by majoris

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Thanks majoris. Can we expect to see the Type99 tank? The Merkava for PLA just seems out of a parallel universe lol. VME did a good A2 model even though they just slapped on the T72 sights on it.

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Thanks majoris. Can we expect to see the Type99 tank? The Merkava for PLA just seems out of a parallel universe lol. VME did a good A2 model even though they just slapped on the T72 sights on it.

The Kuma will be included as well. I have a good mix of NATO/CSAT/AAF so you can choose whatever vehicles you want.

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Long story short: I tried out 500 camo patterns and finally settled on one that fits not only the characters, but vehicles as well in a uniform way. It's based on the Hex pattern, but makes the units blend into the concept and theme of the game a bit more seamlessly. I expanded the selection of vehicles to include the Ifrit and other OPFOR vehicles, rather than Independent ones. These guys running through the forest with net helmets certainly makes them a bit more intimidating :)

500 different camo's!? Just about release a whole new mod filled with camos. :D

Look forward to the update m8.

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Wrong you are :) :)

Still working hard on the mod behind the scenes - I was hoping to post a surprise release this weekend but here's a quick update. Had no idea there was still interest!

Are you kidding, SIR? Misty Ronin is expecting your update to release a second part of his campaign (Silver Dawn) which PLA played a huge part... I´ve made my community (of 3 guys lol) install your addon and keep using it, thou the hand positions and radio protocol needed tweeaking (promissed to this future patch), and foremost: PLA is the largest army in the world, there´s thousands of quiet chinese guys lurking this thread waiting for a link... no pressure lol

Just kidding, good to see you back Majoris, this weekend is really full of good surprises! (hope you´d say - I have a J10 and J20/30 in the works...)


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;2623105'](hope you´d say - I have a J10 and J20/30 in the works...)

No, seriously, I'd be interested in seeing if PLAN/PLAAF are planned.

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No, seriously, I'd be interested in seeing if PLAN/PLAAF are planned.

Retextured AAF fixed-wing (forget what the name is) also included.

Might throw in the speedboat if I have time but I don't want it to hold up the release.

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;2623105']Are you kidding' date=' SIR? Misty Ronin is expecting your update to release a second part of his campaign (Silver Dawn) which PLA played a huge part...[/quote']

Indeed! Without doubt it is the more expected update! After all, as Corporal Lib well said, we are talking about one of the mightiest armies in the world.

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Majoris! Before releasing, you should check your group settings to make it ALiVE Compatible! That would be amazing! :)

Oh yes please!

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I freaking love you. I am crying right now. :'D :'D #tearsofjoy

The HEX camo is great, but is there any way you could include both new and original vehicle and soldier variants? I really really liked the original ones, they are more of the modern style. I feel like they were really unique as well, not just a variant of the normal Iranian CSAT forces. You could just have variants labeled "Marine (2015)" and "Marine (2035)" (same with the airborne) or something like that?

Also, would you possibly consider adding a "light" soldier variant with just a patrol cap, base weapon, light vest, and uniform? With no NVGs or anything like that. Just a light variant.

Edited by FistoGames

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Wrong you are :) :)

Still working hard on the mod behind the scenes - I was hoping to post a surprise release this weekend but here's a quick update. Had no idea there was still interest!

- Created a uniform art/color theme for the mod, so it can sit as a complete CSAT replacement

- Fixed voice issues

- Added camouflage face paint to units and camouflage net helmets

- Added Ifrit & other light vehicles

Long story short: I tried out 500 camo patterns and finally settled on one that fits not only the characters, but vehicles as well in a uniform way. It's based on the Hex pattern, but makes the units blend into the concept and theme of the game a bit more seamlessly. I expanded the selection of vehicles to include the Ifrit and other OPFOR vehicles, rather than Independent ones. These guys running through the forest with net helmets certainly makes them a bit more intimidating :)

Should have something uploaded today or tomorrow hopefully.


http://oi61.tinypic.com/ildrat.jpg (485 kB)

This update looks good! Great job! I really like the new camo you have put on everything. :) Keep up the great work.

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Majoris! Before releasing, you should check your group settings to make it ALiVE Compatible! That would be amazing! :)


Would be quite cool to have the PLAs invading etc. :D

Can you, or someone else, test the addon privately to ensure Alive is working? I made a few alterations. PM me and I'll give you the DL link.

Still having issues with the voices, although I believe this may be an Arma3 bug after spending half the weekend on it. Addon is ready for release otherwise. :)

Teaser of the new vehicles and Special Forces infantry:



Edited by majoris

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Why not a stress test? Release it as it is, and depending on the feedback, make a hotfix (all addons recently had a hotfix, it is not a shame at all) =)

We can test it for MCC Mission Wizard compactibility also! (CAF agressors are config for ALIVE but doesn´t work on MCC MW thou)

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;2624882']Why not a stress test? Release it as it is' date=' and depending on the feedback, make a hotfix (all addons recently had a hotfix, it is not a shame at all) =)

We can test it for MCC Mission Wizard compactibility also! (CAF agressors are config for ALIVE but doesn´t work on MCC MW thou)[/quote']

Agree. It's the best way to figure out what could fail, just call it beta update ( so everyone will use it at their own risk ).

