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F3 Mission Development Framework (F2 for ArmA 3)

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This is what i have in the init of the game logic:

[synchronizedObjects this,["GrpNATO_A1"],true,false] call f_fnc_mountGroups;

So the crew parameter is set to true from what i gather from your F3 wiki.

I haven't tried to disable the FFV function but i'll try as soon as i can, i didn't even know it was possible.

I'm not sure i understand what you're asking. AIs were enabled on game start, however players were slotted in said AIs.

Do i need to disable AI on game start in order to make the module work? Maybe later today i can get someone to help me out testing it some more.

No what you're describing sounds right and is how we do it (and it's working fine for us). I have very little time for ARMA-related things atm. otherwise I'd do more tests myself. Sorry for the hassle.

Regarding disabling FFV, see this snippet.

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F3 Mission Development Framework for Arma 3

F3 v3-2-1 (Hotfix) Released (ACRE2/ACRE/TFR/AGM/Zeus Ready)

The F3 team is pleased to announce the release of v3-2-1 of its mission development framework, with optional support for Zeus and popular mods ACRE2, ACRE, TFR and AGM.

This release is a hotfix that addresses bugs and compatibility issues with:

  • Radio Systems Support (ACRE2)
  • F3 Spectator script and F3 Simple Wounding System

For instructions on how to quickly update a mission from v3-2-0 to v3-2-1 please see: http://ferstaberinde.com/f3/en//index.php?title=Upgrading_from_v3-2-0_to_v3-2-1

To make it even easier to start using F3, our fully illustrated online tutorials for making adversarial and coop missions can help you build your first F3 mission in 1-2 hours.

The development team for v3-2-0 has been: Wolfenswan, Head, cptnnick, Snippers and Fer. We would also like to thank the following communities in our wider review and testing team: Folk ARPS | Black sh33p | Bourbon Warfare | Phantactical | Project Awesome | Team One Tactical | The Company

If your community uses F3 (or uses it as part of your own mission framework), we'd really love to hear from you.

Download F3 from:

- http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f3/en/ (English version) (PLEASE DO NOT MIRROR)

Discuss F3 at:

- BI Forums (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149231-F3-Mission-Development-Framework-(F2-for-ArmA-3))

- Folk ARPS Forums (http://www.folkarps.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=44)

From the README.md file:

3-2-1 | 06 DEC 2014

Updated Radio Systems Support component:

- Switched linkItem to addItem for ACRE2.

Fixed F3 Spectator Script component:

- Fixed incompatiblity with most recent Arma 3 update.

About F3

The F3 Mission Development Framework (F3) is the successor to the popular F2 and BAS f mission development frameworks for ArmA 2 and ArmA. The new framework contains many of the features you know from F2, updated to work with Arma 3; new components which take advantage of the new game's special features are planned.

For downloads and to find out more please see our online manual:

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Using the "ACRE 2" parameter in mission lobby for automatic distribution of radios causes ACRE radios to stop working.

We weren't even able to talk to each other from 5 meters away without getting awful static noises as if radios were out of reach and unable to talk to each other, or times where one of the two (343/148) wouldn't just work.

I turned the parameter to "Off" and added the radios through the assignGear component as if they were normal magazines, everything started working normally.

This happened before and after the last patch you released this weekend.

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What modifications to the framework should/can be done, if any, to use this as a starting point for a singleplayer mission?

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Still can't get spectator to work separately from the framework. Not sure why. Again, can you, please, spent a bit of your time and provide checked(!) separate "setup" for your spectator?? Not as public release, but as something for private use. I would be very grateful :)

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It seems like there's something not working in the F3's briefing.sqf, or is it just me? For some reason it doesn't execute the faction's briefing or any briefing in general.

In my init.sqf I have written [] execVM "briefing.sqf", got the briefing.sqf and the whole f-folder in my mission's folder. Then a Bluefor Crewman placed on the map, but no briefing.

Only when I execute it from the debug console via [] execVM "f\common\f_briefing_blue.sqf";

When I use the F2 setup, it does work for me.

EDIT: The F3.Altis example mission does work properly for me. But I can't get it to work in my own mission even tho I just copied everything.

EDIT2: Nevermind, it was something in the description.ext I guess.

Edited by killshot

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Hey everyone,

it seems that somehow an issue with the caching component slipped through and as only now been noticed. In short, the caching component does not properly disable the simulation for infantry on aggressiveness 1-2. We will include the fix in our upcoming release but for now we suggest fixing it yourself:

1. Open the file f\cache\fn_gCache.sqf

2. Replace line 12 which reads

if ((count (assignedVehicleRole _x) == 0 || {"Driver" != (assignedVehicleRole _x) select 0}) && (_x != leader _this)) then {


if ((count (assignedVehicleRole _x) == 0 || {"Driver" != (assignedVehicleRole _x) select 0}) && (_x != leader _this)) then {

3. Replace line 17 which reads

if ((count (assignedVehicleRole _x) == 0 || {"Driver" != (assignedVehicleRole _x) select 0}) && (_x != leader _this)) then {


if ((count (assignedVehicleRole _x) == 0 || {"Driver" != (assignedVehicleRole _x) select 0}) && (_x != leader _this)) then {

For comparison, you can see the file with fixes included here.

