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A.C.R.E - Advanced Combat Radio Environment for Arma 3

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  kklownboy said:
@AlexSegen...Overwrite? really, How about a "back up" your stuff first?

Should he also tell them which mouse button to click?

I don't think it's necessary to explain to people that anytime you plan to overwrite something, backup your files first. That should really be common sense by now.

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Is there any ACRE for A3 with working 117? I have very old version, and there is no 117, was there any unofficial updates? anything?

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Hey everyone.

Had a frustrating day of attempting to get ACRE working on dedicated server that I manage.

ACRE was working fine a week ago until I foolishly added more mods and took out a few....but not touching ACRE.

Once I realized it didn't work I started removing all the mods I'd added and went back to my prior configuration but it still won't work.

If I host a game on my local machine instead of dedi server ACRE works fine.

We all get 'Acre is Connected' on teamspeak, we're all running as admin.....

Something is wrong with the server settings and I'm not sure how to troubleshoot further.

We host our own TeamSpeak and its version is 3.0.10

The server launcher is TADST version 2.4 and we run it as admin

We do have JayArma2lib and Jayarma3 lib (just in case, and they do not work one at a time or both)

I just spent a frustrating amount of time today trying to get this to work.

Im sure more information is required so as to get this to work/troubleshoot this, I'll list our current mods below






MCC Sandbox

NATO_Russian_SF_Weapons v1.0





Thanks to ANYONE that can help me I'd be really grateful.


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A couple of small external patches for the manpack radios:



Tested and working with United Operations' Play WithSix ACRE repository.

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Since 4 days we are experiencing an issue on ACRE.

Arbitrary, the channel of the basic radio PRC 343 changes. For example if i set to channel 2, then after some time (variable ) i found my self in another channel and i have to set again channel 2.But then after some other time issue occurs again.

This issue doesn't occur for the Command radio UHF.

Any suggestion ? :j:

Edited by France

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  France said:
Since 4 days we are experiencing an issue on ACRE.

Arbitrary, the channel of the basic radio PRC 343 changes. For example if i set to channel 2, then after some time (variable ) i found my self in another channel and i have to set again channel 2.But then after some other time issue occurs again.

This issue doesn't occur for the Command radio UHF.

Any suggestion ? :j:

Noted. I might have a patch for it. It has to do with how gear is pulled from soldiers. Something changed recently where assigned items are not returned the same way anymore.

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Small request would it be possible to add a 1 button push for Radio one as well as for radios 2 and 3 ?

At the moment you have to either run two radios set to identical channels and a third radio to enable me to map this to two buttons on my mouse.

The Alternative is the old "Ctrl Shit A - oops wrong channel hang on moment" during a firefight it's SO much easier with one butter to activate each radio independently.


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You know, it's really quite simple to remap the radio switch controls from the default CTRL Shift ones.

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I don't believe there is a way to map "radio" one to a button other than "Radio PTT" and what that does is activate the last radio used. So say I press number "2" to use my Second radio then the PTT button to use my primary radio. oops, only 2 is now selected. But I can immediately press "3" to activate my 3rd radio. Does that make sense.

"2" and "3" and "4" can be activated discreetly. But not "1".

Hence my horrible work around of carrying two identical 343's.

If it can be done already then BRILLIANT but I haven't figured it out based on the Userconfig ?

class PTTRadio	// Talk over radio
	key = 58;  	// CAPSLOCK (please unbind from your normal PTT key)
	shift = 0;
	ctrl = 0;
	alt = 0;

class PTTRadioAlternate_1	// Talk over radio 2nd radio
	key = 2;
	shift = 1;
	ctrl = 0;
	alt = 0;
class PTTRadioAlternate_2	// Talk over radio 3nd radio
	key = 3; 
	shift = 1;
	ctrl = 0;
	alt = 0;
class PTTRadioAlternate_3	// Talk over your 4th radio
	key = 4; 
	shift = 1;
	ctrl = 0;
	alt = 0;

What's Missing is the

//Talk over 1st radio bit.

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  serjames said:
I don't believe there is a way to map "radio" one to a button other than "Radio PTT" and what that does is activate the last radio used. So say I press number "2" to use my Second radio then the PTT button to use my primary radio. oops, only 2 is now selected. But I can immediately press "3" to activate my 3rd radio. Does that make sense. "2" and "3" and "4" can be activated discreetly. But not "1".

Seems better to use a double key press? Pressing 1 twice, will activate and key that radio? But then this would be inconsistent activity, requiring the user to remember to recall which radio is active and which radio requires a double tapped key.

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  serjames said:
I don't believe there is a way to map "radio" one to a button other than "Radio PTT" and what that does is activate the last radio used. So say I press number "2" to use my Second radio then the PTT button to use my primary radio. oops, only 2 is now selected. But I can immediately press "3" to activate my 3rd radio. Does that make sense.

Hmm, haven't tried using those. I don't like the idea of having alternate radio buttons when odds are that the radios will switch buttons between every game. I'd recommend making the switch commands simpler instead.

