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visitor 3.5 (4?) and silvador lite

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I would PAY to get access to BIS Visitor tools so I can develop my islands for Arma 3!!


*cough*buy VBS2 + V4*cough*

the hell with paying, I'd give my left leg for the full suite they use, at this point.

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"Using algorithmic approach, the 'Silvador Tree Generator' program is employed to handle the creation of plants in Arma 3. Licensed from Bohemia Interactive Simulations, this software helps to create a vast array of realistic plant life - adding even more diversity and detail to the Arma 3's atmospheric Altis and Stratis environments."


So BI gets the best and most realistic vegetation for their islands and modders will never come close to making vegetation as realistic and as diverse as BI made maps?

Do VBS tools work on Arma 3? Would Arma modders buy VBS tools to use for Arma 3?

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Yet another of your worringly increassinly often clueless posts of yours:

1. Silvador is a 3000$ commercial product which is also available for you to buy and use if you so desire.

2. There are tons of other tree generators on the market, free and commercial, some packing same if not better features and faster workflow for creating RT Engines models. http://www.treegenerator.com/compare.htm

3. Bis is a company, modders are individuals. If you are bitching about the differance in capital and thus in the purchasing power of each, then you can apply this bitching of yours to any other company out there, or any other commercial product for that matter.

In regards to vbs tools, yes, some have, some will. Some bought commercial licenses of 2d and/or 3d software, some are crating their own tools and plug-ins. What's the point you are trying to make?

What does this have to do with this thread and visitor4?

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Ok ....

So hypothetically speaking, let's say I was an old school terrain maker from OFP and Arma1 author of an island called Barbuda who has barely touched the tools since, would you A) encourage me re engage in terrain editing using the workarounds that are currently in place? And B) tell me that I could create an island for Arma3 in from start to finish inc objects, roads, clutter etc?

Also would you actually recommend any of the fore mentioned tree generators.

Also on a side note( as I was most disturbed by the comment) I placed every single object on Barbuda by hand and would do so again by choice as I am sick in the head and am a control freak ;)


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Hi Wedge

A) No (unless you have plenty of free time), and...

B) Technically, Yes (if you have plenty of free time), though precision is hard to achieve and its an even slower process than usual.

Personally, I'm waiting for the appropriate tools rather than get involved too greatly in all the admittedly ingenious object-placement workarounds, which doesn't preclude working on heightmaps, satellites & masks, groundtextures and even clutter mixes in the meantime - all of which work pretty much as normal for now, and which should plug-n-play into whatever new tools we're eventually given.

On the Trees topic,

SpeedTreeMAX has a very good reputation and can produce some visually stunning output - can't speak for the translation to RV Engine process, or how well the output would perform in-game.

TreeGenerator 2 output looks - adequate, and considering just how polyplaned most of the Silvador/RV trees end up, is probably worth a look - certainly the free 1.2 version has to be worth a download if you're interested in that sort of thing.

I placed every single object on Barbuda by hand and would do so again by choice

For creating unique little locations and vignettes, hand placement (with a little careful copypasting) is still the best way and still produces the best results...

For larger areas of vegetation, and even for smaller, more focussed stuff (eg: all those hedgerows in my little Irish terrain), there's a new Community "random placer" tool - Shezan74's World Tools which I think you might find quite versatile and which can be used quite creatively to pseudorandomly place all sorts of stuff...


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Hi Wedge

Personally, I'm waiting for the appropriate tools rather than get involved too greatly in all the admittedly ingenious object-placement workarounds, which doesn't preclude working on heightmaps, satellites & masks, groundtextures and even clutter mixes in the meantime - all of which work pretty much as normal for now, and which should plug-n-play into whatever new tools we're eventually given.

absolutely agree with that :-)

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On the Trees topic,

SpeedTreeMAX has a very good reputation and can produce some visually stunning output - can't speak for the translation to RV Engine process, or how well the output would perform in-game.

TreeGenerator 2 output looks - adequate, and considering just how polyplaned most of the Silvador/RV trees end up, is probably worth a look - certainly the free 1.2 version has to be worth a download if you're interested in that sort of thing.

For creating unique little locations and vignettes, hand placement (with a little careful copypasting) is still the best way and still produces the best results...

For larger areas of vegetation, and even for smaller, more focussed stuff (eg: all those hedgerows in my little Irish terrain), there's a new Community "random placer" tool - Shezan74's World Tools which I think you might find quite versatile and which can be used quite creatively to pseudorandomly place all sorts of stuff...


Thanks for the reply

My gripe was whether or not BI made vegetation would look better then anything the modding community would be able to make.

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Thanks for the reply

My gripe was whether or not BI made vegetation would look better then anything the modding community would be able to make.

