m1lkm8n 411 Posted March 12, 2013 You are right, but this also happens with normal tree placement. It seems like the trees get planted submerged by default and thus you cannot approach through the branches. World tools works fine for me, though I experienced that Visitor anomaly too when I tried to reimport Stratis... When you place objects down being either natural or artificial do you see them on the map in visitor? Because I don't see them however when I check in buldozer they are there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freakjoe 3 Posted March 12, 2013 When you place objects down being either natural or artificial do you see them on the map in visitor? Because I don't see them however when I check in buldozer they are there. I'm having the same issue. For some weird reason some objects don't want to allow me to place them at all. Like they won't even show up in Buldozer. Has anyone else experienced this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZeroG 23 Posted March 12, 2013 Yes, I experienced that too. That is the moment we cannot do anything - I fear- and just have to wait until we get new tools and new objects... I will now continue my map using A2 objects with A3 engine and road system because I can make use of A2 ingame 3D-editor to place stuff. Lots of people have A2 and as my map is in a temperate zone, I need different vegetation anyway. As the coordinates will be the same, replacement with later released objects will be done in no time, either way by a Visitor script or some powershell thing... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZeroG 23 Posted March 19, 2013 (edited) How could we miss that? Tutorial posted! Edited March 19, 2013 by ZeroG Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greenberet40 136 Posted October 3, 2013 Any news when release the new tools?? :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZeroG 23 Posted October 5, 2013 Soon: ...While the bulk of the team is busy with general fixes and the aforementioned campaign, some team members have begun preparing tools for release. We intend to bring out several packages as Steam tools. The aim is to gradually update and enhance them - starting with the basics to get going. Our Community Tools package will eventually offer updated versions of things like binarization, PBO file packing, the Oxygen modeling tool (with PhysX LOD support), Visitor for terrains, many supporting tools, as well as sample data. Which of these get in the initial suite is not clear right now. So :) and :eek: at the same time.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xendance 3 Posted October 5, 2013 I really hope we get visitor... I can't really be bothered to work on my map with the old Visitor. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokedog3para 365 Posted October 6, 2013 just hope for some new gucci features in the new visitor will make me happy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shaka 10 Posted October 6, 2013 Thanks to zeroG's article, I am Chinese children, has been studying the arma3 map editor, but is confused, look for a week's forum, but I couldn't find the right way, until now, I have used L3DT to make a 100 square kilometers of terrain, but the next step is not know how to do, always pay attention to you! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
digitalcenturion 20 Posted October 9, 2013 Just watched the VB-edit videos on youtube and the porno music in the background was oddly fitting :D But yeah, I really really hope we get even a slightly updated Visitor in the initial release.. Atlis is awesome and all, but dangnabbit I want to create my own awesome places. Oh well, we can still do prep work... Anyways, do any of you think that the next tool will allow larger heightmaps than 4096x4096? I have secured some pretty awesome raw data to work with and my 30x30km has a 12000x12000px heightmap :cool: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shaka 10 Posted October 10, 2013 Arma3 can do so much map? Now I would like to ask to what extent. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xendance 3 Posted October 10, 2013 Just watched the VB-edit videos on youtube and the porno music in the background was oddly fitting :DBut yeah, I really really hope we get even a slightly updated Visitor in the initial release.. Atlis is awesome and all, but dangnabbit I want to create my own awesome places. Oh well, we can still do prep work... Anyways, do any of you think that the next tool will allow larger heightmaps than 4096x4096? I have secured some pretty awesome raw data to work with and my 30x30km has a 12000x12000px heightmap :cool: I'd rather have proper tools for procedurally placing vegetation and other meshes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
