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MCC Sandbox 3 - Dynamic mission creating tool for ArmA 3

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On 2017-09-08 at 5:57 PM, BruceALMIGHTYY said:

Get better friends. 

Easier said than done. :P

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On 7.9.2017 at 7:39 PM, Drift_91 said:

Is there some way I can disable the MCC unit editor in Zeus? Basically trying to get rid of the "execute" field so my friends can't do the following.



Why you can restrict MCC by playerID

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Here is a copy of the body of an email I received from the CBA Team while trouble shooting errors. 


MCC does:

_nul = ["MCC_interactionEH", "onEachFrame", {
  // code
}, ""] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;

which throws Type String, expected Array because of the params type checking
I think the BIS function was changed in 1.76

CBA has no effect on this; you'll want to talk to the MCC team


Here is a rpt.




Mods used


CUP Weapons 1.9.1

CUP Units 1.9.1

CUP Vehicles 1.9.1


Unsing 3.1 Prei Khmaoch Luong | ព្រៃខ្មោចលង

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It's a know bug since the LoW update - it isn't game breaking and it doesn't seems to effect the game. 


Nonetheless it will be fixed ASAP

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On 2017-09-10 at 7:17 AM, shay_gman said:

Why you can restrict MCC by playerID

They're not even logged into MCC. They're using Zeus through the curator module and MCC still takes over unless you hold shift.


They need access to the MCC console anyway to change the time of day or weather as well as use the delete brush when debris get in the way of a runway or whatever. I just don't want them running scripts.

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it isn't game breaking and it doesn't seems to effect the game.

I beg to differ.

...it breaks the script in Pilgrimage. If I knew more I would elaborate but once load the mission, I get to a certain point in loading and then I get the error and cannot play.

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10 hours ago, pvt. partz said:

I beg to differ.

...it breaks the script in Pilgrimage. If I knew more I would elaborate but once load the mission, I get to a certain point in loading and then I get the error and cannot play.

And did Pilgrimage is working fine without MCC?


10 hours ago, Drift_91 said:

They're not even logged into MCC. They're using Zeus through the curator module and MCC still takes over unless you hold shift.


They need access to the MCC console anyway to change the time of day or weather as well as use the delete brush when debris get in the way of a runway or whatever. I just don't want them running scripts.


You don't need to set  a curator module when using MCC as it set it up to you. 

But I'll add an option to disable MCC function on non-MCC curators so you can add zeus users with limited powers. 

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On 9/10/2017 at 0:17 PM, shay_gman said:




I have copied this box from a post above. Can any one tell me how to set a Name in the Name section. I can do everything else with it but if I enter a name, click on ADD PRESET, nothing.

Thanks in advance.

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Just press OK an just to make it clear It will not change the name of a character it will give it a name in the mission name space:


name: testDummy

testDummy setdamage 1; 


testdummy is dead


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On 9/19/2017 at 2:32 PM, shay_gman said:

There is a new repository for the mod version - where you can follow on updates on the dev version you can also download and PBO it if you like:

How do I get this to work with Arma? I downloaded it and its in a really weird format and wont load in the mod menu.  Sorry for my ignorance, I know nothing about Git repositories. 

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Hi thanks for the Mod, it fills many gaps in the dynamic environment I am creating, really appreciate your hard work! I have a question, I am adding a couple of extra objects to be searchable via CfgMCCspawnObjects. The system seams to recognise some but not all for example "cwa_C130Wreck","C130J_wreck_EP1", are not recognised. I have read through the thread and followed your formatting so the line looks like this...


class MCC_ammoBox {
        itemClasses[] = {"cwa_C130Wreck","C130J_wreck_EP1","woodenbox","luggageheap","pallet_milboxes_f","case"};
        chanceWeapon = 30;
        maxWeapon = 3;
        chanceAmmo = 50;
        maxAmmo = 10;
        chanceMed = 20;
        maxMed = 2;
        chanceFuel = 20;
        maxFuel = 2;
        chanceRepair = 20;
        maxRepair = 2;
        chanceFood = 10;
        maxFood = 2;
        chanceMoney = 5;
        maxMoney = 5;
        chanceFruit = 0;
        maxFruit = 0;