Have you see some on the things the community makes. I'm have no doubt that someone out there can create something just as good if not even better.

As for the other thing I stand with bushlurker. I don't care for fooling around with the workaround object placement. The road stuff I don't mind but I'd rather wait when it comes to objects.

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Thanks for the feedback. It's all still in design and height map stage anyways at the moment. I also have a number of my own creations I want for the terrain which are already started (as morbid as it sounds, a high res grave yard pack ;-)) so I have a lot to do with that including a list of objects and photos/textures to create.

So the real question I suppose is...how far CAN I get?

Judging from your above post I should be able to......

- create height map as per usual and import into vis3

- create sat map as per usual and import as per usual

- add ground textures as per usual

- create config for clutter etc

- binarize?? As normal??

- and get it into A3

And are these processes exactly the same as A2 or are we already talking workarounds for any of these processes.?

After this we are talking Vis4 I assume.

I have time but not in abundance, when I learn a program I am am pretty quick (I created Barbuda in less than 8 weeks from start to finish) but having said that I don't want to get frustrated and pee'd off and burn myself out trying to make stuff work that is not necessarily designed to work in that way. I love the way this community pulls together to get these workarounds and what is achieved is truly remarkable, however that said I am in agreement that I would rather wait for tools to ease the process.

Besides, if you are saying all of the above is possible as we stand then I still have a lot to be getting on with :-)

On a side note... Is there a collection of decent ground textures or existing bis ones with all the associated files readily available?. I believe when I created Barbuda I used the 4 rhamadi textures that bis released as at the time i didn't have the time to learn anything about the process of making my own. Or are they easy enough to make, of course I don't mean the textures them selves but the relevant files that accompany them.

Thanks wedge

Edited by wedge123

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Still Id say if one is finished with heightmap, satmap, roads and clutter, why not start with the object placement? Thing is that you at least position them where they are supposed to be and by this can create a list of objects. That information won't change and you can continue to work. V4 available or not: ingame 3DE placement is the best way to create awesome terrains quickly. That won't change with V4's arrival..but if you like placement in Buldozer better than in 3DE...go ahead and wait :)

I propose: place objects with ingame 3DE, save and convert classnames, xyz and orientation to a Visitor-readable format and store until release of V4 (<= easily possible). After the release of V4, you create a template with all the same object classnames, simply import the stored list, pack & play. I guess that will be the best process anyway for working with V4...unless someone releases an even better editor than the ingame 3DE or GID... :)

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Thanks for the feedback. It's all still in design and height map stage anyways at the moment. I also have a number of my own creations I want for the terrain which are already started (as morbid as it sounds, a high res grave yard pack ;-)) so I have a lot to do with that including a list of objects and photos/textures to create.

You're welcome, as always...

Sounds like you have plenty of additional content work to keep you busy! - always a good thing... Sounds promising too!

So the real question I suppose is...how far CAN I get?

Take a look at these two demo terrains for a start. (there's a second terrain on page 3 plus more screenshots) (note the total lack of A3 objects and even clutter tho... )

Feel free to download these and open 'em up if you want a peek at configs or anything you think might be relevant....

Technically, these two terrains were made entirely with the current A2 toolkit, and a standard A2 P:\drive setup. Since there were no A3 objects - or clutter - involved, the only "A3 involvement" was right at the end, where an "Arma 3 P:\drive" was used at the binarizing stage, so all binarize calls to "A3 data or configs" find the relevant data in the correct place.

So there's a hack/workaround right there I suppose, though it's not really - one way or another we'll all need that P:\ drive configured appropriately with all the A3 content - just like we do currently with A2 stuff and it's "CA Content".

Traditionally, BI have left us to our own devices in that regard, and so the Mighty Mikero evolved his "Arma2P" tool to make the whole "unpack entire game to P:\ and arrange it properly" job a "click once and go make coffee" experience.

Of course, Mike has followed that up with an "Arma3P" tool, which does exactly the same job with the Arma 3 content. :)That's a good start! But, since there's no official Arma 3 toolkit (or buldozer) to match that P:\ drive setup, you're going to have to use your current Arma 2 toolkit with BOTH P:\ drives.

Time for another hack/workaround, though - again - not really... I do this sort of thing all the time at work where I need to be able to switch easily between at least three different "P:\ drives"...

Anyone who's intending to be able to make Arma 2 AND Arma 3 addons will require some sort of "environment switching" setup anyway...

BI make this pretty easy... Since the entire contents of your Arma 2 P:\ drive is actually a folder in the Tools Install directory called "ArmaWork", it's not difficult to make another folder in there, called "Arma3Work", then set up a couple of desktop shortcuts which simply switch the contents of P:\ between one or the other of those two folders!