Copy paste the below and you'll be switching radios with Numpad 4 and 6, and opening the current one with 5. I've used several radios for a long time, it's worked very well, and you're sure to know which radio you've got selected.

// Quick switch keys for radios

class acre_sys_list


class Forward // Move forward through your radios


key = 75; // Numpad 7

shift = 0;

ctrl = 0;

alt = 0;


class Backward // Move backwards through your radios


key = 77; // Numpad 6

shift = 0;

ctrl = 0;

alt = 0;


class OpenRadio // Open current radio


key = 76; // Numpad 5

shift = 0;

ctrl = 0;

alt = 0;



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Sorry guys - not what I'm looking for. Let me be more specific.

We run the 343 in our left ear - this is squad comms. That's on my mouse button 1 (just for simplicities sake).

When I'm leading a section or a larger unit i.e. FAC role I also take a long range, a 119 or 148. This is ALWAYS keyed to mouse key 2 (again for the example) and in my Right ear.

both of these keys are hardware mouse macros that point to "Activate radio 2" and "Activate radio 3" - as per the user config.

So I ALWAYS know which radio is on which key. and I ONLY need to press the correct radio key button once to immediately reply to a message.

How does it normally work - Well, as you know with the normal 2 radio method as the config allows, this means having a third key mapped to "Change Radio" and then having to rely on the normal Capslock PTT button (I have this mapped to a seperate profile for when I cannot get 3 radios. i.e. ops - PITA!)

This causes all sorts of stoopid mistakes during combat as I'm screaming over the Long range radio for my squad to take cover - only realising too late why the pilots are telling me "wrong channel James...." ! it's just so frustrating.

So my 3 radio workaround means I have the 2nd and 3rd objects the ACRE system needs to allow me to use one button PTT for each ear/channel. But this is hardly elegant and in locked down ops, chances are I cannot get that 2nd 343 to get it to work :(

I don't want to have to press a button twice to use a radio - it's inefficient and a waste of a click.

Radios will always remember their position. It's as simple as the order you have loaded them into your back pack. I.e. First radio you pickup is 1, second is 2, third is 3 etc etc - so no worries about mixing up buttons.

You could even script it so the radio in the RADIO slot is always 1 if you wanted and any others then add to the count ?


*Added a little later* I'm actually AMAZED no-one has asked for this earlier.. All that fiddling with CTRL Shift A to change a radio whilst dodging bullets, leaning to left shooting and trying to heal your buddy is just SO 1980's... lol

Edited by serjames

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hey guys

need help !!

last days i work on the acre_sys_vehicle_racks.pbo, i put car_f to the classes, so my clan can use internal radios in wheeled vehicles. i make some tests, and for this tests i have several times pack the files to a pbo and everything works fine !! Yesterday i want to make another change and after pbo'ing the folder, arma shows me the error :


i do everything than before, i can pbo every other folder without any error, it's only in acre-files !! some friends can use the same pbo and they haven't any error... :confused_o:

i try other pbo-packer and some other things, but nothing helps... anyone an idea ??

thanks for help... im going crazy !! :party:

Edited by Phantom

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You should not need to edit the ACRE files at all to accomplish this.

Attempting to do so is likely the cause of your error i.e certain files not being packed into the pbo / failure to recompile the addon in the same manner as it was originally .

I have copied a config that will add racks to a number of new vehicles here.

While the base class Car_F is not included it should take little effort to replicate the changes to the other vehicles in whatever classes you wish to use.

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  Phantom said:
@toadBall :

thats not a solution for my problem... read it again !!

Re-read what Toadball posted yourself. The way you are trying to modify ACRE's core files is likely the cause behind your error, thus the only way around it is to create a config that works as Toadball has already done. It is also a bit rude to modify those files without the permission of the original developer, as much as it is to shrug off a person as you did who is trying to help.

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not needed anymore... problem (not correct pbo'ing... ) solved !!

i dont have any probs with classes or something else and we are not working on the vehicle racks alone, we also work on other pbo's, so a vehicle-config aren't the solution !! a re-install of the arma-tools solved it, now i can pbo every acre folder that i need (again)!! thanks for helping...

Greetz, P.

Edited by Phantom

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  serjames said:
Sorry guys - not what I'm looking for. Let me be more specific.

We run the 343 in our left ear - this is squad comms. That's on my mouse button 1 (just for simplicities sake).

When I'm leading a section or a larger unit i.e. FAC role I also take a long range, a 119 or 148. This is ALWAYS keyed to mouse key 2 (again for the example) and in my Right ear.

both of these keys are hardware mouse macros that point to "Activate radio 2" and "Activate radio 3" - as per the user config.

So I ALWAYS know which radio is on which key. and I ONLY need to press the correct radio key button once to immediately reply to a message.

How does it normally work - Well, as you know with the normal 2 radio method as the config allows, this means having a third key mapped to "Change Radio" and then having to rely on the normal Capslock PTT button (I have this mapped to a seperate profile for when I cannot get 3 radios. i.e. ops - PITA!)

