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sorry BIS broke the game again quite badly this week so i thought it best to work on other projects

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sorry BIS broke the game again quite badly this week so i thought it best to work on other projects

I suppose you mean the preinit / init disaster? Is there any ticket or thread yet?

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no that was the original reason i stopped work, but also because i wanted to develop a lot more stuff for the mission in stable Arma2 script world.

This week I was going to work on the mission in A3 but the website went down, the A3 update was wrecked, out domi dev team were in pieces lol, so i thought it best to leave well alone...

I haven't yet worked out how to work around the svi/preprocess functions - Tankbuster has had a go and i'll look over his stuff when i get back to this. meantime I had already used this function a whole lot more in the A2 version, with some very significant code rewrites, so it's gonna be a little while longer - BUT when it does come back it's gonna rock

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He's talking about core engine change that happened in the middle of last week, Egg.

BI have changed the way preinit and cfg functions are handled. Not only that, they changed it twice in 3 days. It's an utter pooch screw, it really is.

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am waiting for the game to be more stable (with fewer classname and key script commands changing etc)- the domination guys in our team have been pulling their hair out in past weeks - so waiting for a more chilled scripting environment...

meanwhile i'm polishing up the missions different systems in arma2 for porting to arma3 in due course so not wasting time.

what i'm working on/planning is evo + much improved side missions + more dynamic raiding and counter-attacks + fully functioning apron for rearming planes/helis with wide range of air weapons (inc clusterbombs, clustermines, napalm, etc) + FAC role + gas/knives/bayonets + refuel jerrycans + fuel limits much lower + better spy class + random well-placed tripwires + enemies in buildings + better targeting for infantry calling air support + whole mod compatibility, so all the best mods out there you can just select in mission parameters and the mission loads them in.

but i'm afraid the game is just not ready for this degree of development in missions (or at least i'm not mentally stable enough to deal with the ever changing game engine/environment)

so i'm going to keep at it in A2 until A3 is ready.


if anyone wants to open the mission, find the setvehicleinit / preprocessinitcommands instances, log them all, then work out what they do (not that hard and i can help by PM) and post up solutions/threads which would be useful to replace the scripts, i'll gladly credit you as a contributor!

basically the officer, POW, vehicle respawn and radio tower scripts all set init lines on respawning objects - these are the key thing that broke in the mission.

we could then at least have this version out.

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We can wait egg-feel your pain with the updates-i can only imagine the crap with that!

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Good to see this mission didn't die as 95% of my ArmA3 hopes are riding on this mission alone for ArmA3. I wish I new a tad more about editing the above stuff that's stopping the release otherwise I'd take a crack at it but I just know basic,basic stuff in regards to editing(alot of copy n paste) an break it til it works 8(. Have waited all thru Alpha an Beta now that BI revealed release in Sept I can wait a lil more 8)-

@Eggbeast cheers mate sounds like this version of Evo is going to be the best version ever if all your plans make it into ArmA3 keep up the good work.

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Good to see this mission didn't die as 95% of my ArmA3 hopes are riding on this mission alone for ArmA3.

heh, yea i know what you mean...me too!

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yeah don't worry i'm not going anywhere...! just keeping to a working game to develop the script suite/addons for the mission to work best across all islands and mods (that we anticipate)

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As you know me and my crew are the biggest EVO fans for miles around so my question is.: When is the Altis version of EVO comming to life? There are no proper large scaled COOP missions for this brand new island!

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Define 'proper large scale coop'?- all the main missions from Stratis are on Altis already bar Evolution.

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Are u guys shelving this for ArmA3? Is Gits clan still planning on supporting this after release? Any news thanx..Call.

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EB has never said he would be shelving the project. All he said was he wanted it more stable ... read, release.

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Sounds like it is going to be amazing. Keep up the good work egg. If you need some testers let me know.

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been on holidays - surfing and lazing about - hoping to get back to computery stuff soon.

my to do list:

a - finish any snags for savage on unsung 2.6 patch

b - develop next version of EB_air with JS/Myke

c- fix up final stable evolution universe for Arma 2 CO

d - port once more to A3 once it's stable

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yeah when i start hearing good things about the game - so far most players i know are tired and despondent of its frame rates and lack of playability, but i know the devs will build a good game... eventually. meanwhile i am working on the elements of what will go into the arma 3 mission when i port it from a2

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Well let me be the first to start saying good things about the game. Been playing Arma since it was released with a close group of friends we have logged too many hours playing EVO maps since they started popping up all those years ago. That being said I have been checking your thread about 10 times a day in anticipation for a release (we love EVO). When we first started playing Arma 3 the FPS was basically unplayable so we have waited to release to really mess with things. But with very minor tweaks witch any Arma player should be able to do (god knows getting Arma/Arma 2 mods to work is a lot harder) simply add -cpuCount=8 -maxMem=4096 (those #’s are for my rig) to the game shortcut. Then in game set your visibility sliders to 3000/1000/50 and on any rig we have tested be it $900 new egg special to $2800 stream tastic rig Arma 3 should run 40-55 fps. My standards could be off a little but running a steady 50 fps in Arma is very playable. We have been loving Arma 3 with 237 hours played so far.

In short we look forward to your map and will wait as long as we have to. You do amazing work eggbeast and, even though many of us lurk in the shadows following your progress you do have a loyal following. Your maps make Arma 3 for a lot of players and we hope you keep up the amazing work thank you for the 1000’s of hours of gaming enjoyment and countless WTF Arma moments.

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aw now that's encouragement - rarely seen in such a beautiful state in these forums!

gotta get me mission fixed now...

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Well Altis does'nt seem to fair any worse than say Agi Marinia did fps wise on week one of the Alpha, i've tried everything i know to lock down decent fps to no avail. i was fortunate in ArmA2 that my system was able to play it @ a playable setting. I dunno what it be like with Evolution loaded with a town full of ai plus all the extra assets required(enemy helis, reinforcments,side missions plus base assets). Dunno if Invade an Annex would be a good comaprable to what Evo would be like as its in its own way is kinda simalar) than again u throw all the support features etc just hard to say. I know in ArmA2 the game only got better over time as patches came out. look forward to seeing Evo when its rdy.

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the guys in my team ts in the arma 3 channel are playing their version of domi and their feedback tends to be quite neg - 12fps with mega rigs. keeps varying a lot so they think bis is still doing something to the game? thats what i meant anyway. when they report back that the game is ok ill make more effort with it. meantime im still working on stuff for the mission in A2 that will eventually appear in A3

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Hi, I got a "You cannot play/edit this mission" error:

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5466/9924770684_05ac430c14_b.jpg (149 kB)

I have no mod loaded, other mission start fine

On first post I read:

Will run with or without the awesome R3Fweapons mod (set in parameters) which gives you thermal and night sights and long range sniper rifles

But wich parameters? I can't load it so I can't edit parameter

Also in Armaholic link there is:

Requirements: No addons required

But I got the same problem with the pbo from Armaholic; maybe I need a mod to play this Mission, and if the answer is yes, wich one? Maybe this "R3Fweapons mod" mentioned above?

Thank You.



Found problem after some search. Latest Arma3 changed class name so it' simply dosen't work until GITS develop the new one with the right classes name, i tried change myself with some converting tools but I got no luck.

I will look out for an updated version, I hope soon.

Edited by DuM3D0

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