I am using the ammo box class as the C-130 wrecks are obviously going to be configured to produce higher levels of Military grade loot but in other instances some of the models/class names, when put into one of the other classes ( EG class MCC_wreckMil) don't seem to be recognised, in game as something that is searchable whereas some are. What am I doing wrong? Is there something special that makes only some objects compatible with this system?  FYI these are the classnames of the objects that I am trying to add ;










As I have discovered we cant loot underwater and that sucks (Thanks Bohemia! LOL)


Thanks in advance for your help!


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Sorry for the late reply, 

You don't need to add all the classnames as you can add only "wreck" to the itemClasses as MCC do a generic search for matching strings it will recognize it.

I don't think MCC have a problem with recognizing it rather then a limitation to the minimum distance the player need to be from the object. Since ArmA calculate the distance from the center of the object to the center of the player object  some larger, so some larger objects are exceeding the maximum distance only by its own model size. 



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7 hours ago, shay_gman said:


Sorry for the late reply, 

You don't need to add all the classnames as you can add only "wreck" to the itemClasses as MCC do a generic search for matching strings it will recognize it.

I don't think MCC have a problem with recognizing it rather then a limitation to the minimum distance the player need to be from the object. Since ArmA calculate the distance from the center of the object to the center of the player object  some larger, so some larger objects are exceeding the maximum distance only by its own model size. 



Thanks for the reply. I hear you, some of the models were large , like the trawler wreck. I was hoping to loot underwater but have found that whilst the search routine runs it cant open your inventory to move the loot across when you are underwater...sucks. My concern is the Blackhawk wreck and the bulldozer wreck.  What you are saying about the distance from the centre of the object does make sense though. I will mess with the Blackhawk wreck, see if I can get it working.....having lootable helicopter and plane crashes would be beyond awesome!!!!  Thanks for taking the time to answer , Appreciate it!

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Or you can drop some loot able crates around the wreck

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R22 is out - 

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=338988835

Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9yrd9xhjhfzmmc2/%40mcc_sandbox_a3.rar?dl=0


Full change-log:



Change log r22:
- Added: Faction relations settings to mission settings.
- Added: Radio message when completing generated/campaign mission.
- Added: Commander console action to the action menu.
- Added: Drag resource crates with MCC or ACE interaction.
- Added: Punchable CAS and Airdrops in the commander console - can be enabled from mission settings module - TO DO WIKI
- Added: AI group respawn modules to 3den & Zeus - will respawn the group when all units are dead.
- Added: Enable/disable Only medic can heal from MCC medic settings modules - Zeus or 3den
- Added: Cinematic when respawning from the MCC spawn Menu - can be disabled with mission settings  - Zeus or 3eden.
- Added: Template to Melden Island.
- Added: Kestrels and crows to ambient birds module.
- Added: Resave missions to MCC after loading mission from MCC.
- Added: Turn city lights on and off from MCC brushes or Zeus.
- Added: MCC composition to Zeus
- Added: Place and attach explosives to vehicles and walls using MCC interaction, detonate them by any order you like.
- Changed: MCC Zeus modules divided into categories.
- Changed: Shortened MCC campaign/Mission Wizard intro movies time.
- Changed: Commander Console F1-F5 buttons are more visable.
- Changed: Reduce needed units around the player to build a FOB or other battle emplacements to zero.
- Changed: Restrict ambient unit module spawn radius has been doubled.
- Changed: Remove spawn protection from HQ/Start Location.
- Changed: MCC_fnc_amb_Art will automaticlly spawn gunner if called on empty vehicle - apply to the ambient artillery preset
- Changed: Steamlined MCC cargo from Zeus to match with Zeus standards.
- Fixed: Stuck enable/disable MCC tutorials ("You have picked the commander role... Do you want to show this message in the future?" exc) from MCC UI settings module
- Fixed: Vehicle Kiosk Custom vehicles array expected [className,[displayName, pictureName],cost] instead of [className,displayName,cost]
- Fixed: Un-cached and respawned GAIA unit will be controllable from Zeus.
- Fixed: Respawned GAIA unit will respawn where they spawned and not where they died.
- Fixed: MCC can resave as many time without loosing data.
- Fixed: GAIA support for RHS units.
- Fixed: GAIA settings don't work from Zeus.
- Fixed: Clear persistent data run localy and not on the server
- Fixed: Save persistent data will work without inidbi2
- Fixed: Save persistent data will save every 5 minutes to reduce lags
- Fixed: Fast rope for CH67 and CH49 wasn't working
- Fixed: Mission Generator mortars explode on first shot.
- Fixed: Logistics truck always identified as it was near an FOB/HQ while starting a MCC campaing from Zeus.
- Fixed: Evac module on 2d editor didn't work
- Fixed: Can't change Squad name in MCC Squad Menu.
- Fixed: Error when creating new squad from MCC Squad Menu.
- Fixed: Addrating command didn't work when Role Selection is on.
- Fixed: Error missing file "MCC_loadingScreen.paa".
- Fixed: Medic system blur stays after death.
- Fixed: Building construction fortification bug.
- Fixed: Helmet camera didn't work for JIP

- Vault & Cover
    - Changed: Streamlined vault and cover system - added quick vault over low obstacles

- Compositions
    - Added: New function MCC_fnc_compositionsPlace load an 3den or Zeus composition

- Loadouts
    - Added: Zeus and 3den modules where players can rearm vehicles while next to it and change pylon loadouts if the vehicle support it.
    - Added: Pilot can manually change pylons ammo using MCC or ACE interaction key while sitting in the pilot sit and next to rearm area other vehicles can only rearm when next to rearm area

- Mission Wizard:
    - Added: New Missions: Hack and download data
    - Added: Wikia Page - http://mccsandbox.wikia.com/wiki/Mission_Generator
    - Added: New Tasks icons and tasks parents.
    - Added: Non CQB mission area will use Zeus and custom compositions and will add more diversity and repeatability value.
    - Changed: In night ops garrisson AI won't have night vision and will be forced to use flashlights
    - Fixed: Saving generated mission tasks didn't wokrk.
    - Added: Define master data using arrays in your init.sqf file so a mission maker can define what kind of object/vehicles the mission wizard will spawn:
        - MCC_MWHVT - HVT classes
        - MCC_MWHVTCamps - HVT composition type - must be a config with this name holding the compsition setup.
        - MCC_MWFuelTanks - Fuel tanks classes
        - MCC_MWRadio - Radio Towers
        - MCC_MWTanks - Armor
        - MCC_MWAAB - AA Bluefor
        - MCC_MWAAO -AA Opfor
        - MCC_MWAAI - AA Resistance
        - MCC_MWArtilleryB - Artillery Bluefor
        - MCC_MWArtilleryO - Artillery Opfor
        - MCC_MWAir - Air vehicles
        - MCC_MWcache - Weapon cache type
        - MCC_MWradar - Radar type
        - MCC_MWIntelObjects - Intel Objects
        - MCC_MWIED - IEDs

- Tasks
    - Added: New BI icons for tasks

- Ambient Fire
    - Reworked the fire look - now the fire looks much more realistic and will damage nearby units.

- Zeus
    - Fixed: Unable to edit groups and WP from MCC
    - Fixed: Some errors while editing units/vehicles - there is still a bug regarding vehicle respawn which comes from the BI function so it disabled for now.

