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Player looking for squad (not for squads to post looking for players!)

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Hello, I'm looking to join a squad/group, preferably a smaller one. I have a mic, and have been playing Arma since Arma 2's release, and have been playing almost nonstop since then. I played alot of Arma 2 with friends, but none of them are getting Arma 3, and I miss playing in groups. As for play style, I mostly do medium/long range with an LMG. I'm also a decent sniper, and can Drive/Fly most things good enough to pilot.

I can be contacted through Email ([email protected]) or Skype (kinging31).


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Name: Ryan

Age: 18

Time Zone: EST

About me and what Im looking for:

This is the first ARMA game ive played, but Im absolutely loving it. Im picking it up quickly, and I play wasteland variants very often. Im looking for a few players to play with that will actually work together and make solid plans. Please send me a PM if you are interested.

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hey guys im looking for a group to play wasteland with if anyone has a wasteland team send me a message :)

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Name : Daniel Conroy

Age : 29 =/

Location : UK

I'm looking for a squad for ArmA 3, I've been part of realism squads since the OFP days and I've been part of more relaxed squads in ArmA 2. Most of my time has been spent as a support gunner but I'm ok with a rifle if need be :P.

I'm not looking for anything too hardcore, just a nice mix of a proper team and solid missions.


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I am looking for an english speaking realistic milsim clan that uses real strategies , dont just walks in on the enemy , mature , that has 15+ members that are online almost everyday.

About me :

*age : 30

*location : Belgium

*gaming experience : alot :)

*languages : english, dutch, french

What I am looking for in a clan is the following:

-EU based or US (doesnt matter)

-English Speaking

-Decent sized active community



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Hi guys, I am a 28 year old player from Sweden, currently looking for an active squad to join. I enjoy playing Wasteland. Not interested in playing against bots or AI´s. The squad/clan has to use voice communication. I am a teamplayer and hence looking for a good, social bunch of guys to play with. I see myself as a respectful, mature guy that enjoys good company. If your a clan/team that enjoys building bases, doing missions on multiplayer etc. Get in touch.

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Hello. I'm a 14 year old gamer from Canada. I'm looking for an active and mature clan with preferably 6+ active members (preferably specializing in Air Assault) that does organized events. I've only played a bit of Arma 2 and DayZ but I have 31 hours on Arma 3. I've been and am involved with organized gaming on other games, notably Mount & Blade: Napoleonic Wars. I enjoy working with a team but I'm tired of working with idiots on public servers. Any response would be appreciated, thank you very much.

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I'm 24 from the UK looking to join an active clan, that plays organized events etc. I have TS3, Ventrilo and ACRE installed and am willing to download any mods that you use regular. My Steam ID: S0NIM, feel free to message me :)

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Hi there!

I am looking for an active group of players (6-16 players) which play co-op missions together regularly in a realistic manner. It would be nice if you would be european, so i can play with you in the evenings. I have much gaming experience in general, but never have played ArmA II and just hopped in for ArmA III, but I think I can learn the ropes quickly.

I am 25,from switzerland and was in the military, so I can live a some-kind-of military tone (just not over the top, you know what i mean), native language is german, but I can speak english quite fluently. I have TS3 and am willing to install any mod you use.

If you are interested, I would be happy if you contact me in Skype (the_dark_abe) or in steam (abelorus).

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Hi, I'm 26 and I live in the uk. I'm new to the arma series so I'm looking for a less serious group of adults that focus on coop multiplayer in arma 3, with an emphasis on teamwork. I don't have a mic at the moment but I'd be willing to invest in one if I found a good group of people to play with.

add me on steam "fdean10"

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27 from the US here. Looking for a group to play with. New to Arma. Not really looking for a serious group per say, but looking for a group that doesn't play the same game type over and over. I do like teamwork, just still new to the game and don't want to be all hardcore. If you think your group would be a good fit, PM me.

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I am a 15 year old, from the U.S. I am attending Ground School, and soon to be getting my pilot's license. I'm somewhat new to the forums, but I would like to find a mature "squad" to play with. I am very active, and I love aeronautics. I would love to find a squad looking for a pilot, or just someone looking to recruit some members. I'd like the squad to be older, more mature people, also that has more than 6+ people. (Or if someone wants to start up a squad, that'd be cool too.) If there is anyone who is looking for members, contact me on Steam: Bravo2255

Thank you for your time, God bless. P.S. I don't really know if this is going to the right forum, so please don't criticize me if it's wrong. :j:

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Hey there, i am 20 years old and from The Netherlands. Only recently got into ARMA III and i am loving every second of it. I am looking for a squad that doesn't mind playing with a newcomer (i learn fast). I am a good team player and you can count on me, unfortunately i do not have a headset but i am considering getting one. As of now i don't have a preference for any game mode and i am interested in both Hardcore and Casual play. You can add me on Steam "Sylanthor". Hope to see you ingame!

