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[SP/MP] Dynamic Whole Map ArmA3 Missions by SaOk

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SaOk, yesterday i was trying the COOP for 8 players. I can do the basecamp task well, but when try to take a factory the icon stay in yellow. I create some warpost (bunker and ia inside) but in the map not appears the icons of the warpost in blue like in the olders version of this mission. And the Factory stay in yellow. This can be because the factory that i try to take are not the one that appears as task?

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New COOP update is here with important fixes. More updates very soon again.

I tried to make the color change more likely, but there could be still some issues with markers. Saw one guardpost with missing icon, working on that later today.

Edit: New update again with more tweaks and fixes.

Edited by SaOk

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For now, no Bugs for me in the newest version. Thanks

I have a popup if i open arsenal, Saying UAV Control Device Picture is missing, and it has no item picture in Arsenal, anyone knows how to get it back or whats causing it. Its no big deal, game is working without it.

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Most likely the arsenal detect some old UAV Device item from configs. Also had that outdated device classname in crate content causing the error until took it away.

Uploaded small fixes, the vehicle zones got doubled on each mission start (if there was custom savegame loaded). Doubling is stopped, but with current game progress there might be heavy amount of zones. If having bad performance, full restart is needed (set loadgame parameter once off before starting the mission).

Edit: New update again. More fixes and tweaks, and save/mod buttons now work in local servers too (for hosting player).

Edited by SaOk

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Hey SaOk, in the SP version we have the option to have AI use random weapons but in the coop version it does not seem to work. can anyone else confirm whether its working or not? I really hate the Vanilla arma 3 weapons.

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Thanks for mentioning, had forgotten to include the random weapon function for spawned units. Only variable was there, but it did nothing. Will be fixed in next update (release probably tommorrow).

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Please help, I can't get this mission to a proper work with mods such RDS tanks, Massi OPFOR units, etc. For example at the beginning I always have green forces (which are mostly default) using red vehicles i.e. Takistani BMP-1s. Or vice-versa. So I see them in High Command mode and I can even issue orders for them. For example carrier vehicle is from red forces but its crew or passengers are from green pool, or vice-versa. Once I had friendly Mi-8 parachuting enemy paratroopers. Today I had this early task of "taking out nearby AA" but that was... a friendly (green) Shilka (when I destroyed it my teammates executed me :D ). Shortly - sides are using wrong vehicles which are not in their pool. That's funny but annoying, one big mess. What am I doing wrong?

I hit "Mods" button, right at the beginning of a mission (in choper), made changes to units/vehicles/air line up, then hit "Save" button and "Reset vehicles zones". I think it doesn't matter how many zones are set in "Options" menu, tried both settings, 1 and 6 zones. I'm pretty sure I'm using proper units/vehicles for a proper side, checked most of them in the editor.

There is a note that one should leave one class to avoid errors but should it be default class or may it be any (mod) class? I have no empty spaces in units/vehs line up.

Besides this I really love this mission, I have lot of fun with it.

(Sorry for my English, I'm not native English speaker.)

Edited by Pokemon77

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Thanks, :) you need to put only blufor/greenfor side vehicles/units in the friendly lists (and redfor to enemy). There is fixed side for units/vehicles in config that cant be edited (causing those issues). May try to add side change in future, but that will need quite much work. The lists dont need to have any default classes left, but at least one blufor/greenfor class in each friendly list (and redfor for enemy).

The max active zones have effect on the marker vehicle platoons on map. When you get near those (~inside few km's), those get spawned. That setting sets limit how many those platoons can appear at once in spawned state. Possible rest nearby zones will wait in reserve state (showing as white markers) until there is room to get spawned (or player gets far). That saves much performance so better to keep that setting in 2 or 3.

ps. If the reserve state platoon gets spawned it will appear from safe distance. Not spawning over player even if the reserve state marker would have been over player. That feature can be bit confusing, but important for stable FPS.

Edited by SaOk

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Thx for quick reply, SaOk. Well, I think I did everything good, but will check if using correct vehs for sides once again.

I've got also one more question. I've noticed that if you install a mod, enable it on the veh/units lists via "Mods" and then "Save" button, and then when you remove this addon, its units/vehs stay on the lists. I mean you can't see them, they look like empty spaces beetween other (installed) ones, but if you put a cursor over such an "empty space" you can see a name of unit which comes from this uninstalled mod (addon). My question is: can I leave them on the lists (for future use for example)? Or do I have to remove these "empty spaces" from lists to avoid any errors during mission?

Btw, I've got also small suggestion: can you replace "remove last" button with... "remove current" on the mods lists? :) In order to just check on the list a vehicle/unit you don't want to use and disable/delete it from this list. I know this is probably hard to implement but it would make life easier, especially if a thing you want to remove is on top of the list... :)

Another small request is for rearming your teammates and yourself via "Customize gear" button. This is a great thing which personally works for me and my weak PC much better and faster than Virtual Ammobox System, but currently you can't see how much empty space your units have in their gear, so you can't evaluate how many mags (for example) you can give them yet...

Edit: I didn't notice "No room to add the item" message appearing during gear customization - this should be fine enough when dealing with items.

You probably know well all of these suggestions but its hard for me to read the whole thread with over 300 posts, I'm too lazy.:p

Thx again for this great mission and keep up your good work!

Edited by Pokemon77

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You can keep the empty spaces in those saved slot "templates", but when playing its better to have the "activated" lists without classnames that you dont currently have installed. On long run the non-existing classname may slow down the performance and cause other unseen issues. I should add checking for the classname when spawned, but that is quite big work too. Didnt orginally plan most of the functions to be used with customizable unit/vehicle-lists.