- IED suicide bombers
    - Added: MCC_fnc_addVelocity - add velocity sprading from a center position to simulate a shockwave include ragdoll animation on players.
    - Added: Shockwaves to all types of IED and suicide bombers (real,fake or disabling).
    - Added: Suicide bombers will have bombs straped around their pelvis when they attack.
    - Added: Disable interaction progress by hitting Escape key.
    - Added: ECM vehicles will make beeping sounds when activelly blocking radio IED.

    - Added: Elapsed day battle's report will show up when RTS has been used and not only on MCC campaign.
    - Added: UI controls for all available forces to the left hand side - click on any to quickly control it.
    - Added: Spawn RTS buildings from 3eden or Zeus modules.
    - Added: Show group information when mouse hovering its icon.
    - Added: Supply track can withdraw supply crates from the HQ.
    - Added: Show "get in" text when mouse hovering over enterable building/vehicle.
    - Added: Engine sounds for generator.
    - Added: Level 1 HQ will unlock the ability to purchase artillery ammo for the commander console.
    - Added: Level 2 HQ will unlock the ability to purchase supply drops from the commander console.
    - Added: Level 3 HQ will unlock the ability to purchase CAS runs from commander console.
    - Added: Houeses - houses will add more manpower space and the ammount of AI you can recruit.
    - Added: Build practice targets from barracks.
    - Changed: Barracks - Barracks will not add more manpower space but will unlock new units to purchase.
    - Changed: UI for selection circles and borders in RTS interface.
    - Changed: Different colors for resources.
    - Changed: MCC capture moduel won't give more resources then the available free storage space.
    - Changed: MCC campaign missions won't give more resources then the available free storage space.
    - Fixed: Campaign delete brush deletes RTS groups and buildings.
    - Fixed: Units info wasn't showing the amount of units and vehicles classes available.
    - Fixed: Soldiers groups didn't have the place satchel, rules of fire, change stances actions.
    - Fixed: After building or upgrading a structure the UI didn't reset itself to prevent infinite building exploit
    - Fixed: Will not show tickets to a side with zero players.


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A quick hot-fix has been released - re download the mod. 

Finally smashed this error:


Fixed: MCC breaks animation


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Thank you for the update!


Just trying it out, I seem to have lost the ability to use non vanilla OPFOR forces as main antagonist with missions. For example, I tried using RHS's CHDKZ, CUP's Saharani Liberation Army and a few others and I return an error.


What'll then happen is the "Building a Mission" load just hangs, not inserting objectives or populating with OPFOR.


Can send a screenshot if you'd like.



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1 hour ago, NAS_Juno said:

Thank you for the update!


Just trying it out, I seem to have lost the ability to use non vanilla OPFOR forces as main antagonist with missions. For example, I tried using RHS's CHDKZ, CUP's Saharani Liberation Army and a few others and I return an error.


What'll then happen is the "Building a Mission" load just hangs, not inserting objectives or populating with OPFOR.


Can send a screenshot if you'd like.




Correction: This is when you select a few mission options. The Capture/Kill missions produce the error, but at least finish loading.


"Capture Area" missions hang w/ non-vanilla OPFOR

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Hey Guys!

Anyone knows why interaction menu and self-interaction menu does'nt come up in the new version (R22.1)?

Worked in the previous version....

Tried also to change keys but nothing helps...all the rest works fine


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On 4.11.2017 at 10:49 PM, NAS_Juno said:


Correction: This is when you select a few mission options. The Capture/Kill missions produce the error, but at least finish loading.


"Capture Area" missions hang w/ non-vanilla OPFOR


Thanks i'll try and fix it


On 5.11.2017 at 10:53 PM, omri2050 said:

Hey Guys!

Anyone knows why interaction menu and self-interaction menu does'nt come up in the new version (R22.1)?

Worked in the previous version....

Tried also to change keys but nothing helps...all the rest works fine



I'm not aware of any problem with interaction keys. 

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