We're sorry for any issues this might have caused and rather puzzled how the issue slipped through, as we tested the component thoroughly and are using it for our own missions. Be assured that the responsible parties will be receive the appropriate amount of flogging.

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Hey guys, just wanted to say that I typically use this framework for my missions because it works great. Been using it since F2.

I particularly like the fact that you guys have laid out a full hierarchy with the troops.

It is especially useful in my "Attack/Defend Dorida" mission (see signature) because I'm doing something unique I think with a platoon and the mission can be played fully in SP, COOP or PvP. There is a full command structure that works well. So for example if you are playing as CO, you can command the SL's (using High Command). The SL's can command the FT's (via High Command) and of course the FT's can command their own team. The AI will take any of the CO, SL or FT roles and it plays out pretty well. It was a pain in the butt to script the platoon movement but it works out fairly well by the time they reach the town to attack. At that point things get a little hairy at times with SL's or the CO getting out too far in front. But by that time the action is fast and furious so it doesn't matter too much.

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Hi F3 team,

Just wanted to say you guys are doing a fantastic job. Our community uses F3 for over a year now and it has made mission making so much more enjoyable.

We've run into a bug as of late though: in PvP if people die they can hear others who are also dead as if they are under water once they enter spectator mode. We're using TFAR as our coms mod.

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CSE mod?

Combat Space Enhancement http://csemod.com/, basically its the "other" realism oriented mod that is out there (next to AGM).

Not sure if it is possible, but the medical system (imho) is well worth of looking into being supported by F3.

Alternatively - would it be possible to add some kind of end-healing / revive by combat medic & medkit into F3's Simple Wounding System?

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Has anyone done a unit replacement for F3 using the RHS units, gear, vehicles? Would be great to have that under the F3 Platoon structure.

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Has anyone done a unit replacement for F3 using the RHS units, gear, vehicles? Would be great to have that under the F3 Platoon structure.

I've done some. Not that hard to do, it's mostly busywork replacing the class names.

Honestly I just use the stock placed units template and alter the side's gear script as needed. I *could* make an entirely new file with accompanying faction check for assignGear.sqf but I'd be doing slightly more work editing all Inits and delete unnecessary gear files afterwards.

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Combat Space Enhancement http://csemod.com/, basically its the "other" realism oriented mod that is out there (next to AGM).

Not sure if it is possible, but the medical system (imho) is well worth of looking into being supported by F3.

Alternatively - would it be possible to add some kind of end-healing / revive by combat medic & medkit into F3's Simple Wounding System?

CSE is supported almost by default with only little change required, simply enable the CSM modules and then keep the parameter on Vanilla BIS (I rename it to CSE and delete F3&AGM to trick people). Just edit the gear script to add the medical gear to all units and medic backpacks and you're set.

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I've done some. Not that hard to do, it's mostly busywork replacing the class names.

Honestly I just use the stock placed units template and alter the side's gear script as needed. I *could* make an entirely new file with accompanying faction check for assignGear.sqf but I'd be doing slightly more work editing all Inits and delete unnecessary gear files afterwards.

Yeah, I would think replacing the class names is the easy part but doing the gear scripts would take some time. I just didn't want to reinvent the wheel in case someone already completed this.

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Yeah, I would think replacing the class names is the easy part but doing the gear scripts would take some time. I just didn't want to reinvent the wheel in case someone already completed this.

You should give it a try, all gear is defined only once at the start and then referenced for assignment. You don't really have to alter the assign script after that; it's just tweaking ammo amounts there.

Heck, I even randomized weapon variants and it works. RHS stuff is awesome.

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F3 Mission Development Framework for Arma 3

F3 v3-2-2 Released (ACRE2/ACRE/TFR/AGM/Zeus Ready)

The F3 team is pleased to announce the release of v3-2-2 of its mission development framework, with optional support for Zeus and popular mods ACRE2, ACRE, TFR and AGM.

To make it even easier to start using F3, our fully illustrated online tutorials for making adversarial and coop missions can help you build your first F3 mission in 1-2 hours.

The development team for v3-2-2 has been: Wolfenswan, Head, and cptnnick. Special thanks to the producer of this release, Wolfenswan. We would also like to thank the following communities in our wider review and testing team: Folk ARPS | Bourbon Warfare | Phantactical | Project Awesome | Team One Tactical | The Company

If your community uses F3 (or uses it as part of your own mission framework), we'd really love to hear from you.

Download F3 from:

- http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f3/en/ (English version) (PLEASE DO NOT MIRROR)

Discuss F3 at:

- BI Forums (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149231-F3-Mission-Development-Framework-(F2-for-ArmA-3))

- Folk ARPS Forums (http://www.folkarps.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=44)

From the README.md file:

3-2-2 | 20 FEB 2015

Added F3 Assign Gear AI component:

- Loops through present or selection of AI and re-equips them with corresponding F3 gear.

Updated Loading Screen component:

- Added entry for overviewPicture and default logo.

- Changed default logos for loadScreen and overviewPicture to JPEG.

Updated F3 Briefing Template component:

- Increased font size of headlines for better readability.

Updated F3 Folk ARPS Assign Gear Script component:

- Loadout setting can now be over-written on a per unit-type basis.

- Optional faction input is now always lowered.

Updated F3 Spectator Script component:

- Reduced performance impact of tags.

- Fixed issues with JIP players.

- Fixed issue where TFR spectators sound as if they are underwater.

- Fixed tag colors.

Updated Radio Systems Support component:

- ACRE2: Improved frequency assignment.

Updated Medical Systems Support component:

- SWS: various fixes.

- AGM: improved item-converter and re-balanced item assignment.

Updated AI Skill Selector component:

- Tweaked default skill levels: medium and low slightly better.

- Tweaked default skillSet: non-aiming skills higher by default.

- Merged randomUp and randomDown into one variable.

- Improved impact on network traffic: only sets skill where unit is local

- fn_setAISkill can now be called with only the unit as argument

Updated F3 PreMount component:

- Only ignores vehicles if locked state is exactly 2.

Updated F3 Zeus Support:

- fn_zeusInit automatically detects if F3 AI Skill Selector component is active and uses it on new units.

Updated AI Caching component:

- New variables fvarcacheRun and fvarcacheSleep to easier control component behavior during runtime.

- Can now pass aggressiveness directly to ffncgCache as optional param to override global value.

Fixed AI Caching component:

- Infantry would not disable simulation properly on aggressiveness 1 and 2.

Fixed ORBAT Notes and Name Tags components:

- Fixed issue where the number of cargo seats in a vehicle would not be calculated correctly.

Fixed F3 Mission Conditions Selector:

- Default overcast values would occasionally cause rain.

About F3

The F3 Mission Development Framework (F3) is the successor to the popular F2 and BAS f mission development frameworks for ArmA 2 and ArmA. The new framework contains many of the features you know from F2, updated to work with Arma 3; new components which take advantage of the new game's special features are planned.

For downloads and to find out more please see our online manual:

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For those curious, here's what you might call a short roadmap:

We are currently working on improving the TFR and ACRE2 functionality, which we will release as 3-2-3. Barring any hot-fixes, this will then be our last F3 3-2-x release.

As for version 3-3-0, we have no set goals yet but some features we are considering are a complete rewrite of the current group Marker system, an improved garbage collector and improving the functionality of the current admin briefing, possibly into a full-fledged in-game menu. We have also been throwing around the idea of reworking the current assign Gear system into something more intuitive but this will need extensive testing.

Edited by Wolfenswan

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Nice update. Can you please add ability to zoom while in free cam mode in spectator?

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Great work on the new release.

I have a question about the respawn script: how can I get AI to respawn with the gear that they were spawned with via "assigngear"? What I've been able to gather is that "f_JIP_playerRespawn" is responsible for re-running the "assigngear" script, however I can't figure out how to get it to run on AI when they respawn. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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CSE is supported almost by default with only little change required, simply enable the CSM modules and then keep the parameter on Vanilla BIS (I rename it to CSE and delete F3&AGM to trick people). Just edit the gear script to add the medical gear to all units and medic backpacks and you're set.

I see, great - thanks!

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F3 SetAISkill Bug in 1.40 stable

Due to a BI bug in 1.40 stable (fixed in current dev branch), F3 SetAISkill won't work as expected. Simply speaking, the last skill value will override all others. So by default aimingAccuracy etc. will use the "general" value. There is nothing that can be done to fix this script-side so for the time being we'd recommend lowering precisionAI in your server.cfg and maybe use the debug console to set AI to a lower overall skill value.

Nice update. Can you please add ability to zoom while in free cam mode in spectator?

You mean the FOV zoom? We can look into that.

Great work on the new release.

I have a question about the respawn script: how can I get AI to respawn with the gear that they were spawned with via "assigngear"? What I've been able to gather is that "f_JIP_playerRespawn" is responsible for re-running the "assigngear" script, however I can't figure out how to get it to run on AI when they respawn. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

As AI are not players they are not processed by the respawn script. My guess is that what you mean by AI respawing is that they are recreated via script after being killed?

You could try running the new assignGear_AI component in a loop or everytime the new AI are spawned. It will ignore already processed AI so only the "respawned" AI will be affected.

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Since 1.40 we've been noticing a significant effect on sFPS from spectator. This will be fixed in the next release of F3 (within days of 1.42 should everything go to plan) but for now we can offer this simple hotfix:

Updating sqf (preferable method)

In f/spect/f_camInit.sqf

Modify line 41:

_newUnit enableSimulationGlobal false;

Debug console (on-the fly method)

Once there's a signifcant drop of sFPS, execute

{_x enableSimulationGlobal false} forEach (allMissionObjects "VirtualCurator_F")

in the debug console, server-side.

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We noticed low fps in spectator mode too.

Glad you solved it, keep up the good work.

Is there any plan for integration with ACE3?

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