(BTW the screens look awesome)

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Let me know what you guys think, I spent a lot of time on this update. :)

A few glitches aren't fixed yet (e.g. voice bug) but there's lots of new content and server keys.

People's Liberation Army (v2.5)







Custom and retextured infantry units, vehicles, and weapons depicting futuristic Chinese PLA units (circa 2035).

All units and groups can be found under the "PLA" faction. Ammo boxes with Chinese weapons can also be found under "Empty".


After nearly 40 years of unprecedented economic growth and technological advancements, China has deployed expeditionary

forces throughout the Mediterranean in support of allied Iran's military campaigns.


- Squads:

- Infantry

- Special Forces

- Chinese weapons:

- QBZ95 Rifle

- QBZ95B Carbine




- Chinese vehicles (fictional):

- WZ35 AH







- J30 CAS

- J30 AA


- WS35 Covered

- WS35 Uncovered

- WS35 Fuel

- WS35 Ammo

- WS35 Medical

- WS35 Repair

- Chinese language replacement (radio/voices)

- Asian face replacement


- Link (Version 2.5) - Armaholic

- Server key - Filedropper


- Added server keys

- Added Special Forces units

- Added Air, Armor, Mechanized, Motorized, and Support vehicles

- Added new infantry equipment and uniforms

- Added camouflage face paint

- Added LIVE unit/group compatibility

- Fixed weapon hand positioning

- Resized textures in high resolution for better quality


- VME PLA Mod for their sounds, weapon models, config help, and support!

- ShOcKeRoS for his North Korean units and config help

- Saul for his amazing PSD templates; you're a lifesaver!



- PLA_Rifleman

- PLA_SquadLeader

- PLA_AutoRifleman


- PLA_Marksman

- PLA_Grenadier



- PLA_Medic

- PLA_Explosive

- PLA_Crew

Special Forces:

- PLA_Rifleman_SF

- PLA_SquadLeader_SF

- PLA_AutoRifleman_SF


- PLA_Marksman_SF

- PLA_Grenadier_SF



- PLA_Medic_SF

- PLA_Explosive_SF

- PLA_Crew_SF


- PLA_CombatUniform

- PLA_CombatUniform_Medic

- PLA_CombatUniform_SF

- PLA_CombatUniform_Medic_SF


- PLA_Vest

- PLA_Vest_SF

- PLA_Helmet

- PLA_Helmet_Camo

- PLA_Boonie

- PLA_Boonie_SF

- PLA_Cap

- PLA_Cap_SF

- PLA_Kitbag

- PLA_Kitbag_AR

- PLA_Kitbag_Exp

- PLA_Kitbag_Medic

- PLA_Kitbag_AT

- PLA_Ktbag_AA

- PLA_Kitbag_Repair

- PLA_Kitbag_SF

- PLA_Kitbag_AR_SF

- PLA_Kitbag_Exp_SF

- PLA_Kitbag_Medic_SF

- PLA_Kitbag_AT_SF

- PLA_Kitbag_AA_SF


- PLA_QBB95 (75Rnd_58x42_QBB)

- PLA_QBZ95 (30Rnd_58x42_QBZ)

- PLA_QBZ95B (30Rnd_58x42_QBZ)

- PLA_QBZ95GL (30Rnd_58x42_QBZ, 1Rnd_HE_GL1)

- PLA_QJY88 (100Rnd_58x42_QJY)

- PLA_KBU88 (10Rnd_58x42_KBU)

Edited by majoris

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Thanks you very much for taking the time to inform us :cool:

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


You are not registered on Armaholic, or at least not that we are aware of. In the future we offer the possibility to authors to maintain their own pages.

If you wish to be able to do this as well please register on Armaholic and let me know about it.

This is not mandatory at all! Only if you wish to control your own content you are welcome to join, otherwise we will continue to follow your work like we have always done ;)

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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I know its future, but have you thought about doing a "Type 99" tank, and adding Su-27 into your packs.

Keep up great work, weapons are amazing !!

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just downloaded it, very usable as a normal army (500 times better then BIS CSAT outer space troopers) but i realy do miss a transport (unarmed) helicopter.

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@majoris..you ARE a f@cking Re major (D)

-mainly first among the most loved tones of traditional/folk (Rembetiko)old Greek music

Thanks for your hard work..

Confessing i haven't tried yet the *update-i just hope you have tricked the inheritances so popular sound mods can be "compatible-from-the-box"

Edited by GiorgyGR

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just downloaded it, very usable as a normal army (500 times better then BIS CSAT outer space troopers) but i realy do miss a transport (unarmed) helicopter.

---Transportation helicopter could use the Mi-8 or Mi-17 which contained on the A2 stuff BIS has released. "Type 99" tank could be asked for from VME, I bet they would agree.

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Majoris, I´ve tested the MCC MW and it works perfectly! Now we only need confirmation of the ALIVE compactibility (not my cup of tea... ;)

As I really like to play with PLA (made some missions with your units), it annoys me a bit the hand positions on the weapons... the LSW is OK, but the QBZ-95, the carbine, the DMR and the machinegun have the wrong grip, look at the screenshots:






(They´ve improved a lot since .2, but it is still needing a tweak)

Do you have plans to port the proprietary optics for the chinese rifles? Thou the OPFOR scopes suits them well, I would love to see them equipped as such... 1289219058.jpg

This is what I have to report, keep up the great work, man! =)

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