I will try to improve the mod section soon so it would be possible to double click items away or drag to be added/removed. Had still much less skills with the mod section dialogs when creating it. Today would make much differently.

Will try to remember finally add that available unit cargo space in gear.

Returning to work on the new features during next week (first on SP version) after getting my COOP update finished for MANW. Have been quite massive work. Constantly some bugs appearing even I have tested the COOP on server now almost a week. Will add the new tasks from SP version only after the MANW deadline at some point (except some).

Edit: New COOP update released again.

Edited by SaOk

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Hey SaOk still not seeing random addon weapons for the AI but i haven't been able to dig real deep into the mission yet, if someone else could confirm whether or not its working that would be awesome. Also as a thought maybe adding a disable fatigue parameter in the coop version? not sure how difficult that would be though.

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can anyone confirm that the Shactac Hud, the compass rose with position of own group is working in the latest coop 8 player?

mine stays blank in the 8 player but works in the 24 player coop, maybe i need to reset progress or something? Is the code the same in both missions?

Thanks in advance

I have a great time Playing this Mission this weekend :D

Gonna Try that RHS and BWmod sometimes, is it that simple as i imagine it after a quick look into it?

Open Mods, clear default units , insert Mod Units , save to slot 1-3 and reset veh zones? If yes, even i can do it , i am sure :D

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The random weapons setting was upside down (when enabled -> it was disabled). I will add that fatigue parameter later after sending final update for MANW later today.

All different coop variants are identical. There is only different amount of player slots and with 48/72 player variant, the playable slots have AI set off as default. I will check the save/load slots. Havent yet tested if those slots actually work in MP. But unless you want to load the same lists in another full reset COOP progress, you dont need to save it. The lists are automatically saved in the custom savegame file.

Edit: Fixed slot load for next update.

Edit2: Some strange issues with the slot loading, will work on that later.

Edited by SaOk

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Does anybody still get intense FPS issues after playing for a while?

Someone recommended I take a look at cleanup script - and I found one, but I'm wondering where the heck I put it?

To elaborate on my problems - a buddy and I play WLA and we'll create a LAN through Evolve and while everything works perfectly at the start of a new game, as we play longer, the FPS drops for the person who's hosting - today it was hitting 7 / 8 FPS, so - totally unplayable. It's not a computer issue, as we're able to play on Ultra and get a nice, solid 60FPS at the beginning. It's too bad because we love WLA, but damn, we can't play lots of it so I'm hoping this cleanup script will save our butts.


Edited by shanely

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If saving in shift+1 menu (host or admin can do it), you can restart the server to reset performance without loosing mission progress. Will try to see what could be causing the slowdown, but so far havent got it myself yet except sometimes there could be quite much spawned life but it should return to normal after some time.

Releasing new COOP update tommorrow with more fixes in case those would help.

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Although - we're not playing on our own server - just through Evolve (which is similar to Himachi, where it creates a LAN) - if I have a cleanup script (to remove all the destroyed vehicles, dead bodies, dropped weapons, etc) would it work with WLA?

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That shouldnt be needed, I have own loops deleting those stuff. But it could work.

Edit: New COOP update is released. Much more tweaks and fixes.

Just to make sure any slowdowns are not from own game, its best to verify the game files (right click arma3 -> properties -> few pages right -> verify local files). Also mods may cause issues. But keeping eye on issues in mission scripts. The COOP update could be still quite work in progress. Have tried to attach near 6 month (if not more) work from SP version to COOP in 2 weeks. Especially small tweaks from SP are hard to spot and bring to COOP. Would be better to convert all scripts, but there is over 400 scripts.

But more COOP updates coming, even probably jumping to SP version often again soon.

Edited by SaOk

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Hello :) There is no accurate change log. Overally tried to add all features from SP except much tasks, dynamic cinema, 3d icons and gear function, then just tweaked/fixes all to work as good as possible in the short time before the updated MANW deadline.

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New WLA SP update (dropbox only). Some more tweaks and optimization.

Cant currently update the workshop, not sure if its locked for MANW.

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Hi Saok,

your mission is really great. We can now say "THIS IS WAR" once we are ingame :)

I found that the optimisation is really great too (near 50fps constant on server side heaven with a lot of AI activity)...

But I have two questions :

- Is there is something specific to do to port your mission from Altis to Chernarus, instead to simply change the mission name? Because when we play on Cherna we spawn sometimes out of the map and a lot of content is appearing out of the borders....

- Is there a way to manually remove the hud (maybe just leave the money on upper left) for the game to be more immersive (sorry I know I'm a pain in the neck, I hope it is the good expression for that :))

Thanks a lot.

I'll give you a vote!

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Thanks :), great to hear its working mostly smooth. I suspect the deadbody loop, that is set to 30, is too heavy. Changed it orginally high for BIS server, but forgot to lower it. Will add parameter for it too and set it to near 10 as default, which should make FPS bit more stable. The custom maps in COOP are still very WIP. Will check those issues soon. Could also try to add option how much UI is shown.

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The custom maps in COOP are still very WIP. Will check those issues soon. Could also try to add option how much UI is shown.

ok great thanks.

Do I have you permission to try to fine tune a little bit the area of the mission on cherna for our server?

I'm not sure to manage to do anything... but if I could manage to not spawn out of the map it should be great...

For the UI we'll wait the next dev.

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Sure, but could be quite jungle to tweak the scripts if not familiar with those. I will try to check that spawning issue very soon. :)

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thank again.

I imagine the jungle... it was just in case of... :cool:

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