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found, tnx

Edited by Madmaxm

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I'm a mature individual , so mature in fact I'm semi-retired.

I have extensive military experience , having been CO leading the charge of the 17th Lancers at Balaclava...oh wait ..errrr...that was a former life...

In this life I did serve a while in the KOCR reserves back in the 60's (damn did I just age myself??)

I've been a member of CoFR since 2002 and played DoD and some CS on my trusty 28.8 dial up until I was able to get high speed out in this rural area just a few years ago.

I've puttered around in ArmA2 but never took it up seriously.

Play some WoT but getting a little tired of the sniveling , whining brats that tend to populate the server (not all are like that mind you , just a few , but enough to be annoying).

I live in Northern Alberta (the true North , Peace country , not Edmonton , city of whiners , who have the nerve to call themselves Northern Albertans :p) and my internet isn't all that great..pings tend to be a wee bit on the high side (according to the ArmA3 server list , most playable are in the 180 - 350 range) with the odd one <100ms

I'm NOT looking for a virtual pseudo military group , just a group of individuals (a club??) who play casually for fun and don't mind accommodating someone with the reflexes of a cat (CAT D9 in particular).

So....what's next???

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My ingame name is Whiplash I'm 28, I have played arma 2 for year or so. I just recently purchased Arma 3 and I'm loving it. I use a mic religiously, and I'm down for a milisim clan. I haven't server in the military but I have much respect for people who do. I would like to join a squad that is just starting up or under like 30 active members ( I would like to be able to contribute to a squad and not just be some new guy that needs to wait for weeks to get into the main ops.)

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I am looking for an arma 3 realism unit, I like to make missions and am decent at doing so. I have been playing arma for about 2 years now and feel that i need to find an arma 3 realism unit

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Im late 20s, respectful player looking for a squad/ group / clan to play with. I am just beginning the arma series, but have played bf3, cs, ut, etc... Intrested in organized team work that never has occurred on public servers. Location east coast USA. (gmt -5).


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I am looking for a clan to play with I am 25 and I live in the US I am in the EST timezone I have been playing since operation flashpoint cold war crisis now known as arma cold war assault so I am a veteran when it comes to this type of game. Here is a little about my situation right now I am currently the XO of the 82nd Airborne Division which plays I44 mod for ARMA 2 so I would need a clan that doesn't mind me being in 82nd we will most likely move to I44 when it comes out for ARMA 3 but in 82nd we allow our members to be a part of a modern ARMA clan so I hope I can find a clan that won't mind that of course I understand if that is an issue but hopefully can find a clan that is ok with this. I like to play Coop's not a huge fan of PVP's but I will play them I like to play tactically I don't care if the clan has ranks or not. I hope to find a good clan.

Thank you

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I got Arma 3 recently and I am new to the Arma series. I am looking for any group that is willing to teach me their ways. I'm brand-new and have a lot to learn, but I am motivated and disciplined to follow. I know what Arma 3 has to offer and I am a player who loves realism, I would prefer to be with the most serious group of people I can get with. I have no position requests... stick me where you want me. I'm 16, living in the US and English is my language. I know 16 might seem young, but I will be mature and serious, following every rule.

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I'm brand new at the ARMA series, and to be honest I'm a bit overwhelmed.

I'm looking for some players that are either new like me & want to learn the game together...or experienced players who can lend a hand.

I'm not looking for any type of serious commitment. I mostly would just like to get to know people that want to try different missions & have some fun doing it.

I have my own 15-player TeamSpeak channel, so we could use that if needed.

I live in the U.S. and only speak English. My timezone is EST.

I am CARNOLD on Steam. Feel free to contact me there.

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Still searching for a group... Looking for something more along the lines of realistic military... Full ranking structure, MOSes, so on and so forth... Prefer a group that uses ARCE for coms... Also looking for a group that learns more towards PvP rather than AI... AI can be fine to mess around and what not... Though I want true skill, not some player vs computer... If you have something that sounds like what I'm after... Drop me your link in my inbox.

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Hello Arma Fans

I'm looking to join a squad (as a recruit obviously) mature realism unit, preferably English speaking who uses acre TeamSpeak etc. along with radio protocols so I can learn what's what.

Reporting for duty :)

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I'm a fairly new player in ARMA 3, I've played some of the "introduction" missions and have a reasonable grasp on the basic controls (though I'm still getting my rear end handed to me by the AI) and I thought I would proberbly get more fun out of the game if I found someone to play multiplayer with.

I'm looking for a realism/milsim squad, though also a squad that will help a rookie find his feet in the game, but the more realistic the better!

I live in Denmark so prefere an english speaking squad close to that timezone (GMT+1).

Can't promise I will be active daily as I have other hobbys that take some of my time but I'm all for weekly training and the like.

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