Then you can switch to "Arma 2 P:\" for the majority of your construction work, and flip to "Arma 3 P:\" for that binarizing stage...

This Post explains setting up that "Alternate P:\ drive" in detail and supplies some ready-made files to help you along. Note that at the end of that post there's some out of date info which describes manually unpacking stuff to your new "Arma 3 P:\" once it's established... that info dates from before Mike released Arma3P utility, so the procedure now is pretty simple...

Establish an empty "Arma3Work" folder - set up switching - run Arma3P..... and you should be good to go...

An added bonus of this procedure is that you'll be able to go digging around in that new Arma3 P:\ drive's "A3" folder (The Arma 3 equivalent of the "CA" content folder), where you'll find Stratis and Altis groundtexture sets ;), and configs, with clutter info etc, etc... all very handy...

So - now... having done all of that setup fuss, you can switch back to Arma 2 mode, establish a P:\yourtag\projectname\ folder and make a start...

create height map as per usual and import into vis3
- Yup
create sat map as per usual and import as per usual
- Yup (Arma 3 uses extra materials on the sat layer, but - for now - that IS a Big Hack... I didn't bother with it for my A3 demos)
add ground textures as per usual
- Yup...

All of the above can be achieved without moving outside the "normal" Arma 2 tools P:\ drive environment - so that's quite a lot to do already, and is as far as I took my little demo trek terrains...

If you're ready for a Test Binarize, or if you've completed all of the above and you want to have a go with some clutter, then at this stage you'll have to copy your entire "NameTag\ProjectName" folder with all contents over to your "Arma3Work" directory - run your Tools Switcher and - you're in an A3 environment!...

You can use paths like "A3\Blah\Blah\etc" (or whatever) for your clutter or configs and the required data will be found in the appropriate places by BinPBO and it should all work.

If you want to go any further in this A3 environment however, then for now you'll need to start looking at some of those "workarounds"... The "Roads Technique" as described by M1lkm8n & ZeroG should actually work pretty well, so that's a hack, but a straightforward one... ;) and could be fun to try...

So - a little bit of a fuss, but nothing major as long as you avoid actually worrying about placing any actual Arma 3 objects - for now...

After this we are talking Vis4 I assume.

Who knows?

I figure that - at minimum - some sort of Visitor that understands the A3 objects - with a buldozer to match... If we're lucky, then additionally, an "Import Sat & Mask" option that reads "Import Sat, Normals & Mask" and maybe even some sort of basic integrated shapefile creation process to cover the new roads technology...

We'll have to wait and see, I guess...

*EDIT* - oops! Looks like ZeroG beat me to it...! His post above basically follows on from what I've said... if you want to take things further than I've outlined above, I suggest you follow what ZeroG's been up to closely - you should be able to take things even further than I've suggested, and pretty much everything will still be viable when "proper" tools arrive....


Edited by Bushlurker

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Visitor falls under this bit of the sitrep:

In no way is this a one-time final release. As with the game, we will be updating and iterating the package. Later iterations will go beyond add-on building, providing additional and improved tools and samples.

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Visitor falls under this bit of the sitrep:

Well, that was obvious from previous sitreps, so nothing new.

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This is cool regarding Visitor 4: https://transnet.act.nato.int/WISE/COE/Individual/MS/Events/8thNATOCAX/Keynotespe/SESSION7AC/3VBS3Turne/file/_WFS/3%20-%20VBS3%20-%20Turner.pdf Though its very unlikely we will be getting everything from it. It is cool to see that is generates biomes and could potentially support over a billion map objects.

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This is cool regarding Visitor 4: https://transnet.act.nato.int/WISE/COE/Individual/MS/Events/8thNATOCAX/Keynotespe/SESSION7AC/3VBS3Turne/file/_WFS/3%20-%20VBS3%20-%20Turner.pdf Though its very unlikely we will be getting everything from it. It is cool to see that is generates biomes and could potentially support over a billion map objects.

Lol a billion map objects..altis can even function right now with furniture I don't even wanna know what it would do with a billion map objects....probably implode.

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Lol a billion map objects..altis can even function right now with furniture I don't even wanna know what it would do with a billion map objects....probably implode.

The procedural snow looks pretty nice as well.

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Lol a billion map objects..altis can even function right now with furniture I don't even wanna know what it would do with a billion map objects....probably implode.

Not every object but: "Support for potentially billions of trees and rocks on terrains"

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1. Silvador is a 3000$ commercial product which is also available for you to buy and use if you so desire.


I thought it was apart of the VBS tool package :(

I was wrong https://store.bisimulations.com/products/Silvador-Pro

Either way, you could just get the UDK and use speedtree if you really want a standalone program.

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