This causes all sorts of stoopid mistakes during combat as I'm screaming over the Long range radio for my squad to take cover - only realising too late why the pilots are telling me "wrong channel James...." ! it's just so frustrating.

So my 3 radio workaround means I have the 2nd and 3rd objects the ACRE system needs to allow me to use one button PTT for each ear/channel. But this is hardly elegant and in locked down ops, chances are I cannot get that 2nd 343 to get it to work :(

I don't want to have to press a button twice to use a radio - it's inefficient and a waste of a click.

Radios will always remember their position. It's as simple as the order you have loaded them into your back pack. I.e. First radio you pickup is 1, second is 2, third is 3 etc etc - so no worries about mixing up buttons.

You could even script it so the radio in the RADIO slot is always 1 if you wanted and any others then add to the count ?


*Added a little later* I'm actually AMAZED no-one has asked for this earlier.. All that fiddling with CTRL Shift A to change a radio whilst dodging bullets, leaning to left shooting and trying to heal your buddy is just SO 1980's... lol

You realize that this is actually in ACRE and has been for a long, long time. It is right there in the key config file.

class PTTRadio	// Talk over radio
	key = 58;  	// CAPSLOCK (please unbind from your normal PTT key)
	shift = 0;
	ctrl = 0;
	alt = 0;

class PTTRadioAlternate_1	// Talk over radio 2nd radio
	key = 2;
	shift = 1;
	ctrl = 0;
	alt = 1;
class PTTRadioAlternate_2	// Talk over radio 3nd radio
	key = 3; 
	shift = 1;
	ctrl = 0;
	alt = 1;
class PTTRadioAlternate_3	// Talk over your 4th radio
	key = 4; 
	shift = 1;
	ctrl = 0;
	alt = 1;

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For some reason (probably a simple one) I can't get it to work.

D/L from the ACRE DEV link on the main page of this thread (even though it says for Arma 2?)

Copied the @mod folders to my main arma 3 folder

Moved the two .dll files to the TS3 plug in folder

Checked TS3 plugins... ACRE box is checked

Modified my Arma 3 steam launch option to read -mod=@CBA_A3;@JayArmA3Lib;@ACRE

Oh.. and have TS3 and Arma3 compatibility tabs checked for "run as administrator"

I then jump in TS3, start up arma3 editor and place a dude on the map. I press capslock and nothing happens though, plus CTRL-shift-X doesn't bring up the radio.

I've never used ACRE before so please tell me I'm missing something simple? :confused:

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OK I have it working now.

Only one thing remains which is changing the default CAPS LOCK push to talk key.

I opened the acre_keys file and put in '75' which is the numpad 4 key but it still only works with CAPS LOCK. Tried another random key but still only CAPS LOCK will work.

Any help please?

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Make sure you're editing the right file in the userconfig folder, not the one in @ACRE

The commented lines are actually wrong. Where is says "// Talk over radio 2nd radio", it's actually talk over first radio. "// Talk over radio" is talk over currently active radio.

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  Rasa-be said:
Make sure you're editing the right file in the userconfig folder, not the one in @ACRE

Mate I just found that out 3 minutes ago when I found a you tube vid on it. I was in the wrong userconfig file >.<

Everything seems fine now.

I also found out that you need to call the mod command line from the desktop shortcut and not the STEAM launch option as that didn't work.

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  NouberNou said:
You realize that this is actually in ACRE and has been for a long, long time. It is right there in the key config file.

class PTTRadio	// Talk over radio
	key = 58;  	// CAPSLOCK (please unbind from your normal PTT key)
	shift = 0;
	ctrl = 0;
	alt = 0;

class PTTRadioAlternate_1	// Talk over radio 2nd radio
	key = 2;
	shift = 1;
	ctrl = 0;
	alt = 1;
class PTTRadioAlternate_2	// Talk over radio 3nd radio
	key = 3; 
	shift = 1;
	ctrl = 0;
	alt = 1;
class PTTRadioAlternate_3	// Talk over your 4th radio
	key = 4; 
	shift = 1;
	ctrl = 0;
	alt = 1;

Thanks for the response :)

Not sure I understand you or perhaps I'm misunderstanding.

If I use the "Talk over radio" button it will activate whatever the last radio I used was. There is no way to select radio one with just one press of 1 button (1 key combo) I can insta-select radio 2, 3 or 4. But not one.

Am I missing something ?


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  serjames said:
Thanks for the response :)

Not sure I understand you or perhaps I'm misunderstanding.

If I use the "Talk over radio" button it will activate whatever the last radio I used was. There is no way to select radio one with just one press of 1 button (1 key combo) I can insta-select radio 2, 3 or 4. But not one.

Am I missing something ?


Yes. The comments are wrong. "// Talk over radio" = talk over current radio. "// Talk over radio 2nd radio" = talk over first radio. And so on.

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