james2464 177 Posted October 11, 2013 I apologize if this is a repost but the Arma 3 website seems to hint at the new Visitor tool: http://www.arma3.com/images/CC_modding.jpg Looks like a snowy terrain satellite image with vegetation markers and grid sphere markers in bulldozer. I can't tell if the pine trees are new or from Arma 2. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bushlurker 46 Posted October 11, 2013 (edited) Well spotted James2464! Yet another interesting "teaser mockup"! As usual, it's pretty difficult to make out anything definite, dammit! The satellite image showing directly in the 2D view of Visitor is a Visitor 4 feature... no hint of shapefile overlays or anything this time though... looks like a few basic trees positioned, wiith the usual "vegetation = coloured circle" markers... I'm guessing the buldozer/3d view alongside is meant to be of the same area with those "interesting" pine trees in position... As you say - they could be A2 piceas - not sure if they'd reinvent the wheel / release additional veg models, unless there was a new terrain coming that required them, and they wanted some new pines made in the new, suspiciously "Silvador"-type style. The "hemispherical markers" in the 3D view have appeared in a couple of the other Teaser shots - I'm not sure what they are at all - that's NOT a "standard Visitor 4" feature - not in the VBS2 version anyway... I've seen that sort of thing used to mark out "poly vertices" in VB Edit, and Homer's Roadpainter 2 used a similar style of marker... No idea what they're "marking" in this context though... It's all very promising so far, and quite exciting too :) It seems the "toolkit" will be being released in stages, with us Terrain Dudes last, of course :( ... Still, I reckon that's because our goodies are the most complex to produce/upgrade... B Edited October 11, 2013 by Bushlurker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
james2464 177 Posted October 17, 2013 What are the odds? http://www.arma3.com/images/post_images/V4.jpg :icon_twisted: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
m1lkm8n 411 Posted October 17, 2013 What are the odds? http://www.arma3.com/images/post_images/V4.jpg :icon_twisted: You just stop it sir :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shelestov 270 Posted October 18, 2013 Teasing like that and don't giving it to us... So cruel. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[aps]gnat 29 Posted October 19, 2013 What are the odds? http://www.arma3.com/images/post_images/V4.jpg :icon_twisted: Cruel, very cruel ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greenberet40 136 Posted October 19, 2013 The question is : Is the same visitor that you can buy at vbs2??¿?? http://distribution.bisimulations.com/media/docs/Visitor4_leaflet_preview.pdf Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bushlurker 46 Posted October 19, 2013 (edited) The question is :Is the same visitor that you can buy at vbs2??¿?? http://distribution.bisimulations.com/media/docs/Visitor4_leaflet_preview.pdf Yes, No, Maybe, A Bit, Sortof... ;) First, some basic background info... 1. Unlike Visitor 3, which, in my entire time with BI Sim, hasn't changed by so much as one byte, (VBS2) Visitor 4 is under constant ongoing development by some seriously top-notch coders. 2. Differences between (our/community) Visitor 3 "PE" and the (VBS2) Visitor 3 "Full" are pretty nominal - the same bugs are present (4096 heightmap dodginess, etc), and the "extras" are equally minimal - .xyz heightmap output, Landbuilder roads input capability... In VBS2land, Visitor 3 is still provided in the toolkit - for now - but afaik, nobody really ever actually uses it... 3. As has been said many times, BI Sim and BI are pretty much separate companies - BI have their own "branch" of Visitor 4... This almost certainly means there's differences between the VBS2 version and whatever BI are currently using - it's tailored to their needs, just as the VBS2 one is tailored to the needs of the military user. Moreover, there's "terrain tech" visibly in use on Stratis/Altis which doesn't feature in current equivalent VBS2 terrains, (eg: Satellite normals layer, etc). [*Warning*/Total Speculation Mode Engaged] From the above "facts" what can we guess? - here's my two cents worth.... 1. Visitor 3 is probably history - adieu, mon vieux! 2. BI have an Arma(3?)-specific Visitor 4. 3. BI have released a (nominally reduced) "PE" version of Visitor before, it's therefore likely(?) they'll be thinking along the same lines again. Based on the above, my guess is that, sooner or later, we'll be presented with a shiny new "Visitor 4 PE", which will essentially be a (nominally reduced) version of the (BI-specific) version of (what looks like, from the screenshots), a pretty recent incarnation of the (Real/VBS2) Visitor 4... :) [*End*/Total Speculation Mode] It's all pretty exciting, huh? As I've said before... "Patience, young Jedi"... I think we're in for a Big Treat in due course... B Edited October 19, 2013 by Bushlurker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sealife 22 Posted October 19, 2013 (edited) i am hoping Visitor is now a thing of the past for commercial VBS and it can now be donated to us poor game types :). i base this on watching the business pages and what was happening last year or so . Private equity invested in Bohemia Interactive Simulations s.r.o. (Bohemia) December 2012 http://www.riversidecompany.com/Portfolio/Portfolio_Companies/Bohemia_Interactive_Simulations.aspx Acquired http://www.terrasim.com/products/ I really cant see any point at all in any time and resource now to be spent on Visitor if they aquired a new tool fingers crossed anyway that we gamers can benefit , but its all speculation so who knows Edited October 19, 2013 by Sealife Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[aps]gnat 29 Posted October 20, 2013 my guess is that, sooner or later, we'll be presented with a shiny new "Visitor 4 PE" *prepares goat sacrifice for gods* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rip31st 98 Posted October 25, 2013 Hopefully soon! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites