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[SP/MP] Dynamic Whole Map ArmA3 Missions by SaOk

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Wanted to add a suggestion/idea that you might be able to implement as an option as im sure some players might not like it...

What if once you have access to some heavier machinery, you would need to hold a port (large dock) in order to receive it there.

No more tank drops, only light vehicles.

This would create interesting tasks to go pick up and drive your new bought toys from a set location.

Also is there any way to save player driven vehicles on a map? I noticed if i come back to an area where i know i safely left a tank ect.... its gone when i come back.

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Mission download working again in Steam Workshop, there seem to be currently 2mb download limit. Reduced the mission filesize to get it work. Currently no first aid script by DAP or soundtracks in the mission.

Are you still going to be posting regular updates on here/armaholic while the Steam thing gets sorted out? Because I really can't get enough of this mission, and would like to see the updates rolling :D

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The restricted access depending on the location is my target, factories, storage areas, airports, docks will have all some special function(s) for the mission, but with that there will be the cheat mode to unlock all assest from start. To save vehicles, I will try to add array with used vehicle data. E.g. last 10 or 20 used undestroyed vehicles could be stored in that to make them respawn back when player comes near again.

I will post updates here and armaholic too, have been having just some pause with the mission editing lately but should be back in business in day or two. :)

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Having a blast, but I when I load a saved game, it looks like my mods are not loading back in as well? Is this related to the same issue that's causing supports to disappear after load?

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I must ask, how do you save? Apart from Save & Exit that is.

Or is it meant to be completely 1-life only, no reloads?

I used the 1-time menu save to save the good landing position, then i built my base by an old fortress.

I'd like to save again so i can at least start over from this point if i get a random mortar on my head in 3 hours :p

---------- Post added at 11:45 ---------- Previous post was at 11:42 ----------

Thank you, :)

the air support should arrive after some delay to automatically engage targets near player, but sometimes may get shot down before reaching player. Buggy medics is probably random game issue, I will try to add sniper ammo for crates, not yet choppers or planes available for player, but definitely coming soon. Mods I need to add manually to be used in the mission, feel free to suggest addons that you would like to see (where can I find that F-18 addon?). Vehicles are sometimes placed badly when spawned or dropped, will see if there is way to improve that. I hope to get support trucks working soon, also will add those in places as captured airports.

The whole @NATO_Russian_SF_Weapons_v1.0 pack is absolutely essential to be added to this mods weapons crates imo (and perhaps let npcs spawn with those guns).

I can't imagine playing Arma 3 without that, adds so many weapons. DUWS supports it *hint hint nudge nudge*

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You can save by using 1CP for a SITREP (use support). And I guess if you're on the easiest difficulty level, there's still unlimited saves.

edit: Sorry, what SaOk says.

Edited by zimms

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Zimms, our are mixing this with DUWS mission? :) You can save anytime by pressing 0-0-0, which overwrites always the earlier savegame made with that. I check that russian weapons pack. Just added the hornets and enabling now airfields to have gameplay role. Mission update coming later today or tommorrow.

Loadsave issues are most likely game issues (Except the custom key functions that are reseted in 30seconds after resuming).

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Russian AND Nato weapons :)

I was just wondering how weapons are distributed / accessed in this mod.

DUWS seems to just auto-plop down any and all weapons and ammo (and uniform items) in the game in a single Armory menu.

If something like that can't be done, perhaps the player can have a menu to select which weapon/ammo crate they want to call in as support (or buy)?

So if a player only has vanilla weapons, he'll get to choose between the vanilla ones (as in the editor), but if he has a mod he can choose for example the NATO Weapons/Ammo Crate.

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Its probably possible to detect all addons directly from reading CfgWeapons and other configs. I have been adding all manually, which keep better control of custom addons to appear in right places, but will see.

---------- Post added at 18:05 ---------- Previous post was at 16:44 ----------

Reuploaded version 0.77 for Whole Lotta Altis. Added the hornet as optional addon, airfields enabled to purchase choppers/planes. Other tweaks and fixes. In steam and dropbox-link, soon in other places too.

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Reuploaded the version 0.77 with NATO SF and Russian Spetsnaz WEAPONS as optional addon. Already in workshop and dropbox, soon in Armaholic. Using the addon makes 70% of AI units to use the weapons, also you can call crate drops.

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I'm still confused about one thing though, the story missions.

I was having fun building my base near the landing site and getting rep with the nearby village, then after talking with the resistance contact it teleports me halfway across the map to force me into a mission to take a specific camp (miles away from anywhere), which then again teleports me to take a port city.

I was thinking this was more of an open ended "play it your way" kind of mission, or is that coming later after these required tasks?

Will it teleport me back to my base again or how does it really work?

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I will work on that, the task locations will be more random and could add fast travel. Current tasks are definitely too linear.

---------- Post added at 00:42 ---------- Previous post was at 23:44 ----------

Reuploaded version 0.77 of WLA. Added strategic map (press 0-0-2), you can fast travel now to any friendly camp, created guardpost/camp and guarded airfields. Team and the last used vehicle, if still operative, move with player.

Will work on tasks next.

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Am i able to use the In dev version of the game with this Scenario?

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Yes, both game version should work.

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I just have a stupid question :), how can i rotate constructions and why two seconds restriction for moving objects?

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There is slider under the object choosing box, you need to press and hold tiny arrow at left side to move it. During night the slider may be more visible with NVGoggles. The two second restriction is a placeholder, couldnt yet do in better way. The dialog needs to be closed for player to move and thought the automatic return after timeout would work the best. I may work on that more in more far future if I learn new tricks with dialog creating.

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I've been enjoying your mission since arma 2 ;). However, I have a small problem with the Altis mission. Unlike Stratis, when I captured a camp and request the construction truck, it does not appear?!! I waited for a while to see if it comes but nothing! So I cannot fortified the camp (bunker, wall.v.v...) And as soon as I leave the camp (too hot for me to stay there) the enemy recapture it back :( Another question, when I clear the airfield (second task to allow Greek army in) it says that now I can request Greek support thru 0-8 but I see nothing there when I enter 0-8?!! Do I miss something?

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Thanks, :) I accidentally broke the construction-truck in the shop. Its fixed already in the workshop version, I prepare a fix for dropbox and other mirrors tommorrow.

The greek support is available in support menu (shift+6) after that task. Also you can purchase greek air vehicles from airfield after that.

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Ah, glad to heard that :) Keep up the excellent work SaOk :bounce3: By the way, is there any advantage to build a strong base at the beginning, besides to fend off enemy? I like the building element so I build a heavy fortified base but I think I may spend too much prestige there :confused:

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Currently the guardposts have quite little role, even you can now fast travel to those and airfield requires nearby guardpost for access to purchase menu. But hope to have much more meaning for those when mission is more complete.

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I don't know how much more work it would be but to be honest i'd like a sort of "story-free" version, where one just gets dropped, builds his base and goes on to capture settlements or liberate villages (and airfields to unlock the usual stuff). Still the random village interaction and generated missions "Grab us water, save the building" etc.

Perhaps it's already possible to play like this, but without much map indication of where enemy strongholds are it's a bit tricky. Or do they simply spawn a little everywhere? That's fine too :)

Maybe this isn't the purpose of the mission though.

I'm just a big fan of DUWS but it has severe preformance issues, your mission doesn't and your ambient life stuff is great, base building is great, random events and village interaction is great.

I guess i'll just dream of a future DUWS-style open capture campaign with your personalized touches and mechanics :p

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This is a really great dynamic mission, and I don't praise much at all.. ever. It has afforded me some of the most dramatic and intense moments of any FPS or strategy or even RPG games in a long time. I've played a map now through about 5 base takeovers and some of the story missions and I've had no decrease in FPS or performance, which surprised me considering I've been gallivanting around all over the place and spawning literal tons of enemies and civilians. I'm a little hampered by the broken construction truck store item but I'm enjoying the skirmishes quite a bit.

The balancing of elements is really nicely done. I never feel completely overwhelmed and retreat is frequent but the AI is really pretty good. At least compared to Arma 2 which is what I'm doing. The uncertainty of munition and ordnance availability forces you to change tactics frequently rather than simply fielding a static team operating under a static tactic, i.e. you can't just run around with the same team doing the same thing. For the first time in the history of my gaming experiences I've actually encountered terrifying and really, really challenging AI snipers during the mission. If you just have your guys milling around while you rearm at a supposedly secure base, you may lose a few of your good ones to a sniper/spotter team up in the hills 600m away. I love the way guardposts are built, and the dynamic it adds to battlefield engineering as you build FOBs to advance into new areas. All on the fly.

This may already have been covered but I am curious, can you dynamically adjust street lighting through scripts? I've always wanted to see the ability to capture a power plant (the sun collectors on Altis, for instance), and once captured, you could order changes to the grid. Perhaps the same power mechanic could activate access to certain useful commodities, like tech and better weapons.

Finally, how do I get the workshop version of the mission with the construction fix? And, will saved games still work?

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Thanks, :) Reuploaded version 0.77 for dropbox link and workshop.

Change Logs (after the last dropbox update):

-Added new small civilian task, ambient enemy artillery, fixes and tweaks (no longer AI with low ammo when using NATO SF and RUS...weapon pack), supply truck can be purchased from airfields, purchased civ cars spawn on road.

-Player, team and reinforcements have random weapon when using NATO SF & Russian...weapon pack, also civs have more pistols with that, time skip with fast travel, other tweaks/fixes.

-Quick update: Construction trucks can be purchased again, more civs cars to buy, error fixes, some tweaks.

Dynamic mission progress are my target, but currently there is some more poor tasks. Need to plan more the cutscenes and what kind of dynamic task to have with those. Big camps are around 50% at fixed locations (there is much base scenery on Altis that would look silly if none of them isnt used) and 50% on random locations.

It should be possible to turn of street lights, I think there was some mission in ArmA2 with similar feature. That could be cool addition to the mission, I will keep the idea in my mind. Will have role for factories and maybe holding the power plants would be needed to active those. Will add some tasks for those soon.

Construction trucks are fixed for the dropbox and workshop. I am afraid you might need to restart the mission to get new version in workshop unless you copy paste savegames, but not sure if it will work. Using old savegames may cause unexpected results in the mission too.

---------- Post added at 21:27 ---------- Previous post was at 21:02 ----------

Sorry, had one bad new error in camp spawning script. Hotfixed now.

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